The scum of the real world

Chapter 445 Want to pass on the magic power

"Tut-tut! Nong Zhu was amazed. He circled around him for more than a long time. What elixir came to his mouth, and the quality of the elixir was naturally accurate. There was no need to doubt it. It was absolutely impossible to be wrong.

"In his half-dead decline, can the skill of alchemy reach the point of being holy?" He looked at the worries on the ground and asked in disbelief.

You are just half dead! Yue Qianchou looked at the bamboo with resentment in his eyes and quickly got up from the ground.

I know whether it's good or bad. Bi Changchun will not argue with Nongzhu about this matter. The expression on his face has calmed down. He asked Yue Qianchou, "Didn't you have any ideas when you come back this time? Let's finish what you think!"

The mess around him couldn't attract his attention. Instead, it was a worrying thing, and he paid more attention to it. It seems that the elixir of Yue Qianchou has not been given for nothing. The weight of this gift and the timing of the gift are just right.

Thinking of the interrupted conversation on the Internet before, Yue Qianchou restrained his mind and replied solemnly, "Master. The disciple thinks so. The disciple is not flattering on both sides of the Chinese cultivation world. Instead of this, it is better to go deep into the enemy's rear and go to countries other than China. Maybe it can have a greater effect.

As soon as he said this, Zhu was stunned. After reacting, he immediately sneered and said, "I think you really don't know whether you are alive or not. Your master made a big fight and turned Huaxia a forbidden place for masters in the Huashen period, so that you can be blind in it. Hey hey! You're fine. You're so full that you want to jump out of the circle. Drill into someone else's old nest, I tell you, he won't be as polite to you as me and your master. If you raise your hand, you can take your life. Don't think you are really powerful. The masters in the world are far more powerful than you think

"How powerful it is, it can be more powerful than my master." Yue Qianchou retorted disapprovingly. By the way, he flattered the master again.

"Hey! All right, all right!" Nong Zhu turned around and sneered at Bi Changchun and said, "Lao Bi, you apprentice doesn't know that the sky is thick and you don't need discipline! You have to take care of it! Don't make a short-lived ghost

Bi Changchun frowned. The conflict between the Chinese cultivation world and the cultivation world of various countries. As far as the overall strength is concerned, the former is in a weak position. The reason why Yue Qianchou helps the Chinese cultivation world is that he wants to temper him. Now Yue Qianchou wants to jump out of his own circle and is willing to go out and take greater risks, which is really beyond his own expectation. But it is undeniable that the more difficult and risky the place is, the more you can hone people,

After weighing each other for a long time, Bi Changchun's drooping eyelids slowly opened, staring at Yue Qianchou with burning eyes and said indifferently, "The teacher will not interfere with your choice. But you have figured it out. If you come out of China, the circle, your danger will be greatly increased. If you encounter a sudden incident, even if I want to save you, I'm afraid it's too late.

Zhu was stunned and said in astonishment, "Lao Bi. What do you mean? At this time, the purple clothes beside him had also recovered, his eyes widened, and his ears were pricked up to listen. Master Mingjian!" Yue Qianchou bowed and saluted, "Although the disciple is not high, he has also fought against the two masters at the end of the disaster. Ask yourself that you have not humiliated the reputation of the master's first master in the world. Master Weizhen is an idol worshipped by disciples, but no disciple hides under the master's wings for a lifetime. If there is a dynasty, the disciple also wants to be like a master, and will be the top in the world of cultivation, and the mountains are small at a glance

The arrogance in the words was undoubtedly revealed, and the people who fooled around with bamboo were shocked.

Bi Changchun was full of appreciation, and the words of sorrow came to his heart, and there were disciples like this. What do you want? Immediately, he smiled and said, "As a teacher, I won't interfere in your affairs. You can just let it go."

This is equivalent to agreeing to Yue Qianchou's request to jump out of China. Yue Qianchou immediately saluted, "Thank you for your success!"

"Madman, one or two madmen" can't describe the two of them, and the point index is falling.

The purple clothes beside her are full of color in her eyes. She not only wants to see the mountains. She also admires Bi Changchun, but also wants to be as powerful as Bi Changchun. She is looking forward to going out for risks. Maybe one day she will become a peerless master like Elder Bi.

After showing his daughter's abnormal expression, he was shocked. He screamed in secret and immediately said in a low voice, "Lao Bi, it's not that I don't cooperate with you. It's really too dangerous for this boy to go here. There is a danger of losing his life from time to time. I can't let Ziyi take risks with him. To realize his bullshit dream. It's amazing. Let him go by himself, and don't involve my apprentice.

When Ziyi heard the words, her upside down suddenly half of her mood. She pulled the bamboo sleeves with infinite grievance and begged, "Master. You can do it, okay?"

"Shut up!" He shook the bamboo sleeve and shouted angrily, "There is no place for you to talk here. Is it that the master can't control you? Do you even dare not listen to the master's words?"

