The scum of the real world

Chapter 213 Continction

Feng Xiangtian said in a low voice, "It seems that you are going to carry it to the end. Do you admit it?"

Yue Qianchou stood there with an extremely aggrieved look and stopped talking. I didn't do what you want me to admit.

"You were originally a disciple of Qingguang Sect, but why did you join me Fuxian Island? Say! What's the intention?" Feng Xiangtian shouted. He said so, but he couldn't bear it in his heart. Such a rare good seedling is about to be ruined here now.

Damn it! It's exposed! Yue Qianchou did not reply to his words. Instead, he turned around and bowed to Guan Weiwu. He said sadly, "I was originally a vulgar person, and my family was quite rich. I thought it would be enough to live a carefree life! Fortunately, my ancestors accumulated virtues and once saved Liu Changqing, the head of the Qingguang Sect. In order to repay his kindness, Liu Changqing took me to the Qingguang Sect to practice, and made a master-apprentice relationship with his mentor Hao Sansi on Qingguang Mountain. With the encouragement of the teacher, the disciple devoted himself to day and night, and never dared to slack off for a day. Maybe it was the way of heaven to reward diligence. I, a disciple who had no spiritual roots in Qingguang Sect and was insulted by the same school, one day I was enlightened and stepped into the refining period. It should have been At that time, I didn't understand a little cultivation. Later, because my teacher went out and was attacked and killed, I was angry and exposed my cultivation with my grandson Liu Zhengguang. Then I understood why my teacher repeatedly warned me not to expose my cultivation.

Yue Qianchou took a look at the crowd, bowed to Guan Weiwu and said, "Liu Changqing, the head of the sect, kept sending elders to me to tell me the secret of practice, but I don't have the secret of practice. I only know how to make up for my shortcomings with diligence! Because of this, I was demoted to the spiritual stone mine to work hard labor. At that time, it was only a day before my master died! They can't wait like this. If you work hard, just work hard! But the leader didn't want to let me go. He sent the elder Lu Wanqian to keep intimidating and seducing me. I almost died in his hands several times, but I don't know what to say about the secret of practice! Then one day, the Magic Palace attacked the spiritual stone mine. Lu Wanqian, the elder of Qingguang Zongtang, actually grabbed me as a shield in order to escape for his life. Fortunately, the disciple survived and looked at the whole spiritual stone mine, which was already full of corpses. At that time, I was disheartened and no longer wanted to practice anything, I have never been to Qingguangzong.

Everyone on Fuxian Island sighed. It turned out that Yue Qianchou had such a miserable experience. Imagine that a disciple who did not practice spiritual roots could suddenly practice. Some sects were afraid that they would indeed use all means. Unexpectedly, this Yue Qianchou was just an exception of talent, but the famous sect actually did it to his disciples. If such a thing happens, I'm afraid that anyone's head will be chilled, and it's understandable to leave Qingguangzong. Everyone glanced at the old man in green robe, inevitably showing a trace of disdain.

When Feng Xiangtian's side heard the words of Yue Qianchou, he had already cut off several white whiskers. He arched his hand to the crowd and sighed, "I don't cover up the ugliness. I also heard about this matter afterwards. It was indeed the group of evil people who lost their conscience and did something wrong first, Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if you don't say it! Shame on you!"

As soon as these words came out, it undoubtedly showed that Yue Qianchou's words were true, and everyone felt a little sympathy for Yue Qianchou. In particular, Ou Sihai, the chief elder of Xiuzhen Pavilion, said that such an excellent disciple should not be found by your Qingguang Sect. Now that he has entered my Fuxian Island, he is my disciple of Fuxian Island. How can you, a small Qingguang Sect, dare to come to my Fuxian Island to ask for people? He has been thinking about how to get Yue Qianchou to his Xiuzhen Pavilion.

"Brother, you don't have to blame yourself!" Feng Xiangtian comforted faintly and said in a low voice to Yue Qianchou, "Where did you get the immortal helper order you took back then?"

