The scum of the real world

Chapter 560 Tattoo

In those years, Yue Qiansha was the title of scum and madman in the world of Chinese cultivation, that's true. Everyone knows the name of the research. However, for those low-ranking little disciples of various factions, the experience of being rebellious and struggling to success made them crazily recommend them.

Because everyone is born on the grassroots, the success of Yue Qianchou is a hope for them. Although not everyone can succeed, it is at least a visible hope. It has indeed affected many people because of this.

As for whether Yue Qianchou is a scum or a madman, what does it have to do with them? Yue Qianchou has never been defeated, and he has never been crazy about them. Whether you are undefeated or crazy is the above statement.

At least those grassroots disciples who have come into contact with Yue Qianchou have completely different views on Yue Qianchou and those of the upper class. The sorrows they see and the sorrows that come out of their mouths are so kind and amiable that they are so beloved.

No matter how inconspicuous a little disciple you are, Yue Qianchou will not even give you a straight eye like some people. He will talk to you enthusiastically, and will put you in an enthusiastic conversation as equal to him, without the air of a famous master in the real world. Many people can prove that many low-lying little disciples have received his meeting ceremony. It is said that he is cruel, a scum, a madman, but in fact, he is jealous of evil. It's just that some people deliberately slander and frame them because of jealousy." This is the sorrow in the mouths of those grassroots disciples.

The world of cultivation is originally a place where the law of the jungle eats or bullies the weak. In the sect, those disciples feel that there is a lot of injustice, but few people dare to openly resist.

At this time, Yue Qianchou became the object of their secret discussion behind their backs. I don't know how many times he cleaned up a certain son or grandson when he was still Jiedanqi. The more you talk about it, the more excited you are. You can't wait to be sad, and then jump out to beat so-and-so.

This kind of speech is very contagious at the bottom of all factions. The more oppressive it is, the more it spreads. Even many disciples who are beginners to the Internet have grown up listening to the legend of Yue Qianchou.

There are some radicals, some on the arms, some on the chest, some on the back, tattooed with the word "Leap Thousand Sorrow" as tattoos, which is really quite fierce. When it comes to Yue Qianchou's tattoos, there is an interesting story.

Recently, two new gangs have emerged in the Chinese Xiuzhen world, one is called "Hong Gang" and the other is called "Qing Gang". These two gangs are wandering around the Xiuzhen world to commit crimes. It can't be said that they are all evil, but they are also burning, killing, robbing and doing everything. And it didn't take long for the members of these two organizations to reach thousands of members.

Unlike the general mob, these two Xiuzhen gangs are two extremely hidden organizations and have quite standardized training methods. So much so that people doubt whether they are in the same group. When pulling out to commit a crime, it really means to hit wherever you go, and you are not afraid of death.

Many disturbed sects have repeatedly sent people to exterminate them, but these two groups have been fighting guerrilla games and never settled in a fixed place. When you want to commit a crime. Gathering from all directions, the case will be scattered after the crime is completed, and there should be a unique way of contact. No one knows where their nest is.

Because this is an extraordinary period, all factions are always on guard against the attack on the other side of Wuji Island, and it is impossible to spend a lot of time mobiling elites to keep looking for them. In addition, most of the two gangs are low-level monks, and no one thinks it can cause too much harm. As a result, take this opportunity. The two gangs are getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, there are dozens of extremely good masters in these two gangs, and the general small sects are not their opponents at all. In order to eliminate disasters, whether it is a small sect of the right path or a small sect of the devil's way, they are paying protection fees.

There's nothing we can do! If you don't hand over others, you will directly burn, kill and rob. The sects of Zhengmo have no time to destroy them for the time being.

These two gangs are also fun. They don't invade each other. It's also clear to collect protection fees from those small sects, and the well water does not violate the river. The "Qing Gang" went to the devil to collect money, and the "Hong Gang" went to the right way to collect money. When there is a tough stubble, the two gangs will join hands to deal with it.

Although in the eyes of those big factions, it is just a group of spoiled bandits. When the time is ripe, it can be annihilated at any time. However, in the eyes of those small sects, the Qinghong two gangs have become the managers of the two small sects of Zhengmo. If any sect is subdued, the two gangs will find an opportunity to remove the high-level obstacles of the sect and re-support people.

With strict organizational discipline and some smart means, the Qinghong Second Gang has become two forces that cannot be ignored in the short term.

All factions did not expect that these tangled Sanxiu could even become a little climate. When they were fighting against Wuji Island, the Xiuzhen Federation thought of attracting "Hong Gang" and "Qing Gang" to join. However, the head of these two gangs, Shenlong, has never seen the beginning and end. So far, no one has seen it, and there is no way to recruit them.

