The scum of the real world

Chapter 521 Promotion to Sendai

What's strange is that not only the colorful puzzle of the talent, but also the blue velvet of the blue velvet.

It's not right! Yue Shi was worried and thought about it with his chin. It is said that this foggy forest is shrouded in colorful fog all year round. If there is such a big vacancy in the sky, it is impossible for the monks flying on it to see their mouths

"Spray!" Yue Shi's eyes fell on the altar. There seems to be something there.

What the hem! The dangerous team immediately flashed to see the people! Yue Qianchou tied up the night and flew leisurely. At the moment, the police were timid all around him. As a result, he fell on the altar smoothly.

Mu Feixi and Black Fire turned around first, and it was still so quiet. Standing in the middle of the altar, there are tall black mountains around, solemn, solemn and magnificent, and I feel that I am so small

The black mountains of the blue silk-like sky make the three pure-grain colors of her face strong and contrast. Under this fine shape of the clock, the sky is shaped, so that talents can't help but yearn for the blue sky, as if the sky is their destination.

"Who is full to do this?" With a sad whistle, he faded the whole sacrifice and looked at his mouth

The altar, which is dozens of meters high, is accumulated in four-step layers. At the top of the foot of the scene, I'm afraid that only a hundred square meters of four corners are standing four meters high and full of runes. Each column is facing the center of the altar, and there are only three Guyukou

Yue Qianchou came out faintly in the past, and I don't know if it's right. It seems to be called Ao "Scension to Sendai".

"Scension to Sendai? Is it a place to become an immortal? Yue Shilian pinched his chin with one hand and stroked it with his white eyes. The other hand was damaged on the colored column. Suiye sprayed and said, "Good boy! Such a large area of her party is actually made of moon gold. Damn it, it's too talented! Damn it!'s it! Trick the ghost! The ring of immortals, Fang Yue Huang Ling? Are immortals so vulgar? It is a place of sacrifice for a certain ethnic group in ancient times.

Holding a large piece of gold, I kept getting it, and now it's of little use to me.

The curved pole stands on the pillar with a chain hand, the drooping tail is hanging with a long arm, and the golden horn mouth full of runes is on the top of his head

"What the hell? It's okay to be beaten. "It's only flexible." Yue Qianchou reached out and grabbed the horn, pulled it down, and found that the curved pole was quite elastic. As soon as you pull it, you will bend down, and your hands will bounce back to your mouth

Look around, it is estimated that the moving thing is the only thing that makes the other side hard.

Strange things! Where did the sound you began to hear come from? Didn't it spread from here, somewhere else? When Yue Qianchou was slandering the flag, the horn above his head suddenly made three long and deafening sounds.

Yue Shichou covered his ears with a cracked mouth and quickly flashed to one side. "It's noisy," a lot of black flying ash emerged in an instant. His face was pulled straight, but his eyes stared at the shaking horn in surprise"

After staring at it for a long time, I found that the golden horn was still in the swaying of the stalk, and there was only a muddy breath in the air that was quietly rippled and growing

This thing can actually ring by itself. Is it a magic weapon? Or what was the ban on Jue when he was arched by his own hand? No, this is what Shi Shou heard on the periphery. No one should have touched it at that time." Thinking of this, Yue Qian Pung subconsciously looked around again. Except for himself, there was indeed no ghosts or fairies or small animals.

You don't believe in evil! Yue Shichou went over again, and behind him, he put the horned orange in his hand again. Zuo Henggu didn't see anything famous. A black light flashed behind him, and there was a soft sound of "only", and the full-color horn was held in his cup

Raise it up and squint one eye at the mouth of the horn. At a glance, there is really nothing special. It's not as good as the north of the telescope. The only special thing is that it can take a long time to get the mouth of pure gold

There are no bacteria! Yue Qian was worried and pulled up his clothes. "Wrap around the mouth and wipe it. Sui Ye pulled the posture and blew it hard in his mouth, but none of the screen blew out. The character of this gang has always been Youhang-type. When I heard the noise just now, why did I blow that I didn't want my mouth to run, and I stopped blowing at the words.

Yue Qian Han held the horn and looked solemn. This thing is obviously not for mortals. With the human power of mortals, it is impossible to blow the mouth at all, but for the monk's moon"

Around the ring, it is only now found that the whole basin should come from the middle of a high mountain, and then it is paved with ten thousand square meters of yellow. This can't be done by the human and financial resources of the tube at all. Was it built by ancient monks?

