The scum of the real world

Chapter 924 Breaking the Forbidden Dan (Big Chapter)

This is the golden formula and the earth formula in the Five elements. You two can only choose one of them, and don't be greedy. Yue Qianchou's eyes moved on their faces and asked lightly, "Who chooses the golden formula and who chooses the earth formula?" The two brothers looked at each other and were a little hesitant. Finally, Zhang Peng arched his hand to Hong Qi and said, "Brother, you choose first."

Hong Qi smiled. He wanted to pick first, but the master was in front of him. How could he not maintain some demeanor as a brother? He immediately arched his hand and replied, "It's better for you to choose first!" "Brother should choose first."

"It is reasonable for the younger brother to choose first.

The two of them were polite to each other and passed the buck to each other. "I couldn't come up with an idea." Yue Qianchou really couldn't stand it anymore. He raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly, "The eldest son is in order, first brother and then brother."

With this saying, it is naturally not easy for the two to push back and down. Hong Qi smiled and asked Zhang Peng for advice, "Why don't I pick the golden formula?" He often hangs around in the world, and has heard of Yue Qianchou's cultivation of the real world with golden secrets in the treasure basin. Of course, he didn't know it was the golden secret before, but now he can't help slandering him.

"All OK! Then I'll pick the secret." Zhang Peng answered cheerfully. After confirming their respective choices, the two looked at the master eagerly, waiting for the master's consent.

Yue Qianchou did not interfere with the choice of the two people. He said to Hong Qi, "Wait honestly here." Without waiting for Hong Qi's reply, he waved his sleeves to Zhang Peng. The two disappeared out of thin air at the same time, leaving Hong Qi waiting impatiently.

On the loess plain of the eastern holy land, two people suddenly appeared, and a gust of wind roared past, wandering around with the swirling yellow dust. Zhang Peng looked around and didn't know where he was.

Yue Qianchou waved his finger to the vast loess plain and said, "Remember! The loess land is the best place to cultivate the earth formula. Without waiting for Zhang Peng's reply, his fingers turned down a little, and a crack in the Loess Plain shook and tore open the ground, and the master and apprentice fell down together.

After falling to the depths of the ground of nearly 100 meters, he jumped into a pile of his palms. An underground space more than ten meters wide like a ball was formed in an instant, and then his palms merged. The cracks on both sides trembled again. Zhang Peng looked up at the sky in surprise and joy, and the sky-like light above gradually closed and disappeared. Finally, the ground was dark.

Yue Qianchou withdrew a fluorescent stone casually, and the ball-like underground space suddenly appeared brightly. The two masters and apprentices then sat cross-legged face to face. After Zhang Peng's calming down, the emotional spiritual platform was clear and Qingming. Yue Qianchou began to explain the cultivation method of the earth formula to Zhang Peng in detail.

After Zhang Peng understood it well, he closed his eyes on the spot and entered the state of cultivation, and Yue Qianchou quietly returned to Utopia.

In Utopia, Hong Qizheng, who had been waiting for a long time, was depressed and didn't know how long he would have to wait. Suddenly, he saw the master appear alone and couldn't help looking around and asking, "Master, where is Brother Zhang?"

Yue Qianchou didn't talk to him. His consciousness covered him, and the two of them moved together. Hong Qi only felt that the scene in front of him had changed and found that he was in a magnificent and huge golden [Guang] field. A golden altar stood in the center of the golden [Guang] field, which was extremely mysterious, and the smell of ancient vicissitudes came from all sides.

Hong Qi looked around and saw the high mountain basin surrounded by huge gold [wide] field, giving people a great sense of pressure. The strangest thing is that "there are colorful clouds floating in the sky around the basin", but it stays in the sky of the basin and has never invaded the basin.

Mr. Hong Qi felt that the colorful clouds were a little familiar. "When I was washing, I suddenly remembered something. I turned my head and asked in astonishment, "Isn't the master here in the fog forest?"

