The scum of the real world

Chapter 934 The Woman in Flower Clothes

As soon as the two spiders climbed up the stumpy mountain wall, the surrounding arthropods and ugly worms quickly retreated, as if they were extremely afraid of both of them and could hide in the cracks in the mountain wall. However, the two guys suddenly went crazy. Four pairs of slender arthropods waved quickly and rushed into the swarm of insects receding like a tide. Four pairs of arthropods like the sickle of death waved and killed crazily.

Eight pointed feet inserted one and killed one. The speed was very fast. The two guys killed wantonly like a tiger into the sheep, and they didn't know what they were crazy about. It seemed that they had not offended them. However, the rabbit bites people in a hurry, not to mention these unkind things that live here. A group of multi-legged reptiles, shaped like centipedes, one meter long and dark red, but wider than centipedes, launched a counterattack crazily and covered them like a tide.

For a moment, all kinds of noisy "squeaking" screams sounded on the mountain wall, and the whole mountain wall was in a mess. Yue Qianchou took the purple fire flying sword, but he still protected his body with purple fire. He watched these reptiles fight fiercely with great interest. This kind of scene is rare! He wants to see if the two spiders can beat the thousands of centipede-like reptiles.

The situation is obvious. Since the two spiders dare to provoke a war, they are obviously full of confidence and are not afraid of these fake centipede at all. Waving eight sharp arthropods, he was soon killed from the heavy package. With a casual wave of the arthropods, several reptiles fell to the bottom of the valley. And at the bottom of the valley, an animal that looks like a mouse will immediately crawl out and quickly bite the falling reptile.

Although the thousands of reptiles were brave, they seemed to not bite the shells of the two spiders at all. In this way, they were hit to the bottom of the valley by them one after another, and it didn't take long for more than half of them to die. These reptiles obviously knew that it was not a way to go on for a long time, and soon fled.

The two big spiders also stopped chasing, and each abdomen spit out a spider silk towards the rock. It hung and fell to the bottom of the valley. The animals that looked like mice immediately fled. "Obviously, they were very afraid of them. As soon as the two big spiders landed, they immediately waved eight huge arthropods and interspersed them on piles of reptile corpses. In a short time, it was like roast mutton kebabs, and the eight arthropods were full of reptile corpses. The last two guys crawled to a corner at the bottom of the canyon with a lot of prey and disappeared...

"Wow! Is there their nest below? Is this back to the nest? Yue Qianchou muttered, "I touched my chin and hesitated for a while, and then flew lightly to the bottom of the valley. When I went around the corner, I really found the reason why they disappeared. There was a cave more than ten meters in diameter on the stone wall, and there were a lot of small scratches at the mouth of the hole, which were obviously left by the two spiders.

The white bones at the bottom of the valley accumulated in piles, and there was a faint stench floating out of the cave. Yue Qianchou listened at the mouth of the cave for a while. "Finally, he couldn't help sneaking in. There was nothing he could do. He was always too curious.

There are no obstacles in the cave. It is estimated that it was grinded in and out by those spiders, but the curved passage was a little too dark. At this time, Yue Qianchou had no intention to use the energy of purple fire to control the wind outside, and the canyon outside the cave was soon filled with thick fog.

walked along the passageway of the cave for about a mile, and the phosphorescence began to faintly appear in front of it. There are dotted phosphorus sand light spots on the wall of the cave. The deeper the hole, the more sufficient the light is. In the end, it can see the object.

Suddenly, there was a "cqueak" sound like metal friction at the end of the cave, from which a feeling of anger could be heard, which was obviously caused by walking animals. Yue Qianchou was slightly stunned, and then flew over at a speed, and soon saw the end of the cave.

Before the situation was clear, he did not dare to expose himself at will. His whole body quietly sank into the wall of the cave. After penetrating the edges in the mountain [body] to a favorable position, he pointed out a small hole on the wall of the cave and narrowed one eye to peep into the situation inside.

At the end of the cave is a huge space." It's like a spinning tube buckled upside down in the belly of the mountain, with many huge bamboo shoots hanging on it. In the center of several of the largest bamboo shoots, there is a huge cobweb with a diameter of hundreds of meters, but there is nothing on it. There is a spider silk hanging down on the spider web. Yue Qianchou adjusted the perspective and looked down the position of the spider silk to make a violent noise. As a result, I didn't know. After seeing it clearly, I suddenly felt frightened.

I saw a giant spider about ten meters in size waving its feet, kicking the corpses of reptiles sent by the two spiders I saw before. I don't know if I'm not satisfied with the food or I'm tired of it.

