The scum of the real world

Chapter 149 Re-menting the Old Things

Hey! Such things can only fool him. In fact, I don't know how much vitality elixir I need to take to break through from the foundation period to the elixir stage. It depends on the best spiritual stone so fast. Yue Qianchou bowed to the ground again: "Thank you for your success."

"No more courtesy! Let the teacher see how your vitality elixir is refined. Guan Weiwu can't wait for a moment.

Yue Qianchou immediately picked up a few handfuls of spiritual grass, put them into the furnace, and concentrated on refining. Guan Weiwu's consciousness followed and saw the disciple's divine refining technique again. He shook his head and sighed. He couldn't figure out what it was, but he could never learn such a technique with his own alchemy.

Yue Qianchou couldn't figure out why the master was so stupid. Even Chen Feng's boy had learned his refining technique well, but he still couldn't figure out the trick. Maybe it was the reason why he didn't teach it carefully! But he is a master, and no one is embarrassed to talk about the matter of the apprentice teaching the master! In fact, Yue Qianchou doesn't know that his refining method is faster for newcomers who have never been exposed to alchemy. The more veteran he is, the more he has his own deep-rooted concept, and it is not that he can be changed.

Twenty Yuanqi elixirs are freshly baked, and there is no waste elixir. Guan Weiwu looked at the hazy elixir in his hands. He sighed repeatedly and said, "So that's how it is, apprentice! You are simply a genius. The master has never thought about it all his life, but... hey! The master will help you ask for credit to the sect again.

"Don't, master, don't do this again. In fact, without the strong support of the master, I can't realize the refining method at ease. This credit should be the master's. Yue Qianchou said sincerely. I said, I can't feel at ease until you receive the benefits!

Who knew that Guan Weiwu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Who do you think the master is?"

As a result, Yue Qianchou shided several times, but it still didn't work. In terms of respecting intellectual property rights, the old man did something fair and made people have nothing to say! The following things can be imagined. Feng Xiangtian, the head, came with a group of elders. After confirming the facts, Yue Qianchou was almost praised and couldn't raise his head. Feng Xiangtian was so happy. Without saying anything, he directly ordered people to reward the top-grade spiritual stone on the spot, which really shocked the people around him. The elders looked at the little rich man with strange faces. This is really not a small amount of money, but it is indeed worth it compared to his contribution.

After the leader happily led a s of people away. Guan Weiwu pulled Yue Qianchou aside and quietly explained something. The latter nodded to Master Xie in surprise, and the former began to arrange the refining plan of Yuanqi Dan in the Alchemy Pavilion. Yue Qianchou never got into such a thing, and went straight to Penglai Pavilion after leaving the alchemy pavilion.

When he came to the miscellaneous affairs office belonging to the Miscellaneous Hall and proposed to participate in this match of the Xiuzhen Pavilion, several disciples of the miscellaneous affairs office looked at each other and did not expect that the disciples of the Alchemy Pavilion would participate in this match. According to the rules, they still have to accept it. When checking Yue Qianchou's cultivation, they found that the record was still in the early stage of foundation construction, so they told him that they would not be eligible to participate in this test until the Xiuzhen Pavilion corrected his name in the early stage of Jiedan.

Yue Qianchou immediately went to the Xiuzhen Pavilion again. As a result, he found that the name could not be proved beyond the level. Therefore, from the middle of the foundation, the end of the foundation to the beginning of the elixir, the elders who corrected him were a little confused. Regardless of this, he went to the Penglai Pavilion Miscellaneous Office again, and finally successfully signed up for the Xiuzhen Pavilion.

Just as he was about to walk out of the chores, he met a person he didn't want to see, a person who looked at him with hostile eyes every time he saw him. Yue Qianchou bowed and saluted, "Elder Yan." After saying that, I will leave.

"Leap a thousand sorrows, go slowly." Yan Tuo, the chief of the miscellaneous hall, said coldly. Yue Qianchou stopped, turned around and said respectfully, "What's wrong with Elder Yan?"

Yan Tuo said in a low voice, "Why do you hide when you see me? Did you do something wrong?

"Elder Yan joked, how dare the disciple!"

"I have something to ask you. Do you dare to answer me honestly?"

"Disciples must know all the words." In fact, Yue Qianchou is not afraid of him, and he really doesn't want to mess with him. After spending so many years in Fuxian Island, Yue Qianchou knows something more or less. Although Fuxian Island is known as the largest faction in the world of cultivation, it is not iron. In fact, it is controlled by several major internal forces. These great powers have been secretly competing, and they all want to gain the dominance of Fuxian Island.

From the generation of Ma Jiugu, there were many talents in the Guan family. In that generation, he began to control the power of Fuxian Island. In the generation of Guan Dinghai, because of his daughter's affairs, Guan Dinghai was squeezed down from the position of the head of the opposition, but the Guan family did not want to hand over the power to Guan Weiwu, but Guan Weiwu is really disappointing and difficult to be a big responsibility. In the end, the Guan family pushed Feng Xiangtian, the eldest disciple of Guan Dinghai, to the position of leader. It should be said that today's Fuxian Island power is still in the Guan family.

And Yue Qianchou, as a personal disciple of Guan Weiwu, is actually a member of the Guan family. In the past, Yue Qianchou didn't know, so he had been working against Yan Shu. Now he knows that Yan Tuo is exactly the person of another opposition. He can't help shouting that he can't get involved in the competition of several major forces. It's not a joke. Any party's strength can surpass the sect like Qingguang Sect You can afford to provoke.

Yan Tuo brushed his beard and said in a low voice, "I heard something recently. I heard that when the ghost world trial, when the ghost general killed the disciples of all factions in a large tent, you were also in that big tent. Isn't it like this?"


"I heard that you have a good relationship with the ghost general and have saved a lot of people, so why don't you save all the people in the big account?" When Yan Tuo said this, his tone had already revealed a few harsh colors. Obviously, he had always been angry about his son's death.

Damn it! Your son wanted to kill me that time, but he had been killed by me in advance, and he still wanted me to save him? Damn it, your head is pinched by the door, right? Yue Qian sighed and said, "Elder Yan didn't know something. At that time, the ghost general had ordered me to see him within half an hour. Our group of weak disciples really had nowhere to hide, so we had to do what we said. As a result, some other disciples disobeyed the ghost general's intention and made the ghost general angry. At that time, the disciples had pleaded with him, but the ghost general never gave mercy to those who dared to disobey him, so... hey!"

Yan Tuo's face twitched for a long time before he asked again, "With the strength of the ghost general, it is naturally easy to kill them. Why do you want to catch them in the tent and then kill them?"

Son of a bitch, I asked the ghost general to do this in order to kill your son. How dare you do this? How can I deal with you? Yue Qianchou paused and said, "Elder Yan, to tell you the truth, I have always doubted one thing."

"Don't play charades with me." Yan Tuo snorted coldly.

Yue Qianchou nodded and said, "I overheard something at that time, and I don't know if I heard it wrong. I didn't dare to say it, because it's not a trivial matter after all. In fact, I suspect that those people are not dead.

Yan Tuo was shocked all over, grabbed Yue Qianchou's shoulder, and gasped, "What are you talking about? What did you hear at that time? Why do you suspect that those people are not dead?