The scum of the real world

Chapter 1005 Yuelongmen 2

Why are you excited? Yue Qianchou sensed from the strength and law of the broken child's pull of his clothes. It seemed that what he was not the clothes in his hand was, but the fish's tail that was struggling to push on the top. There was a smell of wanting to pull the other party down. His heart was tempt!

As he wished, the black carp of the Styx River was more than ten meters away from the top, which was difficult to enter. Under the washing of the glazed treasure light, his body slowly slid down, and finally gave up without support. In the sound of regret, the little hand behind Yue Qianchou also gradually relaxed his strength.

At this time, everyone can see that the glazed treasure light that covers the dragon gate is closer to the top of the mountain, the greater the pressure it gives. It is difficult for those who are not capable to reach the top and jump into a dragon. This glazed treasure is undoubtedly responsible for the screening function, and not any Styx black carp can pass its test.

Although this Styx black carp failed, the process of reaching the top with a difference of more than ten meters, made the Styx black carp waiting to rise to the top work hard and see the hope of success.

Still from the last side, a black carp swam not far in front of Liguang, made a little preparation, and broke through the waves like an arrow from the string. When approaching Hualongmen, it jumped up. The seven or eight-meter-long body is similar to that of the previous one, and its speed and strength are not weaker than that of the previous one. "It rises under the huge pressure exerted by the glazed treasure light" and fights against fate.

Damn it! Here comes again, Yue Qianchou had a feeling of going crazy. Xiaoyuan's claws were exerting thousands of pounds on him again. Now he hates why he throws out that pole and grabs this magic star to torture himself. People say that he didn't eat mutton to make him coquettish, and he is the black carp of the Styx River. He came to the underworld. It's really retribution!

Look at the water surface of the Styx River. There are more than 200 Styx black carp queuing up to leap the Dragon Gate. More than these two hundred "... I can't stand it" can't stand it anymore! Yue Qianchou's eyes swept around, and finally fell on the third princess who was standing right in front of him. "I remember the picture of myself grabbing the little broken child and calling for her sister for help." His eyes suddenly lit up. There is no doubt that the third princess still has some status in the heart of the fourth prince, and she must be able to manage it.

"Third Princess... Here, behind you... Hey hey!"

He was looking up slightly at the third princess of the palace of the black carp leaping over the dragon gate above. After hearing someone's voice, he first looked left and right. When he turned around for the last time, he immediately saw Yue Qianchou's face with a wry smile on his face. He stood there with a crooked body, and his movements were extremely awkward, because his robe was pulled by his brother.

The third princess immediately turned around, nodded apologetically to Yue Qianchou, and then stared at her brother in the direction of Hualongmen." She whispered, "Xiao Yuan" is not rude."

Xiaoyuan looked at his sister blankly and didn't know what was wrong. The third princess could only stare with apricot eyes and pulled Xiaoyuan's hand away from Yue Qianchou's clothes.

Finally get rid of the claws of this unlucky child! Yue Qian was so refreshed and very gentlemanly smiled at the third princess and straightened the clothes that had been pulled into a mess.

The third princess took Xiaoyuan's hand, frowned and reprimanded in a low voice, "Stand with me."

"No! I want to be with Brother Yue. Xiao Yuan's attitude was very stubborn. I recognized his taste in my life, and grabbed Yue Qianchou's clothes with the other hand. Yue Qianchou didn't make any preparations." He was pulled to a stagger by him, and his expression was twitching. He looked at the third princess innocently, as if to say, "Sister, please take care of it!"

The third princess was very sorry for her brother's reckless behavior. She shyly bowed to Yue Qianchou. Annoy flashed on her face and whispered, "Listen, stand in front."

"No!" Xiao Yuan hugged Yue Qianchou's arm with one arm. The noise of the two sisters made the brothers and sisters in front of them look one after another. " Even Mr. and Mrs. Liguang stared angrily, as if they were scolding the two sisters and brothers for being in the mood to fight at this time. It was simply outrageous.

The third princess was mute and couldn't tell the pain of eating Huang Lian. "I had to look at my brother, but it was inconvenient to pull again, so she took Xiao Yuan's hand and stood beside Xiao Yuan. Cang Yunxin, who was beside him, looked at Yue Qianchou, and the corners of his mouth aroused the sarcasm.

Yue Qianchou looked at Xiao Yuan pulling himself. Suddenly, there was a very strange feeling. There was a child standing between the two men and women. How did they feel... Looking up, they happened to bump into the third princess who looked up at the same time. The two were stunned at the same time, and both sides faintly felt that they thought of the same Yue Qianchou was very good at hiding his thoughts. He grinned and smiled with white teeth, as if to prove that he was very pure and did not think about it. However, the third princess dodged her eyes, her cheeks flushed, and she quickly turned her head.

