The scum of the real world

Chapter 802 First Time to the Fairyland

"In the quiet valley. The vegetation is lush. It is lush and green outside. All kinds of unknown wildflowers bloom gorgeously. The joyous ups and downs between the tits vegetation. The fresh air was refreshing, and the sudden appearance in the valley was a policeman. Then he gradually relaxed and looked around in astonishment. Is this the fairyland? It seems to be no different from the world!

However, after two casual steps, he realized the difference. The aura contained in the air here is obviously stronger than that of the world. Qi Gan wanted to frown and stare at a big tree on the slope of the valley. There was a bird's nest on it. He looked around and flashed over the big tree. He waved his head and looked inside. Immediately, he was shocked by the chirping of the horse.

I saw seven or eight yellow mouths waiting to be fed, and my eyes hadn't grown yet." The little pony, who didn't have hair, was opening his mouth and screaming.

It is estimated that they regard Qianchou as Yanyan who went out to look for gold, and Yue Qianchou's mouth twitched. Reach out and push away the pony in the horse's nest, and there was a small silver ball lying in it.

"The old monster of the sun, I told you to find a beautiful place to throw it" I didn't ask you to open the bird's nest! After muttering for a while, he pinched the small silver ball and was about to leave. He paused and thought that he found that something was still hidden in the bird's nest." So he threw it back into the bird's nest and wondered how he had just scolded Xianjun.

He doesn't know something." The crocodile fairy is indeed the bear he said that he threw the silver ball into a beautiful place. But the crocodile fairy didn't expect that a horse actually liked shiny things, so he took the silver ball to his old nest.

Get rid of the big tree" He skimmed over the valley opposite and looked around. There is a towering stone mountain not far from the valley. There are many buildings at the foot of the mountain. A lot of people are gathered there, and some people are flying there.

Yue Qianchou was thinking about whether to go over and have a look. Suddenly, he saw that he flew away from his side and was slightly shocked to find that the other party had only turned into the early cultivation of the god. He gritted his teeth and flew over. When I arrived there, I found that it was similar to a place where goods were scattered, and there were commercial houses full of trading things.

After a few glances, I found that the shop was full of a variety of things. I basically didn't know it.

Yue Qianchou looked around and found that no one paid attention to his exotic visitor. Looking ahead, under a large banner, surrounded a group of people and found that most of them were monks in the Huashen period. There were even those who crossed the robbery period, and there were not many people who couldn't see through their cultivation.

Now he was relieved, and the people who followed the sound crowded over to join the house to see what was going on. However, the people in front of him were too crowded. He couldn't squeeze over. He wanted to fly up and have a look, but no one else did that. It would be too conspicuous if he did it. Just as he was about to force the brute force, he suddenly heard someone inside shouting, "Who else?" In the city, "My... We... My..." There was a group of excited voices around, and they all raised their hands. Qi Qianchou looked around. "Although I don't know what's going on, it's not good and it's too different. He immediately raised his hand. No matter what, he shouted first, "I won't say it later.

Raise your hand, your head is shaking and you can't see what's going on inside. Because he was so committed that everyone else put their hands down, he still raised his hand and stared at the neck in front of him.

The man standing behind him couldn't stand it anymore, so he immediately patted him on the shoulder. Qi Qian wanted to raise his hand and turned around to get rid of the police and said, "What do you want to do?

The man was stunned and pointed to his raised hand, and then pointed to the surroundings and said, "Brother, put it down! Qi Qianchou looked at both sides and immediately withdrew his hand. Fortunately, everyone's attention was not on him.

Someone answered. "Yue Qianchou immediately stuck to the house and laughed: Yue Qianchou dares to ask this brother, what's going on inside? Except for everyone who began to look at the other party while talking, except that he was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a gray robe, there was nothing surprising about it, but his cultivation also had a final stage.

This man was stunned again. He was stunned: What don't you know what to do? Then why do you raise your hand? Except"

Yue Qianchou laughed and explained: Yue Qianchou raised his hand to see what he was doing because he didn't know! The other party seemed speechless and shook his head: Yue Qianchou Bada Chamber of Commerce is recruiting people. Except"

Would you like to recruit people? What does the Bada Chamber of Commerce do? What's included? Qi Qianqian turned around and asked him curiously. The other party was stunned, and there were also a few surprised glances on the side.

The man couldn't laugh or cry: "The Bada Education Association has a pass to do business in the boundary, and it is recruiting people to the boundary to do business." People like us" As long as we follow the Bada Chamber of Commerce to the world, they can earn a lot of spiritual stones. Didn't you come here for this?

Go to the underworld? Yue Qianchou's eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this his own intention? "Behind the crowd, opposite him, there was a burly man carrying a flag with the words "Sitongli" embroidered on it. The burly man inserted the flag stalk down and shouted, "Recruit!

