The scum of the real world

Chapter 545 Hibiscus Sword

Pingan Laozu stared at him with great disgust. This guy's nephew Du, who moves his feet in the New Year, hates it. However, when he made a mistake, it was not easy to argue with him. He turned his head and said, "Bi Changchun, try again!"

Bi Changchun turned around and said indifferently, "Thank you for your kindness. It's really no longer. I can't break your rules, otherwise I will go to the Eastern Holy Land, and you will be in trouble."

"No way!" He rushed to the two of them, patted his chest and said, "Let's not talk about it. Who knows that Nanming has broken the rules?" "Dangzhu, don't say it again. Rules are rules. If it is broken, there will be a second time if it is broken. The rules of Xuanxuan Island cannot be destroyed on my head. I can't afford to owe this favor. Bi Changchun said.

"What kind of rules are you doing?" Nong Zhu roared at the ancestors of the Southern Ming Dynasty, which was a little unreasonable.

"I" Nanming was really speechless. He understood that making bamboo was anxious for Bi Changchun, so he was unscrupulous.

"Take bamboo, don't embarrass Nanming." Bi Changchun frowned.

He stared angrily at Nanming's ancestor, the latter, and smiled helplessly. He arched his hand to Bi Changchun and said, "Bi Changchun, I'm really sorry. I'll leave first." He feels a little shameless to stay any longer.

Bi Changchun smiled faintly and knew that he was uncomfortable to stay. He rarely raised his hand to thank him and said, "I'm sorry, I won't send it!"

"I dare not!" Nan Ming shook his head repeatedly in shame, and then after a while, his red dragon flapped its wings from the distance. A virtual shadow fell on the back of the flying dragon. Nanming, who stepped on the flying dragon, was about to leave. Suddenly, he raised his hand and patted his forehead, as if he remembered something.

"Bi Changchun, the treasure gathering will be held soon, and you may be able to buy the materials you need.

If the materials are complete, you can ask the bamboo to take this to me, and I will definitely come to Nanming immediately to throw a black shadow.

Get the bamboo and catch it casually. At first glance, it turned out to be the dark tusks that were taken down from the gate of the underworld that he had invited him. Bi Changchun was stunned and said, "How can this work? I have another one here. You can't break your rules

Nan Ming waved his hand and smiled and said, "My rule is that I can't return other people's things. Bi Changchun, don't let me leave Shuntian Island with guilt again

I still accept his kindness! Bi Changchun was not a wordy person. He raised his hand to thank him for the second time. No delivery!"

"Congratulations to the senior Nanming!" The purple clothes on the other side saluted with Hibiscus, and the wooden lady was a few steps behind.

"Fue". Nanming's return gift. He waved casually to the three women. The flying dragon under his feet made a dragon chant, and then flapped his wings and went away quickly. It turned into a black spot and disappeared, "

He took the things in his hand and said with satisfaction, "This old boy's acquaintance." He threw it into his storage bag, and then shook the mixed golden swordsman in his hand: "It's useless to give it to you anyway. Why don't you put it here for the time being? I'll take good care of it for you

I just finished speaking. A strong force dragged the sword away from his own hand. The treasure floated in front of Bi Changchun, and Bi Changchun was pointing two fingers at the dragon flying and phoenix dancing on the sword.

When the bamboo net reached his head and saw that the word "Hibiscus" was engraved on the sword, he saw Bi Changchun's big sleeve waving, and the mixed golden sword flew out, floating straight in front of Hibiscus, who was about to turn around. There is a faint light of mixed gold.

The three women looked at each other and looked at the two seniors by the lake. I don't know what it means. On the contrary, the purple clothes suddenly said, "Hmm. He said, "There are words on it, Hibiscus, ah! Hibiscus, your name is written on it. Roar"

Ziyi immediately reacted and understood that it was the spiritual treasure given to Furong by Elder Bi. The bright red tongue licked his lips, pushed Hibiscus with envious face and said, "Thank you, Elder Bi. There is Elder Bi's hand-hand engraving on it. It's for you."

Mu Niangzi is also full of envy on her face, and she is in charge of the spiritual treasure that the adults engrave with their own hands!

"Ah! Is it for me? Furong was suddenly at a loss. She looked at Bi Changchun weakly, but saw Bi Changchun signaling to her not far away.

"Thank you, Master!" Furong quickly knelt down and kowtowed. After staying here for a while, she had already called Master Bi Changchun under the instructions of making bamboo and the acquiescence of Bi Changchun.

Furong is a little confused and doesn't know what it means. She just thinks that she should follow Yue Qianchou and call Master Bi Changchun.

In his heart, he secretly sighed that the girl's life was good and he followed a good man. Although the boy was not a good person, he really had nothing to say to the girl, otherwise he would not have sent her to Shuntian Island

The result was good. This girl didn't know what virtue she had accumulated in her previous life, and she actually followed Bi Changchun's eyes. Bi Changchun, who has always been cold, suddenly asked Nong Zhu one day: "Yue Qianchou is my disciple, and Furong is my disciple's daughter-in-law. According to reason, should this girl also follow Yue Qianchou to call me a master? It seems that it's not appropriate to call the senior, right?

