The scum of the real world

Chapter 946 Mysterious Meteorite

It's strange. After such a long time, the shell is in a state of heat dissipation. The red color should gradually fade. That's right.

However, the spider shell under the intensive blow of the ape king is not like this. Half a day has passed, and it still maintains a bright red and transparent fire.

After a little thought, I can understand the reason. I'm afraid that the fire gushing out of the ape king has something to do with the fire fist. Um, the ape king's fast movement with fire almost wrapped the spider's shell with fire to keep it from cooling down. Coupled with the violent and dense fire fist, even a piece of black iron had to smash it hot.

A single-minded man! Yue Qianchou glanced at Nanming's ancestor with a sigh, and immediately found that something was wrong. Looking at the other party's eyes, he also found that there was something wrong with the dark platform. Then Chuanyin asked, "Isn't the platform for Nanming to bear the quenching treasure?"

"I can't see what it is, but it must be a treasure to withstand such a heavy blow." The ancestor of Nanming affirmed.

Three days have passed since the rumble in the belly of the mountain. The spider's crust has long been completely different, and the huge body of about ten meters has turned into a two-meter square metal block. Despite this, the ape king still waved his fire fists and bombarded intensively, and the sound not only did not weaken, but the sound became more and more encrypted. Of course, this is related to the reduction of the volume and the reduction of the movement range. In this way, the impact density of the metal squares is more concentrated.

When the sixth day passed, the two-meter square metal square had become less than one meter. Yue Qianchou changed from stunned to numb. He had to admire the ape king's profound cultivation. This is a high-intensity consumption for six consecutive days! Naturally, Yue Qianchou didn't have the patience and time to stay here slowly. He would go out every day to deal with his own affairs and check the terrain nearby by the way.

However, Nanming's eyes gradually became hot, as if he understood something. He almost couldn't take his eyes off the shrinking metal square day after day.

After Yue Qianchou routinely went out and came back, he saw that the ape king was still there with his fists as dense as rain, and secretly scolded this guy for not being tired to death. After waiting for a while, I felt like I was going to doze off again. Seeing that Nanming's ancestor was full of energy, he asked boredly, "Senior Nanming, does this guy make sense to do this?"

"Well, of course there is." Nanming's ancestor exclaimed excitedly, "So that's it! Unexpectedly, stupid methods also have the benefits of stupid methods! Fortunately, he is gifted." I'm afraid that no matter how high the cultivation is, it will be difficult to be so uninterrupted and return to the original! Every time he punches down, some of the impurities contained in the metal will be discharged. In this case, all the impurities contained in the metal will be discharged. After it can no longer be reduced, the rest will be the essence of this metal.

"So that's it. But I don't know what's good?" Yue Qianchou asked. He thought that if it really plays a huge role, his golden formula should be useful in this regard, which is much better than the stupid method of the ape king.

Nanming ancestor [Xing] explained: "The purer the texture of the material, the stronger its extensibility and containment will be. For example, if a piece of pig iron is not quenched to remove impurities, its elongation must be very poor, and it can be easily broken. After quenching and removing impurities, you can bend it, but it is not easy to break, which is the extension. That is to say, it can accommodate more arrays, and the refined treasures will be superior, which is a great benefit for refiners, not to mention that this material is the shell of the temple colored spider that is already hard and unusually hard."

With such an explanation, Yue Qianchou suddenly became interested and couldn't help looking forward to the early completion of the Ape King. As a result, it waited until the tenth day, and with the stormy fire fists gradually subsided. The flame on the ape king's body also disappeared. Finally, he stopped sweating like rain and gasping. He walked down with a thin and still red metal block as thick as a palm on his pale face, but his body was a little shaky, obviously The consumption is extremely huge.

"There are many nail essences contained in this big spider's body. In the past, I hunted a thousand ordinary temple colored spiders than the nail essence contained in one of them. Mr. Nanming, what do you think?" The ape king said breathlessly.

Yue Qianchou looked at the ape king with a look full of appreciation. At this time, the consumption of his cultivation is probably already nine out of ten of his heyday. If he meets someone with ultuous intentions, it can be said to be the most dangerous time. However, he is a sincere and frank person who is worth dating.

"Not bad, not bad, such a good thing is perfect, it can definitely refine a top treasure." The ancestor of Nanming held the gradually cooling metal block and exclaimed for a while, but then said with some regret, "It's a pity that it's a little less, otherwise I will exhaust my ability to show my strengths on this and see what kind of good treasure can be refined."

