The scum of the real world

Chapter 470 The end of the feud

Erhu is the kung fu of the front and back of the feet, and a group of worries has just been flashed. If the enemy is on the enemy's side, the beaver will be injured, and it will be quickly checked around the air. The three old guys glanced in the air. Obviously, the fight was over before they arrived. The whole Chengxiang Mansion was burned to pieces, and the mist had not yet dissipated, covering the sky of Chengxiang Mansion.

The sergeants in the mansion were still fighting the fire. On the street in front of the main gate outside the mansion, a piece of corpse fell, and the blood flowed into a river, which was a little shocking.

The three old men looked at each other in consterence, and there was a monk who attacked mortals? However, when I think about it, I understand that he is not an ordinary person. As soon as his guards take action, the people who come to find trouble will naturally not show mercy.

The old man's eyes finally fell on the two corpses in the mansion and dodged down together. He saw the two people lying on the ground pierced through the dense sword eyes, and the expression on his face was still dead.

"It was injured by the flying sword. With so many sword eyes, it was obviously besieged by a group of people. Now it's troublesome. There are so many speculative monks in Dayang City. We don't know that we are afraid that Yin Baikang will ask me to plead guilty. One man said with a bitter face.

All three of them are monks at the end of the disaster. They are named Mi Rushan, Mi Ruhai, and Mi Ruquan. They are three brothers under the door of Huo Zongming, a master of the Dayang Guohua God Period. The duty of the three is to guard the imperial palace of the Great Central Kingdom, maintain the stability of the imperial power, and facilitate Huo Zongming to control the whole Great Central Kingdom.

The one who just spoke was the old three of the three brothers. According to it, such a thing is none of their business, but it is about Yin Baikang, the master at the end of Huashen. If you can't come up with a good explanation. It's hard to be afraid. "No trouble! Someone showed his identity and openly provoked Yin Baikang. Please can't find us. Mi Rushan raised his finger to the high wall, and the two followed. A black flag was inserted on the wall and brushed slightly under the night wind.

Mi Ruhai raised his hand and took the small black flag on the wall into his hand and gently unfolded it. The three of them looked at it, embroidered with the two golden words "hero". With a confused look on his face, Mi Ruhai asked, "Hero? Which of you has heard of it? The other two shook their heads slightly, saying that they had never heard of it.

Mi Rushan looked around and said, "No matter who he is, just take him. What's more, no Yin Wufeng's body was found here. Maybe he was just captured. We just need to report the matter to the master. Let Yin Baikang investigate the rest by himself. It's none of our business. Let's go!"

The three of them quickly skimmed into the air without any more trouble. After a while, a large number of city guards arrived"

Utopia, in a cave in a remote valley, all the people caught were thrown here. Yue Qianchou pointed to Lu Wanqian in a coma. A masked team member lifted him up and followed Yue Qianchou out of the cave.

At the beginning of the rising sun, the leaping sorrow on the top of the mountain returned to its original appearance. He opened his arms to meet the warm sunshine, stretched out, and said without looking back, "Wake him up."

The masked team member pulled up Lu Wanqian on the ground and woke him up with a palm. When Lu Wanqian woke up, he found himself standing on the top of a mountain. A masked man in black was loosening himself. A few meters away, there was an un masked man in black with his back to him.

"Who are you? I have no grudge against you. Why did you arrest me? This was the first sentence Lu Wanqian said, and he found that his Dantian was still sealed. If you don't untie it, you won't have a chance to escape.

"How can there be no resentment? Lu Wanqian, you have a bad memory! I'm really happy to see you again. Yue Qianchou still turned his back to him, looked at the thriving utopian in the distance, and said lightly.

"Do you know me? Who the hell are you? Lu Wanqian was surprised, and he also felt that the other party's voice was a little familiar. But I can't remember who the other party is.

Yue Qianchou slowly turned around, looked at Lu Wanqian's gradually wide mouth, and said with a faint smile, "The Elder Lu Wanqianlu of Qingguang Sect, we haven't seen each other for a long time. We have been looking for you everywhere, hey! It's really difficult to see you, which makes me travel all the way abroad to find you.

"A lot of sorrows?" Lu Wanqian said in astonishment. He couldn't believe that he would see this guy in the big country.

"What? Finally remembered?" Yue Qianchou showed the smile of an old friend.

Lu Wanqian was stunned for a long time, and suddenly asked with tears and laughter, "In order to find me, you actually came to Dayang to catch me?" You... I almost forgot the feud between you and me, but I didn't expect you to forget it.

The hidden meaning in his words is nothing more than saying that I've been hiding so far away, and you can still find me. It's really not easy!

"Ouch! I also found you by accident. Yue Qianchou also felt a little funny and sighed, "At this point, let's talk about it! Why did you come to Dayang?

"What else is there to say? If it falls into your hand, can you let me go?" Lu Wanqian smiled bitterly and said that it didn't matter.

"Let's talk about it! After all, your and my affairs have been going on for so long. Tell me, maybe I'm happy and I'll let you go. Yue Qian said with a sad smile.