"The colorful clouds are the smoke of the gods, and even the immortal cultivation in the fairyland will die at a touch. So far, I have never heard of the method of salvation. You'd better be honest and don't touch them. I can't save you if something happens. Yue Qianchou pointed to the altar in the center of the golden [Guangzhou] field and said, "Don't move the legendary things in Sendai. If you cause any trouble, I can't forgive you. Did you hear that?"

"Well, I remember it." Hong Qi shrank his head and replied. Speaking of promotion to Sendai, he naturally heard the story that the countries sent nearly 10,000 people to chase and kill the master, but thousands of people were killed by the master, and finally the master himself was forced to escape to this place.

In such a forbidden place, the master said he would come. He is worthy of being the best master in the world today! Hong Qi looked at Yue Qianchou's eyes with a little more worship. He has been taken away by Yue Qianchou since he was a child. In his mind, in addition to being his master, Yue Qianchou also has a kind of feeling of being regarded as a father. So every time I play treasure in front of Yue Qianchou, enjoying the pleasure of being beaten or kicked.

It's not his pervert, but his subconscious desire to find the missing disciplined father's love. Now the master is in charge of the demon realm, and with the prestige of the world's first master, he is even more proud of having such a master.

"Remember, the reason why I brought you here is that the environment here is indispensable for practicing the golden formula. After you practice, you will naturally understand the mystery. Sit down cross-legged and "Listen to the teaching of skills for the teacher!" Yue Qianchou shouted.

Hong Qi immediately [Xing] sat down and quickly calmed down and entered the state. Yue Qianchou then explained in detail the cultivation mystery of the golden secret, and after memorating it, Hong Qi quickly entered the state of cultivation.

After passing the law, Yue Qianchou, except for occasionally going back to the Chamber of Commerce to see it, most of the rest of the time went back and forth in the underground and gold [Guangzhou] field of the Loess Plain. Checking the progress of the two people's cultivation, it is said that they were lucky to be far away. Thinking Coincidentally, there was a chance to understand the success, but Zhang Peng and Hong Qi picked up the ready-made bargain without surprise. This is the benefit of being an apprentice. Two days later, Zhang Peng took the lead in cultivating into the earth formula and broke out of the ground of the loess plain. He flew excitedly into the air and bowed in front of him Yue Qianchou raised his hand and pressed it on his shoulder, injected divine knowledge into his Dantian to check, and found that his cultivation really soared directly from the period of the disaster to the period of transformation.

But then he frowned again. According to the signs of success according to his own soil formula, a yellow crystal bead should be formed in Dantian, but there is no bead in Zhang Peng's Dantian. What's going on?

Seeing the master frown, Zhang Peng hesitated, "Master, is there something wrong?"

Yue Qianchou shook his head, indicating that there was no problem. He was supervising the cultivation process of the two brothers. There should be no mistake, thinking about the results after Hong Qi's practice.

After bringing Zhang Peng back to the Utopia barracks, Yue Qianchou came to the golden [Guang] field again. Hong Qi was looking at the hanging golden horn on the golden altar and thinking about something, so he let out a cold hum. When Hong Qi heard the sound, when he saw him, he immediately flashed over and saluted, "Master!"

Yue Qianchou put his hand on him and injected his consciousness to check and found that there were no crystal beads in Hongqi Dantian, which was also promoted to the god period. He was somewhat relieved. He thought that it should be the reason for practicing a magic trick alone.

Then Hong Qi was also brought back to the utopian barracks. After meeting in the conference room, the two brothers found that each other's cultivation had increased, and they couldn't help sighing that the magic formula taught by the master was too strong.

Yue Qianchou looked at the two people who were in high spirits and couldn't help themselves, and said indifferently, "The golden secret and the earth secret have been passed on to you two. How to drive them against the enemy, you need to figure it yourself. My master, that is, your master, once told me that those who use it well are invincible in the world! This sentence has always been regarded as a classic by me, and I will tell you the same now. I hope you can make good use of the golden formulas and the earth formulas and exert their greatest power.

Speaking of the master, Zhang Peng only showed respect on his face and didn't feel much.

However, Hong Qi has been outside for so many years, but he knows what a terrible figure his master Bi Changchun is. It is a legend in the world of cultivation!

