The scum of the real world

Chapter 1041 Truth

When I was in high school, because my family was relatively tight, and my appearance was not the type to please girls, so until the college entrance examination was approaching, I didn't have a girlfriend at all except for my good academic performance. When I was in school, I also secretly went out to watch third-class movies. In that era when the spring heart was sprouting, it was my greatest wish to be able to really feel the girl's body. At that time, it was still the college entrance examination in July. Because my grades are usually good, the approach of the college entrance examination is not stressful for me. However, for most people who come to the book, the college entrance examination is still very scary. It is also in this case that boys and girls do something unexpected. One weekend in early June, due to the lack of classrooms in the school, in order to give up the examination room for junior high school students, the school gave our graduation class three days off for the first time, which is tantamount to a great happy event for those of us who have not had a holiday for a long time. After 5 p.m., most of my classmates had already left. I was packing up in the classroom when someone suddenly called me at the door. I looked back and found that it was Sun Hong from the liberal arts class. She said that there were too many books to take away, so she asked me to help her get some by the way. In fact, Sun Hong and I don't know each other very well, but I often meet her at school every day. Occasionally, I say a few words. Over time, I am also a friend. I know that Sun Hong's father is a judge, but her family is in the countryside. In order to go to school, she and her father live in a single dormitory in the court. It's a lot of work to move things, and I'm on my way, so I happily agreed. Sending the Buddha to the west, of course, I will help Sun Hong move the book to the house. This is the first time I have been to the place where she lives. I thought his father was here, so I was very nervous, but when I got there, I found that his father had gone home because it was the weekend. But it's evening now, and there is no car to go to the countryside for a long time, which means that Sun Hong will live here by himself tonight. While I was thinking about hormones, Sun Hong gave me into the room. This is a very ordinary dormitory, which is on the ground floor of the courthouse, at the inner end of the corridor. Because people go home on weekends, it is more and more quiet here. There are two writing desks and two single beds symmetrically in the room. It can be seen that Sun Hong and his father usually live like this. I saw one of the ** with a bra and knew that it was Sun Hong's bed, so I deliberately sat on that **. In order to thank me, Sun Hong turned around and went to the cupboard to find fruit for me to eat. Anyway, I don't have class the next day, so I'd like to stay longer. While Sun Hong turned around to look for something, I quickly grabbed the bra placed in ** and smelled it hard in front of my nose. A strong feminine smell hit my brain, mixed with a faint milk fragrance. It's so cool! I was afraid that she would suddenly look back and see my ugliness, so I quickly threw my bra aside and pretended that nothing had happened. Sun Hong is still trying to find something. He doesn't know what I've done at all. She squatted on the ground and tried her best to pull out the fruit box. But the box was so heavy that she couldn't pull it at all. Her round buttocks shook around. I knew she was trying hard. Seeing her seductive posture, my crotch bulged unconsciously. Sun Hong, who had nothing to do, had to ask me to help her pull together. I walked over and looked down at Sun Hong, who was squatting on the ground. Through her lining neckline, I saw her two snow-white hemispheres. When she saw my strange eyes, she immediately felt that she had gone, so she pulled the neckline and said to me, "You still look, help me quickly! \"I'm embarrassed. Hurry up and help her pull out the box. Sun Hong washed the fruit, took out some snacks, and then sat next to me and chatted with me while eating. We were full and drank enough. The more we talked, the more energetic we became and forgot the time. Sun Hong gradually leaned his shoulder against me, and I took the opportunity to hold her in my arms. A unique fragrance of mature women came to my face, and I suddenly lost my mind. At that time, I didn't know where the courage came from. I put her on my lap, put my right hand over her head, hurried to kiss her lips, and put my left hand on her violently undulating chest. I tried to put my tongue into her mouth, but she clenched her teeth and didn't give me any chance. I was just about to grab her ** with my hand. She struggled to sit up and said, "Don't do this, don't. \"I immediately woke up and knew that I had gone too far. In order to avoid embarrassment, I also sat up and saw that it was dark outside, so I said goodbye to her and was ready to go home. Sun Hong was not angry. She tidied up her hair and sent me to the gate. As soon as we got out of the house, we found that it had rained heavily. I didn't bring an umbrella, so I had no choice but to go back to the house. She said she would wait until the rain stopped, and I had to do so. We continued to sit and chat, and no one mentioned what had just happened. Unconsciously, it was past 10 p.m., and the rain still didn't mean to stop. Neither of us can hold on any longer. Sun Hong saw that I was so sleepy that she said, "If not, you can stay here tonight." \"I was a little confused because I was so sleepy that I casually answered a sentence. I turned around and fell asleep. After all, he is a lonely man and a woman, and he has never been. Sun Hong is more or less worried. She said, "You go to bed first. I'll watch TV for a while. \"I knew that she was afraid that I would bully her when she fell asleep first, so I didn't care. I fell asleep under the quilt. I don't know how long I slept. I felt someone breathing in my ear in a daze. When I opened my eyes, it turned out that Sun Hong was sleeping next to me. The narrow single bed sleeps the two of us. Of course, it's very close. As soon as I turned over, she woke up. She asked me, "What's wrong? \"I said, \"It's a little hot\", she said, \"Then take off your coat\". It was June, and the weather was quite hot. I only wore a pair of underwear inside, trousers and a shirt outside. I took off my shirt and my upper body was gone. No matter what, take it off. It's still not cool to lie down after taking it off, because it's not a matter of the weather at all. In a small bed, both of us have to lie sideways. My lower body is close to Sun Hong's buttocks, which makes my blood boil. It's strange that it can be cool. And Sun Hong also seems to be uncomfortable, and his body is always moving. I asked her: \"Are you hot, too? \"She said: \"Uh-huh\". I said, "You can take off your clothes, too." She didn't say anything and quietly took off her shirt. She wore a suspender vest inside, and my heart rippled. I hugged her from behind and put my hands on her crisp chest. It turned out that she bought a bra and felt very uncomfortable. I had the courage to insert my hand under her clothes, but the bottom of the bra was so tight that I couldn't get my hand in at all. At that time, I didn't know how to untie the bra. As soon as I was in a hurry, I pulled it hard. Now Sun Hong is very anxious: \"Why are you talking about it? What should you do if it's broken? I thought she was angry and stopped in a hurry. Unexpectedly, after she finished speaking, she put her hand behind her back to untie the bra, then took it out of the vest and said to me softly: \"You touch it. \"J.

