The scum of the real world

Chapter 777 Underground Battle

The most sweaty person among everyone is undoubtedly playing with bamboo. He couldn't figure out what Yue Qianchou wanted to do. Unexpectedly, he provoked the Fatty Pei trio. It seems that Pei Fang's words have not forced people to do it yet, right? However, Yue Qianchou just showed the moment of teleportation. Nong Zhu found that he was also a little confused about the depth of the guy. But he understands. This guy is not a lose-maker. There must be a reason for this.

Although it is said so. But the bamboo is still vigilant. Once you find something wrong, you are ready to save people.

The whole Lingfang Valley is extremely quiet. Only the breeze blows gently. Everyone's attention was focused on several people facing each other, and all of them showed their expectant eyes. For the lords of the countries. No matter who loses, whoever wins is good. It's better to die a few more. It's better to die all of them, such as the demon and ghost realm, and the three masters at the end of the gods. This is the figure that weighs on everyone's head. It's better to all die. Of course. For Yan chasing stars. If one of the four people must die. He must be the first choice.

When the atmosphere is stagnant. Everyone's eyes moved slightly, and Yue Qianchou slowly raised his hand to face the three people. He snorted coldly, "How dare you fuck the guy in charge of the execution? You are not timid!"

The three of them immediately felt locked by an air machine. A trace of cruelty flashed on each other's faces, since they had been forced to this point. Then there is no way out. Pei Fang's fat face trembled ferociously and said, "Since you are in charge of the torture, Xing, we don't want guests..."

The words stopped before they finished. Look down. Slowly look into your own hand. If you don't look at yourself, you will be scared to death immediately. His face changed greatly, and he finally found the reason why his hand suddenly became empty. I saw that my famous blue-faced demon knife disappeared, and a piece of fine dust shining blue fluttered all over his feet....

Qi Jiujun also felt empty in his hand and glanced slightly. The whole person suddenly froze and lost his ruler... There was only a piece of golden dust fluttering in the sun.

Ouyangda's eyes wide open. Raise your hands unbelievably. The dark claws covering his arms were suddenly like flowing sand, and the sand of Zhejiang and Zhejiang sand slipped. He waved his arms to keep them, but there were only two black and shiny powders in his hand.

The three people's faces turned pale in an instant, frozen in place and motionless, and the airflow rushed in and out of their throats. A panic spread to their faces. The three of them only felt locked by each other's air. But no one noticed how the other party did it... The unknown strength is the most terrible. The power that can't be seen, heard or thoughtless is the most frightening deterrent. Because it is beyond people's imagination.

In the sun, the three-color dust of blue, gold and black is fluttering, reflecting charming and gorgeous colors...

However, it was this gorgeous and charming color that made everyone suddenly feel that their backs were cold, and it seemed that they smelled a breath of death. Silently. The Lingbao, on which the three masters of the end of the gods became famous, was lost in this way, and it turned into fluttering dust...

How is that possible! How powerful it takes to do this! Everyone even doubted whether Pei Fang's Lingbao had been tampered with in advance. However, we all know that it is impossible. The Lingbao, on which the three people become famous, has always been carried with them and never leaves. Others can't have the opportunity to tamper with it...

A series of complex emotions such as panic, disbelief and confusion crawled into everyone's faces.

Everyone originally felt that Yue Qianchou's little braids were a little funny. At this time, they looked at the still back of the waving palms, which made people feel a little suffocated. Although he stood there quietly, it made people look up like a high mountain, giving people a sense of deep oppression.

At first, some people doubted why Bi Changchun passed on the position of the torturer of the demon realm to Yue Qianchou. But now, all doubts have been solved. No one will have any doubts about Bi Changchun's decision. Is there anyone more suitable than him to take over the task of the demon realm? Mysterious strength is enough to explain everything...

The crocodile fairy's eyes flashed, Wen Lanfeng was stunned, and Zhu was stunned. Li Duxing's eyes were sharp and stared at Yue Qianchou... This person is the new criminal trick after Bi Changchun!

Yan Zhuxing clenched his fists to death, his knuckles were pinched white, and his clenched lips had oozed blood. He silently told himself that this was absolutely impossible. There must be something behind it, otherwise he would not have been beaten to vomit blood when he fought with himself at the beginning...

A trace of sadness flashed on Bing Chengzi's face, and he silently looked back at Yan chasing stars. A helpless sigh in my heart...

Ping Pei Fang, who is as dull as a chicken, is three people. At this time, they are still in dementia. They are even thinking that if the palm raised by Yue Qianchou is not aimed at the spiritual treasure in their hands, but by themselves, what would be the consequences? Very terrible consequences!