Yue Qianchou still didn't reply to his words directly, and bowed to Guan Weiwu again, which made everyone frown. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the leader! Feng Xiangtian was expressionless. The former saluted: "After leaving the Qingguang Sect, I wandered around. Once I met an injured and dying gas refining monk. Unfortunately, I tried my best to save him. Before his death, he said that he was originally a disciple expelled from Fuxian Island, named Ji Wushuang, and gave me a token to repay my gratitude, saying that he could join Fuxian Island. I had already given up the idea of practicing, but as soon as I heard that it was the largest school in the world, I couldn't help but have a try. As a result, I became a disciple of Fuxian Island in confusion.

"Ji Wushuang?" Feng Xiangtian frowned, looked around the crowd and asked, "Are any of the disciples expelled from this school named Ji Wushuang?" Ou Sihai, who was beside him, suddenly sighed and said, "Go back to the head, Yue Qianchou is right. Once there was a disciple named Ji Wushuang who was expelled from the school. He was a disciple of Xiuzhen Pavilion. He was the eldest grandson of Elder Ji, who had passed away in this pavilion. His father had already died for Fuxian

"Elder Ji's grandson? All three generations of ancestors and grandchildren are dead? Feng Xiangtian stopped, and everyone looked at each other in consternation, and their faces were a little gloomy. The disciples who were expelled from the school were afraid that there would be few good ones in the end. If they didn't want to say that the eldest grandson of the Elder of the Xiuzhen Pavilion, the elders who could hold the Immortal Order were

"Why did you kill the head of Qingguangzong?" Feng Xiangtian came to his senses and shouted.

"I didn't kill him." Yue Qianchou has been staring at Guan Weiwu, who was uncomfortable with him.

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry!" Feng Xiangtian snorted coldly. At first, he still had the intention to protect him. After all, talents are rare, but this guy repeatedly didn't pay attention to himself, and dared to deceive himself and let himself lose face as a leader. He was simply looking for death. Feng shouted outside, "Bold me in."

I saw two disciples pushing a person in. As soon as the man came in, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly to the crowd, shivering, "Daxian, you immortals..."

Yue Qianchou didn't even look at the man, but just stared at his master Guan Weiwu. Feng Xiangtian pointed to Yue Qianchou and shouted to the man, "Come forward and see if he released many flying swords that night."

"Yes, yes..." The man rolled over and climbed over. Looking back, he immediately shouted happily, "Young master!" Fu nodded to Feng Xiangtian repeatedly and said, "That night, it was my young master who released a lot of flying swords to fight against the villain who destroyed my family!"

Yue Qianchou was slightly stunned and looked down. The man looked familiar but could not be named. Looking at his clothes, it was exactly the clothes of the servants of Yuefu. I can't help shaking my head with a wry smile. It's all like this. What else is there to say?

Feng Xiangtian said with no expression on his face, "Wue Qianchou, what else do you have to say?"

Yue Qianchou didn't answer. He looked at Guan Weiwu and said with a faint smile, "Master! Don't you have anything to say?

When I said this, my heart was already cold. The reason why I said the previous words to him was that I wanted to tell him about his difficulties. I hope the master would understand. But as his master, Guan Weiwu didn't say a word for him from beginning to end, and he didn't mean to protect himself at all. Was the relationship between the master and apprentice so bad before? That's it. Is there any need to stay on Fuxian Island?

The smile on Yue Qianchou's face gradually faded and slowly closed his eyes. Seeing the apprentice like this, a trace of pain flashed on Guan Weiwu's face. It was not that he didn't want to speak for his apprentice. In fact, after he knew about this, he immediately found the head brother, hoping that the brother would show mercy.

But the latter immediately scolded him, saying that the matter was related to other sects, and the justice and injustice he dealt with were related to the reputation of Fuxian Island, and strictly warned him, as a worried master, not to interrupt in this matter, and he knew how to deal with it. Federnan was also warned.

Yue Qianchou opened his eyes, and the chill on his face rose. Suddenly, he knelt down with a "bump" to Guan Weiwu. He kowtoe his head three times in a row. After standing up, he brushed up the hem of the gown with one hand, and pulled the hem in hiss with both hands. He slowly raised it to the crowd.

Everyone was stunned. I don't know what he meant? However, he raised the hem of the torn gown and shouted in a low voice, "Master, once this robe is broken, from then on, you and I will be ungrateful, and we don't owe each other!" From then on, I had nothing to do with Fuxian Island! From then on, the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and the fish leaps. No one can control my worries..."