The scum of the real world

Chapter 943 The speechless Nanming

The ancestor of Nanming nodded and said: i, the requirement of the fairy palace is to send a person with the highest cultivation in addition to the leader to participate in the war. This requirement is no problem for other sects, but for the Lihuo Palace, it is a big problem. Because of the special situation in the Fire Palace, the two palace owners are almost the same as the head, and they have always been regardless of height, so they also asked the fairy palace for this matter and asked if both palace owners could stay. But the attitude of the fairy palace is very resolute, and only one leader can be left, unless there is someone whose cultivation is higher than them. But the two of them are the founders of the Lihuo Palace. There is no cultivation in the Lihuo Palace that can be higher than the two of them at all. In this way, one of them must participate in the war.

"So, your ancestor is one of the two founders of the Fire Palace?" Nong Zhu touched his chin and smiled, "Mr. Nanming, I really didn't see that you have a good origin!"

The ancestor of Nanming frowned and said, "The fairy palace is powerful. There is nothing we can do. Huo Jun, the owner of the second palace, took the initiative to participate in the war. The owner of the palace was very moved. He let the second brother stay and decided to go by himself. Anyway, both of them were the early cultivation of the immortal But in the end, the second brother insisted on going with all kinds of reasons, and the boss had no choice but to agree to him. But unexpectedly, on the eve of departure, the second brother had an entanglement with a sect called Tianyimen. He was injured by the people of Tianyimen. If he wanted to participate in the fairy palace, he would not agree, so the boss resolutely came to the world to replace the second brother to participate in the battle against the ten thousand sword demon king

"Tut-tut! It turns out that you are the descendant of the master of the palace who created the Fire Palace!" After sighing for a while, he sighed, "I have heard about the Tianyi Gate that hurt the second brother in the psychedelic Fairy City, but it was eradicated by the Fire Palace a long time ago. The war seems to have a great impact in the fairyland. Up to now, some people still talk about it. The reason why the relationship is in trouble is that it has long been a feud with the family of the Lihuo Palace. "No wonder!"

And Yue Qianchou beside him frowned and muttered, "I was injured on the eve of departure, so?" He has always been suspicious. When he encounters something similar, he is suspicious. To put it well, he is far-sighted and prepare for the rain. To put it hard, it is to save the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

It's not good to deal with bamboo in the face of serious things, otherwise the two executioners before and after the Demon and Ghost Realm would not like him to take over. Hearing Yue Qianchou's words, he suddenly frowned and looked at Nanming's ancestor and squinted and said, "Nanming Laoer, this matter may Most importantly, think about when it was, but when the Wanjian Demon King makes the two worlds of immortals and the underworld uneasy, I guess all factions will have some restraint! It's a little wrong that such a thing happened at this time!"

Nanming Laozu looked at the two people and nodded and said, "You're right." There is indeed a secret behind this matter. The boss came to the world to participate in the encirclement of the Ten Thousand Sword Demon King several times. Fortunately, he did not die, and saved a Tianyimen worship in a fierce battle. In fact, he did not mean to save him, but to the point that everyone had no way out. They could only unite to fight against the enemy and help each other when But this worship was so injured that he couldn't save him at all. Before he died, out of gratitude to the boss, he revealed a secret. It turned out that there was another secret between the conflict between the second brother and Tianyimen, that is, in order not to take the risk to participate in the battle, he conspired with some people in Tianyimen to Ouch! The Tianyimen worship is one of the parties involved in the act.

shook his head and said, "Oh! Presumably, the boss must be heartbroken after knowing it! It must be uncomfortable to be tricked by your own brother. I just can't understand the second brother. Since the boss had said he wanted to participate in the war before, why did he have to fight with the boss endlessly? "Isn't that unnecessary?"

"Yes, the boss was very sad and didn't believe it at first, but he also knew that people were about to die. There was no need to lie to him before he died. Later, I thought of the second brother's behavior. "There are indeed some loopholes. I only believe in my brother, and I have no doubt." Ran Ming's ancestor sighed.

"Your boy and the second brother are of the same kind. What do you think of this matter?" Zhu Chaoyue said in a sad voice.

"You and the second brother are of the same kind." Yue Qianchou immediately sprayed back, but then frowned and said, "The big framework of "history" should not be wrong, but the trivial things are the most untrustful and can't be followed by others. I'm afraid that only the parties themselves know what's going on."

"Oh!" The bamboo's eyes lit up and said, "Did you see something? You might as well say it. Let's listen to your opinion. Nanming's ancestor seemed to be there, and he also wanted to hear what Yue Qianchou saw.

"It's not a good opinion. It's just Senior Nanming. Don't be angry when you say it. It's just my guess.

" Yue Qian said with a sad smile. Nanming Laozu smiled and said, "It all happened 100,000 years ago. Do I have to be angry? Feel free to say it. I'm listening to you.

