The scum of the real world

Chapter 8 Millennium White Fox

He said he didn't want to go in and have a look, that's fake. Yue Qianchou hesitated again and again, but still gave up the idea. The atmosphere around him was a little wrong! The dangerous prelude in the film and television drama seems to be like this, and the two blood-red characters next to him are particularly conspicuous.

In the cave, there was a sudden sound of the piano, mixed with the sound of water flowing. Although it was not very clear, it was certain that it was the sound of the piano. Yue Qianchou, who resolutely turned around, stopped and listened.

"Fother mother, what's the matter? Isn't this seducing me? Never mind, go in and have a look. Yue Qianchou made up his mind and walked to the cave by the way. As the saying goes, curiosity can kill cats, which should also apply to people. I don't know if this is an example.

Standing at the mouth of the cave, a cold air came, and Yue Qianchou shivered. Inside, he stretched out his hand and couldn't see five fingers. The waterfall behind him was deafening, but he couldn't hear the sound inside.

Most of his body was wet. Yue Qianchou gritted his teeth and bravely walked in. After turning a corner, I couldn't see anything in front of me. He touched the mossy stone wall and slowly touched it in. Not long after walking, although I couldn't see anything, I could feel that the terrain was all the way down.

"Damn it! Where does it lead to?" Yue Qian, who was in the dark, had a toothache, and the sound of the piano in his ear became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, there seemed to be a light in front of the dark, and he was slightly stunned. He immediately used both hands and feet to speed up the way forward.

The light is getting bigger and bigger. When I got closer, I found that it had reached the end of the channel. A huge underground space is right in front of us, surrounded by glowing fluorescent stones. A pool of water was calm and lay quietly in the whole grotto. There are many small islands in the pool, and there is a pavilion on the middle island, in which there is a faint person, as if it were a woman. It was from there that the sound of the piano came like weeping. A stone bridge at the foot of Yue Qianchou is the pavilion leading to the island.

"Damn it! What a bullshit forbidden place, there is a woman hidden in it! I'm so scared!" Yue Qianchou hummed and walked along the stone bridge with his hands on his back.

Yue Qianchou walked to the front of the pavilion, opened his eyes wide in an instant, and almost flowed out of the water. The woman in front of her was plain white, without any embellishment. A silk silk simply pulled her hair, and a pair of bright eyes were slightly sad. She stared at the guqin on the stone platform infatuatedly, and stroked the strings with delicate hands. It seems that Yue Qianchou is standing in front of him at all.

Although this woman doesn't wear any dress, it's not an exaggeration to say that she is a disaster to the country and the people. I'm afraid that such words are not enough to describe her beauty.

She sat there quietly and stroked the piano, and the sadness that could not be hidden in her eyes was heartbreaking. The sound of the piano is resentful, as if telling the pain of lovesickness for the lover. Yue Qianchou suddenly felt that this dark stone room was not illuminated by fluorescent stones, but she...

Yue Qianchou just found that the fairy sister who had been wandering in her dream was nothing more than that! Although it is slightly younger than the one in front of us, compared with each other, it can only be green leaves set off the red flowers.

"I've seen a girl!" I didn't know how to open my mouth for a long time, so I bowed and finally suffocated a sentence. My liver kept pounding. When he looked up, he found that the beautiful woman in the pavilion looked like nothing in his eyes. He didn't even bother to look at him, let alone pay attention to him.

Like a child who made a mistake, Yue Qian smiled sadly and didn't care about his rudeness. He said to himself, "A beautiful woman may have been distracted by playing the piano, but she didn't hear it at all. It doesn't matter! Although I don't understand what she is playing, isn't there a saying that Gaoshan Liushui meets a bosom friend? Today, I'll pretend to listen to Boya play the piano! It's good to meet a beautiful bosom friend!" Thinking about it, he raised his foot to walk into the pavilion.

As soon as the body was about to step into the pavilion, he felt an invisible wall blocking him. Zhao Wuchou tried harder, but he couldn't get in. The beautiful woman was a little angry in front of her, and she couldn't help bumping into it.

"Bun!" A purple light curtain flashed, accompanied by huge elasticity, and immediately bounced Yue Qianchou a few meters away, making him dizzy. When he got up, he saw the four pillars supporting the pavilion, and the purple light of the four painted charms flashed. When the purple light disappeared, the charm disappeared, and the purple light curtain disappeared.

"Damn it! Which bastard did this good? Yue Qian was so angry that Sven couldn't pretend to be any longer, so he scolded angrily. After scolding, I realized that I couldn't wait to slap my mouths. How could I speak rudely in front of such a beautiful woman? I felt ashamed.

