The scum of the real world

Chapter 973 Pheasant

In just a while, the magnificent and powerful energy of the purple fire seemed to be saturated in the crow's body, and the absorption speed of the crow was gradually slowing down. Yue Qianchou couldn't help marveling that the power of the purple fire is far greater than that of the green fire. If the green fire is used to supply crows to absorb it, I'm afraid it can't be satisfied in a moment.

From this, Yue Qianchou thought about it. It is estimated that the legendary phoenix nest is actually the dead phoenix absorbing the energy in the fire. After the energy is saturated, it should be reborn. I guess it's almost the same as charging. I'm afraid that's the intention of burning with fire. It's really an advanced bird, which has reached the high-tech level of the previous life.

At this time, Wu Lixue and Ziyi were shocked. "Oh, I saw that the sleeping crow in the palm of a thousand sorrows began to bloom a faint colorful halo, and suddenly it was beautiful. Then a refreshing fragrance like an orchid overflowed, and the flashing colorful halo no longer shined, but gradually condensed into a wandering colorful cloud hovering, hovering around the sleeping crow in the palm of a thousand sorrows.

The trajectory of the colorful clouds is like the nebula in the universe. The brake is charming, which makes the three of them feel a little relaxed and happy.

And the crow sleeping in the purple flame seemed to sleep sweetly in the ancient nebula. The originally stiff and straight legs were gently retracting under the abdomen, and the stiff head was also coiled on the shoulder feathers. I don't know when it changed from turning sideways to nestling in the palm of leaping sorrow, like a tired bird returning Dreaming under the starry sky, the expression was unusually peaceful. Just as the aroma was getting stronger and stronger, the refreshing fragrance was suddenly pulled away from the nostrils, and the three of them subconsciously stretched out their heads to chase and inhale deeply. However, the fragrance went so resolutely that the air in front of it instantly became light and tasteless, completely returning to normal.

And the colorful clouds that gradually spread out to half of the indoor empty range are also gradually shrinking. In the end, the plate is as round as the size of a dinosaur egg, forming a colorful eggshell. The beautiful streamer swims around, so beautiful that people dare not breathe. After the colorful eggshells were formed, they completely blocked the sight of the three people, and the three could not see the sleeping crow in it.

At the same time, the seven-colored eggshell also completely blocked the absorption of the purple fire. He felt that his task should be completed, so he took the purple fire back into his body. In an instant, the purple brilliance in the room disappeared, and Yue Qianchou held the colorful glazed egg in one palm, shining the whole room strangely, making people feel like a dream. Wu Lixue and Zi Yi were stunned and watched from side to side with Zhang Dazi's mouth. What a beautiful, so beautiful scene!

The three of them were intoxicated in this dream. Suddenly, the brilliance in the room changed rapidly. The colorful streamer on the glazed eggshell swam quickly and suddenly collided with each other, bursting a dazzling light, so that the three of them closed their eyes and dared not look directly at them. But just as the three of them closed their eyes, the dazzling light suddenly contracted. The three of them immediately felt that the room had turned dark.

"Slam!" A loud call echoed in the room, which shocked the three of them to open their eyes together, and saw a strange-seeking bird standing in the palm of Yue Qiancholy. To be precise, it should be a chicken. The chicken head, chicken tail and chicken body. The only difference is that there are three colorful feathers on the head, and the yellow and gray hair on the body is a little different from the chicken.

"Heasant!" Yue Qianchou screamed, and then he was stunned. He couldn't help thinking, is it because he often roasts pheasants and turns the crow into a pheasant chess at will, which is a sin, but he didn't seem to have thought about roasting wild** just now?

"Heasant!" After being reminded by Yue Qianchou, Wu Lixue and Zi Yi also exclaimed. What is this shape not a pheasant? Both of them have seen pheasants, especially purple clothes. In order to practice bird play, they let the bamboo catch a lot of pheasants for her to watch. Although most of them were made by bamboo to drink in the end, it did not prevent her from recognizing the pheasant.

Just as the pheasant made the "clang, loud and loud cry", Wei Chunqiu, who was sitting cross-legged, trembled all over and suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the other side of the corridor. Yun Peng, who stood on the rooftop, also trembled all over and quickly disappeared in place. He appeared beside Wei Chunqiu in a blink of an eye and said solemnly, "Did you hear anything just now?"

Wei Chunqiu slowly stood up and looked at Yun Peng. Yun Peng heard it in front of the outside, and he naturally heard it more clearly here. The sound was not loud, but as soon as it got into the ears of the two people, it made them feel soft and wanted to worship. It was really strange that both of them felt this way for the first time.

"It seems to be the sound of something?" Wei Chunqiu looked at Yun Peng in surprise and asked himself, what kind of cry can make his mind tremble?