"There are more here." The ape king shouted hurriedly, and then couldn't wait to take off his vest and the boots on his feet, and said with both hands, "As long as you are willing to teach me how to refine treasure, I will give all these things to you."

"Uh..." Nanming's ancestor was stunned and compared the things in his right hand. Only then did he find that it was actually made of the same material as a metal block. After looking at it, he looked sad and seemed a little hesitant.

Yue Qianchou laughed and said, "Brother Ape, the craftsmanship of refining treasure is Mr. Nanming's skill. Generally, it will not be easily passed on. If you worship him as a teacher, it is naturally another matter." With that, he also winned at the ape king.

The ape king was stunned, and then reacted. He immediately knelt down and saluted to the ancestor of Nanming, "Disciple Yuan Hong, see the master."

The ancestor of Nanming looked stiff and said to Yue Qianchou, "This is too much of a joke! His cultivation is much higher than mine. How can I be his master?

"You are thorny! There is no order of learning, and the achiever is the first. Besides, he is not asking you to teach him to practice. He is the ability to learn your refinery. In this regard, you are enough to be his master. Yue Qianchou said, "What's more, being able to accept such a high-cultivated disciple is only good and no harm to you. At the same time, it is also good for the layout behind me. You can take him as a face! As for how much ability to teach him, you can do it yourself. No one can force it, can you?

He had his plan. He pulled the utopian army to the realm of Shenxu. First, he was ready to use the fierce beasts in the Shenxu to train them, and secondly, let the army use the opportunity of experience to collect the inner elixir of the fierce beasts, so as to help Bai Suzhen practice the Heart Sutra as soon

However, this area is the territory of the ape king. A good relationship with the ape king is good for the experience of the utopian army, and it is better to take care of one or two naturally. I was thinking about how to have an iron relationship with the ape king, but I didn't expect that the appearance of Nanming's ancestor would solve the problem.

After thinking about it for a while, the ancestor of Nanming put out a hand and said to the ape king who knelt down, "In that case, I will accept you. Get up!"

"Thank you, Master!" The ape king [Xing] arched his hand and stood up, and the excitement on his face was difficult to control.

Yue Qianchou looked at him shaking his head and smiled bitterly. He expressed his envy and speechless to this kind of person who was obsessed with something simple and pure. Then he reached out and took ape king's stinky boots from Nanming's ancestor's hand, and took out the big spider's palate teeth. He held each of his Nanming Laozu and the ape king looked at him puzzledly. They didn't know what he was going to do.

"So that's it, I understand." After figuring out the structural differences of the substances in his hands, Yue Qianchou opened his eyes and threw the stinky boot in his right hand back to the Nanming ancestor. Then the golden formula ran, and the spider's palate dust in his left hand flew and gradually became smaller, and a small light gold metal ball appeared in his hand.

The ape king was secretly shocked to see it. He naturally knew that the hardness of the palate was the hardest part of the spider's body, and also the thickest part of the hidden nail essence. But I didn't expect that it would be annihilated in the hands of Yue Qianchou in a blink of an eye. It's really terrible. I don't know how high this person's cultivation is?

Not to mention that, Yue Qianchou took out the eight spider thighs one by one and used the golden formula. In a short time, a total of nine metal balls appeared in his hand. Yue Qianchou held it with one palm and reached in front of the ancestor of Nanming and the ape king and asked with a smile, "You master and apprentice, this is the same as the ape..., is it the same as what Yuan Hong refined?"

The master and apprentice suspiciously picked up a metal ball to check it. After reading it, they were shocked one by one. The ape king's face is getting whiter and whiter. With his most proud and best skills, he has to tossed things that can only be refined for many days. In other people's hands, it's just a matter of a flick of fingers, and the gap is too big. Nanming's ancestor asked with a tongue, "How did you do it?"

Yue Qianchou stuffed the nine metal balls into the arms of Nanming Laozu with disapprovingly and said with a smile, "This thing is for you. Although it is a little less, the refining little guy should be fine, right? Do me a favor and help me refine the good baby when you have time. Pointing to the dark platform, he asked the ape king, "Yuan Hong, what is this? Why does it feel harder than the armor essence of the temple colored spider?"

Nanming's ancestor seemed that in fact, this question was also what he wanted to ask. The ape king shook his head and said, "It's indeed harder than the armor essence of the temple colorful spider, but I don't know what it is. Its body is a huge meteorite flying from the sky and falling nearby. I saw that it contained a lot of metal, so I broke the meteorite and transported it back in batches for smelting. Using the same refining method as just now, it took more than 50,000 years intermittently, and finally it became like this.