The scum of the real world

Chapter 919 Visit Chaotian Palace

Wan Lihong then personally asked for instructions from Wanbosheng, who was far away from Wansheng Palace. Wanbosheng had no objection to this and agreed on the spot. After obtaining Wan Bosheng's consent, Wan Geyi patted his chest and took the matter down, saying that he had personally arranged the matter. Yue Qianchou was naturally very grateful for this. After arranging this matter, Yue Qianchou left and returned to the Chamber of Commerce. After thinking all the way back to the Chamber of Commerce of the World, the first thing was to gather the lords of the countries to the large conference room on the 21st floor to unify their thoughts.

There is no way. If many things are not good and delayed, you have to start to solve them. Hunting fierce beasts in the territory of Shenxu to obtain internal elixir; find a way to get the pass token to the underworld: also find a way to get the elixir in the Chaotian Palace. These things are very important to him, but he has raised a lot of people without a good assistant, which makes him a little anxious.

Sometimes he even wants to send all the lords back to the world and do it by himself. But I also know that this is a little unrealistic. I can't learn from my master Bi Changchun, to be a lonely person and practice by myself. I will move forward wholeheartedly, and I don't care about anything else. The old man had a good time fighting and killing, and even his descendants didn't care about his descendants. As a result, he lost his shadow, which made him, an apprentice, worry about every day, and had to find a way to go to the underworld to find out his life or death.

The most important thing is that I can't stand the life like Master Bi Changchun. Who loves life and likes beautiful women? As a result, there are too many fetters.

If you want the people you care about to live a good life, and if you want to live a good life, you must have enough power in the three worlds. To put it bluntly, it is to compete for hegemony. You have to cultivate a large number of people who help you solve their problems. With enough power, you can live a leisurely life.

Of course, the fastest way to have a huge power is to make everyone submit to their own feet.

But the idea of practicing hard alone and becoming the first master of the three worlds in heaven and earth is very naive in Yue Qianchou. The first always has only one "Yue Qianchou has also fantasized that this miracle appeared on him", but fantasy can only be a fantasy. He doesn't think that the first one can fall on him.

People always need to be practical. Before the result of fantasy may appear on themselves, they still have to face the reality. Like Jin Tai and Bai Qi, with their cultivation, they can completely cross the three worlds [from themselves] freely, but they still hold the power of the two worlds of immortals and underworld.

After all, the person you care about can't always be tied to your belt for close protection, so you still have to take a group of people to fight for power and profit in the three worlds. Even if it is Wu Xiong, before Mu Tianjiao marries him, he can send a golden robe bodyguard to protect her. Mu Tianjiao walks around the fairyland. Who dares to touch her? This is a symbol of power and strength.

Now is the time to work hard to solve the problem. "Who will block and kill! It's superfluous to tell any truth to these impatient guys, which makes Yue Qian worry about this cruel heart. It has to be given by Mu Bing. If you don't avenge this revenge, you won't be a human being!

So before doing these things, Yue Qian's anger should unify the thoughts of his subordinates, and don't let anyone pull back at this time.

In the conference room, everyone came." Looking at Yue Qianchou one by one, he didn't know what he was going to do with everyone. Yue Qianchou glanced at everyone." He said indifferently, "Some people have been complaining during this period. What I want to say is that making money is not the most important thing. I'm not wordy about anything else. I just want to tell you that during this period, everyone has been keeping those broken fairy grass for me to continue to sell them. Whether it can be sold or not, just pretending. As for what outsiders say, "Why do you care what outsiders say?" In a word, you have to relax the outside and the inside, don't do anything to distract me. You don't need a heavy hammer to beat the drum. That's all. Let's all be scattered!" After saying that, Yue Qianchou left, and the eyes of the remaining group of people lit up. "Although the leader didn't say much, everyone was confident. It's a sign that everyone is fooling around here. In fact, there is something behind it!

The rooftop on the top floor is windy and sunny, and there are white clouds in the sky. Yue Qianchou silently walked to the white jade railing and looked solemnly at the ups and downs in the distant air. After a long silence, Yun Peng, turned his head and looked at him in surprise, thinking that this guy had always been running east and west without stopping. Why did he have the leisure to come here to see the scenery today?

The cool breeze is blowing, and time passes little by little." Yun Peng, who has always liked quiet, can't help it. He looked at the distance and asked indifferently, "I heard from the Ming wheel that you were kicked out in Blissland?"

"Hmm! I was almost killed. "It's a great shame!" Yue Qianchou said with no expression on his face, "But it doesn't matter. It's not strange that such a thing happened. But it's impolite not to come and go. Sooner or later, I will return it to them.

"Oh!" Yun Peng said disapprovingly. After a moment of silence, he turned his head to look at him again and asked, "Do you have something on your mind?"

