The scum of the real world

Chapter 837 Tragic Battle

The outside of Shenxu suddenly became a mess. "The crowd watching in the air immediately flashed down a lot. The original congestion has become sparse. After seeing that the disciples of this school came out in embarrassation, I couldn't help but ask what happened regardless of their identity. Because there has never been such a strange situation in the previous Shenxujing Association, the disciples who entered this time seem to have suffered a great disaster.

Everyone can find that there are 30 disciples in each faction, but no sect can exceed five people. The degree of misery can be imagined.

The most uneasy thing is those who are still floating in the air. They stare at the mouth of the cave of the divine ruins one by one. The white light there has returned to calm, and it is only one day away from the closure of the divine ruins, and I don't know if anyone will come out later.

Most people standing in the air throw a trace of luck, because more than 10,000 people have come out here, and hundreds of thousands of disciples need to know to enter! Anyway, you have to pay tens of thousands more!

Look at the disciples of all factions that have come out below. They are all half-dead and embarrassing, and they are entangled and uncomfortable. Every second of the rest of the time is suffering! They are all leading the team members of all factions. If the whole army is destroyed, how can they go back and explain to the door? Who dares to pat his chest and say that he has no right in the door? Who can guarantee that the enemy will not take advantage of this attack?

Seeing the sad and sad scene below, Wu Xiong frowned on the top of the mountain. He has presided over the meeting of the Divine Ruins for several times, and he has never seen such a scene of such a heavy loss from all factions. He turned around and whispered, "Take someone in yourself to see what's going on?"

A man in a golden robe behind him immediately received the order and dodged at the entrance of the divine ruins. He waved ten people and flashed into the spinning white light..."

There were continuous inquiries in the venue below, and the disciples who returned from all factions were powerless to tell the story inside. "As expected, the disciples of the various factions in it began to unite to fight and rob in order to protect themselves or come back, and those weak disciples of the sect were cut off one by one.

If there is a fight, there will naturally be sacrifices. For example, two sects have joined forces to seize the treasure together, and the two sides who fight back together will inevitably lose their strength. In the end of the fight, there was a situation in which Qizhen gradually gathered to a few sects. At this time, everyone had quite valuable Qizhen in their hands. People's people were specious, and not everyone who had a good strength could keep the agreement, and the situation of going to the ally appeared.

As soon as such a situation occurs, for the disciples of the various factions who survived in it, "that is the beginning of the disaster. Everyone was originally centrifuged from each other with heavy treasures. One leader had a second black hand. As a result, people who did not want to do that were also worried that their allies would do so. In order to avoid long dreams, in order to protect themselves, it is not uncommon to do it first. The situation is getting more and more out of control"

In the end, the remaining teams are basically the best in the fairyland sect. As we all know, the reason why the sect with such strength has reached such a level and participated in the meeting of the Divine Ruins is not only rare, but also face, and strive to suppress the opponent in the upper reaches. The most important thing is the battle for the ranking of sects every hundred years. These major events belong to each sects are not long after the meeting of the Divine Ruins. The meeting of the Divine Ruins is also one of the rulers of the ranking of the fairy palace.

Of course, the more and more rich treasures of various factions is also one of the reasons that make everyone jealous. For the future, some people began to work hard. "I have to try my best to protect myself if I don't want to work hard, so the crazy fight begins again.

As soon as you meet, the other party will do it without touching it. What should you do? Only take the lead, and all of them have been red-eyed in the back. Many people are crazy because they can't stand such suffering, but no one dares to quit in advance. After all, not every sect is as lucky as Du Feng and Huo Yunlong. The elder of the team is their father.

Kill! Kill again! Crazy fight! ! Either you die or I live." It's all crazy. After getting through the time when the divine ruins were almost closed, everyone was ready to leave as soon as possible, but the exit ambushed several sects who tried to take advantage of them with ease.

As a result, a large number of people were blocked at the exit, and the people came one after another. As a result, there was a disgusting cycle of hatred between enemies and enemies, so the most tragic situation appeared in the range of the exit of Shenxu. It's not too much to describe the bones like mountains and rivers of blood. All of them have become murderous demons. "Some of those who are stunned are already killed at the sight of people, and there are even a lot of cases of killing the same family by mistake...

The complaints of the disciples of the following factions are chattering and weeping. The bloody and cruel killing scene is gradually clearly presented in front of everyone's eyes. Even if the elders of the leaders of all factions were well-informed and heard the cold air, and the back of the back was cold. No one expected that the meeting of the divine ruins would be so cruel to the point...,...

