The scum of the real world

Chapter 184 Harmony

Yue Changgui looked at the movements of several parties, smiled, took Xiao Wuchou in one hand, and held the sobbing lady in the other hand and said, "This is their own business. We don't have to worry about it." After saying that, he led the mother and son down, and glanced at his eldest son meaningfully before leaving. Bai Suzhen also walked down quietly.

Yue Qianchou took the guqin, jumped off the stage, walked to Qu Ping'er's side, stretched out his hand and sighed, "Give me your hand, I'll send you out."

Hearing this, Qu Ping'er came to her senses. She gritted her lips with silver teeth and hesitated for a long time, but never stretched out her hand. Yue Qianchou stretched out his hand and waited quietly.

"Are you hurt?" Qu Ping'er stared at the blood stains on his chest and suddenly asked.

Yue Qianchou took back the outstretched hand, patted her on the chest, looked at her and smiled indifferently, "Nothing, just spit two mouthfuls of blood."

Qu Ping'er's eyes flashed, deliberately avoiding Yue Qianchou's eyes, bit her lips and said, "Is there something important when you left in a hurry just now?"

"What? Would you like to hear my explanation?" Yue Qianchou asked and didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't want to make her too embarrassed. Otherwise, he would have annoyed the girl, and the show just now would have done it in vain. He turned around and explained, "Liu Changqing, the head of Qingguang Sect, wanted to avenge me and found my secular family. Fortunately, I went back in time, otherwise I would never see my parents again."

"Ah! The head? You guys?" Qu Ping'er was surprised. Now she finally understands why Yue Qianchou was so angry before. No one can ignore the safety of her parents, but she still feels a little wronged in her heart.

"We? As soon as we met, we naturally got into a fight. Yue Qian smiled and snorted coldly, "Now I'm afraid Qingguang Sect is going to be the head of another person."

"Ah! What's wrong with the leader?

"Qingguangzong can't let a dead man be the leader, can he?"

"You killed the leader?" Qu Pinger's face was full of shock. She had always been a member of the Qingguang Sect. The leader was killed by her own man, which was really a little difficult for her to accept.

Yue Qianchou looked at her and smiled, "Hmm! I can see that your anger has subsided. There is a saying in the world that if you marry a chicken, you will marry a dog. Now you are my woman. I don't want Qingguangzong to be more important than me in your mind. Forget it! As for your master, I will pick her up as soon as possible. You should believe that I will do what I promised you. At present, there is another very important thing. My parents are also in the palace. As a daughter-in-law, don't you plan to go down to see each other?

"Ah! See your parents! Are your parents here too? I..." Qu Ping'er immediately didn't even know where to put her hands and feet. She was completely panicked. It was just that she didn't pay attention just now, otherwise she would have seen it long ago. At this time, the Qingguang Sect and the master, as well as the previous grievances, were all left behind, and their expression was full of uneasiness.

Easy to do! Yue Qianchou, with a smile, grabbed her hand and dragged it down. He said, "The ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law. Let's go!"

"Ah! Am I ugly now? Wait, let's see if my face is blurred and my hair is messy. I'd better change my clothes first! Don't drag me! Please let me sort it out first, ah..." Qu Ping'er was so scared that she screamed and struggled. Yue Qianchou didn't bother to pay attention to her. She picked her up and carried her directly on her shoulder.

The next scene was quite wonderful. After introducing each other, Qu Ping'er stood awkwardly in front of Yue Qianchou's parents. Xiao Wuchou stared his eyes wide to study this sister-in-law...

Yue Qianchou was not mixed up among them. He walked out of the palace with Bai Suzhen. The two of them stood on the cliff, feeling the coolness of dawn, looking at the alternation of black and white, and the starry sky that was about to disappear. Yue Qianchou enjoys this feeling very much. When he is alone with Bai Suzhen, his heart is always so calm, peaceful and worry-free.

"Are you all right?" Bai Suzhen picked up a wisp of hair that was disturbed by the mountain wind and asked faintly.

