The scum of the real world

Chapter 913 Expulsion

Enough! Wu Xiong shouted in a low voice, which prevented Yue Qianchou from talking about it, and his face gradually became cold.

Because no matter what Mu Bing did is right or wrong, he must defend Mu Bing today. To be more precise, he wants to protect Mu Tianjiao. Ten thousand steps back and said that Mu Bing is now his father-in-law. Yue Qianchou has obviously formed a grudge against Mu Bing today. "He can no longer have the opportunity to find trouble with Mu Bing" is tantamount to making trouble for himself.

Like a person who can climb to his position, which is not a decisive and ruthless character, in turn, he has been sentenced to the death penalty.

The Minglun next to him immediately noticed it, and his eyes narrowed." The voice sneered: "Wu Xiong" Although Yue Qianchou had a lot to do with Wei Chunqiu, if you want to kill him, I will never stop him. But there is one thing I want to remind you. "Yue Qianchou's little life is not up to you and I can make the decision. Before Ji Wuxianjun doesn't express his position to give up on him, you'd better think twice and don't make the fairy emperor angry. It should be noted that in the mind of the Immortal Emperor, there are many people who can replace you and me, but the position of Jiwu Xianjun is unique. Compared with her, you and I are like ants.

In the words of the Ming wheel, he clicked Wu Xiong's weakness, and after saying these words, he stopped talking. Wu Xiong's heart was slightly awe-inspiring." He looked at the Daming Wheel with some gratitude. If it hadn't been for the reminder of the Ming Wheel, he would have made a big mistake. But one day, Ji Wuxianjun really wanted to summon Yue Qianchou as he said that day, but he was killed by himself." What's the If I'm not there that day, it's enough." But I'm just there. It's useful for the immortal emperor to worry about his life. How can he do it knowingly?

Yue Qianchou, who played sad cards there, didn't know that his life and death had changed again and again in his eyes. In order to explain to the two brothers, Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng, Daminglun could be said that Zhizhu kept him again in the dark.

"How dare you to withdraw here" "Humph! If it weren't for the happy day of my leader, I wouldn't be spared!" Wu Xiong looked at Yue Qianchou and shouted coldly, "Come on! Expell him out of Blissland!" Although he would not want to jump his sorrowful life this time, he made up his mind to give his father-in-law face, which was more or less to please the bride Mu Tianjiao. In the case of not being able to kill Yue Qianchou, you can only drive out Yue Qianchou, which is to humiliate Yue Qianchou to make my father-in-law happy!

In this regard, "Da Ming Lun won't say anything." He is a very rational person who knows the gains and losses of interests. It is difficult for you to gain a foothold in the fairyland. What is face? It's a blessing in misfortune to be able to save your life in the fairyland of bliss. Don't talk about face if you don't have the strength!

At this time, Yue Qianchou's heart was full of anger. He didn't come until he received the invitation, but now he has been kicked out in full view of the public. How can he bear it! But he is also a person who crawls out after struggling. Naturally, he knows what it means to bend and stretch, so he dares not be unhappy at all.

Two golden-robed bodyguards flashed to him and looked at him coldly. It was obvious that if you don't get out of here yourself, we will frown.

Yue Qianchou silently glanced at the whole audience. "He put everyone's contemptuous and indifferent expressions into his eyes one by one. His eyes stopped slightly on Mu Tianjiao's face without any emotion, but he did not accept Mu Tianjiao's extremely sorry and guilty eyes." He directly swept over the swung his Mu Bing looked at his face for a while.

Mu Bing's eyes were full of disdain. It seemed that if today was not a happy day, how could you have a life? The two of them made eye contact for a while, and their eyes were not as arrogant as his. They just simply looked at him up and down." Then they said to Daming Wheel, "Please take charge of the face of King Wei Bat and help me take Miss Lu on the way when I go back."

Daminglun secretly replied, "The people of the Unreme Palace will not let you go. I will help you drag him for a while later. After you get out of the Bliss Wonderland, find a secret place to hide and take you back with you when I go back."

Yue Qianchou naturally knew that the "he" said by the Minglun was Cang Yunxin. He immediately replied proudly, "Although I am not his opponent, he can't have enough ability to kill me." There is no need to stop it... I wrote down the friendship in charge, and it will definitely be a good reward in the future.

After saying that, there was no longer any nostalgia for this place. "It was full of humiliation under the moonlight" and turned around and strode away. Daming Lun looked at his back thoughtfully. "I don't think Yue Qianchou's words are too arrogant." Instead, I think that he can recruit Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng to work. It must be extraordinary, but it will be a wait and see.

Mu Tianjiao's eyes stared at the back of the resolute departure. Her heart was full of powerlessness. From the determination of the other party's eyes just now, it can be seen that it is impossible for everyone to be friends from now on. Instead, they may become enemies. No matter who suffers such a great shame and humili

Seeing the figure of Yue Qianchou disappearing outside the door, Mu Tianjiao's eyes were full of frustration and powerlessness. Looking at her father, she didn't know what to say, and she didn't want to say anything more. Because personality determines fate, she knows that no matter what she says, she can't save it...

