The scum of the real world

Chapter 851 Flirred

Strangely, after glancing at the empty-handed Yue Qianchou, he was stunned, "The fierce light in his small eyes flashed by. Yue Qianchou narrowed his eyes slightly and knew it was going to be bad, but he insisted on carrying no one. As expected, Wei Chunqiu had disappeared in place. As soon as his neck tightened, his whole body immediately became unable to move. Wei Chunqiu's voice smiled and said in his ear, "Little bunny, if you want to play tricks with me, you are still a little tender. Where is Neidan? Hand it over to me honestly. *......”

Old bastard! Yue Qianchou cursed in his stomach, his neck was tightly pinched by Wei Chunqiu, and his throat cooed, but he couldn't say a word. However, even so, he still did not flash back to the utopia.

Wei Chunqiu was too lazy to talk to him. He directly pulled down his storage bag from his waist. He took the storage bag in one hand and checked it. He was stunned and found that it was empty and there was no hair. He immediately threw it back, shook Yue Qianchou's neck and scolded, "What's wrong with you! There is nothing. Why do you hang a broken bag on your waist?

While talking, his hands kept working, and with the sharp green front's five claws flying, the sound of "ssing*..." sounded, and the rags flew randomly in the palace. In a blink of an eye, he tore up the clothes all over Yue Qianchou's body. However, he didn't find what he wanted. Wei Chunqiu pinched Yue Qianchou's neck, just like carrying a faded duck. He seemed to shake crazily and shouted, "Where is it? Where did you hide my Neidan? Hand it over to me quickly."

Son of a bitch! You are a pig! How can I talk by pinching my neck? Yue Ganchou felt that his neck was about to be shaken by him, and his eyes were shaken to huā. He kept rolling his eyes, but the other party blushed and didn't find it for a long time.

There is no doubt that this guy is definitely a cruel man. Even if he is naked by the other party and is so humiliated, he still gritted his teeth and resists. Otherwise, with only one thought, he could safely get out of his claws and return to Utopia, but he just didn't... "Uh..." Wei Chunqiu, who reacted from impatience, looked stiff and found his mistake. He immediately loosened his five claws and buckled on Yue Qiancho's shoulder. Fortunately, Yue Qianchou is not an ordinary person, otherwise he would have hung up long ago.

Yue Qianchou, who blushed and coughed twice in a row, took a few breaths and then recovered. Although he was still controlled and could not move, he still gritted his teeth naked and said, "Wei Chunqiu, you son of a bitch. You are obviously taking the opportunity to take revenge on me. OK, it's your cruelty." But listen to me. Since I dare to do this, I'm not afraid of you. Things have been transmitted by me. As long as I have a little accident, your inner Dan will be destroyed immediately. No one can think about it. Even if I die, it's worth it to pull a master of the immortal emperor's back.

"Is the transmission gone?" Wei Chunqiu was stunned and didn't figure out what it meant for a long time." Then he said angrily, "Don't fool Grandpa here." Without saying a word, he punched Yue Qianchou's abdominal muscles. While Yue Qianchou's body flew up, he spit out a mouthful of blood. But people can't fly away, and they are dragged back by Wei Chunqiu's five claws into the flesh of his shoulders.

For a moment, the blood flowed on Hua's shoulder, which was full of sorrow, and the pain went into the bone marrow.

"Old bastard! If you dare to do it again, "Don't blame me for being rude, and immediately let your cultivation fall below the early days of the Immortal Emperor*..." Yue Qianchou roared with blood.

With a "bump", Wei Chunqiu punched him heavily on the shoulder again, so that his body floated up and burst out a mouthful of blood again. The five claws trapped in the bones of the shoulder dragged him back again." Wei Chunqiu sneered and said, "The dead duck has a hard mouth. You are really easy to mess with as the bat king. This is just an appetizer. If you don't hand it over honestly, "Let you taste the bat king, search the soul method" and you will know what life is better than death. Let me ask again, will you hand it in or not?

When Yue Qian was worried about the words, he sneered when he cracked his bloody mouth. He finally understood that he had lost a lot of money this time. This plan was to suffer in vain, and the blood was also in vain. It was not that everyone was so easy to scare. To deal with such an old man, you have to use a direct and effective method. You are not polite.

"Old bastard! You asked for it. Don't blame me. Yue Qianchou's resentful sneered repeatedly.

"The little rabbit dares to speak hard. It's true that you can't see the coffin and don't shed tears, so let you taste the soul search...*..." Wei Chunqiu's words stopped abruptly, and the gloomy smile froze on his face, and his two small eyes opened violently, as if he The five claws in the bones and flesh of Yue Qianchou's shoulders were bloody, but Yue Qianchou himself disappeared under his eyes.