Du Kairen, Huo Lianqing and Yafuzi looked at each other in shock again. They had to be glad that the disciples in the door identified the situation in time before they failed to the destruction of the whole army. Especially the first two relatives, who kept pounding, were already grateful in their hearts. If they hadn't quit in time, it was still unknown whether their sons would come back alive. The most valuable thing is that the two families are probably the only sects that have not lost one person and have completely preserved their strength...

Behind the crowd in the air, Du Feng, Huo Yunlong, Shui Mingqing and Mu Tianjiao all arrived together. Seeing this scene, they were stunned one by one. When there is a lingering fear in his heart, what I admire most is the long-term vision of Qianchou. As expected, it was simply tragic. Mu Tianjiao sighed gently, and her eyes were slightly gloomy...

And Yue Qianchou stared at the desolate scene below and shook his head. Fortunately, he took the lords of the countries away in time. Otherwise, in such a big melee, there would be no heavy loss. He himself did not realize that there would be such a big variable in the meeting of the divine ruins, which was more or less directly related to him. It was not too much to say that he was the culprit.

But after all, he stood in a corner and watched the whole situation. He didn't find that he was the one who stood on the hillside and inadvertently rolled a small snowball. As for the consequences of the snowball rolling down, how big it finally rolled... He had already patted his buttocks and left.

Most of the people in the Shenxu are almost dead, and no one can touch the countless clues to find him.

This broom star uses the conclusion of Wu Sihai, that is, wherever you go, there will be no peace, and if nothing happens, it is a miracle. For example, the Eastern Holy Land, which has been quiet for more than 100,000 years, once this guy goes, he has finished everything...

The white light at the entrance of the Shenxu Cave swallowed again, which immediately made the eyes of the crowd waiting in the air appear the light of hope, but the light of hope then went out. What came out was the people in the fairy palace who had entered the divine ruins before.

The leader flashed to the top of the mountain and arched his hand to Wu Xiong with a solemn face and reported: "To the commander, the corpses at the exit inside are piled up all over the mountain. We walked around in a small area. There were corpses everywhere. We didn't see a living person. I'm afraid that all the Do you want to disperse them*..."

Wu Xiong raised his hand slightly, and the sun glanced down. There was still a calm expression on his face. He said lightly, "Wait a minute! Before the ruins are closed, some of them will not give up *..."

"Yes!" The man answered and quietly retreated behind Wu Xiong.

The embarrassed disciples of all factions in the venue below were brought back one after another, and the leaders of each faction were still waiting in the air. Especially those who didn't see the disciples in the door came out, they were still waiting with a fluke mentality.

However, the final fact is cruel. The first month of the opening of the divine ruins has expired, and there is a faint sound of thunder in the cave in the belly of the mountain. In the eyes of the public, the rotating white light suddenly expanded, and then quickly rotated and retracted, and the eyes shrank smaller and smaller, until it turned into a little white light and disappeared...

Up and down are silent. After a long time, someone breathed gently, and many people are determined to collapse the pool and fly to each other. Even if the disciples in the door have come back by chance, they can't see a trace of joy on their faces, and their expressions are relatively heavy. This incident is worth reflection.

Throughout the final ending, nearly half of the tens of thousands of sects and chambers of commerce have not returned, and the 50 million divine spiritual stones paid can be said to have lost all their money.

There is no need for the people of the fairy palace to disperse everyone, and everyone has flashed back silently.

Yue Qianchou shook his head and was about to go back. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he was stunned and found that Wan Ling was looking at her with a smile, and the three elders behind her were also cold-eyed.

"Yue Qianchou, where do you want to go*..." Wan Ling said with a smile.

I'm not your man, you don't care where I go! Yue Qianchou politely squeezed out a smile and said, "I have been living in the shops of the Fire Palace for a long time, and naturally I will return to the shops of the Fire Palace." With that, he nodded to Du Feng and others, who were not far away, nodded and motioned to wait.

Wan Ling looked back at them, and then approached Yue Qianchou. She whispered in Yue Qianchou's ear with a smile, "Since my disciples of the Eternal Master know you, there must be any story between you. You might as well go to my shop and talk about it in detail. What do you think?"

"I don't know him at all... You...*..." Yue Qianchou held his hands and didn't finish his words. Wan Ling grabbed his wrist and forcibly dragged him away. The three Mu brothers stared at each other in astonishment, and then smiled bitterly one by one... It seems that the young lady is really sad this time. I guess she won't be reconciled not to play him to death!

The three shook their heads and quickly flashed away. Du Feng and others looked at me, I looked at you, and found that this worry was really unpredictable. When did he have anything to do with Wan Ling? You're right! Wan Ling actually took his hand in the eyes of the public and took him away...