Pei was relieved and smiled bitterly. He should have thought that it was impossible for Bi Changchun to give the position of the demon ghost realm to an incompetent person and calculate carefully all his life! Why can't you help it? I also hesitated just now! However, Yue Qianchou is pressing step by step! Obviously, the other party is not going to let him go. In that case..."

The three of them exchanged their eyes with each other. A trace of sharpness flashed in his eyes. They can survive in the world of cultivation until now. It depends not only on being able to bend and stretch, but also to endure what others can't tolerate, but also to be cruel and dare to fight...

At this moment. Everyone's pupils shrank. The three of them disappeared in place at the same time. But just as the three of them seemed to be moving. Yue Qianchou seems to have known it in advance. He sank directly into the ground. It's like a stone sinking into the sea. Suddenly sinking into the ground, and there is not even a ripple...

Everyone thought they were dazzled. However, it was true to see the ground sink, and Yue Qianchou sank directly into the ground, but strangely. Just after Yue Qianchou disappeared. The ground is still the same as before. I can't see any trace.

Between the lightning and flints, the three shadows suddenly appear and meet in the place where Yue Qianchou disappears.

A "boom" explosion. The earth is shaking, and the whole Lingfang Valley is shaking. In an instant, the earth and rocks collapsed, and the waves were stormy and crazily destroyed all around. With their profound cultivation, everyone could barely resist the aftermath of the explosion, but all kinds of spiritual grass and all kinds of vegetation planted in the surrounding area were immediately uprooted by the surging waves. The bamboo shed in the Lingfang Valley was also destroyed.

Dust and smoke are rising everywhere. A huge deep pit with a diameter of dozens of meters appeared in the central area, and it is not afraid of its width. It's the bottomless depth. The deep pit is surrounded by cracks. Some even bends up to hundreds of meters long. It's like a big earthquake. The power of the three masters of the final stage of the gods is indeed extraordinary "...

The sorrow of getting into the ground. Everyone doesn't know whether it's dead or alive. Pei Fang and the three of them leaned back to back at the mouth of the pit, and his eyes scanned the inside and surroundings of the pit vigilantly. The divine consciousness even scraped the three-foot search, and did not dare to let go of any little movement in the ground. However, the depth at which their divine consciousness can intervene in the earth is limited after all. No movement is found in the shallow level, but it is difficult to peep at the deep level...

At this moment, a magnificent gloomy horror surged up from the deep pit. Directly cover the three people. The three of them shivered unbearablely. Pei Fang gritted his teeth and shouted, "He's down there. Fight for it!"

The three of them flashed into the pit. Many people immediately dodged into the air. I want to watch the fight below. However, something terrible happened. The whole earth suddenly converged like a wave. The dozens of meters wide hole merged in an instant, and the ground seemed to have never been damaged, and it was restored to be flat.

Everyone was shocked. I have never seen such a strange thing. At this moment, the whole earth suddenly trembled again. It seems restless as if there is a volcano going to erupt below. You can faintly hear the rumble below. Obviously, several people have already fight underground!

When everyone is shocked. The underground shock is getting stronger and stronger, the rumble is getting louder and louder, getting closer and closer to the gorgeous face, and the sound seems to be very anxious to learn. It seems that there is something to break free from the sling of the earth. It's normal to break through the ground.

Everyone was snoring at each other, and they couldn't imagine how fierce the fights below were, so frequent and irritable.

The crocodile fairy's eyes on the hillside are still twinkling. I'm nervous about making bamboo. He scolded how these guys hit the ground. I don't know how to help at the critical moment.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Pei Fang and the other three of them broke into the ground, they immediately felt fooled. The whole earth seemed to have survived. In an instant, they blocked their retreat and buried them in the ground more than 200 meters deep. If it's just buried, the earth is still squirming violently. It seems that they are going to be crushed into powder. The three of them have never encountered such a strange thing. They quickly rendezvous in panic. Try your best to release the protective air to resist the huge pressure from the surrounding area.

Outsiders can't imagine how big the ground pressure is below 200 meters, especially the large area of movement and violent squirming underground, which is a huge force comparable to the movement of the earth's crust! It was so powerful that it almost squeezed the body protection of the three people to collapse. Fortunately, they have profound cultivation. I can barely resist. The three of them attacked around crazily underground for fear of being attacked by Yue Qianchou. But I didn't even see the shadow of Qianchou. The more the three fought, the more scared they became. Find out how powerful the attack is. It's like a mud cow. It doesn't have any effect. The thick earth around was just blown away and squeezed over again. They never thought that the thick earth, which usually seemed to be silent and dull, moved so terrible that it made people feel that there was nothing powerful. The three of them seemed to be buried alive in the ground.

Obviously, it is not a long-term solution to stay here. It must be a dead end. Pei Fang shouted in horror and horror, "It can't be consumed any more, up. Let's call it out first. The three immediately launched an indiscriminate bombardment with their strong cultivation.

All the way up...