Yue Qianchou nodded and straightened his mind and said, "What you say from people's mouths is not all true. Although the boss is your ancestor, of course, I'm not saying that your ancestors lied. However, 100,000 years have passed, and we can't prove whether it is true or false, unless Huo Jun, the head of the Fire Palace, can frankly release the truth, but that's impossible. However, I don't think what the old fire left to your descendants is true. I don't think many ancestors will deliberately leave their ugly side for future generations to admire!"

"There is no need to say the truth." Nong Zhu urged, "What's wrong with the boss's fire directly!"

From time to time, there are purple bamboo leaves falling in the bamboo land, and the two women in the yard can't take their eyes off the three men talking over there. The three men sometimes quarreled fiercely, sometimes frowned, and sometimes smiled. Although the two women couldn't hear what they were saying, they still felt the unique charm of men when talking about business. In this case, men are often more likely to attract women.

However, most of the two women's eyes are focused on Yue Qianchou. At this time, Yue Qianchou's identity and cultivation are much higher than those of the other two. The unconscious momentum between words and deeds is obviously higher than that of the other two people. I have to admit that it is easy to attract the attention of women.

"The problem! As you said before, since the boss has said that he will come to war, why does the second brother have to rob it endlessly? It's really unnecessary. Yue Qianchou's eyes suddenly became deep, and he squinted and said, "But the key to the problem is that if the boss really wants to participate in the war sincerely, and the second brother really does not want to take risks in the world to participate in the war, I can't think of any reason for the second brother to deliberately take such a big circle He just refuses a little. If the boss really wants to leave for his brother, the second brother can easily stay. He is afraid that the truth of the truth is that the boss is pretending to refuse.

Take the bamboo slowly nodded and said, "It makes sense. I think I understand what you mean." Nanming's ancestor fell into meditation. Yue Qianchou took a look at the two people and continued to say, "You should know that the second brother and the people of Tianyimen colluded with the design boss, which was a great risk. Once the people of Tianyimen threatened the second brother afterwards, the consequences can be imagined. In fact, the people of Tianyimen can't help this for nothing. After that, they will definitely use this to threaten Lihuo Palace to get their own interests. I'm afraid that the reason why Yimen will be deliberately killed by Lihuogong in the end that day must have something to do with this matter. It is very likely that the second brother wants to

Yue Qianchou finally asked, "You look back and think about it. If the boss really wants to participate in the war sincerely, why does the second brother take such a big risk at such a big price? Then the truth of the fact is likely to be that after leaving the Fire Palace receives the will of the Fairy Palace, one of the two brothers must go to participate in the war, and the two brothers are actually unwilling to take risks, because the ten thousand swords demon king at that time was too powerful. He fought against the huge forces of the two worlds with one person's power Well elephant, may I ask how many people are not afraid?

Nong Zhu said, "That is to say, in fact, the two brothers don't want to participate in the war, so they both faked to refuse. And the second brother wanted to be better. Although he pretended to refuse, he pretended to be like that and insisted on going. Because he was too determined, he didn't even see the boss, but in line with the boss's intention, the boss pretended to agree reluctantly. Unexpectedly, the second brother was far-sighted. In order to save his life, he played Yin at the critical moment. The boss was so confused that he was played. He didn't know that he was sold by his own brother. Instead, he was grateful for his brotherhood and went to the war honestly. Who did not know the truth in the world by accident? I guess he was about to be mad at that time! I don't know how to arrange the second brother in the last words left to future generations.

After the analysis, he asked Nanming's ancestor and said, "Nanming's old man, did you scold the second son like a pig and a dog in the last words of your eldest ancestor?"

The ancestor of Nanming was speechless for a while. Although he didn't know whether the two guys analyzed whether it was right or wrong, it was indeed very possible, and the last words left by the ancestors were indeed as said by Nong Zhu. It was not as shameless to scold the current head of the Fire Palace...

Seeing that Nanming's ancestor's face was not very good-looking, Yue Qianchou comforted him kindly, "Senior Nanming, in fact! You may not be happy to say this. Although the second man is a little unscrupulous, it is obvious that his strategy is better than that of the boss. Nowadays, Huojun, the head of the Lihuo Palace, has reached the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. He is a master in the fairy world. In the Lihuo Palace, he can stand in the fairyland of thousands of factions. In fact, his strength can still be ranked high. This head of Huojun's contribution is indispensable. To put it hard, if the Fire Palace was led by the boss, I'm afraid it may not be today's situation, and it may have collapsed long ago.

100,000 years! It's not a little time! There are countless sects in the fairyland that have declined and annihilated, and the reason why the Fire Palace can stand still become one of the most ancient schools in the fairyland is worth pondering! So, your ancestors didn't lose unfairly.