It's really the first time I've seen the Lord himself so fierce since I was a child. He turned around and looked at Bi Changchun. Please help my mother, Elder Bi, please help Ziyi persuade my master!"

"Shut up! It's useless to persuade anyone to do this. I will never agree. Unless you kill the master now and step on the master's body and go out. The bamboo roared almost like a roar. Zi Yi had never seen him like this, so he immediately shut up obediently. From time to time, he looks very sad.


It's none of my business! Yue Qianchou immediately lowered his head and counted the grass, one, two, three or four. He didn't want to take this girl with him anymore. In order to protect **, with this girl around, a lot of things are inconvenient to do!

Bi Changchun understood the mood of Zhu at this time. The purpose of making purple clothes was to protect Yue Qianchou. However, it seems that even he underestimated the ability of Yue Qianchou. Now that Yue Qianchou is going to jump out of the world of Chinese cultivation, what he will face is the real masters of the world. If you want to fight against Yue Qianchou in the god period, it will never be protected by purple clothes. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to wear purple clothes. In case of any accident. I'm afraid that the relationship between myself and the bamboo will come to an end.

Bi Changchun turned around to face Yue Qianchou, stared for a long time, and suddenly said, "I will be alone in the future. Be careful!"

As soon as he said this, he completely cut off the hope of purple clothes and join in the fun. Ziyi completely wieled when she heard the words, and she knew that there was no hope. The bamboo was relieved. Looking at Bi Changchun's eyes as if to say, the old guy is your acquaintance!

However, it was this sentence that Yue Qianchou suddenly felt a sore nose and gritted his teeth. He replied stiffly, "I will follow the teacher's instructions!"

Bi Changchun looked at him with a smile, passed by a few people, and slowly paced to the lake, overlooking the sky and the earth. The wind blew his clothes fluttered, and he stared at him for a long time with his hands.

Several people looked at the thin back standing in the wind. No one disturbed him, and they didn't know what he was looking at or thinking, but they tasted a sense of loneliness from his back. It's the kind of loneliness that is invincible and can't find an opponent. It has been more than a thousand years."

"A lot of sorrow!" Bi Changchun turned his back to several people and suddenly said.

Yue Gan was stunned and didn't know what he was going to say. He quickly walked behind him and saluted, "Disciples are here!"

"Although you are full of confidence, it is an indisputable fact that your cultivation is shallow. There is no doubt about the mystery of the two secrets of water and fire, but with your current cultivation, you can't use too much power. In the face of many masters, it's really worrying. I have been practicing as a teacher for many years. I'm trying to summarize a little experience, which may be helpful to you. Would you like to learn? Bi Changchun said lightly, but it was no less than a thunder.

As soon as this word comes out, let alone a worry and Zhuo Yi. Even the bamboo's eyes lit up. I know how to deal with bamboo. This old man, Jingdi, has never passed on anything to anyone, but this old man's ability is questionable and wants to teach what he needs to teach. It must be extraordinary!

"Disciples are willing to learn!" Yue Qianchou hurriedly saluted. I thought, it's better to send the elixir! I finally took something out of your old man's hand.

Just now, he turned his face and pretended to be bamboo. He leaned over happily and said with a smile, "Lao Bi, what do you want to pass on! My vision is also unique. If something comes out, you might as well let me look at it. Maybe I can pick out some flaws for you.

Despicable and shameless! Yue Qianchou looked at him with very unfriendly eyes, quite like the meat in his mouth was about to be robbed.

The purple clothes beside him also stretched out his little tongue and licked his lips, with little stars in his eyes, the peerless magic power of Elder Bi!

As a bystander, I can see it clearly. That's quite contempt. Secretly scolding, it's really worthy of being two father and daughter, and their virtue is simply the same.

Bi Changchun ignored the bamboo and turned to Yue Qianchou and said, "I need to calm down for three days. You and the wooden lady will tidy up the island and come to me in three days."

"Disciples obey!" Yue Qianchou suppressed the excitement. Bow and salute. I got up again, and now Bi Changchun is gone. Looking at the big house in the middle of the island, I suddenly frowned and fantasized. What kind of peerless magic skills would be passed on to me? In a word, Caihua's treasure book. I disdain to learn, hey! Looking forward to it,

It was like a delusional and extremely obscene look, which made the two fathers and daughters on the side despised them very much. He slapped him on the back of the head. He sneered and said, "I haven't learned my skills yet. I'm just thinking about it here, virtue!"

Yue Qianchou staggered and turned back with a sarcastic look. Thinking about it, I was relieved. Shit! This handsome man must be jealous of me. I don't have the same knowledge as you. Then he shook his head and walked towards the plantation. As he walked, he said, "Hey! Even the master has to be closed for three days to summarize it. I really don't know if I can learn such a mysterious formula. It's too painful! I'm worried! It's so painful! Oh, my God!" F