Looking at the appearance of the beautiful woman, she is still indifferent, and she is like a clown. After blushing, he walked over with a straight look and asked seriously, "Are those old and immortals of Qingguang Sect imprisoned you?"

The beautiful woman still ignores him and plays the piano by herself. Later, he changed all kinds of questions, and he was still the same. In the end, Yue Qianchou, who hurt his self-esteem, got nothing, and walked out of the cave in gloom...

Shortly after he left, a white shadow flew in. She was a beautiful girl. She went outside the pavilion and sat down, with a beautiful face on her legs, quietly listening to the woman in the pavilion playing the piano. If Yue Qianchou sees the girl's appearance and has to be surprised, isn't this his dreamy fairy sister?

"Master! Let me ask you something!"

Hao Sansi, who was holding the wine pot, looked up and saw the apprentice's ** look. He couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know the cave in the forbidden area behind the mountain?" Yue Qianchou asked.

"What? Where did you go?" Hao Sansi was stunned. When he saw the apprentice nodding, he immediately said, "That was the place where the prisoner was imprisoned. There were many disciples with extraordinary strength guarding, so it was listed as a forbidden place. Nowadays, the world of cultivation is still peaceful, and it has not been used for hundreds of years. Otherwise, how can you get in?"

"Isn't that right?" Yue Qianchou said doubtfully, "How did I see a imprisoned woman in it?"

"Oh! You mean that white fox spirit! It was imprisoned by the previous head two hundred years ago. Originally, she was trapped for a hundred years and made her repent. After the time limit, she didn't want to come out, so she was there all the time.

"White Fox Essence?" Yue Qian was stunned and said, "Master, do you think she is a fox spirit?"

"What's so strange about this? The fox spirit who has been cultivated for thousands of years can naturally turn into a * human form, er..." Hao Sansi suddenly stopped, looked up and down at the apprentice, and said with a strange smile, "Apprentice! You don't look like your parents and fall in love with her, do you?

"Cut!" Yue Qian was worried and worried. He said insincerely and changed the topic and said, "Master! Tell me why she was imprisoned by the previous leader?

"I warn you that the shemale is different. Don't think about her, or she will suck up the essence. Don't blame the master for not reminding you." Hao Sansi seemed to see through his disciple's thoughts. After carefully reminding him, he took a sip of wine and sighed, "It's a demon trapped by love..."

After listening to the master's narration, Yue Qianchou felt that it was really an old-fashioned story that could no longer be old-fashioned, but he also sighed.

It turns out that the woman in the pavilion is really a white fox spirit who has been practicing for thousands of years. Before she became a human figure, she was injured by an hunter and escaped. Fortunately, a scholar saved her. Thousands of years later, the white fox has become a human figure, looking for a savior to repay the favor. Finding a handsome teenager, the white fox believed that his previous life was a savior. The teenager did not know the real identity of the girl, was shocked by her beauty, and finally fell in love, and one demon became husband and wife.

In the following days, the two also fell in love. The young man is the title of the golden list, the glory of the ancestors, and has been studying hard in the cold window. The girl washed the lead, coarsely clothed the hairpin, and took good care of it. Hard work pays off. After ten years of hard study, the teenager is really a high school. Sure enough, he won the first place in the gold list. The only regret is that two people have not had their own children in the past two years, which may also be the reason for the combination of shemales.

The teenager won the champion and became a student of the emperor, and his identity suddenly became extraordinary. The prime minister of the Chinese Empire took a fancy to him and wanted to recruit him as Xu, but he already had a wife in his family, so he didn't do it. The prime minister was angry and hinted to him that if he still wanted to be ambitious, he would divorce his bad wife at home, otherwise he would have a bleak future. The champion is in a dilemma. On the one hand, he is a good wife, and on the other hand, he is a beautiful daughter of heaven. It's really difficult to choose.

But in the end, he failed to resist the power of the prime minister. He repaired his wife on the grounds that he could not be born and raised and could not inherit the incense. The white fox was in pain and knew that he was a demon. He really couldn't raise his husband's family. He silently accepted his husband's letter of divorce. Although she was suspended, the girl still loved the teenager deeply and waited for him silently.

Unpredicted, the prime minister's daughter married the champion not long ago, and suddenly fell ill and died. Hearing the slander, the prime minister was furious and mistakenly thought that the champion was dissatisfied with his daughter and killed his daughter. With the power of the prime minister, it is time to deal with a newcomer to the officialdom. Just at that time, the white fox left on business. When she came back, her heart was already in a different place. The white fox was heartbroken. In anger, hundreds of people in the prime minister's mansion were all killed by her.

