Cultivate God

Chapter 686 Artificial Immortals and Demons

Chapter 666 Artificial Immortals and Demons (Part 2)

"Let's not talk about flattening Hong Yu, we have gathered 150 million saints here. With such a number, even if each person has one spell, it can bombard your 30,000 immortals, demons and demons."

Gui Guzi also stood up and said coldly, "Yes, there were indeed countless strong people in ancient times, and there were many powerful ancestors. However, after hundreds of millions of years of development, today's Hongyu talents have emerged one after another. In terms of the degree of strength, it is no worse than hundreds of millions of years ago, and even many powerful cultivations are not under the three emperors and five emperors, eighteen demon gods and thirteen demons, so this so-called flattening Hong Yu? In the old man's opinion, you are just dreaming about idiots!"


By the words of Gui Guzi and the King of Free Law, the resistance army will inevitably double its confidence. With the large number of people, it has more or less come out of the shadow of the three saints. Especially thinking that there is a strong man who is not under the three saints, there is no need to be afraid of the three saints at all, and everyone's thoughts are hot again.

However, the three sage were indifferent to this. Only the sage of the Qing Dynasty slowly raised his right hand and waved it heavily after a sigh.

It seems to be a signal, and it seems that there is no need for explanation at all. At the moment when the right hand of the Taiqing Shengming waved, the newborn immortals, demons and demons rioted collectively in an instant.

In this moment!

Fairy magic, magic, and demon magic are like a rushing river. The rapids are surging. Only 30,000 people cast spells together, but give people a magnificent scene of 300,000, 3 million, 30 million, or even 300 million can be created.

The sky collapsed, the earth cracked, and everything in the world was swallowed up by the vast ocean-like spells in an instant!

How is this possible?

The overwhelming spells bombarded and ruthlessly shattered the confidence of all the people who rebelled against the army. When the mind was shocked, the screams resounded like a symphony orchestra.

It's useless... It's useless... Everything is useless!

The magic, magic skills and demon methods used by these new immortals, demons and demons are unimaginable. The existence of the rebel army below the Taoist realm and the weak defense are like paper paste in front of them, which is easily completely destroyed and torn apart.

Then, these powerful fairy arts, magic skills, and demon methods** bombarded one saint after another, just like harvesting wheat ears. Thousands of Hongyu saints and ancient tribes had no time to resist, so they died on the spot.

Not only that!

In this vast sea of spells, defense is useless, and the attack of resistance cannot form any threat. Often a powerful man seizes the opportunity to resist and fight back, but the weak attack, even the waves, can't be aroused, and is completely swallowed up by this vast sea of spells, and can't form any effective resistance.

Even, even the peak of the Taoist realm, such as Guiguzi and the Free Dharma King, is only a step away from the realm. In such a horrible sea of spells, it is just self-insurance.

How could it be like this...

No one could have expected that the result would be like this. These 30,000 newborn immortals, demons and demons were simply more powerful and horrible than the true immortals, heavenly demons and barbaric demons in ancient times, and the rebel army was defeated.

At the same time, this is still a one-sided massacre, and such a massacre is not a party with a small and disproportionate number of people. It is 150 million elite saints and ancient people, who were slaughtered by 30,000 immortals, demons and demons.

Sure enough... Sure enough...

In the face of such a scene, Gui Guzi and the free king of law looked at a familiar person, an unfamiliar person, just for the sake of an ideal gathered together, the scene of being slaughtered, covered their tears and cried bitterly, and deeply blamed himself for not being able to stop the reckless quick success of these people before.

Unfortunately, everything is too late. No one expected that the new immortals, demons and demons created by the three sages were so powerful for hundreds of millions of years.

But now there is no time to think so much, because there are not only 150 million lives here, but also most of them are the elites of Hongyu's major forces. If they are buried here, the strength of the whole Hongyu will inevitably plummet, and they will lose more capital against these new immortals, demons and demons.

Who will come... Who will come... Who will save and lead everyone to escape...

Guiguzi and the free law king have almost stopped the intention of continuing to invade. Now the only idea in their hearts is only one, that is, to lead everyone to escape from the Hongmeng world as soon as possible, turn the attack into defense, and fully resist the invasion of the Hongmeng world.

Maybe God heard the call of Gui Guzi, a long-awaited voice, and finally the ghost cried and howled at the critical moment, and it resounded fiercely...

"Please~! I beg you~! Please kill me~!" Who's coming~! Who's going to kill me!"

