The scum of the real world

Chapter 539 Elegance is bullshit

, his four brothers are so uneasy. Up to now, avoiding the strong and weakening is one of the rules of saving lives. This Niu Youde is obviously unfathomable. They can't figure out why he is so obsessed. Is it worth taking such a big risk?

"Is justice in the hearts of the people?" Yue Qianchou's ten fingers kept beating on the strings, and sneered and said, "If justice is really comfortable in the hearts of the people, what is the secular world and the world of cultivation?" Everyone is fair, and everyone doesn't have to fight and kill desperately. If people don't kill the heavens and the earth for themselves, these eight words are the most suitable to be used in the world of cultivation.

A few words made the wilderness of the bonfire fall into silence. Only Qinyin wandered alone. Everyone was reflecting on the past he had experienced in the world of cultivation. It was true that people did not kill the heaven and the earth for themselves. Many people sighed slightly, and the liquor poured into their throats,"

"Your idea is too one-sided and extreme. For example, this old man, Fang Mingda righteously waved his finger to the one-armed old man in the mountain pavilion and said impassionedly, "Beside from being profound in cultivation, I have been silently maintaining the ghost village for countless years, and not letting the ghost village become a Can you say that this elder's behavior is also destroyed by people who don't kill themselves?

The flattery is good. I hope they can save your life at that time! Yue Qianqi glanced at him disdainfully and ignored him. He was infinitely stunned by the tune made by hitting the strings of the piano with ten fingers. He looked around and said with a faint smile, "There is wine today and drunk today. When we meet in the future, we will be passers-by. Niu Youde offers a song to relieve the

As soon as the sound fell, the ten fingers suddenly played crazily on the strings, making a messy noise, which made everyone's teeth numb.

Everyone looked at him with cracked teeth. It was warm just now. Why is it disgusting here in a blink of an eye? Dai frowned under the green veil, and Fang Ming was happy. It turned out to be pretentiousness"

Just when everyone's mood was messed up, the noise of piercing people's eardrums stopped abruptly. Everyone's mind was slow, and when they were breathing a sigh of relief, the intertwined beautiful melody slowly injected into everyone's hearts. It seemed that when the hot summer was unbearable, a dose of coolness suddenly wrapped himself, which made people breathe out. At the same time, it was so comfortable that people couldn't help but want to moan. It was so cool!

When the sound of the piano opened everyone's hearts bit by bit, he listened to the tune of Yue Qianchou and the tide **, and said in a bleak tone, "The world is full of our generation, and as soon as I enter the world, it is urged by the years. In thousands of years of practice, talking and laughing, you can't beat a drunken life!"

The night wind is slightly cool, the bonfire is shaking, and the sound of firewood is crackling, and it is difficult to pull everyone back from the trance. A few short words made everyone step into the ups and downs of the world of cultivation in an instant with the tune.

The past is vivid in my mind, which makes the scattered cultivation a little unbearable to look back. Pride and disapsation appear in front of me one by one, and how many blood and tears are mixed in it. How much did you give up, how much did you get, how much did you give up or get more? I don't know how long this dream will last? I don't know whether the painstaking pursuit over the years is worth it or not. Invincible life is a drunkenness." After many people casually said it, they all shook their heads and gasped with a wry smile. How can they relieve their worries? Only mellow spirits! Sitting around the bonfire, with the prelude of the piano music, the wine altar rose and fell, and the clear wine went straight into the throat.

For a while, the fragrance of wine floated everywhere, making this confused night full of bonfires clear but impenetrable, which is worth forever to be missed. Invincible life is a drunk. Everyone asks themselves that they can't be so free and easy. Now they should be drunk and rest,

Fu Chun and Qin Jiaxing opened their mouths and looked at Yue Qianchou, as if they didn't know each other. Is this still the boss before? They followed Yue Qianchou for a period of time. The boss was cruel when he did things, and he often killed him in pain. Moreover, dirty words such as Laozi and scolding mother are often talked about. It is really hard to imagine that he can say such connotations. And look at his turbid and self-awakening elegance now, and the free and easy romantic playing, it's quite scary!

Are we hallucinating? Fu Chun and Qin Jiaxing looked at each other, and their faces were full of disbelief.

The six women of Yanlan on the side, that's really a little star full of eyes, colorful! They all bent their knees on a chin and stared at him with blurred eyes. "This man really makes women intoxicated!

Although the eyes under the green yarn were originally flowing, they have always been calm. However, now there are also amazing ripples, like a pool of stagnant water, thrown into a small stone, which makes people's hearts difficult to calm down.

Fang Ming suddenly woke up and stared at Yue Qianchou with a changeable expression. Yue Qianchou tuned Suqin and inadvertently handed him a look of contempt. Yes, Yue Qianchou is indeed contemptuous of him"

How can you pretend to be elegant in front of me? Fengya is bullshit. It's all played by people who have enough to eat and have nothing to do. Has anyone ever seen people who can't even eat enough to pretend to be elegant? Fengya, this son of a bitch, I can toss around as much as I want. I haven't played it for a long time

You don't know what an elegant ancestor is. Have you ever played the piano and sang? This is called talent!