This incident shocked the whole capital. When the national master of the dynasty was defeated by the white fox, he invited the head of Qingguang Sect. This is the case of the imprisonment of the white fox.

It is easy for men to bend their waists for power, and it is easy for women to hurt for love, which has been the case since ancient times. Yue Qianchou sighed and finally knew the reason why the beautiful woman was so sad and sad. Although I knew that the beautiful woman was a vixen, the unparalleled face that day was lingering in my mind for a long time. In the following days of practice, I couldn't calm down at all.

The cave in the forbidden land is still dark. Although there is the master's advice, Yue Qianchou can't help coming again. Take out the luminous fluorescent stone that was skipped from the grotto last time...

At the other end of the bridge, the people are still the same, the piano is still the same, and the sound of the piano is still the same. Yue Qianchou slowly walked over, stood in front of the pavilion, and quietly looked at the face that impressed the men in the world. Who can tell from the appearance that such a beautiful woman is a fox.

After knowing the story of the white fox, Yue Qianchou actually felt that the sound of the piano was a little familiar, as if he had heard it in his previous life. Hearing the emotion, his lips opened gently, and he couldn't help singing with the sound of the piano: "I am a fox who has been practicing When I was quiet, someone heard me crying, and someone saw me dancing in the dim light. I am a fox waiting for thousands of years, waiting for thousands of years of loneliness, who has planted the poison of love in the rolling red dust, and who has drunk the poison of love in the vast sea of people. When I love you, you are studying hard like washing the window, and when you leave you, you are nominated for the wedding candles. Can I dance another dance for you? I'm the white fox you released thousands of years ago. Look at the clothes fluttering, the sea vows turn into nothing..."

Yue Qianchou was immersed in the story of the white fox, emotionally sad, emotional, hoarse, touching. But he didn't know that when he sang that I love you, when you were reading as hard as washing the window, the sound of the piano in the pavilion had suddenly stopped.

Then again, I was the white fox you released thousands of years ago. The peerless face, only for that person, not for others, has quietly raised and looked at Yue Qianchou in a swan. His beautiful eyes slipped out of a pair of crystals, dripping down his cheeks, and hit the strings, fragmented and smashed to pieces.

At the end of the song, he woke up. After singing, he came to his senses and was surprised to find the two heartbreaking tears. The four eyes met, and the two stared at each other for a long time. Yue Qianchou immediately understood and was secretly proud in his heart: "Damn it! I found a bosom friend. It turns out that one song can be done. It's so simple! If I had known, I wouldn't have had to make a fool of my appearance that day. Mom's! I finally know. No wonder those little singers in the previous life have a loud voice and a large number of fans! And they are hardcore. It seems that my voice is also good! Although there is only one fan, one is up to ten thousand. Not bad, not bad. Next, I will continue to perform, and I will watch it this time.

Yue Qian was worried. He resolutely turned his head and turned around. He walked out of the cave with firm steps and said in his heart, "One step, two steps, three steps... Damn it! Why don't you keep it! When I go out, you won't hear me again.

The white fox's tearful eyes suddenly found that the man in front of him was gone. He came to his senses and found the back walking out. He hurriedly shouted, "Sin, please stay!"

"It's okay, it's okay, a thousand-year-old elder sister, I thought you were mute, Xiaosheng is afraid! It scared me so much that I was so scared! Tut-ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt However, it's not the same for the beautiful woman to open her mouth. Even the prince's walk is so nice, and my bones are crisp. Gaga, my hardcore fans are here. Thinking carefully and succeeding, not to mention how proud he was in his heart. He put on a handsome 'splatter', slowly turned around and said indifferently, "Girl! Is it called?"

The white fox stood up and saluted him, "Dare to ask the prince! Where did the song you just sang come from?

Good figure, every move is enchanting! No wonder the bitches in the previous life scolded the woman who seduced her husband as a fox. Yue Qianchou was a little fascinated. He forced his wandering soul and sighed, "I'm a disciple of Qingguang Sect. I heard your story a few days ago and came to see you once. Seeing that you are so affectionate, I sigh in my heart. I especially attach the sound of the piano to you and make a song for the girl to show my admiration. But he prayed in his heart, "Sister Chen Rui on earth, lend you a golden song for picking up girls. Don't be like a child. Ami Camel Buddha, sin, sin.!"

"I'm flattered!" After saying that, the white fox looked hesitant and said uneasily, "I have an unyal request. I hope you can agree."

Yue Qian frowned slightly and said to himself, "What kind of unfeelful invitation? Do you want to suck me dry? I won't do that." Seeing that he hesitated, Bai Hu was afraid that he would not agree. He hurriedly added, "Can you teach this song to my concubine? After I learn it, I will definitely be a good reward."

