The scum of the real world

Chapter 999 Hualongmen

"I don't know if there is a master in the Styx that the Pluto also taboos." The dawn said slowly, "But the small ones know that in those wide Styx River basins, many aquariums live much longer than the small ones, and there must be masters with profound cultivation among them."

It's the same as what I didn't say. Cang Yunxin and Yue Qianchou looked at each other and felt that the river clam was a little unhest. With the millions of years he spent in the Styx River, haven't you heard of any masters in the Styx River? Even if you haven't heard of it all, a few of you have heard of it! But he used "presumably" to send us away...,...

Sure enough, if you give a good look, you have to take an inch! Yue Qianchou raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth. He was about to give some strength to the mirage to taste, but he saw the fast-paced Styx River Basin in front of him open like a pot mouth, as if he had rushed into the vast sea in an instant.

At the same time, the mirage slowly slowed down until it stopped completely, and the quiet nose floated in the Styx River. There was an arch-like mountain on the river ahead. The mountain was 100 meters high, and the abdomen was empty. The water rolled through the abdomen of the mountain, and the foot of the mountain on both sides of the mountain seemed to be in the Styx River.

is a mountain, but to be precise, it is more like an open door, giving people a feeling of an unpredictable future.

There are sporadic fluorescence fluttering in the sky in all directions. It seems that they have been inspired by the magical power of friends and fly to the hollow mountain located in the Styx River. Finally, the clouds circled in the empty belly of the mountain, in a trance, like countless luminous bead curtains hanging to the surface of the water, shining under the reflection of the river.

It is dark all around, and only here is dazzling. This scene seems to be the only bright pearl in the whole underworld, inlaid between the belly of the mountain, and the brakes are bright!

Cang Yunxin and Yue Qianchou look at each other. I don't understand what it means. It happened that a fist-sized fluorescence flew past the two people. "I don't know when I touched the long sword in my hand" and directly inserted the fluorescent cluster, as if a roast chicken was inserted casually.

Cang Yunxin immediately rolled his eyes and scolded this boy for being too bold. He took action blindly before he figured out the situation. This is the underworld! Don't want to die? But now that he has done so... Cang Yunxin also stretched out his head to watch. "I saw a firefly as big as a fist inserted in the front of the sword. It looked ferocious, and his palate teeth were as thick as a thumb, but the ball of light dragged from the tail was extremely bright. Under the tail light, I couldn't

"Fuck you! I thought it was something. It turned out to be a firefly, and it was rare to be so big..." Yue Qianchou sneered, and Cang Yunxin also nodded slightly. It turned out to be a firefly. There should be no trouble, and finally he was relieved.

Just as the firefly pierced through the chest by the sword was dying, a group of flowing light passing quickly in the distance seemed to be attracted by the strange scenery here, and immediately changed the direction of flight and flew quickly. After a while, more than a hundred people appeared in the air one after another, looking at the wonders in the belly of the mountain.

Cang Yunxin looked at those people and frowned slightly and said, "It's from Yinlong Villa." With a word, he immediately led those people to look back one after another. After seeing Cang Yunxin and Yue Qianchou, they were stunned. The first person took the lead and flashed, and the others also flashed. The leader arched his hand and said, "It turned out to be a great offering in the ruthless palace. Ding Xiang is polite."

Cang Yunxin arched his hand perfunctorily and said, "It turned out to be Elder Ding of Yinlong Villa." After saying that, he arrogantly turned his head to one side. Everyone didn't pay much attention to his arrogant behavior. With his cultivation, he was completely qualified." What was especially admired by everyone was that this Cang Yunxin was indeed a master of art. He dared to stand in the Styx River and look at the scenery as if nothing had happened. He ignored the risks that may occur at any time. He was so bold!

Everyone mistakenly thought that the two of them were standing on the rock in the Styx River. For a moment, who would have noticed that there was a giant river clam floating in the water below. After the big guy's eyes fell on Yue Qianchou for a while, Ding Xiang arched his hand and asked, "Is this the head of Yue Qianchou of the World Chamber of Commerce?"

From this, it can be heard that they obviously heard about Cang Yunxin's protection of Yue Qianchou." Cang Yunxin twitched when he heard the words.

"Exactly!" Yue Qianshou hugged his sword and arched his hand to return the salute, "I have heard the name of Elder Ding of Yinlong Villa for a long time. Today, it really lives up to the demeanor of immortals." Please take care of Elder Ding in the future." This man has never heard of Ding Xiang at all, but when he sees each other without injustice or hatred, his sweet mouth will not be tired at all, and he will naturally not say good words for nothing.

"Hehe! I have been walking and working in the underworld on behalf of the Hidden Dragon Villa for a long time. Where does the name come from in the fairyland? It is the reputation of Yuezhangmen. I am like thunder in the underworld!" Ding Xiang smiled modestly, but looking at the smile on his face, he should be really happy.

Everyone likes to listen to good words. The group of people in Yinlong Villa looked at Yue Qianchou with a little more kindness, and their eyes also more or less looked at the firefly inserted on the edge of Yue Qianchou's sword. After Yue Qianchou noticed it, he immediately wiped his two fingers on the sword, directly bouncing the dim firefly into the water, and put away the sword in his hand.

