The scum of the real world

Chapter 718 Entrance to the Demon World

Yue Qianchou suddenly laughed. The master was right. The old man finally made up his mind to break through his cultivation.

"It's not right!" Nong Zhu suddenly patted his thigh and pointed to Yue Qianchou's nose and asked, "With your cultivation, we left Xuanxuan Island after leaving. How could you rush to the ghost realm before me? There must be something hidden in this. Tell it honestly."

"Uh-huh" Yue Qian was stunned. This thing is really hard to explain. He did come back before him. And it's not a little ahead of time. I have slept on the beautiful woman's lap for a full night.

Mo touched his nose and smiled and said, "I have practiced a trick of running for my life. It is because I see it with speed that I can't explain it earlier than you came back. I have to keep secrets with self-infiling.

He looked at him up and down and said half-heartedly, "No wonder you ran away so much. So that's it. What's the trick? Revealed. "Hehe! You will naturally know if you have a chance. Yue Qian said perfunctorily with a sad smile.

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, it was rare that he didn't turn his face. He stood up and stared at him for a while and said slowly, "I believe in Bi Changchun's eyes, and I will rely on you in the future..." He casually took out a jade ultimatum. He threw it to Yue Qianchou and said, "I have laid a communication array in the purple bamboo forest. There are communication coordinates in the jade ultimatum. You can come to me if you need anything. I won't leave the purple bamboo forest for at least a while.

"Are you going back to Nan'er now?" Yue Qianchou also stood up and followed the bamboo out of the door to cross the threshold. After the bamboo said solemnly, "As soon as Bi Changchun leaves, you can't stand for too long. Sooner or later, you have to wear it. I must calm down and try my best to break through my cultivation. In order to protect yourself.

If one day. The ghost realm is really... At least my purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea can let you settle down."

Yue Qianchou laughed and said, "It's not as pessimistic as you think, is it?" He didn't want to distinguish anything from him, so he raised his hand and said, "Be careful. I'm leaving..

"Wait!" Yue Qianhang shouted at him, took out the two storage bags and handed them over, and said, "Gift for Zi Yi and Meirong. One bag per person."

The bamboo was stunned, and then injected into the divine consciousness to see what it was. After watching it, I was stunned for a long time, and the muscles on my face twitched. The two storage bags were actually packed with 200 million top-grade spiritual stones. It was the first time he saw money as a gift to a woman. And it's very generous. One action is 400 million top-grade spiritual stones.

The bamboo gradually came to his senses. Some gritted their teeth and asked, "Be honest with me. How much money do you have, boy?

Yue Qianchou waved his hand disapprovingly and said, "It's not much. Let's get by it! It should be enough in my life. If it's not enough, just make more money."

The bamboo is speechless. The sloppy mouth of this money fan is estimated to be a frightening huge amount.

I still don't know how to do it, so as not to be stimulated. Rich people! !

Yue Qianchou took out another jade ultimatum and injected something and molded two porcelain bottles. He handed it to him and said, "One bottle is. Breaking the forbidden elixir, and the other bottle is the Qibao elixir. There is a way to use it in this jade ultimatum.

. Help me bring it to Hibiscus. It can help her upgrade her cultivation to the early stage of the disaster.

Nong Zhu received suspicion in his hand and said, "Didn't you say that this thing would poison people? You actually gave it to Hibiscus?" Although he knew that Yue Qianchou would not harm Hibiscus, he couldn't help asking if he had doubts in his heart.

"The elixir is true or false." Yue Qianchou explained weakly, and the bamboo suddenly became furious and said, "You actually sold fake drugs to hurt people. Yue Qianchou rolled his eyes and said, "Which eye did you see me selling fake drugs?" Don't talk nonsense.

"You... are gone!.

The bamboo was so angry that he threw his sleeves and flew away directly into the air"

Looking at the black spots that disappeared in the sky, Yue Qianchou shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then frowned and walked. The breeze blows on the face. The grass was fragrant, and I unconsciously walked to the edge of Qianli Lake and looked at the shining lake. He couldn't help but be stunned, his eyes turned around, and he didn't know what he remembered. He jumped directly into the lake without hesitation.

The water splashes on the surface of the lake, and there are ripples. The figure disappeared on the lake. Underwater, the corners of the sad mouth occasionally spit out a string of bubbles. He dived straight into the bottom of the lake. The water is clear, and you can see groups of fish wandering in the lake. A group of bold fish even ran around him playing around him. Dive down with him...

After diving nearly 100 meters. The light in the water has gradually weakened. The eyes became dark. The water pressure is getting higher and higher. The swimming fish that followed seemed not to be deep-water fish, and they shook their tails and swam back up. Yue Qianchou also felt a little uncomfortable. Drive your finger down. The water formula began to be displayed. The surrounding water quickly separated. He is like being wrapped in a bubble. Sink down quickly. The surroundings are getting darker and darker. It's so dark that I can't even see any light. There is an incomparable silence. It gives people a sense of oppression of fear. Yue Qianchou doesn't know how deep he has dived into it. I guess it's almost a kilometer! I feel that using the water formula to get rid of water is also the increasing pressure, and the huge pressure around him is constantly squeezed, which makes him gradually feel unyable. Obviously, he relies on his current cultivation to show the water formula. It's also difficult to withstand too much pressure.

