The scum of the real world

Chapter 655 Death in War

Yue Qianchou stared at the sky and frowned, "What the hell is Yin Baikang doing? Do you want to completely destroy the treasure basin you have built with your own hands?

"He is attacking in a constant teleportation." Nong Zhu sighed, "The strength difference between the two sides is too big. Only by constantly teleportation can we barely maintain the offensive posture, otherwise... As you have seen before, it is not a level of opponent at all. If you fight head-on, you can't even resist other people's blows."

"Can the master at the end of Huashen move indefinitely all the time?" I can't understand the problem.

"I can't. That's why he ignited his cultivation and forced it. When he stopped, it was him... Hey!" Nong Zhu shook his head and said, "It seems that this move is useless to others at all. The difference in strength is too big. Is this man really a fairy from the fairyland?

Yue Qianchou was speechless, and he couldn't answer this question.

In the air, the endless swords are gradually sparse, and the dense rain-like attacks have shown a decline. The green thorns of the green eyebrows' hands easily defeated the attacking Jianang, and laughed and said, "I thought I could be so capable!" So that's all I can do. What's wrong? Can't hold on so fast? A piece of waste!"

Answer to him was a figure who suddenly appeared, holding the sword in both hands and split head to the head. The green eyebrow waved the green thorn in his hand at will and easily defeated it. He said loudly, "It's really unbearable!"

After several unsuccessful attacks, Yin Baikang stopped the attack, floated heavily in the air, and stared blankly at the green eyebrows on the opposite side. The black robe has been dyed dark red by blood. Under both feet, a drop of blood fell on the toes. His face is pale, which is as good as the green eyebrows.

Below, a group of Huashen period lords stared at them silently and knew that Yin Baikang was completely over.

"Don't have the strength to turn around again?" Green eyebrows grinned and said, "In that case, I won't play with you anymore. It's boring!" As soon as the words fell, the green thorn in his hand shot at Yin Baikang's chest. The speed was very fast, silent, and the enchanting green light flashed away.

Suddenly, Yin Baikang, who seemed to have lost the power to fight back, suddenly disappeared, and the green thorns were empty.

The pupils of the green eyebrows shrank, and a rainbow suddenly appeared on the left side, as gorgeous as the Milky Way, and like a bolt from the blue. The speed was unbelievably fast that it almost reached his neck in a flash.

This is the fastest sword in Yin Baikang's life. The understanding of lifelong practice is condensed on this sword, silent, but it contains powerful lethal destructive power. Prepare to finish the battle. Even if you can't kill many parties, you should make the other party look good.

The following group of masters in the Huashen period suddenly cheered up. It turned out that Yin Baikang also hid a killer trump card, which deliberately showed weakness and caused the other party's negligence. As long as the opponent's reaction had such a little negligence, I'm afraid it would be difficult to escape this sword.

At least none of them thought that they could avoid this sword, and Yin Baikang's burning cultivation broke out. Even Wen Lanfeng, who has never said anything, flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes, or it is more appropriate to describe it as shock...

However, it was this amazing sword that failed. Obviously, he had hit the other party's throat, but found that it was a virtual shadow. Yin Baikang's body froze in the air, and his hand followed the 'God of Wealth Sword' for many years and shot into the distant sky...

After getting out of hand, I saw the sound of the silver rainbow with wind and thunder, rolling and disappearing in the distance. I don't know where the final destination is. I don't know if there is any fate to continue the relationship with its owner in the future...

The green eyebrows stood behind Yin Baikang, and a green thorn in his hand ran through Yin Baikang's back, piercing his chest and piercing his heart. A piece of green spike appeared on the chest, and blood beads slipped down. Yin Baikang's pupils are gradually spreading and losing their luster...

"Master..." On the peak of the God of Wealth, Sikong Jue and Jing Yuankong exclaimed. The disciples of the World Business Association came out one by one. Looking at the scene in the air, a sad look appeared, and they all silently said in their hearts... The era of the World Business Association is over!

The group of masters in the god period looked up at the sky, and some rabbits and foxes showed their sad expressions. Nong Zhu and Yue Qianchou looked at each other in consternation. No one could think of it. Yin Baikang, who had planned to hold a treasure pot meeting before, was over...

"Old ghost, if you want to trick me, you are still a little short. You don't know how to pretend to be a little bit, and floating in the air is your biggest fwark. The mouth of green eyebrows was close to Yin Baikang's ears and smiled gloomily.

Suddenly, the pupils that spread Yin Baikang suddenly contracted, and a bleak smile flashed. His hands suddenly hugged back and hugged the people behind him. The smile on the green eyebrows stiffened and exclaimed, "Old man, you..."

"Boom..." A shocking explosion covered the exclamation of the green eyebrows. The bright light exploded in the air, and the air in this world seemed to scare away in an instant...

"Hmm!" Nongzhu snorted fiercely, and the released body protection gas was instantly blown away by the powerful explosive airflow. Fortunately, the reaction speed of Ziyi was not slow. Almost at the moment when the bamboo body protection gas was bombarded, her body protection gas rose again. Fortunately, although the protective gas of bamboo was blown up, it was enough to offset the aftermath of the explosion. If it hadn't been for the body protection of the purple clothes, I'm afraid the four of them would be disgraced.