"I will follow the teacher's instructions." The two saluted respectfully.

Yue Qianchou has a lot of things to do at present, and he doesn't have time to chat slowly with the two of them. He took out a handful of elixir pills with black elixir and put it on the table. A strong aroma quickly filled the room: "Zhang Peng went to find a reliable man to try the elixir at Peng's eyes lit up. He looked at the elixir and naturally knew that the forbidden elixir was a elixir to improve his cultivation. It seemed that the master was going to use this thing. He immediately hugged the boxing and said "yes" and then left quickly.

Breaking the Forbidden Dan? Hong Qi's eyes were fixed on the elixir pills on the table. He had used the broken elixir. Now when he heard the big broken elixir, he couldn't help muttering in his heart. I don't know if the master wants to do the well.

In a short time, Zhang Peng brought a burly man. When he saw that Yue Qianchou was here, he saluted with a slight surprise, "Lead!" Yue Qianchou said "Hmm" and then pointed to the Danwan on the table and said with a smile, "This is my newly refined big broken ban elixir. The How much has your cultivation been improved?" He put a storage bag on the table, knocked on the table and said, "Just start on the table!" There are enough spiritual stones in the bag for you to use." Hong Qi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he was indeed a treasure to improve his cultivation.

"Yes!" The man hugged his fists excitedly, gently floated to the table and sat down cross-legged. After casually picking up a pill next to him and incorporating it into his mouth, he closed his eyes and began to move the chemical power. The eyes of the three of Yue Qianchou stared at him without blinking...

After a while, he saw that the man trembled all over, his cheeks began to rise red, and then his whole face turned red. Even the hands on his knees turned red, and the heat began to rise on his head. The man's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes also turned blood-red. He quickly took out two handfuls of spiritual stones from the storage bag on the table and found that they were all purple best spiritual stones, and his body could not help shaking.

"Don't think too much, be yours at ease." Yue Qianchou shouted softly, and the man immediately closed his eyes and began to take the magnificent aura in the best spiritual stone in his palms. After a long time, the red tide on his body had just disappeared. When he saw that he was shocked all over, he looked at the three people staring at him in surprise and said, "I broke through to the middle of the disaster."

"Let's see how many spiritual stones have been used," Yue Qianchou said. He must master the number of spiritual stones consumed by each level of cultivation, because soon many people will take the Great Broken Elixir, and he can do it according to his ability.

Zhang Peng immediately went to count, and the man grabbed two handfuls of nearly 30 best spiritual stones" from which eight pieces of aura were exhausted. Zhang Peng reported: "I used a little more than eight of the best spiritual stones, which is equivalent to 80,000 top-grade spiritual stones."

"Continue to serve Dan again." Yue Qianchou nodded to the man with a smile.

The man immediately followed his words and took a big broken elixir to carry the chemical power. The side effects after taking the elixir were exactly the same as before, and the whole person looked like a cooked red prawn. Just as he grabbed two of the best spiritual stones again, his chest suddenly fluctuated, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

To the shock of several people, it was obviously abnormal that the blood spit out was a little black. The man was more or less scared. Yue Qianchou shouted again, "Don't worry, this is a toxin excreted from your [body]" to continue!" The man had to slowly close his eyes and continue to absorb the aura to improve his cultivation. Even if Yue Qianchou didn't explain, he would do this, because at this time, You need to use Reiki to cool down, otherwise you have to die of heat...

Xi Jiu, when the skin color of his body returned to normal again, he was shocked again." He suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't help stammering with joy: "I... I broke through to the end of the disaster." This time, he didn't have to worry about it again. His eyes had been staring at the well medicine on the table If you know that if you can go further, your cultivation can step into the ranks of the legendary masters of the god period. This ** was a little big, but he didn't dare to be self-sufficient, and his inquiring eyes turned to the leader.

Zhang Peng took the initiative to count the spiritual stones. After ten thousand, he reported: "I used 24 best spiritual stones" is equivalent to 240,000 top-grade spiritual stones." Yue Qianchou nodded and walked to the table. "He took out a waiting bag and put it in front of him and laughed: "The Huashen period and the disaster period are There will be no shortage of stones.

