The scum of the real world

Chapter 282 Not much movement

Before returning to Shuntian Island, you have to hurry up and pay attention to something. When inspecting the barracks, it was found that nearly 200 team members had formed a Taoist couple with the female members under Bai Suzhen and lived a comfortable life. With these examples, the people in the barracks gradually calmed down, and everyone has begun to regard Utopia as their own home. The only thing that is inappropriate is that there are more men and fewer women. If it goes on like this, there will be problems.

Therefore, Yue Qianchou gathered all the male team members and held a live conference. He raised his arms to assure everyone that more women would come to Utopia, so that everyone would not have to worry. If it really doesn't work, he will lead everyone to rob Wangyuezong. Anyway, Wangyuezong is a woman. At that time, everyone . These words immediately aroused the cheers of the majority of team members and shouted in unison: "Long live the leader!"

After inspecting the army, Yue Qianchou came to the place where Dong Guosu was in charge. The reclamation and planting industry led by Dong Guosu and a group of people has begun to have a specific scale. Although this group of people are all in the old refining period, it is easy to have this cultivation, not to mention that they are still improving. Yue Qianchou was overjoyed to find that the items planted and farmed could basically meet the needs of Utopia, and he did not need to go out to buy all the time. Of course, in addition to Dong Guosu's heart, such achievements also have a lot to do with the magical effect of purple chaos. For this reason, Yue Qianchou expressed his appreciation for Dong Guosu, who should do it.

In the stall in charge of Chen Feng, the elixir and magic weapons have begun to be mass-produced, which is enough to ensure the needs of the army. At present, alchemy and refinery are developing in the direction of good and refined, but the raw material supply of the refinery is still a bottleneck, which needs to be solved by him. In a word, everything in Utopia has been formal, and Yue Qianchou is quite satisfied.

At the same time, there have also gratifying changes in my body. Since the absorption of Qinghuo, the condensation speed of the elixir in the body has improved a lot, and there are more and more aura that need to be supplemented. I believe that it will not long before we can break through to the end of the elix With joy, he turned his eyes to the distant sky and disappeared in place. He wanted to try how powerful he could exert his fire.

After the trivia of Utopia, he came to the General's Mansion of Zhuguo again, and there were dozens of spiritual roots in the back garden. Needless to say, it must have been brought by Ling Feng and others and waved into Utopia. Ling Feng and the other three are not here, only Shi Xiaotian is here. Since the last time he killed the national teacher, Shi Xiaotian has not dared to go out at will. He has always been worried about the safety of his daughter's family. If he is at home, if something happens, he can help more or less.

After asking about the recent situation of the general's mansion, he saw that there was no problem. Yue Qianchou dressed up again and wandered out of the general's mansion. Naturally, the target was Wanhua Tower. As soon as he arrived, Baimei Yaoji could know that the beautiful man wrapped in red gauze had already laughed at the attic window.

As soon as Yue Qianchou saw her charming smile, he had a headache. He really planned to turn around and leave, but there was nothing he could do. Finally, he bravely went up and shouted, "Master!"

Baimei Yaoji looked at him with some surprise and felt that there seemed to be something more on him, which was the kind of self-confidence. Yue Qianchou also found that in the past, when facing the monks during the robbery period, he always had the idea of worrying about the other party's sudden attack. Even when he laughed, he was very vigilant. Even in the face of Baimei Yaoji, the master who was cultivated in the middle of the disaster, he was on guard, which is one of the reasons why he did not dare to set the teleportation target at Wanhualou.

Now facing the charming demon girl again, I am calm in my heart. When I look at her, the idea that she is just a period of disaster suddenly comes to my mind. Although his cultivation is far from that of the other party, he does no longer regard the other party as a threat to his own life at any time. For the first time, he faced the monk during the robbery period and did not connect the divine consciousness with the golden beads, and was always ready to flash.

Thinking secretly, I have already thought of the reason. This trip to the realm of demons can be said to have greatly improved my horizons. After knowing that there are many more top-level existences in the world of cultivation, the period of the disaster is really nothing in my eyes. Moreover, after exerting the power of verifying the fire, it may not be so easy for the masters who are confident to want their own life. It Not big. I guess this is the source of my self-confidence.