It's just to change her colorful fog. With such a huge ginger nature, it is impossible for mortals to come in at all

I can't find the answer to a series of questions, and I guess no one can

Suddenly, a faint thunder came from the original bright sky"

Yue Qianshou suddenly looked up and saw that the blue velvet-like sky gradually stirred the mouth of the dark clouds. First, the dark cloud as big as a fist was turning the mouth. As a result, it turned bigger and bigger to the whole sky above, and the inside of the basin suddenly became dark. The thunder is getting louder and louder, buzzing everywhere

Boom "bang!" A mist flashed in the dark clouds, and the cunning and ferocious lightning crackled. It lit up, and the whole basin was light and dark, and it was in vain.

There was such a big movement in her basin. However, monks from various countries outside the fog forest did not find any movement in the sky, and they were planning how to deal with the breakthrough of love at night. Although I don't know whether what Yue Qianchou said is true or not, Dazong would rather believe that it is true to be prepared!

I don't know that Zuo Yan's ancient hope, which is losing its color, is like a boat in the stormy waves. This scene is sold to make some talents frighten their eyes! I don't know what's going on. In short, he is ready to do anything at any time.

However, what is surprising is that the wind is very embarrassed, and the light of the blue-edged emperor appears in the basin and reappears in the basin. The dark clouds of blue velvet compressing the lightning and thunder, compressing it into a black hole, and the lightning in the black hole is as fast as thousands of wandering signs"

Yue Qianchou's ears have always been buzzing thunder, hanging head shaping a big mouth in the sky, and it seems that he is just a nephew. He doesn't know what's going on in the sky. It's thundering and not raining.

At this moment, the black hole of lightning and thunder gradually rotated as if to spit something out to cover the whole sky. The gathered fog began to get involved in the darkness"

Suddenly, Zhao's dazzling white light flashed in the black. I saw a figure flashing in the white light. Qianchou didn't react and suddenly appeared one more person in front of him. He was shocked on the spot. All the criticisms were in front of him

I saw a middle-aged man in his robe staring at his robe indifferently, which was very sarcastically with the environment at the scene. He asked, "Did you blow the horn of Shengxian?"

Yue Shichou didn't reply to his words, but shouted, "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man was obviously stunned and looked at the horn in his hand, then looked at the broken chain over there, and said indifferently: (How dare you cut down the immortal number

. Damn it, who the hell are you? Otherwise, don't blame me for begging and shouting. He was really a little nervous, which made the appearance of the robed man's appearance too awesome. He had never seen such a cool appearance, and he actually hooked the cloud kiln cloth with lightning and thunder.

. You don't know that I'm Ya?" The man in the robe looked at him and said blamously, "I can't see through your cultivation." The expression on his face slowed down, arched his hand with a faint smile and replied, "It's the fairy world. When I heard the call of the fairy name, the special amine led the honor to the fairy world."

Fairyland? What are you talking about? Can you tell me again?" Yue Qianchou was stunned and said.

The man in golden robe was made inexplicable by him. He replied with a smile again, "I am the guide of the fairy world. Hearing the call of the Immortal, I came to pick up the driver to the fairyland

When the horn in his hand was on the top of the horn in his hand, he stammered and said, "(You mean that you are a kind of immortal in the fairyland?" I couldn't help looking up at the black tears that were still spinning with lightning in the sky

For mortals, it can be called like this." The golden-robed man smiled politely. A monk like Zun Kai, who has not ascended to the fairyland and can achieve such cultivation, is a rare master in the ages. After being honored into the fairyland, you must be able to directly enter the level of the immortal. The little fairy should not be called the immortal mouth"

Although Yue Qianchou is not a good person, his psychological quality is definitely super first-class. He gradually let go of himself. He looked around at his feet and said, "I'm a sucker. This ghost is really a fairy!"

Fei Xiwei rushed back into the storage bag. He now believes that this guy is really a fairy. He can't help but believe that the vision in the air is extraordinary! Since the other party has regarded himself as a high-level person, then he will act as a high-level person first, squeeze the mouth phoenix, and then say it. If it doesn't work, hurry up. Bai Ran, Sheng Sendai is naturally her kiss of Shengxian." Ling robe said politely

Although Yue Qianchou was still a little sudden in his heart, he looked at the soft and hard-hearted ear of the other party's song. Even if he was an immortal, he turned his hand behind his back and asked: Do you often come here to attract people to immortals?

No talent.

" The man in the robe arched his hand and said:. In the seventy-two worlds, this world has been lightly stopped without bullying years and no talent has soared to the fairyland. Respect driving is the first in countless years. At the same time, there are so many cars in the 72nd worlds, and a soaring person's mouth with high cultivation (He Wan continues, if you want to know what will happen