", grabbed a handful of dark and shining spirit stone in his hand and shook it." He continued to laugh and said, "Continue with the divine spirit stone!" Several people immediately looked at each other in consterious ways. The divine spirit stone, including Zhang Peng and Hong Qi, saw it for the first time. "It was inevitable to be a little shocked.

"Yes!" The man took the forbidden elixir again. After the ensuing side effects, he spewed out two mouthfuls of blood in a row, and the color of the blood spit out this time was much darker than before. But the man didn't care." He believed that this was what the leader said about the toxin excreted from the [body], grabbed two divine stones to absorb the aura crazily, and sprinted towards the transformation period he yearned for.

In fact, Yue Qianchou knew in his heart that the black blood he spit out was not a toxin excreted from the body, but a sign of deepening poisoning after taking the big broken elixir. If the toxins in the [body] accumulate to a certain extent and you don't take the marrow washing pill in time, you will die in less than a moment or three. Fortunately, Yue Qianchou is ready to wash the rough pill, but he won't say anything now, so as not to affect the effect of the trial pill.

Zhang Peng also knows the inside story after contacting the content of Danfang. But he was born as a general. Commanding thousands of troops and horses on the battlefield is to exchange the greatest victory at the smallest cost. Even if he fails to try the elixir, for the overall benefit of the utopian army, "Deathing one or two people is nothing at all. Of course, this does not mean that he does not love his subordinates, but in his opinion, the sacrifice of one or two people in exchange for the success of all his subordinates is the greatest love.

After a long period of time, the man suddenly closed his eyes and sat trembling all over, which immediately shocked the three masters and apprentices, including Yue Qianchou, and thought something was wrong. Yue Qianchou was about to check, but the man opened his eyes and looked at him excitedly and said, "Lead! I broke through to the early stage of Huashen.

Yue Qianchou was stunned and thought that something had happened to him. His feelings were so excited that he raised his hand to Zhang Peng speechlessly. Zhang Peng immediately countd the spirit stone in his hand and removed a piece of aura that was exhausted. He was stunned and said, "A piece of divine spirit stone" is worth 100 million yuan."

"Continue!" With the order of Yue Qianchou. The man took a big broken elixir again, and then spit out three mouthfuls of blood in a row, one by one, as dark as ink.

The effect of the great breaking of the forbidden elixir is indeed very good." Only three divine spiritual stones were used to successfully improve the man's cultivation to the middle of the god. This is completely the cultivation of using elixir to transform aura and piled up with a large number of spiritual stones.

However, what worries Yue Qian is that although the man sitting on the table is abnormal, he can see that the bones under his skin are all black. Obviously, the poisoning is not light. I'm really afraid that he will not be able to bear it if he tries again. After all, he is his own subordinate!

Hong Qi beside him was not stupid. Seeing the abnormality under the man's skin, it was obviously a symptom of poisoning. Looking at the remaining Forbidden Dan on the table, he couldn't help it. Cool air.

Zhang Peng obviously saw the master's worry, gritted his teeth and stared at the subordinates with a face of [Xing]" and ordered categorically: "Continue to attack the end of the god!"

"Yes!" The man didn't know his own situation, so he immediately swallowed another big broken elixir. The consequence of the coming is that in exchange for four mouthfuls of dark blood, with a faint stench.

Fortunately, the man actually used nine divine spiritual stones to break through his cultivation to the end of the god. However, the skin under the body is black and purple, and there is some edema. It is already a sign that he is about to kill.

However, his eyes turned to the big broken elixir on the table. The greed in human nature was exposed, and he broke through to the end of the god, and he longed for a higher realm in his heart.

Yue Qianchou swept his big sleeve, took away the remaining big broken forbidden elixir on the table, took out the ricin-colored washing elixir, and handed it over, and shouted, "Take it quickly and dispel the accumulated toxins in the body."

After receiving the marrow washing elixir, he was stunned to see his black and purple palms that were gradually swollen. Yue Qianchou shouted again, "If you don't want to die, take it quickly."