Yue Qianchou looked at the sky quietly and shook his head and said, "It should be all right!" It's coaxing and comforting. If I toss around again, I can't help it.

"This time, I really decided to leave, away from the sadness that I haven't understood for a long time. I want you to forget the sadness and forget the care, and let go of the disturbance of freedom..." Bai Suzhen's soft eyes accompanied him to look at the sky, and her red lips gently opened and sang gently.

She has a good memory. She can always repeat it word by word while listening to it. She also sings very well, and there is a different amorous feeling from her mouth. Yue Qianchou couldn't help singing softly: "That time, you left inadvertently, which became my unchanging sadness for a long time, so I was indifferent to prosperity and couldn't be happy anymore, so I couldn't come back from loneliness..."

After singing a song, the two of them were quiet again. Later, Bai Suzhen took out the Qingming sword from the storage bag: "All the divine knowledge in this Qingming sword has been erased by me. Although such a magic weapon is not as good as the spiritual treasure, it is more or less spiritual. You can inject the divine consciousness to be its master. More communication should be able to understand its effect, which will help you walk ."

"Hmm!" Yue Qianchou took over the Qingming sword and stroked it carefully. The body of the sword was blue and cold, with exquisite lines on it. The blade flashed with cold light, which was extremely sharp. He can also refine some ordinary magic weapons now, but he doesn't know how such magic weapons are made.

A wisp of consciousness was slowly injected into the sword body, and suddenly a mysterious force gushed out of nowhere, as if to refuse the injection of a wisp of consciousness. Yue Qianchou's consciousness was a little hard, and immediately broke through the power of rejection. The consciousness slowly poured into the body of the sword, and the structure of the sword body was immediately clear.

Now is not the time to understand it. It's already dawn, and the appointment with Bi Zicong and others is almost there. Qingming Sword was put into the storage bag, and Yue Qianchou said, "Sister, I'll go to the four families to have a look. I don't know if it's convenient or not to come back at any time. My family and Qu Ping'er will work on you."

"Are you leaving now?"

"First of all, go to see how Guan Yu's injury is, and then go to Chen Feng to get a hundred flying swords, which were destroyed by Liu Changqing."

"Go and tell Qu Ping'er and your parents first!"

Yue Qianchou pondered a little, "No, just know. If they ask, you can explain it to them at will."

"Hmm! I know."

Yue Qianchou looked at Bai Suzhen and smiled. Seeing a wisp of beautiful hair on her forehead floating in the wind, he stretched out his hand and gently helped her to the back of her ear. The latter looked at the sky indifferently and let him...

A momentary move to Guan Yu's room in the military camp. Guan Yu was healing his wound on his knees. The three company commanders were on the side. Seeing Yue Qianchou coming, they all wanted to salute. He waved his hand to stop him, saying that he would not disturb Guan Yu. Then he made a gesture to ask Guan Yu how he was doing. A company commander waved his hand to show that it was not a big problem. Yue Qianchou nodded, changed his bloody clothes in front of several people, and left at ease.

When you come to the bottom of the deep valley, it has become the territory of Chen Feng's supervisor. As for the treasures originally stored here, they have been transferred to the secret room long ago when the palace was built. The entrance of the secret room is in Bai Suzhen's room. Except for Yue Qianchou and Bai Suzhen, there is no third At this time, Chen Feng was intoxicated with alchemy. Looking at the sloppy appearance, he was quite powerful. Yue Qianchou thought that he still didn't disturb him. After telling the two of them to take a hundred flying swords, when he reappeared, he had returned to the room of the Cultivation Alliance.

When saying goodbye to Quan Deming, it is inevitable to accept the other party's exhortation, and Yue Qianchou naturally pretends to accept it with an open mind. After coming out, he wandered directly to the Bi family's shop. Bi Zicong and the four of them had been waiting for him for a long time. A group of five people came out of the Hundred Flowers Valley. Bi Zicong released a flying magic weapon to carry several people away...