Fortunately, the water is magical. It can peel off the oxygen contained in the water for you to breathe, otherwise it will be more uncomfortable.

Just when he hesitated to give up. A little white light faintly appeared below. Jumping to dry, my eyes are clear. It seems that the goal that Li wants to check is not far away. He gritted his teeth and carried the acceleration to dive. The light below was getting bigger and bigger in his eyes. However, one of his faces also turned red, and the pressure was too great to be tempted. But he still insists...

Until I began to feel dizzy, I didn't dare to go any further.

Looking down, the target is only a hundred meters away from you. Unfortunately, the pressure is so great that I can't get close to it at all. This is still how you can use the water formula to get out of the water. Otherwise, you can't get to this position at all with your own cultivation.

At the bottom of the lake, there is a peaceful pearl, under the dark village. It exudes a soft white light and shines on the terrain around the bottom of the lake. There are rare deep-water fish wandering around. It is said to be the pearl. In fact, it's more like an upside-down bowl. It is as white and smooth as jade, but it is actually just a light mask.

This light cover at the bottom of the deep-water lake is estimated to be several hundred meters wide and 100 meters high, forming a semi-circle lone shape. It can come out of the surrounding terrain. It should have been a terrain similar to a valley, and the surrounding shadows are towering like mountains. Not far away. A high mountain standing like a column...

Looking up along the pillar-like high mountain, he was immediately shocked and judged from the direction.

This should be the lowest base of Shuntian Island. He felt somewhat strange that most of the mountains were cone-shaped. How can the mountain grow like this? The upper and lower circumference is about the same. It's straight like a pillar. And this height is not low! At least more than two dry rice, right?

Such a scene. It inevitably reminds people of wooden fish and the mallet of knocking wooden fish. The light mask is like a wooden fish, and the mountain pillar of Shuntian Island is like a mallet knocking on a wooden fish. How can there be such a strange landform? I'm so sad that I can't figure it out.

I hesitated here for a while. I feel that the ears are gradually like drumming. The dizziness is getting stronger and stronger. The distance between the body and the water has been compressed to less than half a foot. If it goes on, it will probably be dangerous...

Yue Qianchou looked at the light mask below and shook his head regrettly. According to Bi Changchun. The following is the entrance to the demon world sealed by the Immortal Emperor and the Bin Emperor. The layer of light mask is the seal that the sword demon king later added, that is to say, the entrance of the demon world is locked by two seals. With Bi Changfeng's cultivation, he could not break through the seal of the ten thousand swords demon king and generals outside. Yue Qianchou wanted to try to see if he could go in. Unexpectedly, it is difficult to connect nearby.

After a while of work, he was disillusioned and had no choice but to disappear into the water. A large bubble broke into several pieces. It floats up...

On the mountainside behind the mountain temple where the Qing Gang and the Hong Gang are hiding. Yue Qianchou stood in Pingjing and stared at the mountain temple below. Due to the ravages of the war in China. Shi Wenguang's army had hit the vicinity, and the people were panicked and dared not go out. As a result, the mountain temple looked very deserted, and I couldn't see the scene of the prosperity of incense in the past. Gu Qingyun and Hong Qi stood behind him. Report on the recent developments of the whole China...

One-third of China's territory has been captured by Shiwen's army. And the poor people who have been oppressed by the imperial court for a long time. Zainafa suffered the shake and taxes brought about by the war, and formed a group to rebel one after another. For a while, the uprising of the poor was on fire. The more the wind and rain, the more the Li's imperial dynasty is getting worse. Without strong help, the building will be defeated...

The other side of Wuji Island. The power of the countries has increased the mobilization of manpower. There are a large number of monks constantly going to Wuji Island. In other countries adjacent to China, there are also a large number of monks in Yunlai, except in the direction of the ghost realm. It has formed a trend of encirclement with China. Look at the movement. The forces of all countries are ready to attack the Chinese cultivation world. The whole Chinese cultivation world has become an ant on a hot pot.

These were all expected to be sad, and Bi Changbiao left. The countries must take action officially.

"Master! I heard that our master is the world's first master who has gone to the Eastern Holy Land?

Hong Qi suddenly interrupted with bright eyes. Yue Qianqian said "thinking" without saying anything. Hong Qi suddenly showed an extremely chagrin look. He looked a little complaining that the master didn't take him to meet the master. However, he didn't dare to be presumptuous about Shibo.

Gu Qingyun glanced at Hong Qi. He continued to say fiercely, "Everyone in China is in danger. They are all worried that the masters of the gods of the countries are about to take action... And there are also many monks in our two gangs. Do we also need to prepare? To avoid being affected at the right time.

"I'm worried..." Yue Qianchou murmured slightly: "A while ago. Niu Youde, the new leader of the demon realm, has warned them. The masters of the breeding period of various countries are not afraid to land in Huazhen for the time being. You find a way to spread the news. So that all factions can prepare for the war at ease, and don't surrender before the fight... Yes! Anyway, I think my life is too long, and there is something wrong with my practice. It's better to die a little more."