This is a kind of sad cry that makes people's scalp tingle. It resounds like a demon on the whole battlefield. The sound spreads hundreds of millions of kilometers, shaking the whole Hongmeng world, so that everyone who hears such a sound has a sudden numbness in the scalp, and there is a feeling of qi and blood boiling


Finally, there were many saints and ancient people with poor cultivation. They couldn't help being hurt by this miserable devil-like voice. They opened their mouths and spit out a mouthful of blood. They died on the spot, and their death was extremely miserable.

What a terrible magic sound. Just a cry can hurt and kill so many people. If this person tries his best, what will be the result?

However, although this cry hurt many saints and ancients of the rebel army, I don't know why, when I heard this cry, many saints and ancients of the rebel army were surprised and seemed to have found something to rely on.

Even Gui Guzi and the King of Zizai are no exception. They have honed their mood to the height of no sadness or joy, and they can't help but be happy at this moment.

At the same time, just as the rebel army was surprised and confused by 30,000 immortals, demons and demons, suddenly a crazy shadow rushed into the battlefield.

This madman is unkempt, his clothes are untidy, and his exposed skin is also dirty. Combined with the stench and dark magic emanating from his body, he knows at a glance that he hasn't taken a shower for many years.

Such an existence... Is it just the one who just cried and hurt many great saints and ancients? It's a little too incomprehensible.

But the facts are in front of him, and it can't be denied that this madman is the third demon god who is also in the realm of transcendence and is not under the three saints: the demon god of the sky.

"Please, kill me, let me die, I'm so painful to live... so painful..."

In the meantime, the crazy falling demon god rushed to a powerful fairy king.

The action of the sky demon god was not very fast. The fairy king was awe-inspiring. He waved his hand to launch a powerful fairy art at the first time, strangled hundreds of millions of swords, and crisscrossed the sky demon god.

What's extremely strange is that the sky demon god is obviously very slow, but he can always pass these swords, and travels through hundreds of millions of swords of swords like crazy. As if entering no man's land, he easily and naturally came to the fairy king. With his hands, with infinite magic, he buckled to the fairy king's

The fairy king wanted to resist, but a pair of magic hands of the sky demon god were like a shadow. No matter how hard the fairy king tried, he could not flash a pair of magic hands of the sky demon god. Finally, he was tightly clasped by the magic hand of the sky demon god.

"Please, kill me, kill me!"

The fairy king was shocked, and his scalp was numb and shocked by the crazy words of the falling demon god. But the reaction was not slow at all. His legs came out like electricity, and he had the power to collapse the stars and destroy the moon. In a thousandth of an instant, there were more than 30,000 feet, a leg shadow, and they were constantly bombarded on the body of the demon god.

The explosion was endless, but it had with more than 30,000 feet of the infinite power of the fairy king, but the sky demon god did not even shake it. His expression was dull and crazy. After bearing all the attacks, he showed a very regrettable and helpless expression.

"It doesn't hurt at all. It seems that you can't kill me. I have to find someone else!"


The myth of the sky demon fell, and his big hand carried the power to destroy everything and wiped it from the immortal king. This powerful fairy king, the immortal king who is not under the ghost valley and the king of law, did not even have a chance to resist, and was directly wiped out. The whole person exploded on the spot and shattered into nothingness.

After the immortal king exploded, a large amount of blood was stirred out, and the whole collapsed demon god was watered, and the whole collapsed demon god was painted into a blood man, which was more ferocious.

It's just that the blood was all over his body, but the demon god of the sky collapsed unconsciously. He continued to pounce on a demon lord ferociously. He grabbed the demon lord and continued to say ferociously, "Please, kill me. It's so painful for me to live... It's so painful... Ah..." Due to the previous horrible performance of the collapsed demon god, the demon master was shocked and was unwilling to compete with the collapsed demon god at all. He turned his head and ran away, trying to get rid of the collapsed demon god.

But when he hid like this, he brought endless bad luck.

The expression of the falling demon god became extremely ferocious in an instant. Looking at the fleeing demon lord, he roared hysterically, "You don't even have the courage to kill me. You deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

Roaring, the clutches of the demon god collapsed, and once again wiped it from the void with infinite power, gently like a touch between lovers, touching the body of the demon lord.


The demon lord who could not resist exploded and died on the spot, and there was no scum left. Like the previous fairy king, he collapsed into nothingness.

Terrible, is this the collapse demon god?

Understatement, just like pinching two ants to death, completely killing the fairy king and demon lord who had just slaughtered the rebel army.

In the face of such a situation, the morale of the rebel army was unprecedentedly high for a while, and finally regained the confidence they had lost before... RO