"What's the cry of?" Yun Peng's white sword frowned and slowly muttered, "What can make the sound of gold and jade? One by one, many years ago, I once heard in my late father's mouth that in ancient times, a mythical beast Phoenix came to the fairyland from the divine world, and its cry was like the resonance of gold and jade. It was sonorous and round, and its sound was "Keng, is it the cry of a phoenix?"

"Phoenix? Are you kidding? There's something wrong with your brain! The mythical beast phoenix is the supreme royal family with the highest bloodline among our birds. It is not drinking morning dew, tender bamboo, and thousand-year-old sycamore trees. Wei Chunqiu pointed around as if he had heard the funniest joke and said, "You can't say that Phoenix will run to the World Chamber of Commerce founded by Yue Qianchou! Then this phoenix is a little too eye-catching. It's really the title of puppet to phoenix.

"I'm just saying." Yun Peng turned around and said, "But this cry is really a little strange."

"It's Phoenix. I'll cut off my head and give it to you." Wei Chunqiu sneered and looked at the other side and said, "It must be Yue Qianchou again. What the hell is that guy doing? Let's go and have a look." The two then flashed over together...

In the room, the pheasant standing in the palm of a thousand sorrows suddenly opened its eyes, and the colorful glow flashed in its sharp eyes, which was more energetic than the big rooster. Yue Qianchou said in astonishment, "Is it you, the crow? How did you become a pheasant?

"You just became a pheasant...ah!" The pheasant screamed, flapped its wings and flew up, and its two claws couldn't wait to beat in the air. Yue Qianchou's face suddenly turned black. It was not the first time that the pheasant seemed to have stepped on the stinky dog's virtue. It was humiliated like this in the Wu family, but it was just a crow at that time. But this move undoubtedly proves that the pheasant in front of him is the former crow.

"Ah! This pheasant can speak!" Ziyi looked at Wu Lixue in astonishment and said, "Xue'er, is this pheasant your crow?,,

"Shut up! I'm not a pheasant. The pheasant flapped its wings to the front of the purple clothes, and the crisp and gentle voice said righteously, "I don't drink morning dew, it's not tender bamboo, it's not a thousand-year-old sycamore tree, I'm a phoenix!" Wu Lixue has heard this more than once in He told Wu Lixue this sentence.

Wu Lixue, who heard the words, immediately applauded and cheered, "Sister Phoenix, you are really alive!", "Sister Xue'er!" The pheasant was also surprised, and it seemed that tears fell on Wu Lixue's shoulder. He hugged Wu Lixue's neck and said, "That villain didn

"No..." A beautiful woman and a pheasant are giving people a strange feeling of escaping from death and meeting again in their mother-in-law. Zi Yi immediately walked to the edge of Wu Lixue and looked at the talking pheasant with novelty.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open by "squeak". Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng stood side by side at the door. After sweeping the room, they locked on Wu Lixue's shoulder. They heard the conversation inside clearly outside, and they actually heard someone claiming to be a phoenix. The shock in their hearts could be imagined, and they immediately pushed the door open to verify the truth.

However, after the two saw the pheasant on Wu Lixue's shoulder, they were a little confused. After all, they had never seen Phoenix, but only heard the legend of Phoenix. The legendary phoenix has colorful feathers. How can it look like a pheasant?

Yue Qian was stunned. Is it Yun Peng and Wei Chunqiu? Seeing that the two of them stared at the pheasant on Wu Lixue's shoulder, they immediately laughed and said, "It's really strange that the two seniors came together. I don't know what you're doing?"

The two looked at each other. Wei Chunqiu looked at the pheasant holding Wu Lixue's neck and asked, "Is it a phoenix?" The tone was full of doubt.

Yue Qian was stunned, with countless thoughts in his mind, and immediately said perfunctorily, "You hear its toad yawning. Do you think it looks like a phoenix? Obviously, it's a pheasant!", "You are the pheasant!" When the pheasant heard that someone insulted him, he immediately closed its wings and jumped over Wu Lixue's shoulder. His sharp eyes suddenly flashed through the colorful light. He stared at Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng and said, "It turned out to be How dare you question the identity of my god! Who knows that Wu Lixue grabbed it casually, hugged it directly around his waist and taught him, "Don't be rude to your predecessors." Then he saluted Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng nervously, "Don't be surprised by the two seniors. They are still a little ignorant."

"Xue'er, let go of me. My god's blood is noble, and I am the supreme royal family among the birds. How can I teach the two of them..." The pheasant sobbed and struggled there, but it was tightly clamped by Wu Lixue. It was not easy to break free from the brute force I almost burst into tears...