At that time, the bamboo was completely dumbfounded as if it had been struck by lightning. After waking up, he kept picking his ears with his fingers, thinking that he had heard it wrong. He quickly asked, "Lao Bi, what are you talking about? Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly

"Humph!" Bi

The ancestor of Nanming, who was still present at that time, shook his head and said, "That girl Furong is so lucky."

"Nan Ming, what did Lao Bi just say?" Nong Zhu still couldn't believe it, and he pulled Nanming's ancestor to ask again. After Nanming Laozu repeated Bi Changchun's words, he stayed there again.

How many years have you known Bi Changchun? This old man is hard-hearted and doesn't serve anyone. Only others ask for his share. I have never asked for anyone or anything.

When did you see him say something like this?

Although it is a casual sentence, the meaning of the sentence is obvious. He wanted Furong to follow Yue Qianchou and call him a master. But his arrogant nature naturally can't take the initiative to change Furong's words. Let's listen to the bamboo. If you are not stupid, you will understand what to do.

However, he asked him to say again how Xiao Bi Changchun could say it again. Naturally, he turned his sleeves with a bad face.

"Bang!" When he woke up, he slapped his big mouth on the spot.

The ancestor of Nanming beside him laughed and said, "Bump, smoke fiercely, and continue to smoke another one." It was the word of coconut pleasure, but who knew that the bamboo really pulled another one fiercely, which stunned the ancestor of Nanming.

When did this guy become so obedient? Nan Ming's ancestor stretched out his head curiously and said suspiciously, "Show me another one."

"Fuck you!" He kicked him to the ground with a foot, turned around and left. It made Nanming's ancestor jump up and curse inexplicably, crazy!

After a while, he pulled the frightened Hibiscus back. After finding Bi Changchun, he pointed to Hibiscus and said, "Kneel down. From today on, you will follow Yue Qianchou to call him master.

Bi Changchun was full of fire on his face. He wanted to play with bamboo. With his own land in the real world of cultivation, do he still need to force someone to call himself a master? Only as soon as he opened his mouth, he begged his people to ensure that they could not see the end.

What did you think it was? So this is it. Furong was stunned and thought that it was right to call this master with Yue Qianchou. It was right. She immediately knelt down and shouted weakly, "Master."

Bi Changchun, who was full of anger, was called by this "Dian Fu". Whether he was angry or angry, he disappeared. After a long time, he raised his hand and said: Get up!"

From then on, Hibiscus changed her name to Master Bi Changchun.

I still can't figure it out. This girl looks like an idiot, and she has the courage to have her own daughter, and she is not as beautiful as her own daughter! I recommended my daughter Ziyi to Mr. Bi as a disciple several times, but the old man didn't like it, which made me angry!

Asked about Hibiscus's origin, she also explained it clearly. Originally, she was just the illegitimate daughter of an elder on Fuxian Island, and she was also an ugly monster who was bullied. Later, she still used "Ruyi Dan to help her recover her appearance.

Speaking of, Ruyi Dan. The bamboo was itchy with anger by Yue Qianchou again. Last time in Dayang City, the boy actually said that there was only one, and he was robbed by Zi Yi. He asked him to pay for it. After asking Zi Yi, I knew that in fact, the boy took the initiative to give it to him. He didn't grab it at all. His feelings were lying to him, and there was more than one. Good boy. Wait and see! Give it to me honestly and then let it be put aside for the time being, even if Hibiscus was born in Fuxian Island, the largest school in the Chinese cultivation world. But it's not as good as the island owner of the purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea. It's good to be the daughter of Mr. Zhu, a famous master of the Huashen period!

After thinking about it, I can only doubt that Hibiscus's life is good. What's more, it may be that Mr. Bi loves the house. For the face of that precious apprentice. Anyway, this "master" is very, very expensive! In the world of cultivation, it is comparable to any magic weapon.

As long as Hibiscus reports that her teacher is Bi Changchun. The custody can be walked horizontally in the world of cultivation. As long as Bi Changchun is still one day, who dares to touch her at all? Ouch! The value of this girl. In a blink of an eye, after the sound of "master", it doubled!

At this time, Hibiscus got up and stretched out her hands and grabbed the sword with devout excitement. No matter how ignorant she is, she is clear that this sword is a spiritual treasure-level sword. I have only heard of it in the legend before, but I didn't expect that I would have one today. And it was the royal sword of the first master in the world. Now it has been given to me.

Before she caught her hand, the sword lost its strength and gently fell into her hand. Hibiscus was holding it and bowed devoutly to Bi Changchun, and suddenly his hand was light. The purple clothes beside him shouted and grabbed the sword in his hand, and he couldn't put it down and touched it. Then he hugged Hibiscus and whined, "Hibiscus, I envy you so much."

"Hum!" When he saw his daughter's mouth-watering pitiful look, there was a smell of vinegar in his heart. He turned his head to Bi Changchun with a pale face and said, "Lao Bi, what do you mean? With our relationship, you can't favor one over the other! Do you have any other treasures on Shuntian Island? Find one, put the words on it, and give it to the purple clothes. "Little

South: Although I was scolded, I have to keep my word today. The second update is presented today, and the third update is working hard to catch up!!! H