The scum of the real world

Chapter 995 First Entry into the Underworld 2

This is called a smart person doing smart things, or having a look.

At first, General Hangjia only found that he could not see through Cang Yunxin's cultivation. Later, after Yue Qianchou came in, he didn't pay much attention at first, because Yue Qianchou's weak reply made him somewhat despised. However, when he found that he could not see through the cultivation of Yue Qianchou, he was shocked. Why did two immortal emperor-level masters come from the fairy world?

The plan of the cultivation of the underworld is divided into four levels: the underworld, the underworld, the underworld, and the underworld emperor, which correspond to the four levels of the little immortal, the upper immortal, the great immortal and the immortal emperor respectively. The cultivation of the armored general is not low, otherwise he will not be sent to sit at the entrance and exit of the underworld. Anyway, it is the end of the underworld, which is equivalent to the end of the immortal. However, even he can't see through the cultivation, and these two people are obviously at least the masters of the immortal emperor in the early days.

The reason why he was shocked was not that he was afraid of Cang Yunxin, because from the beginning of Cang Yunxin's behavior, it can be seen that he obviously had scruples about the underworld. However, the later guys were different. Obviously, their cultivation was so high, why did they pretend to be weak? Judging from his many years of experience, this kind of person who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger is often the most neglected and often the most terrible.

So when he saw that the two of them didn't leave for a long time, he didn't dare to say anything more. In case the other party got angry, he couldn't stand it. Anyway, the other party had a token coming in, and he didn't violate any rules... So, he simply turned around and didn't see what he did

"This is the underworld!" Yue Qianchou muttered softly and looked around with what he imagined. For a moment, he didn't know where to go.

"What on earth do you want to do when you come to the underworld?" Cang Yunxin finally couldn't help asking the questions in his heart.

Yue Qianchou looked at him and thought that it was good to keep a master by his side now. After all, he knew nothing about the underworld and was not in a hurry to get rid of it, so he shook his head and sighed, "The immortal emperor dares not dissued... By the way, someone in your ruthless palace should do business in

"Yes..." Cang Yunxin saw that his tone of talking to him suddenly became gentle. He remembered Mei He's words before, and immediately said alertly, "What do you want to do?"

"We can't run around aimlessly! Naturally, we need to find out the news first. As the chief worship of the Unreveless Palace, you should be able to contact them!" Yue Qianchou asked very seriously.

In fact, his purpose is very simple. He came here to find Bi Changchun. To be more precise, he wants to know whether Bi Changchun is dead or alive, otherwise he is very uncomfortable to worry about him every day. It is said that Bi Changchun and Pluto fought and fled into the boundless mysterious and dark place after defeat. We must first find out which direction Bi Changchun fled to! Otherwise, how can I find it?

A group of guards at the entrance of the underworld were slightly stunned when they heard the words, especially the armored general. No wonder their cultivation was so high in their hearts. One was under the decree of the Immortal Emperor... The other was the chief worship of the first school in the fairy world, but they didn't know what they came to the under

"What kind of news do you want to know?" Cang Yunxin said suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Yue Qianchou said disapprovingly, "I just want to find out the general situation of the underworld so that it is convenient to travel around and increase my experience. Only when I have accumulated in my experience, I can make good songs." He wanted to say that he wanted to find Bi Changchun, but it was impossible to say it. Not to mention that it would scare Cang Yunxin. This is the territory of the underworld, and it was immediately targeted by the people of the underworld.

Cang Yunxin meditated slightly and didn't want to say anything, but after all, it is the underworld, which is very chaotic, and the hegemony of all parties is divided. This boy is here for the first time. He doesn't know anything. If he runs around with this boy and runs to any powerful strong man's nest, he will have to follow him. After a moment of hesitation, he said slowly, "Come with me."

Then he sacrificed his own shuttle and flashed up first, and Yue Qianchou immediately flashed on it. This time, he didn't have to intrigue. Cang Yunxin took the initiative to act as a guide to drive the shuttle. Although he was not familiar with the underworld, he had been here after all. Compared with Yue Qianchou, the rookie was still familiar with it. It was mainly for his own safety, and he was afraid that he would be

The flying edges galloped all the way to the northwest in the dark. In fact, Yue Qianchou couldn't tell whether to go to the northwest. There was no sun, moon and stars here, and there was no way to tell the direction at all. He just walked out of the entrance to the underworld, and then distinguished it according to the common sense Flying in one direction. Yue Qianchou even doubted whether the people in the underworld had no direction at all.

