The scum of the real world

Chapter 53 The Gift of Being a Teacher

Guan Yu saw that he was cautious and thought about what he was going to do, so he immediately did what he said.

After a while, a flower bloomed in front of several people.

Without saying a word, before the flowers withered, he quickly picked off a flower, pinched the flower pedicle and quickly siped it face to face with other flowers, and soon the buds of the flowers in his hand were in close contact with other stamens.

Guan Yu didn't understand what he was doing. Chen Feng stopped his work, and even the white fox looked at Yue Qianchou. The three of them were full of curiosity in their eyes and stared at the flower with him.

Suddenly, he smiled and said, "Yes, that's it."

Something unexpected happened to the three people. The flowers that would wither in their cognition did not wither immediately, but there was an extra procedure. Fruits began to bear fruit in the center of the petals. After the fruit gradually formed, the petals began to wither.

After being moved by Yue Qianchou, the plant did not wither, and the process of withering turned into flowering and fruit.

All three people beside him looked at Yue Qianchou with incredible eyes, and Guan Yu muttered, "How can this be!"

Although the problem he raised was not difficult for the boss, it also had a little stimulating meaning, but what he never expected was that what even the white fox could not solve was actually solved by the boss.

The magnificent white fox gently moved to the plant of hanging fruit. The delicate jade pointed out a fruit. After the nails were pinched open, there was a dark seed lying in it. He picked it up and put it in front of Yao's nose and sniffed it gently. The surprise on his face rippled on his face.

Chen Feng's resentful eyes now look at Yue Qianchou with a trace of reverence.

In fact, for Yue Qianchou, this is only a common sense problem in the previous life, because there are no insects and bees in this space to pollinate flowers. Naturally, these plants can only bloom but not bear fruit. Of course, there are no seeds if they do not bear fruit.

I'm afraid it's a problem that even primary school students know in the previous life. Now that he does it, it seems to be a little shocking. Seeing that the three of them looked at themselves and faintly appeared the little stars of worship, Yue Qian was a little embarrassed no matter how thick his face was. He smiled and said, "Don't worship me, I'm just a legend."

"Dead! Say, what the hell is going on? The white fox held the peeled fruit in the palm and shouted.

Yue Qianchou smiled, touched his nose and said, "Sister! This is a long story, which involves botany and biology, which is really a huge systematic discipline. I'm afraid you can't understand it.

At this point, seeing that the confused eyes of the three people showed a thirst for knowledge, and he also said cautiously, "It's too complicated to say. I'm afraid you can't understand it. I'd better make it simple. Everything in heaven and earth is divided into yin and yang. Where there is heaven, there is earth. Just as there is a sun in the sky, there is also a moon. When there is light in the operation of time and space, there is darkness, and everything on the earth is also divided into yin and yang, which is what we call male and female. Er... I've said it very simply. I don't know if it's too complicated for me to say this. Can you understand it?"

The three of them nodded one after another, indicating that they could understand.

"That's good. Then I'll go on. Listen carefully." Yue Qianchou held his fist in one hand and coughed to his mouth, and continued, "When it comes to the division of yin and yang into yin and yang, you should be easy to understand that both people, pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep and other things have male and female. A man alone can't give birth to a child, and a Combination, that is, the combination of yin and yang. The same is true for other animals that walk on two or four feet. I summarize this kinetic thing as zoology. The higher level of zoology is biology. Biology refers to all living objects in heaven and earth, and living objects also include plants. The so-called plants are what I want to talk about below, that is, botany. Well... ask again, can you hear me?

The three of them nodded again one after another. A little doubt that still existed in the hearts of several people was dispelled by his decent and well-founded words, and the learning atmosphere was very strong.

Yue Qianchou was very satisfied with this effect, and said falsely again, "What is a plant? Flowers, trees and the fruits and vegetables we usually eat belong to the category of plants, including the flowers and plants that the three of you are planting now. They can grow naturally. Of course, this involves more advanced nature. If you don't understand it, I won't talk about it. These flowers and plants can grow grass naturally, and they are also living things, so they are also in the category of biology. Don't underestimate this flower and plant. Like the animals in zoology we talked about earlier, it also has yin and yang, male and it also needs to be combined. Guan Yu asked me why these plants bloom but not bear fruit, so I will give you a detailed answer now. Er... I'm very thirsty after talking too much. Is there any water to drink here?

"Yes!" Chen Feng replied, and then scooped a spoonful of water from one side of the bucket and respectfully brought it to Yue Qianchou. From him, he could see a little resentment.

After drinking the water, Yue Qianchou handed him the spoon and said, "Thank you!" He continued, "Why don't the flowers you planted bloom but not bear fruit?" Look..." He pointed to a plant full of flowers and said, "There are a lot of flowers on it. Do they all look the same? Yes, it shows that they all look the same. In fact, otherwise, these flowers also have yin and yang. If they want to produce seeds, just like people, they also need the combination of yin and yang. But they can't be held together like human beings, so they need the help of external forces. As I just did, it is also one of the means to help them combine.

Hearing this, Guan Yu wondered, "Isn't it right? The flowers and plants in the outside world have not been seen to help them combine, and they still bloom and bear fruit to produce seeds. Chen Feng and Bai Hu also looked at him suspiciously, and obviously agreed with Guan Yu's words.

"Your question is very good, which involves entomology in zoology." Yue Qianchou praised and said, "Of course, the flowers and plants outside are not combined with the help of human beings. They are other animals, that is, insects in animals. What are insects? You should have seen all bugs like butterflies and bees, right? If you look carefully, you will find that insects such as bees like to wander on all kinds of blooming flowers. After they are stained with pollen on the flowers, when they stop on other flowers again, they will naturally help the flowers complete a combination. Bees are the medium between them, so the plants outside It can blossom and bear fruit and reproduce. If you don't believe it, I can bring some bees outside to breed next time, and then you will know whether what I said is true.

With his explanation, the three of them suddenly realized that everyone has seen the life habits of bees and butterflies. When they think about it, it seems that it is really the same thing. Although there is no intuitive impression, the three of them have basically believed that what he said is true.

Hey! I didn't expect that half a bucket of water was shaking loudly here. I still have the talent to be a teacher. It's really rare! Yue Qianchou suppressed his inner pride and said with a smile, "At this point, everyone should know what's going on. No matter how complicated it is, there is no need to talk about it. Let's talk about it!"