Baimei's surprised eyes changed into a smile again. It was rare that she did not get close to harass him. She lay on the lounge chair with a seductive posture looming in the spring light, supported her head with one hand, and said with a charming smile, "I received information that you have gone to the demon ghostland with the owner of the It's really brave. Five people dare to break into the ghost realm. Look at you like this, but what's the gain in the ghost realm?

"The master's wife is really well-informed. You know all such hidden things." Yue Qianchou found a chair to sit down, shook his head and said with a smile, "It's not a gain. It's true that I almost lost my life. By the way, Madam, what's going on in the world of cultivation at present?

Seeing that he didn't want to talk more about the ghost land, Baimei Yaoji stared at him, and then yawned and said lazily, "The movement you want is a little bit, but the movement is not big. I'm afraid it will disappoint you."

Yue Qianchou immediately frowned and said, "Why is it so bad?"

Baimei Yaoji slowly closed her charming eyes, and her delicate red lips opened and said, "According to the map you gave, the two demons found the hiding place where the Yan family and his son were hiding. They were indeed shocked by the strength of the island, and the people sent by the two to explore were also more than half. In view of the great threat of the father and son of the Yan family, the two demons originally wanted to work together to get rid of it, but there was a dispute inside the Wanmo Palace of the demon road. They were reluctant to do it. As a result, Fuxian Island did not dare to do it.

"Master, what's going on? Doesn't the Magic Palace want to protect the father and son of the Yan family? Yue Qianchou said in a low voice.

Baimei Yaoji still closed her eyes and shook her head and said, "The Wanmo Palace was previously intended to be destroyed together with the Right Way. Later, I don't know who made a suggestion. I suggested that the previous owner of the palace, that is, Yan's father, should personally come out to recruit Yan to return to the Wanmo Palace. It should be noted that the strength of Yan Bugui today is not weak. If Yan Bugui can be recruited back, the Wanmo Palace is equivalent to receiving the strength in his hand. At that time, Fuxian Island's position in the largest faction in the world of cultivation is afraid to change the Wanmo Palace. This suggestion immediately makes the whole Wanmo Palace excited. Recently, the Wanmo Palace has sent people to be lobbyists in various schools of the Demon Road.

"The lobbyian?" Yue Qian frowned thoughtfully and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple." Baimei Yaoji opened her eyes and smiled and said, "The saying of the Wanmo Palace is that the underworld has always targeted the right path, and has never dealt with the devil's way. What's more, the right way has always suppressed the devil's way. If the Wanmo Palace can take over the strength of Yan's hand, the devil's But there is no impenetrable wall in the world. After learning about the right way to attack, he did not dare to move. Yan Bugui's strength is not weak. If he wants to attack, the effort is not a little, especially Fuxian Island must take the lead. If the magic road is against the water at this time, even Fuxian Island can't So it became a stalemate now. Yan's father and son were safe and sound, and the movement you wanted did not start.

"Has the underworld always been the right way? Humph!" Yue Qianchou muttered, looked out of the window and narrowed his eyes slightly. Suddenly, he looked back and said, "Madam, you must have all the information and news of the magic sects, right? Can you give me one?"

Baimei Yaoji smiled with a deep smile, "What do you want to do?"

"Isn't the Magic Palace lobbying everywhere? I think they want to be the number one in the world. It's crazy. How can they be the cheapest one in the world? Yue Qianchou sneered and said, "It's time for the various factions of the devil to put pressure on the Wanmo Palace."

"Gah! I knew you, the little fox, would not be at ease. Baimei Yaoji giggled and said. Up his body, the two jade fingers pulled out a small piece of jade ultimatum from the two full balls of the belly pocket and threw it to Yue Qianchou.

Yue Qianchou took the jade ultimatum, felt the warmth on it, and looked at the fullness of the other party in astonishment. I was distracted for a while, damn it! This master is strong enough to put things there!