"How to repay? Make a promise with your body? No, the master has said it, and it will be sucked dry by you. After knowing that the other party's request turned out to be this, he immediately walked to the pavilion and said boldly, "This little thing is of service. It's fate to meet each other. Don't talk about whether you will be well rewarded or not. From today on, we will be friends, and we will be friends in the future. This shameless thing, I set a tone for the relationship between the two first.

"When the talented prince sings, my concubine is distracted. Can the prince sing again?" The white fox was a little shy and seemed to think it was a little too much to make this request.

He was so sad that he couldn't believe that the shy beauty in front of him was the legendary fox who killed hundreds of people in one go. Without further sifting, he brewed a little emotion, and a sad song slowly sang: "I'm a fox who has been practicing for thousands of years..."

After singing, the white fox saluted, "Mr. Xie! My concubine was taught, and I asked the prince to correct me. After saying that, she sat down. The delicate jade hand stroked the strings, and the sound of the secluded piano sounded. Her red lips opened gently, and her teeth were looming. A song that was more genuine than Yue Qiancholy came out. The sound of the piano echoed in the grotto with the song.

"Son, do you think I can sing like this?" The white fox stood up and asked.

"Damn it! This girl is a genius of singing. After listening to the pirated version, she can actually sing the genuine version. I'm so sweat!" Yue Qianchou was ashamed and quickly applauded, "That's good, that's good, the sound of nature!"

"The prince is flattered! Haven't you asked the name of this song yet? The white fox saluted.

Yue Qianchou smiled and said, "Do it for you, just call it White Fox!"

"The prince hears the sound and composes music. It's really a concubine's confidant. With this song, it's worth my life." After saying that, he walked out of the piano and saluted Yue Qianchou.

Yue Qianshou was a little guilty. He waved his hand shyly, looked around, frowned and said, "Does the girl really want to live here for the rest of her life?"

The white fox lotus in the pavilion moved gently and said sadly, "The years in the mountains are like a light, and the world has been prosperous for a thousand years. What's the difference for my concubine? Qingguangzong hides dragons and crouching tigers. Mr. Guan doesn't look like a person of cultivation. Why can he also be on this Qingguang Mountain?

When asked this question about the pain of Yue Qian, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, and elaborated about how he went to the Qingguang Mountain and how he became the waste material of the Qingguang Sect.

"So that's it!" The white fox nod and said, "It's hard to find a bosom friend. It's fate to meet the prince. Let the concubine do her best!" After saying that, he slapped his chest, opened his red lips, spit out a golden bead and floated in the air. The white fox pointed two fingers, and the golden beads flew out of the pavilion, and a purple light curtain immediately appeared around the pavilion, blocking the beads. The white fox jade finger gently pinched and hit a finger formula at the golden beads. The beads vibrated, and the purple light curtain suddenly rippled, and the gold beads slowly squeezed out of the light curtain. He floated in front of Yue Qianchou.

"Is this for me?" Yue Qianchou was stunned.

The white fox nodded and said, "It was for this thing that delayed my husband's life and made my concubine regret it. After getting it, it hasn't been used yet. However, there is no doubt about the effect of this thing. When I was imprisoned, my cultivation was just in the later stage of Yuanying. I haven't practiced for two hundred years. Now it has actually reached the later stage of crossing the disaster. I think it's all due to the effect of this pearl. As for the other functions of this thing, I haven't studied it, and I don't know it. However, it has a miraculous effect on changing the prince's physique, which makes me feel deeply. The prince can take it directly.

"Ah..." Yue Qianchou was shocked. I haven't practiced it. In two hundred years, I can go from the late stage of Yuanying to the late stage of crossing the disaster, but it has crossed the third level! Even if you haven't eaten pork in Qingguangzong, you have seen pigs run. Ordinary practitioners, even if they are committed to cultivation, few people can practice smoothly from the later period of Yuanying to the later stage of the disaster in two hundred years. This can be seen from Liu Changqing, the head of Qingguang Sect, who was nearly 200 years old to the middle of the Yuanying.

"What a good baby!" Yue Qianchou exclaimed. The white fox raised his hand and said, "Son!" The former nodded, glanced at the little red lips, and said secretly, "I spit it out of her mouth and swallowed it from my mouth. I don't know if this is an indirect kiss." Smell a faint fragrance of the beads, like musk orchids, and swallowed it into his mouth. At this time, he found that it was difficult to swallow something the size of an egg. Seeing the white fox playing a finger at him, Yue Qianchou felt a great pain in his throat. As if it was about to be torn, the golden beads had penetrated into his body.