At this moment, the surface of the water crashed, and everyone's eyes stared at the water not far from Yue Qianchou. The water wave stirred, and a big round mouth suddenly appeared in the water, swallowing the firefly that jumped to the surface of the water. After this unknown thing devoured the fireflies, it quickly turned around and dived back into the water. Everyone faintly saw the dark scales between them. They didn't know what kind of monster it was.

"There is something in the river!" Ding Xiang shouted softly, and a group of people coordinated and cooperated quite tacitly. Suddenly, they instantly moved to a higher position in the air and stared at the river below with burning eyes. Yue Qianchou was also shocked. The sword that had just been put away was pulled out again. Cang Yunxin also had an extra sword in his hand, and his eyes scanned the river coldly, but there was no movement on the river..."

"Marry You, didn't you find something in the water just now?" Yue Qianchou gently patted the shell of the mirage and asked.

"Don't worry, this is a black river black carp, and it won't take the initiative to hurt you." The mirage said excitedly.

"The Black Carp of the Styx River? Do you mean that what was in the water just now was a carp?


The conversation between the two fell into the ears of everyone in the air, which immediately surprised everyone. It turned out that there were living things under their feet. After careful observation, they found that the outline was faintly like a river clam. "... How could there be such a big clam? This group of people often walk in the underworld and have never seen such a big clam.

Yue Qianchou heard the smell of [Xing] from the mouth of the mirage, so he raised his eyebrows and said, "Miayou, why did you suddenly stop here? Is there anything going to happen?"

"That's good!" The mirage still said excitedly, "Yulongmen! Legend has it that a spectacle can only appear once in 100,000 years! Unexpectedly, we touched it. It's a big fate! If we can see the legendary scene of turning into a dragon with our own eyes, we will be honored!"

People from up and down can feel the once-in-a-lifetime [excitement] in his words, especially the word "hualong" also cheered everyone up, but they still heard confusedly and couldn't figure out what it meant. Yue Qianchou immediately looked around with a curious face and said, "Jianyou, make it clear that who turned into a dragon and left?"

"Naturally, it is the black carp of the Styx River." The mirage said excitedly, "The mountain gate in front of it is called the Dragon Gate. It is said that the black carp in the Styx River will be summoned every 100,000 years. If a black carp can jump over the dragon gate, it can become a black dragon and go away. Of course, this is just a legend, because there were many people who wanted to witness such a spectacle, but every time they were disappointed, they didn't see the black carp of the Styx River in Hualongmen. Over time, no one believed the legend. Unexpectedly, we met it this time. It's a great opportunity!"

People up and down were shocked when they heard the words, but they didn't expect such a magical thing. Yue Qianchou faintly felt that the story seemed to be familiar. After being stunned for a long time, he was stunned and said, "There are also carp Yuelongmen here?"

As soon as he said this, everyone's daylight was all focused on him, and they were suspicious one by one. Cang Yunxin knew that he might not get the case, but he couldn't help asking suspiciously, "Where have you seen the carp jumping over the rabbit door?"

"Uh..." Yue Qianchou was speechless. After a burst of convulsions, he smiled and said, "I've never seen such a mysterious thing. I just think it's a little ridiculous. Can the carp really turn into a dragon after crossing this dragon gate?"

Cang Yunxin looked up and down at him suspiciously and paused and said, "The mystery of the underworld cannot be speculated by common sense. Since there is such a legend, there must be no wind and no waves. There are more or less reasons."

"Hey hey! I hope so! Then we will have the blessing of our eyes.

" Yue Qianchou laughed and said perfunctorily. Seeing that everyone was looking at him with twinkling eyes, he stamped hard to change the topic and said, "Zhouyou, what did you just say about the great opportunity? Even if the black carp leaps over the dragon gate and turns into a dragon, what does it have to do with

"You can't say that." The mirage said in a longing tone, "It is said that among the people who have witnessed the black carp turn into a dragon, every time someone has a good relationship with the black dragon and has received the blessing of the black dragon in the future. Do you think it's a great opportunity?"

"That's it!" Yue Qianchou touched his chin and muttered. Suddenly, he felt that the sword in his hand was extremely dazzling. How could Shanyuan have anything to do with the murder weapon? He quickly put it away. The Cang Yunxin on the side did not give up much, but also put away the sword. In short, the eyes of the people up and down flashed excitedly, and they were all doing the legendary spring and autumn dream.

With a loud noise, a purple thunderbolt suddenly penetrated the confused night sky and directly hit the dark and bare mountain gate. A burst of purple electricity on the mountain gate swam around for a long time before disappearing. When everyone was still stunned, they suddenly felt a magnificent ancient breath like ripples, slowly emanating from the mountain gate standing in the water, which was so shocking...

Mouth C: The name of this chapter is too auspicious. Three nines, just so happens that the title of the chapter is also called "Hualongmen". Is it from 99 chapters to a thousand chapters of Yuelongmen? It's a lucky mess. The next chapter is a whole thousand chapters, and I sigh in my heart! It's just the first anniversary of being put on the shelves. How can it be such a coincidence? I was so excited that I decided to write the thousandth chapter well, so I will send a chapter today, and the thousandth chapter will be sent tomorrow. After reading this chapter, wash and go to bed quickly!