The scum of the real world

Chapter 887 Good luck

"I have a way to persuade them back to continue. I'll get them back now." Fengjiu retreated in panic.

Daming Lun opened his eyes and said indifferently, "Are you joking about me?"

"No, no... I'll get them back now." Feng Jiuru threw down a sentence, turned around and flew away quickly. Daminglun snorted coldly, and the palms huddled in the grapefruit were exposed. Ten fingers popped up ten light balls in a row and quickly chased after them. Later, he caught up with Feng Jiuru in an instant.

Feng Jiuru looked back and was suddenly scared out of his soul. He exclaimed, "Please take charge of the face of the Unrequited Palace..." Before he finished speaking, the ten photospheres suddenly turned into a moon wheel with ten faces, and the net was strangled. Feng Jiuru immediately knew that it was too late to say anything. The Ming wheel had already moved to kill, so his figure quickly teleported and changed its position in the air. However, the ten moon wheels were like shadows, and he could not get rid of it at all.

Feng Jiuru, who was struggling to cope with it, simply risked his life and summoned the flying sword to fight back. The sharp color flashed in Daming's eyes and shouted, "Be bold! How dare you resist!" One palm was thrown out of the air, and the ten moonwheels suddenly felt like a dream, cutting out a silver arc in the void, and its thunderous power made people seem to see a thunderbolt.

At this moment, "Ah..." There was a sad scream out of thin air, and a blood mist exploded in the air. Ten ghostly moon wheels came out of the blood fog and turned into ten light balls to flash back. The long sleeves of the Daming wheel waved the light ball and did not stop at all, leaving a cold hum and turned into a golden light.

This scene made everyone feel shuddly, especially the elders of all factions sitting here changed their faces. They didn't expect that the Ming wheel was so powerful. In anger, killing Fengjiu was just a matter of a flash. Compared with the same period, it is naturally not a problem to kill these elders. The horror of the Ming wheel in charge suddenly pressed into the hearts of everyone like a mountain.

Even Wei Chunqiu was a little distracted. He was immersed in the ghostly change of the ten moon wheels just now. Thinking about it, it was difficult to resolve with his own body. Now he understands that it was a mercy to him before the Daming wheel, otherwise he was afraid he would be a little embarrassed.

Before the flesh and blood exploded in the air fell to the ground, Yue Qianchou immediately flashed away quickly, with sharp eyes. After grabling a storage bracelet and putting it away and injecting it into the consciousness to check, I almost didn't laugh out loud. It was found that Feng Jiuru was worthy of being the elder of the psychedelic fairy city of the largest school in the fairy world. Not to mention other messy things in this storage bracelet, there are more than 7 billion spiritual stones alone, and I don't know if it is the public money of ruthless words.

But this is not something to worry about." He only thought it was his booty. He looked around contentedly and flew to the Chamber of Commerce quickly without saying a word. Wei Chunqiu, who came to his senses, his eyes lit up. Seeing that Yue Qianchou won and ran so fast, he said in his heart that he must have made a fortune, so he immediately chased after him...

The two of them landed in front of the building of the World Chamber of Commerce in order. When the lords of the countries saw Yue Qianchou coming back, they were very excited one by one. Since the execution came back intact, it is estimated that they must have won.

"What's in Fengjiuru's storage bracelet?" Wei Chunqiu followed Yue Qianchou and pulled his sleeve and asked.

Yue Qianchou's sleeve shook, strode inside and said, "I said nothing, and I've told you several times.

"I can't! Feng Jiuru is in charge of the rudder of the Unrejoic Palace here, and no matter how little he has in his hand, he can't go anywhere. Wei Chunqiu chased behind his buttocks and expressed suspicion. Yue Qianchou was too lazy to pay attention to him. He quickly walked to the lobby, stepped on the curved table on the edge of the pool, turned around and faced the crowd and shouted, "The trouble has been solved for the time being. Cheer up. I believe there will be guests coming soon."

As soon as the words fell, the lords of the countries cheered with excitement. Everyone was not stupid. After knowing this incident, Xi Shao initially stood in the fairyland.

On the big ice of the life and death post, the people watching the battle left one after another, and then the people who heard the news kept coming. This desolate place, which had always been unpopular, suddenly became lively. It took a full month for this huge ice to disappear in front of everyone's eyes, and I don't know how many people in the fairyland attracted during this period...

Although the opening of the World Chamber of Commerce has caused a lot of twists and turns, it has become more and more lively. Yue Qianchou put on his big red robe again and greeted the guests with a smile in the lobby upstairs and downstairs. This time, the visitors of various factions were also very polite to him. When they saw him coming, they took the initiative to say hello with a little awe. This is the embodiment of strength. Only with strength can we be recognized by everyone. This is a questionable thing.

At this time, the sorrow began to become unfathomable in everyone's eyes. No one could see through his cultivation, but with his ability to easily kill the two leaders at the end of the immortals, it is estimated that his cultivation has at least reached the level of the immortal. However, everyone knows that this time the Chamber of Commerce has formed a great feud with the ruthless palace, but I'm afraid it won't be better in the future.