"No, I'm just coming to see my territory. Fortunately, X Yi has a foothold here. I'm worried that someone will touch my territory, which will make me very unhappy." Yue Qianshou looked ahead and said.

"This is the psychedelic fairy city. There is a fairy palace that shocks the fairyland. Who dares to come to the psychedelic fairy city to make trouble?"

"The ears are still under the people's fence, or others have the final say. I'm a little impatient to wait." Yue Qianchou casually dropped a word and turned around and left. Yun Peng looked back at his departure and frowned...

In an endless vast swamp, several towering peaks are connected. A large mountain in the middle is scorched black, and the mountain is full of large and small caves. There are stone ladders on the wall that connect the cave and the cave. "You can see many people coming and going on the stone ladder" is very magnificent.

The only disadvantage of this mountain is that there is almost no green vegetation, but several mountains on the side look lush, and there are continuous houses looming in the green. Several mountains were pulled up with chains to the suspension bridge, and some people swayed around on it. The large swamp at the foot of the mountain is like boiling water, constantly cooing with large and small blisters. The rising water mist covers several mountains that are not too high in the clouds. The eight adjacent mountains are as high and low, just like the curved moon. Familiar people should know that this place is the first alchemy in the fairyland. Where it is.

The charred mountain in the middle is the alchemy of Chaotian Palace. Therefore, the first mountain from the east to the right is the residence of those handy disciples in Chaotian Palace, all of whom are disciples who have not yet reached the fairy level.

Shui Mingqing walked out of a cave in the black mountain. "He just helped Yafuzi send the fairy grass needed for alchemy. Yafuzi's alchemy takes a lot of time, so he doesn't need to accompany him. During the period before the end of Yafuzi's alchemy, his time was dominated by himself.

Out of the cave, Shui Mingqing stood on the stone ladder on the mountain wall and couldn't help looking at the first mountain from the right, sighing somewhat. Not long ago, I lived there as an ox and a horse. After a trip to the divine ruins, my fate completely changed. I actually became a disciple of the elder, so I finally moved out of the crowded and even beaten and scolded place.

Now he has his own unique courtyard. Although this small courtyard is Yafuzi, he only has a single room in it, but it is better than a dozen people crowded into a room before. The reason for such a big change is all due to the sorrows of Yue.

Thinking of Yue Qianchou, he couldn't help thinking of the fact that Yue Qianchou asked him to steal the Tiangong Danfang. He was a little frightened when he thought about it. Shui Mingqing turned his head and looked at the mountain adjacent to the left, which was also the highest of the eight mountains. The Wenjing Pavilion, which was stored in Danfang, was on the same building on the top of the mountain. Shui Mingqing shook his head in anger. "Dan Fang definitely can't get it himself. Even if he can get it out, he can It is the foundation of the Chaotian Palace. If the foundation of the Chaotian Palace is broken, and even the Chaotian Palace has no future, how can he have a future?

Without thinking about it, Shui Mingqing flew to the third mountain from the right. "It landed at the door of a small courtyard halfway up the mountain and was about to push the door in." Suddenly, he found a man standing on the treetop of a big tree not far from the left, with his back to himself and he didn't know what he was looking at

Shui Mingqing originally wanted to ask who the other party was. It can be seen that the other party stood leisurely in his clothes. After a closer look, he found that he could not see through the other party's cultivation. He couldn't help but feel that the person who dared to put on airs in front of the elder's door must be

Shui Mingqing pushed the door and silently entered the yard. In the yard, he couldn't help looking back. He found that the man's clothes seemed to be a little big, but this was not what he was worried about, so he went into the left wing and closed the door, which was his room.

After entering the room, Shui Mingqing immediately found that there seemed to be something missing in the room. His eyes fell on the window sill. He found that the golden Buddha he had put on the window sill had been moved, and the clothes he had thrown on the couch were gone.

Someone has entered his room! Shui Mingqing glanced around, and then he was slightly shocked. He was worried that someone had also broken into Yafuzi's room, so he quickly opened the door and flashed into the yard. As soon as he landed at the door of the main room, he heard someone laughing behind him and said, "Brother Shui, why are you so panicked?"

Shui Mingqing looked back and was immediately shocked and said, "Wue Qianchou!" Yue Qian looked at himself with a sad smile, wearing a slightly wide gray robe, which was exactly the costume of the Chaotian Palace. He couldn't help looking at the big tree that was occupied before. The people on the top of the tree were gone, and he immediately understood everything.

"What? Don't you welcome me?" Yue Qian came over and asked with a sad smile. Shui Mingqing quickly looked around, pulled Yue Qianchou's arm, quickly dragged him into his room and closed the door. He asked with a frightened face, "Why did you come here?"