The scum of the real world

Chapter 351 The soul is separated from the body

The gloomy wind in the Netherworld Cave is blowing out as before. Yue Qianchou went in for half a month and didn't react at all. The group of people waiting outside the cave gradually cooled down, and almost had an ominous foreboding, but they still stuck outside, holding a trace of hope.

The sound of "Dang... Dang..." faintly came from the cave, and the ten ghosts guarding the mouth of the cave would be the first to hear it, and they all turned around suddenly. Although the people on the top of the cliff opposite were not as close as they stood and did not hear a sound, they were all attracted by their abnormal behavior.

Is it that Yue Qianchou is back? Everyone had the same idea in an instant, staring at the hole.

The guard at the entrance of the cave did not see anyone coming out, but he saw some dark stones rolling weakly to a place not far from the entrance of the cave and stopped. It should be that the wind at the entrance of the cave was not enough, and he could not blow the stones out of the hole. The two ghosts dodged in, picked up a few stones and looked at them. They were suddenly shocked. They nodded, shot directly out of the cave, and flew to Yu Ji at the top of the opposite cliff.

"Madam, you see, it's the underworld iron. The inside of the cave is not far from the mouth of the cave, and it has been blown out a lot by the wind, and there are faint sword marks excavated on it." A ghost handed out the Ming iron in his hand and said.

Yu Ji took the Ming Tie, her eyes lit up again, and ordered, "You two quickly go and collect all the Ming Tie that can be collected at the mouth of the cave."

The second general obeyed, and soon got a pile of underworld iron on the top of the cliff. A group of people gathered around. After Zhang Ling checked, he got up and said to Yu Ji, "Madam, the underworld iron is not afraid of the yin wind and the black evil wind blade. Ordinary magic weapons are useless to it, and there are sword marks on each underworld iron, which are obviously dug out with a sword. I'm afraid that Mr. has a very powerful sword on his body, which can easily dig the underworld iron. In this way, it is very likely that the gentleman is digging the underworld iron to resist the black evil wind blade. His judgment was right. These underworld irons were blown out by the wind when Yue Qianchou first hit the tunnel.

"Not bad." Yu Ji smiled relaxedly and said, "Sir is a disciple in charge of the torturer, and it is not surprising that there are one or two extremely powerful treasures."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded in agreement. If Yue Qianchou hears this, he will only reply - ah-huh! A treasure of bullshit.

The purple coat beside him frowned and said, "Madam, Yue Qianchou went in with the old Yan Tuo. Yan Tuo's cultivation is much higher than that of Yue Qianchou. Why do you conclude that these things must be made by Yue Qianshou, not the old Yan Tuo?"

Yu Ji glanced at the people with a slight smile, and she also looked at the Jiuyou Underworld Cave and said with a smile, "The Jiuyou Underworld Cave is a passage from the world to the underworld. How can ordinary people break through it? The nearest place with the underworld iron is also at the end of the two-fold of the passage, not to mention the deeper place, not to mention Yan Tuo. In addition to the ghost cultivation at the end of the ghost king, few masters of human beings can reach it at the end of the disaster. What's more, it is Yan Tuo in the early stage of

"The cultivation of Yue Qianchou is even lower, isn't it even more impossible to get there?" Zi Yi was firm in her skeptical position.

Seeing that she hadn't figured it out, Yu Ji explained tirelessly, "It's reasonable to stay at the mouth of the cave for a long time with your husband's cultivation. Has the girl ever seen the cyan flame burning on your body before you entered the cave? Presumably that's the husband's reliance to enter the hole. In addition, I don't know if the girl has noticed that Yan Tuo has no growth before entering the cave, and we can't let him leave anything that threatens your safety, so the Xuantie that came out before can't be brought in by Yan Tuo, let alone have treasures to dig the underworld iron in front of him. What's more, although my husband's cultivation is not high, he is full of magic. At least I saw with my own eyes that he raised his hand to destroy a demon king at the end of the disaster, and Yan Tuo in the early stage of the disaster. It's natural for me to deal with it.

The killed demon king she said was You Fengjiao, but it was obviously the first time everyone heard her say about this matter, and they were all secretly surprised.

Zi Yi's face changed, and she thought of what the master said to her at the beginning. When there was danger, she ran first. The boy had the ability to protect himself completely. Now it seems that what the master said is true. Even the demon king at the end of the disaster can be destroyed. He really has the ability to protect himself.

As soon as she was sure of this idea, she let go at the critical moment in the future, which made Yue Qian sad and couldn't laugh or cry, and almost called her "aunt". This is all after the words, and then let's talk about it later.

The dangerous form of Yue Qianchou gradually entered a coma state, and finally fell softly to the ground. The fire on his body had all converged into his body. Fortunately, the black evils were flowing into the top of the cave at this time, otherwise it would be miserable.

In a muddle-headed place, Yue Qianchou suddenly opened his eyes and woke up. He found himself lying on the ground and quickly got up. Fortunately, when he was free, he suddenly saw another person lying under his feet. He was shocked on the spot and said to himself, "Did someone also break in and faint like himself?"

After Yue Qianchou leaned over and looked down to see what the man looked like, he was suddenly struck by lightning and took a few steps back... If he didn't read it correctly, the man looked exactly the same as himself, and the man was wearing, which was clearly himself.

I was shocked and uncertain. I squatted down and wanted to turn the man over to check it carefully to solve the doubts in my heart. Unexpectedly, when his hand touched the man, he swayed past his body, and he didn't know whether the man on the ground was a virtual shadow or whether he was a virtual shadow.

How could this happen? Could it be... Could it be... He thought of a chilling possibility that he might be dead or his soul was out of his body.

In shock, he shook his head and retreated. It was difficult for him to accept such a result. Unexpectedly, after leaving the person lying on the ground a little farther away, the whole person floated lightly, and a strong suction came from the place where the red light at the end of the passage dragged it away.

"No! I haven't lived enough. I don't want to die. Yue Qianchou struggled hard in the air, but there was nothing he could do. The power in the dark made him irresistible.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared on the man lying on the ground, and then a silver brilliant pillar like a galaxy shot out, directly covering the sorrow of tossing in the air, cut off the force in the underworld, and unexpectedly slowly pulled him back...

The scenery in front of Yue Qianchou changed, and he suddenly found himself in the vast and brilliant universe. The vast universe, the galaxy is brilliant, and the nebula composed of stars is long-lasting, lonely, desolate, vicissitudes of life and beautiful. It is floating in the endless universe.

Damn it! Am I dreaming? Yue Qianchou was stunned and couldn't figure out what was going on. Suddenly, his eyes darkened and he fainted again.

For a long time, Yue Qianchou's eyes lying on the ground opened again and jumped up suddenly. He looked around anxiously. He didn't see the person on the ground who began to see in his dream. His hands touched everywhere on his body again. Finally, he was relieved and patted his chest and said with relief, "It's okay, Well, I don't watch science fiction blockbusters now! It turned out to be a dream, which almost scared me to death..."