The scum of the real world

Chapter 310 Understanding

: Due to the previous chapters of Chapter 39 to Chapter 41 "The First Intimate Contact", the ambiguous place is a little too ambiguous, and it was blocked by the cost book for more than a day. Today, under the guidance of the editor, I made changes, and finally saw the day again. That... has caused reading trouble for everyone. I'm really sorry. I hope you can understand and continue to support me. ( The editor said: you can only write kisses, and those below the other shoulders...)


After replenishing the spirit stone for the lack of flame Xuanguo, Yue Qianchou returned to the lake where Bi Changchun demonstrated and sat down cross-legged, carefully recalling Bi Changchun's previous actions. Although the huge floe ice was torn apart, there was still a lot of volume floating on the surface of the lake. Under the sun, the crystal clear ice was gradually melting, and there was water dripping at the edges and corners. The sound kept splashing on the surface of the lake, and the cracked ice float was swaying not far from the shore.

After seeing Bi Changchun's momentum that he could turn over the river with his hand, Yue Qianchou had no doubt that he could split a mountain with one sword, but he couldn't figure out what it was like to turn water into ice in an instant, and it was such a big piece.

Bi Changchun said he could do it too! Yue Qian frowned, and his eyes were uncertain on the drifting ice drifting closer and closer. Suddenly, he suddenly stood up, took a few steps in a hurry, pedalled on the shore, and his body bounced out lightly. He turned over a few somersaults in the air, and flew obliquely to the largest floating ice more than 30 meters away from the

Standing on the ice, he looked back at the place where he jumped more than 30 meters away, with a smile on his face. Presumably, if he jumps with all his strength, he should be able to exceed 50 meters with the help of some inertia. At this distance, he is definitely a top light kung fu master in the secular world. He has never practiced the light kung fu of the secular world. He can jump so far. Of course, it has something to do with his cultivation reaching the Yuanying period. At least in the Jiedan period, he can't jump so far.

Thinking that he could already fly in the air when he reached the Yuanying period, Yue Qianchou's eyes lit up and casually took out a jade ultimatum from the storage bag. The things recorded in it were all stolen from the Xiuzhen Pavilion of Fuxian Island. After reaching the Yuanying period, there was a way to fly in the air.

For those who have reached the infancy, this is not a very profound method, but just a mastery of some skills. After a rough look, he was already clear to his chest. Yue Qianchou received the jade ultimatum. Zhenyuan ran, and Fab was all over his body, controlling the body to maintain a subtle relationship with the air. His feet gradually got out of the ice and slowly floated into the air. However, the shaky look shows that it is not skilled enough.

After tossing for a long time, I can barely pull my body up more than 20 meters in the air, and it is even more difficult to fly. Moving east and westward is almost like crawling. What kind of flight is it? Now he finally understands why most of the cultivation is still flying with the sword in the Yuanying period. The key is that the cultivation is not enough. However, when the cultivation is so deep that he can control the body freely in the air, it is the time to really fly in the air.

This won't work, then the sword will be faster than before! Yue Qianchouzi tried to maintain the balance of his body in the air. The long sword behind him "choked" and popped out, and a cold light drew half an arc, holding him firmly. As soon as his footsteps sank, his mind moved, and the flying sword obliquely carried him into the sky, turning into a black spot in a blink of an eye.

After a while, the black spot enlarged, Yue Qianchou stepped on the sword sideways, with his hands on his back, the long hair of his clothes and hair floated backwards, and then broke into the air and rushed to the floating ice where he had just stood. At the moment of collision, Yue Qianchou quickly bounced up from the flying sword, turned into a figure, and fell to the lake. The cold light turned over and flashed to follow him, holding him again.

I saw a figure haunting the torn ice, dexterous and fast. Finally, he flew around the largest piece of ice floe in a fast circle. Suddenly, Yue Qianchou bounced up again, opened his arms and fell lightly in the middle of the floating ice. At the moment he fell, the flying sword quickly chased him and straightened back to the sheath with a "choke" and accompanied him to calm down at the same time

Cool! The imperial sword flight in the Yuanying period is really not comparable to the Jiedan period. Yue Qianchou exhaled a sigh of relief, his eyes fell on the huge floating ice, and frowned again.