The factions who couldn't come here were still shocked by the rich variety and large amount of fairy grass of the Chamber of Commerce in the world, so people kept turning around and listening to the origin of these fairy grasses to the lords of the countries who hung big red huā on the chest of each counter, which had long been unified. The lords of the country retreated from the fairy grass to Wei Chunqiu, all of which were said to be provided by Wei Chunqiu.

As the disciples of each school spread the news back, each school immediately sent people to bring money to buy the fairy grass needed by the school, and the trading scene on the next five floors gradually became popular. He spent a lot of effort to open this time. The fairy grass he sold was all less than 200 million divine spirit stones, and none of them worth more than 200 million yuan was taken out. Most of the fairy grass worth less than 100 million divine spirit stones.

Even so, he was still worried. The fairy grass sold was compared with the fairy grass picture book for a long time, but all the picture book shows that it is some kind of elixir, and there is one or two less flavors. For example, if a kind of elixir needs three-flavor main medicine, then if there is a main medicine, he will definitely not sell it. If he needs four or five-flavor main medicine, then the two-flavor medicine will never be sold.

Yue Qianchou naturally has a deeper consideration for doing so. It is impossible to ignore nothing for the sake of money. Although the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce is to make money, there are more important things than making money. So he can make money, and the fairy grass can also be sold in large quantities, but it is absolutely impossible for all factions to collect all the fairy grass needed. Otherwise, with the strong financial resources of those big schools, they can get the much-needed elixir, which is simply for the tiger.

Of course, Yue Qianchou can't rule out that those large factions have their own lack of fairy grass to make up for alchemy, but it is certain that they can only make up a small part at most, and it is impossible for them to make up as much as they sell." Unless there is also a utopia . Therefore, Yue Qianchou is not worried about how much the factions can turn over, and the money to be earned should continue to be earned.

After going up and down a few times, I saw that the business of the World Chamber of Commerce was on the right track, and I was ready to go back to the sixth floor with a sad smile, because there were still guests there. Yafuzi, Huo Lianqing and Du Kairen have all left, but several friends such as Shui Mingqing are still here, and he, the host, has to accompany them.

Just as he was about to step on the stairs on the second floor, he suddenly heard a woman shouting behind him, "Leap to the head of the door!"

Yue Qian was stunned. He felt that his voice was very strange and it seemed that he had never heard of it before, so he looked back and saw two seemingly young men and women coming side by side. They were both good-looking and had the taste of a little talented woman. Yue Qianchou turned around and said suspiciously, "Are you two?"

The woman smiled and arched her hand and said, "Little girl dragon wine, the elder of Yinlong Villa, Long Yugong is my grandfather." The man also arched his hand and said, "I will Nianzu, the elder of Yinlong Villa, Guangjun, is my grandfather."

"Oh! Disrespectful, disrespectful, it turned out to be the legitimate grandson and the direct farewell "daughter" of the two elders of Yinlong Villa. Yue Qianchou arched his hand politely, as if he had been looking forward to the name for a long time, but he muttered in his heart... I've heard of Yinlong Villa, but I've never heard of these two old guys, and I don't know if these two little guys are real. Liars are often the most likely to appear on

So he was a little wary, but he asked with a smile on his face, "I don't know what the two high-ranking disciples of Yinlong Villa did to find Yue?"

Long Xiaojiu took out a gift box with a smile and said, "We were ordered to come here on behalf of Yinlong Villa to congratulate the opening of the World Chamber of Commerce and its prosperous business." Guang Nianzu looked at her and was ordered to be false. She took a long time to let Long Yugong agree that it was true, but she was sent to supervise her. She was afraid that she would see people she shouldn't have seen and make trouble.

When there was a gift, Yue Qianchou was naturally happy, but he felt a little strange that he had never had a deal with Yinlong Villa. "How could he come to send a congratulatory gift to himself? Did they see that our Chamber of Commerce in the world had a future, so they took the initiative to make friends?

"Then thank you for your kindness." Yue Qianchou took over the congratulatory gift and thought that more powerful friends were not pregnant," so he raised his hand and said, "It's too noisy here. Two distinguished guests, please follow me to the small seat on the sixth floor."

Long Xiaojiu and Guang Nianzu were not pretentious, so they followed him directly to the sixth floor. Stairs on the sixth floor. There was a man guarding. Obviously, idle people were not allowed to break in without permission. When the guard saw that it was Yue Qianchou and brought people here, he naturally let them up. As soon as the three of them climbed to the sixth floor, they were immediately isolated from the noise downstairs. At a glance, they knew that the sound insulation boundary had been arranged by someone.

Yue Qianchou took the two people through a corridor and pushed open a door. Suddenly, his eyes were bright. It turned out to be a big room.

This is actually the living room on the sixth floor. The white jade slate is inlaid in front of the wall, plus a few large transparent crystal floor-to-ceiling windows. The lighting effect is very good, making the whole living room look spacious and bright...