It's over! Wei Chunqiu suddenly panicked. He never dreamed that Yue Qianchou would do this again. His inner elixir was still in other people's hands! The anxious Wei Chunqiu flashed a series of virtual shadows in the palace, looking for the corners of the jade palace, hoping to find Yue Qianchou. * He searched the whole palace and couldn't see the shadow of Yue Qianchou. Wei Chunqiu did not stop. He flashed into a streamer and shot directly into the passage outside the palace. He firmly believed that Yue Qianchou must have used some kind of blindfold method. With his cultivation, he could not escape far away, and he would definitely have a chance to catch him back. However, as soon as the streamer flashed halfway to the channel, it immediately stopped.

Wei Chunqiu stood in the passage and suddenly looked back and stared at the Yuque Palace. In the direction, he suddenly sensed his inner elixir, which was in the Yuque Palace. Without thinking, he turned into a streamer and returned quickly. As a result, something faintly worried still happened...

In Hongjing's Yuque Palace, between the two pools of blood and the broken cloth everywhere, he stood there with a sad face. The blood left on his mouth and face was still there, but he put on his clothes again. The damn purple light appeared in his palm again. The most terrible thing is that his blue shining inner elixir is still trapped in the purple light, which is really a terrible thing.

Wei Chunqiu's brain was a little confused. He knew that this was a big trouble. He just offended him. He was obviously here to take revenge this time. Immediately, he waved his hand and prayed, "Don't mess around, don't mess around. Everything is easy to discuss, and everything can be discussed."

"Discuss nonsense!" The roar of Yue Qianchou echoed throughout the Yuque Palace, and he only heard him curse: "Old bastard! Do you know you're afraid now? Just now, I was sincere to discuss with you, but you poisoned me. If I am fooled by you again, I will write the three words backwards. Now I'm going to make you feel good enough!"

"Don't!" Wei Chunqiu shouted in a hurry, "Don't discuss it. I agree to whatever you say."

"Uh..." Yue Qianchou, who was about to kill him, was stunned, and he could still consider everything. The anger subsided three points on the spot, and he squinted and said, "No matter what I say, do you really agree to it all?"

Wei Chunqiu looked at the purple light that could make people worried in Yue Qianchou's palm, and nodded repeatedly and said, "You are called Yue Qianchou, right? As long as it's not too much, I will agree to all of them.

"Son of a bitch! Unexpectedly, the standard has been lowered again. Are you farting when you talk? Yue Qianchou roared and roared, "I want to beat you now and express my anger first. Do you agree?" The purple light in his hand soared, which scared Wei Chunqiu and said in horror, "Yes, I agree."

"Bastard!" Yue Qianchou put away the purple fire and inner elixir in his hand again, rolled up the sleeves of his hands and strode forward, pointed to Wei Chunqiu, who retreated repeatedly with a frightened face, and shouted, "Don't dodge, don't resist with your cultivation, otherwise I will make your life worse than death."

Taking advantage of Wei Chunqiu's stupidity, he leaped over a few steps. His two fists were covered with thick golden armor, or the golden armor covered with tooth nails and waved his fist as big as a casserole. With a "ah" scream, Wei Chunqiu's small body fell down in response, and he did not rely on It's really hard to hold on!

"Bunch, dare to beat me..." *..." Yue Qianchou's endlessly scolding, hugged Wei Chunqiu to the ground and beat him wildly. It was called a punch and kick, so that Wei Chunqiu kept screaming like killing pigs and sheep.

If you don't have fun, you can't vent your hatred at all. Thinking of being stripped naked by this old guy before, he rushed up with a wild torn, and in a blink of an eye, he stripped Wei Chunqiu naked.

Wei Chunqiu is also worthy of being an old monster. As expected, the skin is rough and thick, and the nails of the golden armor in Yue Qianchou's hand have been leveled, but this guy didn't even see any scars on his body.

In this way, Yue Qianchou was even more angry, and the golden armor on his fist was collected. He casually took out a large piece of underworld iron, and the purple light of his palms shone. In a blink of an eye, he made a simple mace of nearly two meters. What is more conspicuous is that the wolf teeth on the stick look sharp. ** The skinny Wei Chunqiu crawled to the ground, covered the shame under his crotch with his hands, and said in horror, "Wue Qianchou, what do you want to do?"

"What are you talking about? I haven't had a good time yet." Before he finished speaking, Yue Qianchou smashed the crude mace and smashed it. This stick of strength is not small, "*..." A stick hit Wei Chunqiu's head. Wei Chunqiu, who did not dare to resist with his cultivation, was immediately swayed more than ten meters on the smooth jade ground by a huge force.

Yue Qianchou rushed over with a mace on his mace, and there were blood stains on his face. The momentum was really extremely fierce. Wei Chunqiu was so scared that he shivered. He put his arms around his head, bowed down, and his legs shrank, and his whole body curled up into a ball.

Yue Qianchou didn't care how pitiful his small body looked. He rushed over and swayed the underworld iron wolf tooth stick that looked at more burly than Wei Chunqiu's small body, "bang bang" indiscriminately, plus punching and kicking. The scream of Wei Chunqiu crying and howling suddenly echoed in the Yuque palace, which lasted for a long time...