Worry about me! He shouted vigorously and raised his hand high. He raised his hand. The person who answered him didn't know, so he followed him without hesitation. Shout out! I. As a result, when he turned around and looked at it, he was dumbfounded...

The onlookers also didn't know what was going on, but when they heard someone shouting "recruit people, and then they heard someone shouting "I'm removing". Immediately, many people raised their hands and shouted first: "I! No, when they turned around, they were all dumbfounded. Guys..

The burly man with the banner of "four links" was also stunned. I didn't expect that there would be so many people with the name of "four links" today. In the past few times, there was no one who was very famous! Immediately, the people who raised their hands and signed up laughed and said, "You, you, your... And you. The old rule of the Chamber of Commerce is that since it is very famous, don't go back on your word, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. Haha!

All the people who raise their hands will come here.

The man who talked with Yue Qian's sorrow slowly turned around, twisted his face, stared at Qi Qian's anger, and jumped out word by word, "Who told you to shout nonsense?"

Because of this sentence, those who raised their hands immediately found the culprit, and all the eyes that could kill people were on Yue Qianchou. Qi Qianxiang immediately felt great pressure, looked around weakly and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"Lesss talk! Come here, come with me." Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude.

Except for the burly man who carried the flag on his shoulder and waved his arm at them with laughter.

A group of people followed reluctantly like dead parents. They followed. The burly man carrying the flag kept urging them in front of them. "Those who didn't raise their hands burst into laughter." He laughed and beat his chest. Yue Qianchou was a little shocked among the dozens of mobile crowds. I don't know what kind of blessing I'm doing? I asked him who had talked to himself before, but he no longer paid attention to him.

A group of people were stopped by burly men and wandered by each other. They came to a big coffin of Suomen with a golden sign with the word "four links". The doorman immediately ran to pick up the flag in the hand of the burly man. "Looking at the group of people who followed: "Nantou, who are these people? Except for the burly man named Nan Tianlong, he laughed and said, "Naturally, it's the included person, thirty-seven, it's enough at once." No need to bother anymore. All"

"This... . . . . The doorman's words spread, and his face was full of disbelief. Nan Tianlong waved to the crowd and said, "What do you want to do?" Come in with me.

A group of people followed in sparsely and were stopped on the big field of the side yard. The venue is not small, and the surrounding flower beds and seedlings are also lush. It looks like a big merchant, but you can't see anyone, which seems a little deserted.

"Stay honest with me. If anyone dares to run, then try it." Nan Longtian threw down a word and went to the yard behind Zizi.

At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on Yue Qianchou's body. Someone sneered and said, "No need to say, except this one! It must have been entrusted by the Four Chamber of Commerce, which deliberately deceived us.

Yue Qianchou was holding back his stomach of grievances. He didn't know what was going on. When he heard someone sneering, he immediately looked at it and found that it was just a guy in the middle of the transformation of the gods. He immediately laughed and said with a grin: "Son of a bitch"! If you have the ability, you can say something more.

Dare to say such cruel words, everyone immediately checked his cultivation. When no one could see the depth, everyone was much more honest on the spot. "I dared not look at him with disgust. The man who had spoken to Yue Qianchou before arched his hand and said, "Tao Zhong, look at your cultivation. It should be an immortal monk!" What's wrong with your cultivation? Why do you come to this job? Not all of them are thinking about it. Yue Qianchou also arched his hand and said, "I really don't know what's going on. In addition to asking Brother Tao to tell me in detail, so that I can know what's wrong with me.

Everyone looked unbelief when they heard the words. Tao Zhong looked at him doubtfully, but he still talked about the reason for the matter...

It turned out that the Four-way Chamber of Commerce and the Bada Chamber of Commerce were the opposites of business, and they once had a great hatred in order to compete for a pass to do business in Jijie. In the end, the pass fell into the hands of the Bade Chamber of Commerce. It was very profitable to do business with the world, and the Bade Chamber of Commerce grew rapidly. Although Sitong later got a pass to do business with Jijie at any cost, because the Bada Chamber of Commerce took the lead and constantly suppressed Sitong, so that Sitong had an empty pass, but it could not buy the dog goods needed by the banquet world to make a deal with the banquet world. Over the years, Sitong has been forced to the point where it is about to collapse.

However, this time, the four links have encountered a once-in-a-century opportunity to turn over. The fairy world opens once a hundred years. The "divine ruins" is about to open. As long as this spirit is good, it can collect a lot of treasures needed for the boundary and the fairy world. As long as the chamber of commerce that has the trading goods with the banquet world pays enough money, it can enter the realm of the divine ruins with other sects that have paid