Lu Wanqian looked relaxed and did not have the fear of being caught at all. Obviously, he knew Yue Qian's sorrow deeply and did not expect him to let him go. But after a little meditation. I still told the story of why I came to the Dayang country. Maybe there is a trace of survival in my heart

It turned out that after the Qingguang Sect was destroyed, Lu Wanqian, who was in the Baihua Valley Cultivation Alliance, sneaked away with the remaining Qingguang Sect disciples overnight. There is no other reason. It is true that Qingguangzong was too arrogant before. Not to mention fighting with the Blood Demon Palace of the Magic Road, he also destroyed several small schools of the Demon Road, which has offended the whole Magic Road.

There is no Qingguangzong to rely on, and at that time, the two demons were not united as they are now. Lu Wanqian knew that the people of the devil would not let go of the remnants of the Qingguang Sect. In order to save their lives, he took the remaining disciples of the Qingguang Sect to hide all the way to the west, and then came to the Dayang Kingdom. Then after some twists and turns, in order to gain a foothold, he defected to the mansion of the prime minister of the Great Central Kingdom as a guard. This is what happened.

After listening to it. He nodded and said, "You are still a little self-asonable. Those who know the devil will not let you go." Lu Wanqian looked at the masked man in black beside him and asked, "I want to know one thing. Did you send the people who destroyed the Qingguang Sect?"

"No!" Yue Qianchou directly denied it. Seeing that he still didn't believe it, he smiled faintly and said, "It's now, and I don't have to lie to you. The hero is indeed my person, but the hero who sweeps down the Qingguang Sect is not my hero. It is someone who uses the name of the hero to be his own dirty business, and he gets the benefits and pours dirty water on Yingya's head. This matter is no longer a secret in the Chinese cultivation world. You may not know that it is the good thing done by the Yan family and his son supported by the cultivation world in your countries.

"Yan family father and son!" A trace of resentment flashed on Lu Wanqian's face, and then he shook his head and smiled bitterly. Even if he knew who the enemy was, so what? I don't have the ability to take revenge at all.

"What is the background of the great central country? How can you let so many monks protect him as a mortal? Yue Qianchou asked.

"Hey hey! I'm so sad that you're in big trouble this time. The background of this appearance scares you when you say it. Lu Wanqian said word by word, "His name is Yin Wufeng, and he is the grandson of a master at the end of Huashen. Can't you think of it? Humph! The Chinese cultivation world is complakoly, thinking that it is already a top master at the end of the disaster. How can you know how big the outside world is?

However, Yue Qianchou's expression disappointed him a little. He was not scared by his words, but said faintly, "Oh" and said, "It turned out to be the grandson of the end of the god. No wonder."

Lu Wanqian said strangely, "It's not strange to see you at all. Do you also know the existence of the Huashen period?"

Yue Qianchou answered the question and asked, "Have you ever heard that there is a master in the world?"

Lu Wanqian's eyes flashed and said, "Are you talking about the legendary Bi Changchun? I just happened to hear about the existence of such a number one person.

Yue Qianchou nodded and said, "Yes, he is my master. Do you think it's necessary for me to be afraid of the end of the god you mentioned?"

"by" Lu Wanqian opened his big mouth and was stunned for a long time, so shocked that he was speechless.

"I'm new here, and I don't know anything about the foreign world of cultivation. Tell me everything you know! And the final master you mentioned, I'm also interested in him. Yue Qian said with a sad smile. The two of them are already a knife, a fish, and a matter of the obvious, they simply have something to say.

Lu Wanqian looked at him with a complicated expression. After silence, he untied the storage bag on his waist and threw it to him. He said, "My Dantian is sealed and I can't get anything. There is a separate storage of Wang Xiaodie in it. After I came here, I wrote down everything I saw and heard on it. I thought that when I had a chance to go back to China one day, I would tell everything here to the Chinese cultivation world. Now it seems that there is no chance. Take it! There is something in it that you want to know.

Yue Qianchou's consciousness was injected into the storage bag, and he soon found the jade butterfly. After a glance, he found that there was indeed a large amount of information in it, which was estimated to be his accumulation over the years. After the things were put away, Yue Qianchou took out the human skin mask, put it on his face again, and then changed into the brocade robe. In a blink of an eye, he turned into the handsome man in the wind.

Lu Wanqian pointed to him in surprise and said, "It's you! It was you who nodded to me on the street that day.

"That's good!" Yue Qianshou smiled and said, "For the sake of your frankness, tell me what other last wishes you have! If it's convenient, I'll help you finish it.

Lu Wanqian's face turned pale, and he still won't let himself go after all. After a moment of hesitation, he gritted his teeth and said, "I have worshipped Qingguang Sect since I was a child. There is nothing to repay for the great kindness of Qingguangzong. If you really have any last wishes, I hope you can help me kill the father and son of the Yan family and avenge the destruction of the Qingguang Sect. There is nothing else to ask for!" After saying that, he slowly closed his eyes with a bleak face, and two drops of old tears fell down, ready to die.

Yue Qianchou murmured, "It's a little difficult, but it's still the same sentence. If it's convenient, I'll help you complete it. Just go with peace of mind!" Then he waved his big sleeve, and a violent green flame swept Lu Wanqian, without even a sound. In an instant, it turned into flying ash and drifted away with the wind, which also gave him a pleasure. The feud between the two has come to an end since then. "D