The previous play of the piano randomly, Yue Qianchou also did it intentionally, not casually. Because everyone has listened to a few songs before, it's like eating too much delicious food, and then there is another delicious food. If you want to taste the pure taste of this taste, you need a cup of white water to wash away the other remnants on the taste buds, so that you won't have a mixed taste.

The violent bomb of Yue Qianchou was a cup of tasteless white water, which washed away the endless aftertaste in everyone's mind. After doing so, he began to pretend proudly. He took this romantic night that belonged to Fang Ming into his own hands.

While everyone was still panting and jumping, they heard Yue Qianchou and the sonorous sound of the piano: "The imperial sword crosses the world, and the white bones fly like mountain birds. The world is like a tide, and people are like water. I only sigh that a few people in the world will come back!" The ending was added with a little curling sigh, which was a little sad to say goodbye.

"The world is like a tide like water, and I only sigh that a few people in the world go back to the world to practice over and over again." Recall that when we entered the real world at the beginning of the year, everyone is still simple. Who has few friends, but who can survive? Even if you are still alive, who can maintain that simplicity? I cheat to save my life and forget peace,

"I only sighed that a few people in the world came back. Suddenly, someone stood up, threw the wine jar in his hand into the distance, and roared loudly under the night sky." Cultivation world, you son of a bitch!" The man gradually rolled his eyes, and the two tears of the big man slid to the whiskers on his cheeks, shining under the bonfire.

This person is no one else, but Amano, a monk in the middle of Yuanying. Maybe he remembered his relatives and friends who no longer exist. The two people next to him, with red eyes and silence, only knew how to pour the wine into his mouth fiercely.

Next to the mountain pavilion, under the incandescent lantern, in the green gauze curtain, the red lips moved slightly, making an inaudible voice and muttered: "The imperial sword crosses the world, and the white bones fly like mountain birds. The world is like a tide like water. I only sigh that a few people in the world seem to be the first time this mysterious woman has spoken. Her voice is round, like silver beads falling on the plate. It's crisp and pleasant to listen to people, but it's a pity that they can't hear it because of the cultivation of the people below.

Only the old man behind her heard it. The one-armed old man slowly turned his head and looked at Yue Qianchou. His calm eyes were a little gloomy, as if he had opened the night and saw the distant past"

"Haha," a burst of wild and free laughter suddenly sounded under the night sky, and the pile of bonfires suddenly flashed. Everyone suddenly woke up and looked at it. It was Yue Qianchou who was looking up to the sky and laughing. The sound of the piano also followed, and the ten fingers were as brilliant as a blooming lotus, swinging freely on the strings.

The free and easy sound of the piano seems to be telling everyone. Since the past is unbearable to look back, why don't you look away and pass by with a smile?" The sound of the piano stirred in vain, and everyone's mood followed the ups and downs. Suddenly, they heard a thousand sorrow and sang loudly: "L In heaven, there are many tides in the world, and whoever loses wins will be known by heaven. The country laughs, the misty rain is far away, and the waves have washed away the world. How much do you know? Qingfeng smiled, which actually made me lonely, and there was still a night photo left. La la la la, la la la", haha

The song is stirring in the wilderness, although the night, the moon is bright and the stars are thin. But everyone's mood was brought into the other world in an instant. Under the Langlang universe, he smiled alone to see the ups and downs of the sea, smiled at the vicissitudes of the world like floating clouds, and the struggle for fame and profit was like passing clouds. How many people in the world of cultivation live a trembling and panic all day long? They let the country, the misty rain and the red dust laugh. How can they look at the sunset with a wisp of breeze and be free and easy!

The ten fingers of a thousand sorrow, the indulgent singing, and the rampant and heroic laughter made the six women of Yanlan dazzled and couldn't help but be in a trance. Fu Chun and the Qin family were tongue-tied, and they really suspected that the boss was possessed by something unclean.

In the backing pavilion, the cold eyes of the one-armed old man are gradually melting. Next to the pavilion, the green yarn of the cage automatically rose without wind. The eyes inside stared at the wanton and indulgent Yue Qianchou. The red lips with soft curves started slightly and muttered to themselves, "The country laughs, the misty rain is far away, is this the song made by Yue Qianchou?"

"The world is laughing, no longer lonely, and the pride is still laughing and laughing." Yue Qianchou sang and sang that he was also unable to help himself. Gradually entered the state, which seemed to be crazy and indulgent singing. That wildness was really exciting.

Not to mention other people, one by one, they swayed their upper body with the tunes, and the flying sword was jingled again. With the sound of the piano, he followed Yue Qianchou and sang loudly: "The sea of laughter, the tides on both sides of the river, the ups and downs follow the

This song is both heroic and catchy. It is suitable for these men to vent. After being sung several times, they sang one by one. Under the night sky, next to the bonfire, the smell of wine mixed with the song of the waves floated in the four fields. The masked woman next to the mountain pavilion raised the hole flute and gently placed it on her lips"C