The scum of the real world

Chapter 456 Only General Shi

Although the shield said it well, Shi Nvguang looked at the elixir in front of her, but her expression was so worried. She was a little desolate and reluctant to take it for a long time. He was not excited because he was going to give him a rare elixir, but instead. Yue Qianchou wanted to give him poison to control him. He had been in the military for decades, and he had seen many similar things.

Yue Qianchou saw it and sneered, "The general underestimates me too much. Do you really think that you are an indispensable figure of the General Zhu Kingdom? You can't do it without Yue Qianchou? If it weren't for Shi Xiaotian's face, why would I play a lot of money on your Shi family and directly lift Fuxian Island down the altar? Am I afraid that the Li Dynasty would not be attached to me at that time? Why should I do more?

"Uh-huh" Shi Wenguang was stunned by what he said, but he was awakened and suddenly woke up. Just imagine, if he can push Fuxian Island down from the position of the largest faction, he already has the qualification of the leader to cultivate the real world, so why do you need to ask yourself to support who you want to take office? That's not a word. But,"

"There is no need to hesitate. This elixir is indeed a real seven-tqiao exquisite elixir. Others begged me to give it to me. I won't give it to him yet. There was already a trace of impatience in Yue Qianchou's expression, and he said bluntly, "General, if you have anything to say, you can say it directly. Today we will open the skylight and speak frankly." Shi Wenguang gritted his teeth and grabbed the elixir in his hand, indicating his attitude. Whether it was poison or elixir, I would eat it. But he also said bluntly: "With all due respect, what you just did shows that you obviously want to firmly control my Shi family in your hands and not give me any chance to get out of your control. Do I have any doubts?" With that, he raised the elixir in his hand.

Yue Qianchou paused when he heard the words, and suddenly laughed and shook his head and said, "I admit that I want to control your Shi family, but it is a temporary control. It's not what you think at all. When what I want to do is completed, you will find that the small efforts of your Shi family will be incalculable

"Oh!" Shi Wenguang also regained the general's pride and asked, "Please speak out frankly, so that you can solve the doubts in my heart and make me feel at ease."

"Good! So that you can be prepared. Let me see how brave General Shi is. Yue Qianchou waved his hand and swept all the official documents, pens, pots and other things on the table to the ground. He took out a box and put it on the table. After opening the lid of the box, a box of smooth jade cake was exposed inside. Yue Qianchou pointed to him at what was in the box. The idea is to ask him to have a look.

Shi Wenguang doesn't know what he means. He picked up a piece of jade butterfly and looked at it over and over again. He didn't see anything famous and looked at him doubtfully. Yue Qianchou walked to him, put his palm on his shoulder, and said, "General closed his eyes, and his consciousness followed the feeling I passed on."

Shi Wenguang did feel an inexplicable thing coming from his hand. He immediately closed his eyes, and his consciousness was instantly pulled by the inexplicable thing. He flowed directly along his arm and entered the jade butterfly in his palm. Although his eyes are still closed. But I felt a light in front of my eyes, and a vast and detailed map was presented in front of me. Mountains, rivers, roads, castles, customs and customs everywhere. There is also the population and military defense of each city. All in front of you,

Shi Wenguang is a leader in the war. Naturally, he knows what these things mean. When he was immersed in it, the target he suddenly moved to a glorious palace icon. A few big words attracted his attention and said, "Ryuyun Kingdom Palace." Suddenly, he was shocked and his consciousness jumped out of the jade butterfly. He turned around and said, "Is this the full geographical map of Liuyun Kingdom?"

Yue Qianchou nodded and smiled, "The general is worthy of being a general who led the army. You can tell at a glance that I don't need to say more."

"Shh!" Shi Wenguang was shocked and said, "Such a detailed geographical map is incredible. I have never seen it in the army for decades. I don't know who made it?"

"Don't look at me with suspicion. I didn't do it. I took this thing from a foreign monk, but unfortunately I didn't find out the identity of the man. Presumably the general also saw that the person who made this box of maps may not want to do it," Yue Qianchou said. Naturally, he won't say that he got the box with his fortune.

"Are all the jade couplets in this box? Are all the maps of the countries here? Shi Wenguang was more and more shocked.

Yue Qianchou shook his head: "It's not complete either. There are still two countries left, of which China is not among them, and there is another country. I don't know which country is missing. There are too many, and my eyes are looking at flowers. But there is no doubt that this unfinded country is the owner of these pictures.

"Why are you so sure, sir? Wouldn't it be made by me in China?" Shi Wenguang couldn't understand.

"Do you really think these things can be done by the ability of a country?" Yue Qianchou sneered.

