The scum of the real world

Chapter 830 Rejection of Invitation

After finishing the things, Du Feng and Huo Yunlong left. As soon as they came back, they also had their own affairs to deal with. The remaining problem is that the four links pay commissions to the original recruits.

When he hired someone, Mu Tianjiao said that she would take out one-tenth of the valuation of the trip to the divine ruins and share it equally.

Now there are a total of 17 people, including Mu Tianjiao himself, and one-tenth of the nearly 20 billion divine spiritual stones are 2 billion. As for those who have died, they are naturally not qualified to share them.

Each person has more than 100 million divine spiritual stones, which is a little unbelievable for more than a dozen scattered practitioners, and at the same time a little nervous. I don't know if the Four Chamber of Commerce will fulfill the original promise. This is not a small amount of money!

However, Mu Tianjiao really believed what she said. After accounting with everyone, she asked everyone thoughtfully, "Everyone also knows the difficulties of my four-way Chamber of Commerce, and the cash can't be taken out. Are you willing to take the equivalent fairy grass, or wait for the things to sell and take the spirit stone? As you wish, I won't force it.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you. Yue Qianchou stared at everyone and said indifferently, "I'm not greedy. This time, I can get so many things completely taking advantage of the Fire Palace and the Spiritual Cultivation Gate. I don't want the change. When the thing is sold, just give me 100 million magic stones.

Under his malicious eyes, everyone was suddenly surprised. Someone immediately said weakly, "I'm not greedy, but I don't want to wait. Can you give me 100 million yuan worth of fairy grass now?"

Mu Tianjiao looked at the man with deep meaning, and immediately smiled at the man and said, "No problem." Then he immediately picked out the fairy order with a comparable market price to the man. After the two sides returned the signed jade and butterfly, the man immediately ran away without looking back.

Someone took the lead in the successful transaction." Others immediately followed the trend and put forward the same requirements. Mu Tianjiao did not do anything difficult. She quickly fulfilled her promise one by one, and in a blink of an eye, the team broke up. At this time, among the people hired by the four links, there are only Tao Zhong who is sad and silent...

Mu Tianjiao looked at Tao Zhong and smiled. "Tao Zhong has stood up several times in the territory of Shenxu at critical moments to help stabilize people's hearts. If it weren't for him." I'm afraid that the team would have dispersed before Yue Qianchou came back.

"Thank you very much this time, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to come back." Mu Tianjiao bowed and said with a smile, "If you have any requests, feel free to ask. As long as it is within my ability, I will try my best to satisfy it."

Tao Zhong said slowly, "I want to end my career as a partr. I don't know if it's okay to join your four-way chamber of commerce?"

The people in the shop were stunned at the same time. Mu Tianjiao looked at her father after surprise. Mu Bing came to his senses, nodded and smiled and said, "If you don't mind my four chambers of commerce, I will raise my hands to welcome you to join."

Tao Zhong immediately smiled and arched his hand and said, "President Xie took him in. From today on, I, Tao Zhong, will work for the Sitong Chamber of Commerce wholeheartedly."

When the Four-way Chamber of Commerce was down, some people joined the service, which immediately cheered up the spirits of Mu Bing and the three of them. Nan Tianlong came and patted Tao Zhong on the shoulder twice and said happily, "Good job! From now on, we will be a family.

Seeing the happy atmosphere in the store, Yue Qianchou smiled faintly and said, "This matter is over. I think I should be able to get the commission of the 100 million divine stone in a few days. I'll say goodbye first." He arched his hands at several people and strode out.

"Jue Qianchou!" Mu Tianjiao stopped him. Under the surprised eyes of several people, she walked to Yue Qianchou and bit her lips and said, "I want to take up a little of your time. I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Yue Qianchou stood at the door and said suspiciously. Mu Tianjiao looked back at her father, and then raised her hand to invite him and said, "Can you find a secluded place to talk?"

What the hell is this girl doing? Yue Qianchou paused and shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly, "Whatever it is!"

Mu Tianjiao immediately flew away, and Yue Qianchou followed closely. The two quickly flew over the wide square full of rows of shops and went deep into the vast and undulating stone mountains. It was not until they could not see the prosperity behind them and the desolation in front of them that Mu Tianjiao fell down on a towering stone mountain.

Yue Qianchou paused in the air and fell on the stone mountain in doubt. Mu Tianjiao, who is petite and exquisite in front of him, stood silently with her back to him. She was wearing an indigo dress swinging gently in the wind, and her hair was also dancing in the wind...

Yue Qianchou's eyes slowly looked around the undulating granite mountains around him. He didn't know why the woman led her to such a remote place. In case she was rude, I'm afraid that no one could hear her throat.

"Sneer!" Mu Tianjiao, who turned around and saw him like that, couldn't help laughing and said, "Why are you so careful and slow? With your ability, are you afraid that I won't make it?

Yue Qianchou withdrew his fantasies and coughed, "Miss Mu, what on earth are you going to read? Why do you have to come here to talk?"

