The scum of the real world

Chapter 1025 Li Li

In this way, it suddenly aroused a lot of suspicion among several people, all of whom were whispering in their stomachs, muttering, Yue Qianchou, behind the back of everyone and the Snow King. What the hell are they doing?

After saying hello, Yue Qianchou and the Snow Emperor exchanged glances. The two were about to go back to the harem upstairs when they suddenly heard the sound of someone flying and landing outside. Several people looked out together, but they didn't see anyone, but they heard a woman's voice outside respectfully saying, "The younger generation leaves Li to see the I felt a little familiar, but when I heard that the name was the last name, "Li... Time. Everyone's face was a little unnatural, and they guessed that the people who left the palace were coming. Everyone is thinking that the arrival of the people leaving the palace now is probably related to the good things that the big guys have done.

The Snow Emperor glanced at several people and said calmly to the outside, "Come in!" He seemed to know someone who came.

Outside the palace gate, the clouds are high, the hair is waist-length, and a women's style in black plain clothes comes. The expression is quiet and indifferent. It's not someone else, it's the third princess of the palace that Yue Qianchou and others have seen, but she didn't know her name was Li Li at the beginning.

As soon as Li Li stepped into the palace gate, she saw that there were so many people in the ice palace. She couldn't help but be slightly stunned. After finding that it was Yue Qianchou and others, her face changed instantly. Stop in place and don't move. It took a long time to move forward slowly...

She was originally the only friend of the Ice Palace Princess Xue Linglong. The two often play together and can be regarded as guests who often come to the Ice Palace. I didn't come to play with Xue Linglong this time, but because the inscription belonging to the prince Lizhong in the palace suddenly cracked, and suddenly caused an uproar in the palace. This means that the prince Lizhong is dead.

Check the location of the death of the prince. It was found that it had reached the hinterland of the snow mountain, which was the snow emperor and the snow queen's territory. Generally speaking, although the snow emperor and the snow queen would be rude to the people in the fairyland. But under normal circumstances, it will never poison the Styx River aquarium. What's more, the relationship between the third princess Li Li and the Ice Palace Xue Linglong is that the people of the Ice Palace will not poison the prince of the Palace.

So he investigated why Prince Lizhong went to the snowy mountain for millions of miles. As a result, the prince Lizhong's cronies handed it over in horror. Prince Lizhong was cut off by Yue Qianchou in front of Hualongmen. I can't swallow this evil breath. He secretly followed Yue Qianchou and others. Prepare to wait for revenge on the way.

Although Li Guang heard the words, although he was far away from the center and narrow-minded. But after all, it was his own son who died. The cause of death still needs to be checked. However, the million-li snow mountain is adjacent to the Styx River. The Snow King and the Snow Queen's powerful Styx River aquarium have been heard of for a long time, coupled with the agreement between the land and the aquarium, it is not allowed for him to mess around. So she asked the third princess Li Li to take a group of elite soldiers from the aquarium to the Shunxue River to the hinterland of the snowy mountain to find out the cause of the death of the prince.

The body of the prince's body, which was split in half by Cang Yunxin's sword, was found not far from the Styx River. At that time, the body had been covered with thick snow and traces of the fierce battle of the ice soul of the ice palace were found. Li Li ordered the man to restrain the body of the eldest brother, let everyone wait in the Styx River, and then came to the Ice Palace alone to visit, hoping to get some news about the killing of her brother from the Snow Emperor, or to ask if there were any other suspicious people passing by the Snow Mountain.

In a word, she believed that the people in Daxueshan would not poison her brother. However, when she stepped into the ice palace and saw that Yue Qianchou and others were also there, she remembered the causes and consequences of Lou Dai, his brother's cronies, and immediately locked the murderer... But Yue Qiancho The cunning guys all look like nothing to do on the surface.

, "Hehe! The girl is coming. The Snow Emperor smiled peacefully. Yue Qianchou is as stable as Mount Tai, but the hearts of Cang Yunxin and others are not very calm, because it can be heard from the words of the Snow Emperor that the two sides are old acquaintances, and I don't know if they will sell themselves.

, "The younger generation has seen the Snow King." Li Li bowed to salute. Yue Qianchou on the side smiled and said, "The third princess is really fate! Unexpectedly, we met here again...

, "Oh! Do you know each other? Snow Emperor looked surprised. In fact, he had heard Cang Yunxin tell the story of Hualongmen before, and coupled with Li Li's reaction just now, he had already guessed that the two sides had met.

Seeing the attitude of the Snow Emperor, several people immediately knew it and glanced at Yue Qianchou. "I don't know what ecstasy soup he poured into the Snow Emperor. I was relieved for a while.

, "Yes!" Li Li replied respectfully and asked quietly, "It turns out that the senior Snow Emperor also knew them...

The Snow King smiled. He pointed to Cangyun and said, "I forgot their love with the head of the ruthless palace, so I made them visit this time, which is the first time we know each other."

, "So that's it!" Li Li nodded indifferently. The Snow King suddenly sighed slightly and said, "The girl is here to find Linglong, right? She has relapsed from her old illness. I'm afraid she can't play with you.