Shi Wenguang hesitated and said, "This" is indeed a little difficult. Not to mention how long it will take, it is impossible for other countries to let foreign countries investigate their own shape. What's more, even the deployment of troops has been marked in detail. It's very difficult

"So, only people in the world of cultivation have the ability to do this. Speaking of the world of cultivation. Why don't you let me know that I touched the smooth jade card in the box with one hand and said slowly, "Why is there no topographic map of China in it? The reason is very simple. The Chinese cultivation world has always claimed to be the authenticity of the world's cultivation world, and it looks down on the foreign cultivation world at all.

"The feeling of xenophobicism is very strong, and it has even reached the point of being complauted. I don't interfere with the outside world, and the strength of the outside world should not interfere with me, otherwise I will be polite. If foreign monks want to spend a lot of time drawing in China without being discovered, it is almost impossible. This should be the reason why there is no map of China. Of course. It is not ruled out that the map of China has not been drawn, or it has not been put in this box, but the probability is very high"

"Mr. Zhao said so, another country is seriously suspected." Shi Wenguang put the jade butterfly back in his hand into the box with a solemn face and said, "It seems that there are people who aspire to the whole world."

"Hey hey, the tail can't be retracted. Sooner or later, it will be found out." Yue Qianchou sneered.

"What's the difficulty in find out?" Shi Wenguang was surprised and said, "I have the full list of the names of the countries here. Just check and exclude them. According to the gentleman, the rest must be the country with major suspicions.

"Uh," Yue Qian was stunned and said, "Do you have it? Then give me a copy." He found that he was always thinking too complicated about problems, and he couldn't see what was close to him.

"Sir, wait a moment." Shi Wenguang turned around and went to the inner account. Before long, he took a cowhide roll in person and gave it to Yue Qianchou and said, "The names of 319 countries are all in it

Yue Qianchou took it over, opened it, looked at it, nodded, and threw all the boxes on the table into the storage bag. If you let him do this meticulous work, you will have a toothache. It's better to find a careful person to do it. Then he asked, "What do you think of the general after reading this?"

Shi Wenguang's pupils shrank slightly and said slowly, "I don't understand what you mean."

"If you don't understand, you can guess a little, right?" Yue Shichou turned his hand on his back and walked back and forth in front of him and said, "Before, my idea has been limited to the Chinese Empire since I saw this thing. It can be said that I opened the clouds and saw the blue sky, which made me suddenly enlightened. Since I wanted to play, I came to Shi Wenguang and asked, "Does the general have the courage to gallop the whole world with millions of troops?"

The big account was quiet again, and the roar of fighting outside suddenly made people's blood boil. After a long silence, Shi Wenguang shook his head and said, "Sir, you have praised me. How can I, general Zhoude, dare to indulge the whole world? It's hard to be in this position."

"The general has been in the army for half his life, and his reputation has been on the horse's back all his life. When it comes to the general, no one knows the whole Chinese Empire." Yue Qianchou followed the kindness and said, "If it can be a little bigger, it can be known to the whole people of the world. The general at that time. He will be the first general in the world throughout the ages, will be recorded in history forever, and will be regarded as a model by later generations of soldiers. This glory, I'm afraid that no one can surpass future generations

Shi Wenguang's lips were tight, his breathing gradually became heavy, and his cheeks were slightly red. Obviously, his emotions fluctuated greatly and he was forcibly suppressed.

Yue Qian smiled and said nothing. In his previous life, he knew that a general who did not like war and war achievements in his bones could never become a famous general. Between countries, war is the eternal topic that can stand the test. War is also a drama that will never end. Peace is always a half-time, and everything else is bullshit. A powerful country will always actively prepare for the war that will happen in Shi Xuan. The war belongs to the sharp generals, and those generals are also the most dazzling record in history. "Yue Qianchou believes that General Shi will be very interested.

"The world is so big that there are countless brave and good at fighting, not to mention that all countries have people stationed in the world of cultivation. Shi Wenguang dares to ask the soldiers all over the world. Shi Wenguang swallowed with difficulty and refused implicitly.

He had long heard that Yue Qianchou was a famous madman in the world of cultivation. He dared to do anything. How could he agree that this madman would do the whole world? Isn't that nonsense? War is not a joke!

"If I deal with the whole cultivation world and solve the worries for the general, does the general dare not?" Yue Qianchou said with a faint smile.

This guy is obviously taking the most attractive thing and constantly seducing others. Shi Wenguang smiled bitterly and said, "Why do you think that I have the ability to fight in the whole world?"

"Because there is an ancient and modern great man. I once wrote a poem to praise you, which is why I am full of confidence in you.

" Yue Qianchou solemnly said.

Shi Wenguang was stunned and asked, "Which great man wrote poems to praise me?" Why don't I know? What poem?"

"The great man can only look up in his heart, not in vain. As for that poem! I can read it to you." Yue Qianchou put his hand on the table and gently slapped his hand and said, "The mountain is high, the road is far and the pit is deep, and the army is running across. Who dares to cross the knife immediately? Only General Shi C