Although the flying speed of the prism is very fast, it is obviously much slower than when flying in the fairyland. Cang Yunxin stood at the front end and maintained a high degree of vigilance. The robe hunted in the night, but it seemed extraordinary. Especially the hands with the back caged in the sleeves, Yue Qianchou has no doubt that he wants to see anything sudden. The hand caged in the sleeve armor can pull out the inverted style of the three swords of the ruthless palace at any time, which will definitely be shocking.

Yue Qianchou keeps looking back and forth. The scenery of the underworld is more than a little worse than that of the fairyland. The main reason is that there is no scenery to see. There is a drowsy color everywhere. From time to time, you will see a little stream of light flying. I don't know what it is. It's Occasionally, you can see the huge shadow swaying by. Looking at the shape, it should be the peak of the underworld.

"I said great worship, where are you taking me?" I don't know how many times Yue Qianchou has asked this question. Cang Yunxin, who was so annoyed, finally took four words out of his mouth: "Twilight!"

"Twilight?" Yue Qianchou was slightly stunned. He felt as if he had heard the name somewhere, but for a moment he couldn't remember when he had heard of it. If he had heard of such a strange name in the fairyland, he would definitely remember who said it. Is it the impression of the previous life? Is there a Twilight in the underworld of the previous life, that is, the underworld?

"What is Twilight? Is it a city? Why Ye Twilight..." He asked a lot of questions in a wordy breath.

Cang Yunxin finally understood. If he didn't answer, he was afraid that he would be bored all the time, so he was vigilant and explained casually: "No one knows why it's called Twilight. At least I don't know. Maybe someone knew it before. Anyway, the name has existed a long time ago. It is a city. I don't know when it will exist. In short, many things in the underworld are too old to be judged by common sense. It is now the place for trading in the two worlds of immortals. It is said that when the demon world is not sealed, the monks of the three worlds will trade here.

"A place for trading between the two worlds and the underworld?" Yue Qian was stunned and searched in his mind. He had no impression at all. He couldn't help but suspect, "Since it is the place where the two worlds of immortals make transactions, why have I never heard anyone mention it in the fairyland?"

Cang Yunxin sneered and said, "The rules of the underworld do not allow people in the underworld to do business with people in the fairyland. However, there are some things that both sides have their own needs, so the underworld Palace turned a blind eye. However, no one is stupid enough to openly provoke the Underworld Palace, get benefits behind the back and say what is not stupid? What's more, Twilight is not a place where ordinary fairyland sects can reach with strength. It's not surprising that you don't know, because if you don't ask, no one will talk about it well.

Sure enough, the foundation is shallow, and I don't know how many things I don't know... Yue Qianchou fell into a burst of silence. Obviously, the general fairyland sect cannot reach it, which must be because there will be many dangers on the way. With the strength of those small sects, it is really difficult to reach safely. After a pause, he asked, "How long does it take to get to Twilight from the entrance of the underworld at your current speed?"

"If everything goes well! At least half a month." Cang Yunxin said indifferently. Yue Qian was so sad that he immediately became coffee when he heard the words. Cool air, the earth hair of the underworld is really wide. What is the concept of flying for half a month at the speed of Cang Yunxin? This is still a smooth situation, what if it is not smooth?

As soon as he thought that it was not going well, he came... The shuttle suddenly stopped suddenly, and the powerful inertia immediately threw him out unprepared. Cang Yunxin pulled his ankle, pulled him back, and threw him back into the cabin. Yue Qianchou immediately shouted in horror, "What do you want to do?"

"Shut up!" Cang Yunxin shouted in a low voice, and his eyes quickly glanced around like electricity. Yue Qianchou immediately found that there was something wrong with his expression. He looked around and found that he didn't know when a thin gray fog appeared in the dark. If he didn't observe it carefully, he couldn't find it. He immediately asked carefully, "What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?"

"We circled in this gray fog for several hours and were trapped by the formation." Cang Yunxin pointed to several shadowy peaks around him, but when he said this, his expression was extremely calm, and his eyes were full of strong self-confidence, which immediately reassured Yue Qianchou a lot. He suddenly said indifferently to the void, "I don't know which friend is joking here. Mr. Cang occasionally disturbs My friend raised his hand and let go of a way to live. Mr. Cang is very grateful.

Yue Qianchou is not afraid. He can go back at any time. He is looking around curiously. Suddenly, he hears the sound of "sneer" from all directions. He can't hear whether it's a man's voice or a woman's voice. It seems far and close, not big or small. From time to time,

Yue Qianchou hated that someone pretended to be a ghost in front of him. He immediately shouted angrily, "What kind of old bastard dares to pretend to be a ghost in front of grandpa, and he can't die!"