After practicing water determination, water control should not be a problem, but how to turn water into ice? Yue Qianchou walked slowly to the edge of the ice floe, and his eyes wandered between the ice floe and the lake. He believed that since Bi Changchun said he could do it, he could definitely do it.

Yue Qianchou released his divine consciousness and extended it to the lake, and a sense of intimacy arises spontaneously, as if the lake was a part of his body. Suddenly, with the teasing of his fingers, the clear lakes jumped out of the lake and fell from time to time, making a "dong-dong-dong" sound. When the divine consciousness wandered to the junction of ice floe and the lake, his fingers suddenly stopped teasing.

At this moment, Bi Changchun's voice suddenly sounded in his ear to remind him: "Everything has its two sides, and everything must be reversed."

How stupid! Yue Qianchou patted his forehead and suddenly realized that the freezing of water is naturally the reason for the low temperature. After practicing the fire, he was good at controlling the temperature. The good control can make the surrounding temperature high and scary, and the absorption of the temperature can naturally reduce the surrounding temperature. Isn't this the opposite of the extreme?

"Thank you for your suggestion." Yue Qianchou saluted to the center of the island. The backhand raised his hand to the surface of the lake, and the water of the lake flew in, forming a water ball in his palm. One palm held the water ball, and the fire was running. The temperature in the palm dropped sharply. In an instant, it was white, and a crystal clear ice hockey ball was formed in a blink of an eye. And the temperature inhaled in the palm was swallowed up by the fire element in a blink of an eye, and became a tonic of the green and fire element, and this temperature is really insignificant to integrate into the green and fire element.

"The extreme of things must be reversed. So that's it, so that's it, haha!" Yue Qianchou danced with excitement. He threw the ice hockey casually, summoned the lake to test hands, and all kinds of ice crystals formed under his hands. In the end, he became more and more proficient. As soon as he raised his palms, ten columns of water emerged from the lake, poked out two fingers with both hands, and quickly pointed to the ten columns of water. One by one, the icicles formed in a blink of an eye and fell into the water.

"It's fun!" Yue Qianchou howled and suddenly jumped straight to the water under the floating ice. As soon as his feet touched the water, the water immediately rose white frost and spread around. In a short time, the floating ice within a radius of hundreds of meters was frozen by the ice formed in an instant. Yue Qianchou cheered on the ice. This kind of magic that almost conquered the laws of nature is really unpleasant and difficult. As Bi Changchun said, as long as he makes good use of it, it must be able to play a miraculous role in future conflicts.

The so-called one-way through, Yue Qianchou thought that even if you don't absorb the fire element in the future, I'm afraid that you can turn into fire out of thin air just by absorbing the temperature nearby. Of course, this kind of fire and this kind of strange fire can't be compared.

After calming down a little, he suddenly thought of something. Yue Qianchou felt a little strange. Bi Changchun had not practiced fire. How did he make such a huge wave turn into ice in an instant? Even if he is himself, he can't do it at all with his current cultivation. With such a big wave, not to mention turning it into ice, I'm afraid that the huge power generated can beat him half to death at once.

He thought for a moment, and then speculated that Bi Changchun always talked about the way of heaven. His understanding of natural climate change must not be beyond the reach of others. With his profound cultivation, he must have made the warmth have an extreme deficit in an instant and quickly condensed the huge wave into ice.

If this is the case... Yue Qianchou shu shuddered. He didn't know about the other deification periods, but the old man's cultivation was really terrible. Because of the understanding just now, the direction he guessed was right. Bi Changchun used the same method as he thought, but it was also because he knew the reason that he could better understand the horror of Bi Changchun. The huge waves turned into ice!

Yue Qianchou shook his head and didn't think about it at all. The more he thought about it, the more horrible he felt. The more he thought about it, the more he felt small. With the palm of his hand raised, the "buzz" green flame ignited, looking around the condensed ice floating around, and the heart said, it's better to listen to the old man's words, try to use the method of Guiyuan sword to control the green fire...