, "Sister Linglong... Li Li's face surged with a burst of uncomfort, and then restrained his hand and said, "The younger generation is not looking for Linglong sister this time, but because the younger generation's eldest brother was killed in Daxue Mountain. He came to track down the murderer at the order of his father. The younger generation wants to ask Xue's senior

"Wow! Is there such a thing?" Snow King said in surprise, "Why don't I know?" For the sake of her daughter's life, her daughter's friends can only put it aside first.

When Li Li heard the words, she remembered that there were traces of the fierce battle of the ice soul mysterious soldiers by the Styx River. How could the Snow Emperor not know? He immediately knew that he could not ask anything. He slowly turned his head and looked at Yue Qianchou and others, and asked lightly, "I don't know if you have ever seen the murderer who killed my eldest brother?"

"No Feng, no, no!" Several people denied it, and Yue Qianchou frowned and said, "Since we broke up with you in Hualongmen, we have never seen your eldest brother, let alone the murderer who killed your eldest brother. The third princess mourns for the change. I think the sky is long and the murderer will be caught and killed sooner or later.

Several people suddenly felt that this sounded a little tired. The corners of Cang Yunxin's mouth twitched, and people asked him to kill him. Now they say this bullshit. "Although I know it's perfunctory, as a murderer, it doesn't sound very comfortable. Ding Xiang and the mirage peeked at him. Happy in my heart...

"In this case, I won't bother you." Li Li led several people. Then he said to the Snow King, "Come and see Sister Linglong later. Now the younger generation has to track down the murderer of the eldest brother, so let's leave.

"Hmm! I'm sorry for your good work. I won't send it!" The Snow King stretched out his hand.

Several people watched Li Li slowly walk to the door. Suddenly, she turned around and stared at the mirage with a frosty face and said sharply, " Mirage! You really haven't seen who killed my eldest brother?"

"Uh..." Mirage is originally a lonely wandering aquarium in the Styx River. It has always been timid to bully good and afraid of evil. She suddenly came like this and was almost scared to the point of unscrupulous. Yue Qianchou immediately kicked it away and shouted coldly, "The third princess is asking you! What are you in a daze?

You was kicked and staggered. He immediately came to his senses and bowed back and said, "To the third princess. The little one has really never seen it before.

Li Li stared at him coldly for a while, and then slowly walked out of the palace gate without saying a word, turned into a streamer and flew away...",...

"I didn't expect that this quiet girl still has this side. It seems that she has seen something.

"The Snow Emperor glanced at several people, and finally fell on the gray-faced Mirage. He couldn't figure out how this Styx aquarium could mix with the people of the fairyland. I'm still so afraid of a thousand sorrows.

"No matter what she sees, things are picked up from the middle. There is no reason for him to kill people and not allow others to fight back. It's okay to know each other. If you dare to pester her again, don't blame me for destroying her Styx River black carp family one day!" A trace of haze flashed on Yue Qianchou's face, and then said to the Snow King, "Let's continue our abundance!"

The Snow Emperor was stunned and then nodded. The two walked to the depths of the Ice Palace under the suspicious eyes of Cang Yunxin and others...

Back in the room above, Xue, who had calmed down, wondered, "Is it Li Li's girl here?"

"Hmm! The little girl didn't know the depth of the sky. She first showed her edge here and had already left. Regardless of her." The Snow Emperor snorted coldly and looked at Yue Qianchou.

Yue Qianchou also restrained his emotions. He looked at the couple with burning eyes and said, "Although I can't guarantee that I can cure Princess Linglong, I hope that what you see in the process of casting the spell will rot in your stomach, otherwise I will not let go of your family of three. I hope you don't think I'm joking."

The couple looked at each other when they heard the words. I don't know why he said such serious words. It must be important to see something later. Snow Emperor said solemnly, "Don't worry about this. If my husband and I can stay here and compete with the world, we are not ruthless and unjust."

This is exactly what Yue Qianchou is looking for, otherwise he will not dare to expose the fire in front of them. He didn't say anything more. He raised his foot and stepped on the ice couch again. As soon as she picked up Xue Linglong's upper body and sat down, Xue Hou immediately helped to coil her daughter's legs.

Sit behind Xue Linglong and return the mood to tranquility." His palms pressed behind Xue Linglong's back. First, the divine consciousness was injected to sort out the situation in Xue Linglong's [body], and then the palms behind her shook slightly, and two dark jumping flames ignited on the spot on the palms of both hands. The cold breath and the strong deadness spread slightly"

"Black Fire!" The couple's pupils suddenly shrank, and they exclaimed in shock. Yue Qianchou suddenly opened his eyes and stared at their husband and wife. The two immediately understood that they were disturbing him. He looked embarrassed and begged others to save his daughter but took the lead in bad things. How can he be ashamed!

Yue Qianchou closed his eyes, and the black flame quickly wrapped Xue Linglong up. The couple immediately held a hand with each other.'s hand. This is really beyond their expectation. I didn't expect that in addition to the green fire in the real fire, there was also a black fire that blocked the yin and yang.