"It can be seen that you should not be short of money." Mu Tianjiao asked intently, "Why do you want to help me?"

"Uh...PS is stunned" crying and laughing: "I'm not short of money? Are you kidding? I'm so short of money. What should I do if I don't enter the divine ruins for money?

Mu Tianjiao shook her head with a smile and said, "Answer me first. Why did you help me?"

Yue Qianchou pointed around speechlessly and said, "Miss Mu, you pulled me here just to ask this, right?"

"Don't change the topic, answer me." Mu Tianjiao asked.

Yue Qianchou touched his forehead and said powerlessly, "Okay! First, mine is indeed for money. Second, although I am kind-hearted, I don't deliberately help you." I just take advantage of the situation.

Mu Tianjiao was silent. After a long time, she stared at him and bit his lips and said, "What do you think of me?"

Yue Qianchou's mouth opened slightly and was stunned on the spot. Finally, he realized something. The corners of his mouth twitched and said with a wry smile, "Miss Mu, I think you may have misunderstood. The reason why I helped you is not that I have any thoughts about you. To tell the truth, it's just that you can be so strong as a woman. "I admire you a little, so I help you. It absolutely doesn't mean anything else."

Mu Tianjiao's face changed slightly, and she smiled a little and said, "It turns out that I'm self-indulsistful. It seems that my charm is not enough to attract you."

"You can't say that." Yueqian spread out his hands angrily and said frankly, "To be honest, you are very charming. I'm happy to make you go to bed impolite, but I will abandon you afterwards. Presumably you are not happy, and I don't want to do that to a woman like you."

This is indeed frank, and the frankness is a little too much, which makes Mu Tianjiao's face flash a trace of shame. But she was also a decisive person. She calmed down and said, "Let's get back to the word!" Is it possible for me to leave you in our Four Chamber of Commerce?

"Uh..." Yue Qianchou was speechless.

Mu Tianjiao immediately waved her hand and explained, "Don't think wrong. Don't mix men and women. I just hope you can join our four-way Chamber of Commerce."

Yue Qianchou looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Why do you want me to join the Four-way Chamber of Commerce?"

"Because our four chamber of commerce is in urgent need of talents to help us get out of trouble quickly, I believe you are one of the people we need." Mu Tianjiao said sincerely.

Speaking of business, Yue Qianchou was immediately rude. He raised his eyebrows and said, "You look up to me too much."... Do you think there is anything that the Four-way Chamber of Commerce can attract me to join?"

Mu Tianjiao bit his lips and said, "You can put forward all the pieces you want, and then let's see if we can satisfy the weighing."

"I don't need to ask any conditions." Yue Qianchou waved his hand and smiled and said, "Because I don't have the ability you mentioned, I just want to do a free practice." "... Miss Mu called me here. Is the main purpose of talking about this?"

"Can't you think about it anymore?" As soon as he said that, he shook his head and refused without hesitation. Mu Tianjiao smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that it is difficult for us to retain capable people."

Yue Qianchou smiled uncommittingly. He is not the kind of person who can easily be moved because others have enough sincerity. What's the matter with scoring? Whether the four-way chamber of commerce is big or small, the main reason is that he can no longer succumb to the people's control. What's more, it is still a small four-way chamber of commerce, which is not a platform for him to display his ambitions.

"Actually, I have a good suggestion." Yue Qianchou smiled and said, "You should continue to maintain contact with the Spiritual Cultivation Gate and the Lihuo Palace. I believe it will be of great help to your four-way Chamber of Commerce."

"I'm afraid I can't climb high." Mu Tianjiao shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"This is not your Miss Mu's style. How do you know if you don't try it?" Yue Qianchou hugged his fist until the end: "Okay, Yue has something else to do. Let's leave first." After saying that, he flew away without looking back.

Mu Tianjiao looked at the distant figure, and suddenly showed a haggard expression on her face. After a while, she took a deep breath and flew back quickly with her spirit."

At the door of the shop of the Four Cong Chamber of Commerce, Du Feng and Huo Yunlong arrived almost at the same time, and the two looked at each other in a sway. Mu Bing inside had quickly stepped out and saluted, "Two distinguished guests, please come inside quickly."

Du Feng glanced inside and waved his hand and said, "President Mu is very kind. I happened to pass by here. I still have something to do. I'll bother you later." The fire cloud dragon next to him asked bluntly, "President Mu, where is Yue Qianchou?" Where has he gone?"

Mu Bing hasn't replied yet. Someone has said, "Wei Qianchou has left." Several people looked back and found that it was Mu Tianjiao with a smile on her face. Du Feng and Huo Yunlong's eyes lit up at the same time. After being polite to each other, Huo Yunlong asked again, "Miss Mu, do you know where Yue Qianchou has gone?"

"I saw him coming back in this direction. He should still be in this area!" Mu Tianjiao hesitated. Huo Yunlong looked around and immediately arched his hand and said, "Then I'll look for it. I'll leave first." After saying that, he left, and Du Feng also arched his hand to say goodbye...