With the sound of falling into the water, the black carp of the Styx River stepped forward. Like the above, when it was only a dozen meters away from the top, it was a failure. Then three or four of the Styx, which also reached seven or eight meters in size, tried to leap over the Dragon Gate, all of which were only ten meters away from the peak and ended in failure. The short distance of more than ten meters seemed to be an insurmountable heaven." It made the palace aquarium below sigh.

Just after the failure of these Styx black carp, in the two queues on the surface of the Styx, hundreds of Styx black carp, which were similar in size as before, quietly disappeared on the surface of the water. Obviously, they retreated after knowing the difficulties. In fact, this is also a wise move. If you know the difficulties and leave the opportunity to try next time, you may have a greater grasp of success. However, no one can guarantee when the next opportunity will appear, which is also the main reason why everyone is eager to try once the opportunity appears.

At this time, there are only a hundred black carp left on the river, which are naturally of extraordinary strength.

It's strange that the formation is messy. This group of black carp are gathered together, as if they are discussing something...

After a while, the princes and princesses standing in the row in front of Yue Qianchou changed their faces." The eldest princess said in a low voice, "No, the Prime Minister is going to take action."

A group of well-negotiated Styx black carp retreated to one after another, leaving the largest Styx black carp slowly swam in front of Li Guang. Li Guang nodded slightly, as if he acquiesced in something, and then the black carp turned around to prepare.

A dorsal fin silently crossed the surface of the water. As soon as it reached the dragon gate, a giant black carp with a length of more than 20 meters rushed directly into the glazed treasure light and quickly soared to a height of sixty or seventy meters. Fang shook his head and began the second wave of force, and instantly reached a height of 80 However, it was inexhaustible and directly exceeded the height of 90 meters.

"Okay!" Li Guang shouted loudly [Xing] and gave a high-five. Everyone's eyes stared nervously at the huge figure, watching him approaching the peak little by little. Although the speed is getting slower and slower, the frequency of swinging at the beginning and end is getting faster and faster.

Just less than five meters away from the top of the mountain, the two Tianma dragging a chariot on the top of the mountain suddenly jumped on its front hooves and stood up with two hind legs, shaking the crystal-like mane " hisss..., hiss..." Changming. The glazed treasure light covering the whole mountain suddenly became overflowing and became thicker and thicker.

The huge Styx black carp was stunned in the glazed treasure light, and there were even signs of slow downward pressure. However, the strength of the prime ministers who can make several prince princesses change color is obviously not comparable to that of the black carp of the Styx River. The beginning and end slowly swayed again, and the dark scales suddenly burst out a black light, resisting the glazed treasure light and slowly climbing up again.

There are only four meters away... Three meters, two meters away, everyone held their breath and witnessed the upcoming miracle. The two heavenly horses on the top of the mountain also looked at him slightly. "The distance between the two sides is only two meters, but it is the distance of these two meters, and the Prime Minister can't move any more.

The hearts of all the Styx black carp have been raised to their throats, only the last two meters! It's already close to Tianma!

"Uh-huh..." The prime minister suddenly let out a painful snort. His deadlocked figure in the glazed treasure light trembled slightly, and the big black scales on his body suddenly fell off and were directly collapsed by the glazed treasure light. It can be seen how much pressure he should be under, and everyone's faces of the However, this is only the first film. In his continued stalemate, the second black scales slowly fell off and collapsed, the third film, the fourth film...

In a short time, more than a dozen scales fell off one after another, and the dark blood began to ooze out. However, as soon as the blood appeared, it was immediately evaporated by the glazed treasure light. The uninformed outsider was suddenly shocked. The glazed treasure light of feelings can not only exert great pressure, but also the temperature is extremely high.

Just as half of the scales on his body had fallen off, the trembling prime minister suddenly said "um" again, and the dull and painful sound echoed in the dark night sky. A strong black light burst out on his body, and the beginning and end swayed slowly again, and his figure rose slowly again.

One meter... Just as his huge head was enough to reach the top of the mountain, "Okay...Okay..." When the cheers of success had burst out below, the Prime Minister's head suddenly tilted, and his eyes lost their brilliance in an instant. From the beginning of his huge head, cracks appeared, and then his body lost its power. At the same time as he fell, his huge body, which was more than 20 meters long, began to tear apart, and his bones and flesh flew away. Everyone watched him turn into flying ashes in the glazed treasure light, annihilated, and finally couldn't even see a little slag...

"The Prime Minister!" Li Guang lost his voice and exclaimed, "The whole aquarium in the palace lost its voice. The aquarium tyrants watching in the distance also sighed and sighed. They secretly said that the prime minister who left the palace was too strong. "It has exceeded the limit of their own strength, and there is no need to show off to die...