This giant spider is not only bigger than the two I saw before, but also has a light golden color all over its body, especially the four pairs of arthropods. The pair of palate teeth on the mouth is a semi-red and semi-gold doped color, with a faint glow flowing on it.

It is not like the two bodies that are colorful and hairy, and the shells on the whole body are smooth. If you don't pay attention, it will almost be mistaken for a crab.

At this moment, the spider king suddenly supported his body with his hind limbs, and his abdomen was covered with dense round balls, one by one as big as a fist. I'm afraid there were thousands of them, which were clear and smooth. Suddenly, it took off a yellow ball from its abdomen with two forelimbs and lifted it up. It was full of light and faintly saw that there seemed to be a small spider in the yellow ball. Needless to say, it must be a spider egg.

The collection surprised Yue Qianchou. The spider king actually stuffed the spider egg into his mouth and chewed it. It seemed that he ate it with relish. He didn't eat enough of one, and then took one and stuffed it into his mouth. In this way, he ate more than a dozen in a row.

Unexpectedly eating his own eggs, he is indeed a ruthless beast! Yue Qian couldn't help smoking with a sad look. Not only could he stand it, but the two colorful spiders also made a "squeak" sadness around the Spider King, as if to stop the Spider King from doing so again.

After eating dozens of spider eggs, the Spider King was satisfied with his assistant and leaned back on the ground. The two colorful spiders immediately inserted the corpses of reptiles scattered nearby and piled them up in front of the Spider King.

The Spider King slowly devoured the corpse of the reptile in front of him with some interest, which seemed to be not to his appetite. After eating, he waved his paws impatiently and drove the two big spiders out. Then the Spider King turned around and pulled the hanging spider silk and slowly crawled up the spider web.

Just as it was about to climb to the cobweb above, the careless eyes suddenly stopped, and the huge body hung in the air. The eyes found a small hole on the mountain wall and met the eyes inside.

Yue Qianchou was stunned, as if he saw a smile in the other party's eyes. Is the spider smiling at me? Then he secretly said "bad" that he was found, and he didn't know whether the spider king was powerful or not, and he could cope with it.

However, thinking that he could escape at any time, he calmed down and glanced out, and was stunned again. There was no huge figure on the hanging spider silk, but I don't know when another net bed appeared on the spider web, on which a beautiful woman in hu was lying, looking at herself with a smile.

"I'm in the cave, but I haven't had a guest for a long time. I don't know which distinguished guest is coming. You might as well come out and see it." The woman in huā laughed.

Damn it! This fierce beast can be transformed into a human form! Yue Ganchou checked the other party's cultivation and found that it was only the cultivation in the early stage of Xiaoxian, which was similar to himself, and he was immediately relieved a lot. The wall blocking in front melted, and Yue Qianchou walked in generously.

"Wow! Are you a human?" The woman in hu's clothes lying on her side sat up from the net** in surprise. She fell down lightly and looked around Yue Qianchou, with an incredible look on her face.

"Of course I'm a human!" Yue Qianchou was depressed by this question, but from the other party's point of view, he was not the same as himself, and he asked such words without ear pregnancy.

Yue Qianchou looked at the other party with vigilance. She saw that the woman's white face was white and round, and her appearance was also very beautiful. She had a noble woman's temperament on her body, but the most conspicuous thing was her stomach, and her big belly bulging, and she was about to give birth in October. However, when she thought of the scene where she had just eaten her child, she suddenly felt queasy.

After turning a few times, the woman in huā touched her big belly with both hands and stopped on the opposite side of Yue Qianchou. Dai frowned and said, "It's strange. How can human beings enter the divine ruins now? It will take a hundred years to come in!" Could it be that you didn't have time to go out the last time the Shenxu was closed?

Yue Qianchou said "Uh-huh", and the woman in clothes immediately said in surprise, "In this way, you still have some skills, otherwise how can you live until now with your early cultivation of the little fairy?"

"I don't know what you want me to do?" Yue Qianchou asked indifferently.

"Yo!" The woman in huā felt a little incredible and said, "You have no reason to break into my cave."

"I'm sorry to leave you if you have nothing to do!" Yue Qianchou flew out of the hole and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

"Stop, do you think I'm here as a place where you want to come and walk?" The woman in huā immediately sneered and said, "I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, just for a change of taste." Then with one arm, a white light flashed out of the sleeve, and a densely woven cobweb instantly enveloped more than half of the cave, trapping Yue Qianchou on the spot.

The woman in huā pulled the other end of the rope net and sneered, "I fell into my net. Let me see where you are going!" Just as he was about to pull Yue Qianchou over, he saw a purple flame suddenly emerging from the other party's body, and the rope net that trapped him was burned to ashes on the spot...