The following group of masters in the Huashen period, except for a few masters in the end of Huashen, all of them were blown up. However, it's not a big deal. After all, masters who can be at the level of a lord have the same cultivation as playing bamboo, but they don't have purple clothes around them, so they are all disgraced.

But no one cares about this now. They are staring at the air one by one. Unfortunately, the smoke is so full that everyone has no ability to see through.

No one expected that there was a hidden trick behind Yin Baikang's killer, and a large number of Zhenyuan self-exploded Dantian. The master of Huashen is the master of Huashen. After a lot of consumption, he can still have such a strong self-destruction ability.

Fortunately, the Zhenyuan in Yin Baikang's body has been consumed a lot. Otherwise, the master at the end of Huashen will explode himself. That's not a joke. It is estimated that many Huashen will be more or less injured in the middle stage. In addition to sighing, everyone was guessing that the man in green robe didn't know what was going on. Guessing is guessing, there is no one to check.

Pei Fang, who was in the body-protecting spirit, twitched his fat face and muttered, "Didn't you make an appointment with me to win or lose in the next life? You have exploded yourself, and you don't even have a chance to be reincarnated. What a shit in your next life! Yin Baikang! Yin Baikang! You really deserve the title of the old fox. Even his suicide is a series of tricks. I'm convinced of you.

As we all know, Yin Baikang is really dead this time. He died completely. I guess he can't even find a piece of slag. One of the top ten masters in the world of cultivation fell again...

The smoke gradually dissipates...

At this moment, the God of Wealth Peak behind everyone suddenly made a "boom" sound, and the ground was constantly trembling. Everyone suddenly looked back. It turned out that the whole God of Wealth Peak collapsed from top to bottom due to the impact of the big explosion, and half of the pestle was left there, which was indescribably strange. The 'Jingcai Hall' above is still there, and the ancient pine... Thanks to Sikongjue and Jing Yuankong for their joint resistance, it seems that they have tried their best to leave these two things on the peak of the God of Wealth!

It seems to have sensed the disappearance of the owner, and even the God of Wealth Peak is crying in a collapsing way...

Yin Baikang is dead. I don't know if the huge world business association he founded will continue to exist in the world of cultivation...

Yin Baikang is dead, and I don't know if the treasure basin will be rebuilt and restored to its former prosperity...

Although the broken peak of the God of Wealth is still towering, the pine boat, which has been standing for thousands of years, often looks at the sea of clouds from a distance, the old man in black robe who touches the rough tree trunk will not appear again...

Many people present will remember the voice and appearance of this old fox who would rather die than give in because of this self-explosion...

Yue Qianchou took a soft breath, and he didn't know what to say. In fact, the death of Yin Baikang is good for him. At least no one will investigate the relationship between him and the elixir. However, why did he feel that Yin Baikang's death method made it a little difficult for him to accept? Was it too abrupt to die? I can't explain it clearly...

"Gaga... old ghost, do you think you can calculate me in this way? It's really a dragonfly that shakes the tree, and it can't be measured.

The shrill laughter in the air came, which immediately shocked everyone. There was a transparent green ball floating above the smoke dissipated, and the man in green robe was standing in safe and sound. The green ball is obviously something similar to body protection, which actually blocked Yin Baikang's self-detonation.

It's too strong! Everyone had this idea. They didn't expect that Yin Baikang hugged him and blew himself up without hurting him at all. It was really too strong.

The green ball converged, and the green eyebrows flashed and landed on the ground. He looked at the crowd indifferently with his hands behind his back, as if he were looking at a group of ants. He suddenly stared at Pei Fang, who was very conspicuous, stretched out his hand and pointed out, "You, come out, I have something to ask you."

A trace of panic flashed on Pei Fang's face, and he was not necessarily more powerful than Yin Baikang. So he tried his best to shrink his body, trying to shrink his body as much as possible, and pretended to look at both sides without knowing it. It seemed that he didn't know who he was calling. However, everyone's eyes are fixed on him alone...

"Little fat man, I'll tell you!" Green eyebrows pointed proudly at Pei Fang and said.

Pei Fang knew that there was no way to hide anymore. If he had known that things would be involved in his own head, he would not have watched the bustle and slipped away in advance. He squeezed out a smile on his fat face, came out with a smile, and arched his hand and said, "I'm Pei Fang, I don't know what you want me to do?"

"Don't be afraid." The green eyebrows waved their hands casually, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of someone trembling in front of him. He said to Pei Fang in a good mood, "Fatty Pei, I ask..."

"Huh! How do you know my nickname is Fatty Pei? Pei Fang said with a curious face.

"Uh..." Green eyebrows were stunned, and his expression returned to normal in astonishment: "Nonsense! Your surname is Pei, and you are a fat man again. What's not to call you, Fatty Pei?"

Ping Fang did not realize that he was scolded at all. Instead, he showed an almost exaggerated look of admiration and flattered, "The driver is worthy of being a master. Even such a problem can be thought of. It's simply a clever calculation..."

PS: Weakly ask for the guaranteed 'monthly ticket' in March, and you can vote right away. Just try to see if it works. If you don't vote for me, I can only turn around and walk away silently. I dare not have any opinions... V