Once, dozens of new disciples of the Wanmo Palace went down the mountain to practice. As a result, their fate was bad and they ran into the robbery of the "Hong Gang" bandits. Among the group of people in the Wanmo Palace, the elder's cultivation was the highest in the early stage of the leader's disaster, and naturally he had to fight against the enemy. However, two masters of the same level popped up in the "Hong Gang" and caught the elder.

As for the other novice disciples who are not the enemies of the "Hong Gang" habitual bandits, except for a few who were slaughtered, they were basically captured alive by the latter. Just as they were searching for these prisoners, a female disciple of the Demon Palace refused to let her search for fear of being defiled.

However, who has seen the bandits who pity Xiang Xiyu? " The gang of gangs of Hong gangs is no exception. As a result, the hand was a little heavy, and the female disciple's clothes were torn, which was really exposed!

Just then, the leader of the "Hong Gang" bandit suddenly shouted, "Sup!" He strode to the crying female disciple, pointed to the tattoo on her fragrant shoulder and asked, "Do you know Yue Qianchou?"

It turned out that the three words "Wue Qianchou" were tattooed on the female disciple's shoulder, and it seemed that some designs had been made, which were very exquisite and elegant.

"I don't know." The female disciple replied in horror and didn't know what the other party was going to do.

The bandit leader was surprised and asked, "Since you don't know Yue Qianchou, why do you tattoo the three words Yue Qianchou on your self-bow shoulder?"

The female disciple replied tremblingly, "Because the younger generation admires Yue Qianchou very much, and at the same time, they hope to use the auspiciousness of Yue's name to make the younger generation worry-free."

"Uh" the bandit leader said suspiciously, "Just because of this? Did you tattoo the name of Yue Qianchou on your shoulder?

He couldn't figure out how a woman could tattoo the name of a strange man on her body at will. He even doubted whether he had been tied up to Yue Qianchou's old partner.


" The female disciple replied.

"Don't lie to me, hey hey! Otherwise, your end will be miserable. The bandit leader threatened with a ferocious face, "Honestly, what is your relationship with Yue Qianchou?"

When the female disciple was trembling with fear, a male disciple next to him who had been searched couldn't stand it and couldn't help shouting, "Hong gangsters, what's the ability to bully women? They have the guts to come to me. I also got a tattoo on my body. Three words."

said, "Roar. He pulled off his sleeve for himself, and the words "Leap Thousand Sorrow" were really embroidered on his arm.

"How dare you be stubborn" bang!" A bandit in charge immediately punched him away.

"Shout up!" The bandit leader stopped his men before taking action, pulled up the fallen male disciple, and spit directly at his palm. Then he rubbed the tattoo on the male disciple's arm. I found that the color didn't fade. I let him go and muttered strangely, "It's really a tattoo!"

The beaten male disciple gritted his teeth and said, "A group of bandits who hide their heads and tails. If Yue Qianchou is still there, it will be your "Hong Gang". And the Youth Gang. Be arrogant in the world of cultivation. Wait and see! Sooner or later, Elder Yue will come back with hundreds of his subordinates. With the character of Yue's jealousy, it will be the time of your death.

The bandit leader was stunned by what he said, and then his eyes were a little erratic. I don't know what he remembered.

"That's good!" At this moment, another disciple stood up and pulled open the clothes on his chest, with the words "Jue Qianchou" tattooed on his chest. He opened his clothes and roared indignantly, "A group of shameless bandits, kill them if you want. Sooner or later, Elder Yue will come back to clean up you."

"If you want to kill, kill", "slightly" another five or six sleeves were pulled off, and several more people stood up, with the words "jueping Qianchou" tattooed on **'s arms.

A group of robbers were stunned and didn't be afraid of death. They haven't seen so many. Can the tattoo of "Leap Thousand Sorrow" be bold? Even the restrained elder of the Wanmo Palace was stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect that so many people among his disciples would use the word "Jue Qianchou" to make tattoos.

The bandit stood on his head for a long time and asked in surprise, "Aren't you from the Wanmo Palace?" Why does it have anything to do with Yue Qianchou?

The bare-chested disciple stepped forward with righteousness and approached step by step, "Because Yue's net is not right, hoeing the strong to help the weak, eliminating violence and good, punishing evil, killing evil people like you, we all admire him. Oh, my ow! The name of Elder Yue is also mentioned by you. Don't tarnish the name of Elder Yue. Wait for it! Sooner or later, Elder Yue will come back to pick you up.

It was easy for the bandit leader to clean him up, but he was pushed back by the left and the right in his mouth, which made him retreat aggressively, and the expression on his face was extremely complicated. A group of newcomers to the Bloody Square Network saw that the big account of Elder Yue could actually scare the bandit leader. Suddenly, their blood was boiling, and they lit up one by one. Tattoos are forced, and they are stupidly shouting to kill if you want to kill. If you want to know what's going on, please log in to the muscle, more chapters, support A