The scum of the real world

Chapter 983 Ferocious Little Colored Spider

In the divine ruins, in the huge sky space under a valley, more than 1,000 people gathered together. Zhang Peng led Yue Qianchou to shuttle between the crowd. As he walked, he introduced: "A total of 1,31 colorful spiders in the temple have hatched out. These little things are really born to be very ferocious, but unexpectedly, they hatched The people you see at a glance are really like biological parents.

Yue Qianchou nodded slightly and stopped from time to time to look at the big, colorful and hairy big spider girl climbing on the shoulders of the team members. When he got a little closer, the little guys immediately waved their two sharp forelimbs and made a situation to attack. The desire to attack is very strong, and the ferocious nature is undoubtedly revealed.

The team member facing Yue Qianchou immediately "booed", and the big spider raised his forelimbs on his shoulder and reluctantly put down his claws. This makes Yue Qianchou very satisfied. If it can't be controlled, it will be meaningless to raise it.

Zhang Peng also climbed one of his own shoulders. He reached out and hooked his fingers on his shoulder, and the big spider obediently climbed to his palm motionless. Yue Qianchou turned his head and said with a smile, "The little guys are quite cute. Try it!" After the temple colored girl hatched out, this was the second time he came to see it. The first time was just born, and he was still in love with the team members who domesticated them. After hearing that he could listen to simple instructions this time, he couldn't wait to open his eyes.

Zhang Peng walked out of the team and slapped him. Ten team members immediately came out of the basements opposite, each of whom dragged an iron cage out, in which there were ten kinds of fierce beasts such as pythons, giant scorpions and giant toads. Although it is still small, it is much larger than the small temple colored spiders.

The heroic army has tried to start hunting some fierce beasts in the territory of Shenxu, and it is naturally not a problem to catch some small things.

Although they were still young, they rolled around impatiently in the cage one by one, screaming, banging the iron cage constantly, and the nature of the fierce beast was ordinary.

Dragging these things out is naturally to let the little colorful girls try their skills. The reason why they don't need big guys to try them is that they are still young after all, and they are afraid that they will be killed by accident. Zhang Peng gestured to the ten players who were pulling the iron cage, and the ten members immediately opened the iron cage and flashed aside.

Almost at the same time as ten fierce beasts drilled out of the iron cage, thousands of team members gave guidance instructions to the temple colored spiders climbing on their shoulders, and the temple colored spiders quickly climbed down from their masters. In an instant, the group of guys ran out of the crowd quickly, and their little eyes were so excited that they were red. With eight long legs, they sneered and rushed to the ten fierce beasts.

The ground was like sifting beans, and a group of colorful and fluffy long-legged guys rushed away desperately. Yue Qianchou's scalp was a little numb after watching this scene. What should it be like to be crawled on by this group of little guys?

The cubs of the ten fierce beasts immediately felt the danger. They stammered their tongues, raised their pliers, showed their claws, and showed their tusks... They hissed to intimidate these little guys.

It seems that it is not the first time for the little guys to do such a thing, and they are not quite straightforward, but disperse tacitly. Divided into ten groups, they surrounded the ten fierce beasts and cubs one after another. They were not in a hurry to attack. Instead, they continued to advance and retreat from all directions, making the ten fierce beasts constantly turn around and be vigilant, and there was a smell that they could not look at each other.

The coiled python seemed to be amused by the little colored spiders. It attacked fiercely and directly bit a little colored spider that came to tease him. Just as it launched its attack, a group of small colored spiders behind immediately bounced up and swarmed away, pricking eight sharp claws deep into the body of the python.

The winding python immediately let out a scream and quickly rolled up. However, these little guys are born with steel bones and are not afraid of falling. After their claws plunged into its body, they will die. Instead, they open their fangs and nib like crazy. What's more terrible is that the little Caishu, who was bitten by the python in his mouth, did not escape from the opportunity of the python's mouth, but desperately got into its mouth, and the sharp claws kept inserting out of the python...

As soon as the python rolled here, it immediately disturbed its surrounded fierce beast. Seeing that the little guys were so ferocious, they fled one after another. Especially the giant scorpion, the shell is not generally hard. He directly opened the way with two pairs of big turtle pliers, and immediately knocked over a lot of little guys. However, the little guys had their own means and immediately spewed out countless spider silk, like a big net, covering the fleeing giant scorpion, and a group of them pulled desperately. Another group of groups immediately took advantage of the opportunity of the giant scorpion's hands and feet to be bound, jumping up one after another, using their sharp claws to The bodies of ten fierce beasts are full of small colorful spiders, and the sharp crotch teeth on their mouths are constantly biting. The whole underground space is the sound of their "sand" biting, which makes people shudder.

Looking at this scene, Yue Qianchou couldn't help tuting. No wonder the ape king said that there were almost no natural enemies in the temple colored spiders. As soon as it flooded, it would be a disaster for other fierce beasts. Unexpectedly, these little guys were so powerful.

Zhang Peng pointed to the feeding little colorful spiders and explained, "We have now begun to consciously guide and train them, instill their awareness of cooperating in combat, and we must be able to play a huge role in the future. After a while, when they are a little bigger and hunt fierce beasts, they are ready to take the houses to act together. There may be casualties, but the effect of captivity** must not be as good as the plastic effect in actual combat.

It's worthy of being born in a war! Yue Qianchou looked at him with appreciation and said, "The purpose of raising them is not to spit silk nets to catch mosquitoes in the future, but to make them useful and allow death and injury."

"I see, but there is a problem." Zhang Peng stretched out his hand and said, "The master said that these temple girls can grow so big, but they really want to grow from so small to so big. I don't know how long it will take to be young?"

Yue Qianchou immediately took out a storage bracelet prepared in advance and handed it to him and said, "I have thought about this problem for a long time. It contains the "thousand beast elixir" commonly used to domesticate fierce beasts in the fairyland, which can accelerate their growth. However, to control the dosage, each colored spider can only eat one per month. If the amount is large, it may kill them.

After a conversation between the two, the little guys had gnawed the bodies of the ten fierce beasts into tired white bones. There were not even any meat stars left on the bones, and the bones were also pierced with holes by their claws. Under Zhang Peng's order, the little guys' respective masters issued instructions. Suddenly, they ran back one by one, climbed up the master's shoulders with blood stains all over their bodies, opened their teeth and danced their claws, and looked very ferocious...