"Dare to come here to make trouble. If it hadn't been for today's a happy day, it would have been really cheap for him to leave alive." After Mu Bing snorted coldly, he immediately changed into a smiling face, picked up the wine glass to give full play to the spirit of the master, and greeted the guests around him, "Don't disturb Yaxing because of an unincompetent person. Please continue to drink happily."

A group of guests immediately raised their glasses with a smile, as if nothing had happened. Daming Wheel and Wu Xiong almost coincidentally glanced at Mu Bing. "The two of them didn't say anything, and the former also continued to raise their glasses to help Wu Xiong treat guests.

But at this moment, Cang Yunxin suddenly came out, walked down the steps and arched his hand to Wu Xiong and said, "Commander! I'm really sorry, Mr. Cang feels unwell. "Please resign, and I hope the commander will forgive me!"

As soon as this said, "the guests of all the sitting factions looked at each other face to face" all knew that Cang Yunxin's feeling of physical discomfort was a sistration, but he was afraid that it was true that he wanted to go out to chase and kill Qianchou.

Wan Lihong in the crowd looked at Cang Yunxin strangely and thought to himself, if this old guy really killed the spy sent by the Immortal Emperor, the ruthless palace would be lively.

"Since I'm not feeling well, I won't keep it." Wu Xiong raised his hand with a smile and made a gesture of please.

Of course, he knows what Cang Yunxin wants to do, but he is eager for Cang Yunxin to do so, because he really doesn't want to leave Yue Qianchou in the future. "If Yue Qianshou really enters the eyes of Ji Wuxian in the future", it is not a good thing for him. Since someone does it on their behalf, they can not care about their own business. Why not do it?

"Mr. Xie's success, congratulations to the virtuous and his best." Cang said goodbye first." Cang Yunxin arched his hand and strode away. Mu Bing's eyes lit up when he saw him leave, and he shouted to the crowd again, "Please drink freely."

Wu Xiong also raised his glass to the crowd with a smile on his face. Suddenly, he saw Daminglun glance at himself. He immediately knew that Daminglun had guessed his mind, so he said, "If Brother Minglun really has a lot of relationship with Yue Qianchou, it's too late to stop him now."

"You don't have to test me. Since you have made a decision, with the relationship between you and me, I'm naturally on your side." Daming Wheel said so, but in his heart, he hoped that Yue Qianchou was really like what he said, "with the ability to escape from Cang Yunxin's hands of Er Wuxiong and smiled with satisfaction." Then he nodded to a subordinate who followed him. The subordinate quickly led the order to flash into the rear attic and went to the top floor of the The purpose of the law.

Lu Yanqing, standing at the top attic window, witnessed everything that had just happened below, and witnessed the scene of Yue Qianchou being humiliated and expelled. She stood quietly at the window until now, after receiving the order from the golden robe bodyguard, she turned around quietly.

After her, a guqin had been placed on the table. "After Lu Yanqing went to sit down cross-legged, she stared at the guqin to adjust her mood. There was a faint smile on her face, and her slender ten fingers began to touch the strings...

"Ding, Ding Dong Dong", "The clear and free prelude of the piano song suddenly came out from the top of the attic." The refreshing rhythm instantly made everyone throw away what they had thought before, and suddenly grabbed everyone's heartstrings, so that everyone's mood gradually relaxed with the piano music.

After the melody changed for a while, a crisp and beautiful female voice played and sang in the attic: "The world is ridiculous, infatuation is the most boring, and everything is empty. This life is not over, but my heart has nothing to disturb, and I just want to be free for half a lifetime. Smile at people when you wake up, and forget everything in your dreams. "Sigh that it's too early dark. It's unpredictable in the next life. Love and hate will be written off. I just want to be happy until I'm old..."

There was a sudden surprise and infatuation on everyone's faces. The sound of ups and downs between the cups had disappeared, and everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at the attic. Just above the attic, the moon was in the sky, and it was very bright. The sound of nature came slowly like running water from the confused moonlight. Everyone felt like falling asleep in a dream in an instant, and their hearts were relaxed and happy...

Daminglun looked at the attic in surprise. Others didn't know who he was in the attic. It was the girl he brought by himself. He just didn't expect that there were such people under Yue Qianchou to play and sing such a beautiful song.

However, I know who made this piano music. Except for the singer upstairs, only Mu Tianjiao downstairs knows it. Mu Tianjiao couldn't help muttering a little distracted and said to herself, "The higher the sky is, the smaller the heart is. Don't ask how much the cause and effect is, get drunk alone..."

After all, a woman is a woman. No matter how strong and rational she is, she is still a woman. Some women don't like romance. Especially this kind of heavenly sound that can be regarded as ancient and modern in this world, and there are a few women who can't be heart-pounding.

It's a pity that the talented person who can make this romance is not able to be with him! Mu Tianjiao suddenly had a heartache. It was a little heartbreaking that she didn't insist and felt that she had lost something because of something...

Wu Xiong heard her muttering to herself." He turned his head and looked at her and said with a smile, "My Wu Xiong's wife is really unique, and the recommendation is right. It's really lucky to hear such a heavenly sound on the day of our wedding." The empty wine glass in his hand was stretched out. Someone immediately filled it up. He raised his glass in a good mood and laughed at everyone and said, "As the song sings, the wine is so happy. Let's drink this glass together!"