"No more examination room?" Wang Xiaohu frowned and asked Shao Yifu, "What's the use of the title?" Shao Yifu raised his head and said, "That's all about this thing. We are not British people, so these medals and titles will be greatly reduced in a sense, just like the commander's medal I awarded a few years ago. The lowest level of the Knight's Medal in the British honor system.

Wang Xiaohu curled his lips and said, "Hua seems to be a false name?" "It's not a false name. This boy is so heavy that I guess I won't be able to hold him next year. Shao Yifu handed over the little prince to Fang Yihua's arms, and then said with relief, "At least in Hong Kong, both the commander's medal and the title are superior. You can enjoy the British title treatment and receive a large commission every year. In addition, your descendants will also be taken care of by the title and can enjoy the British children. The same educational opportunity." Wang Xiaohu nodded, "It seems that this thing is not useless. At least my son can still get some light." "Hehe." Shao Yifu smiled and said, "You are still young, and your personality determines that you are not very enthusiastic about these things, but in a few decades you will consider all aspects of these aspects."

"Before awarding you the Jazz Medal, the British government should let the Governor of Hong Kong award you half an officer's Medal. As for the Jazz Medal, it must be awarded by the Queen of England himself, so if you want to become a knight in one step, you still need to wait."

Shao Yifu said with deep understanding: "Do you know how the British commented on the officer's medal?" Wang Xiaohu had never paid attention to these, and then shook his head and said, "I don't know." "Ha ha, the full name of the British imperial officer's medal is roaring "u div wo ji e one... "Listen to U's heart saying E than man's man's meme" Shao Yifu said this word with difficulty, and then continued, "But the Sun, which has always loved pranks, deliberately did it. BO is interpreted as the medal of those who make a lot of money, that is. Uu one. Kl heart PS mango amen. Wang is the second rank of the British Royal Order, and under it is the Order of the British Empire: "BO, on top is the Order of the British Empire Commander: cBO, cPS was knighted by the Queen of England." Shao Yifu also understood the rules after being awarded the Commander's Medal (cBO). Now he said them all so that Wang Xiaohu could have a general understanding.

"Oh." Wang Xiaohu touched his nose and thought for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Lao Dou." Do you think I should pay a visit to the Governor of MacLehose this year? See you in advance?"

"Do you want to flatt the governor of Hong Kong?" Shao Yifu said with a joking smile.

"That's not true." Wang Xiaohu shook his head and said, "I just want to ask him if he can make the program simple and participate in the award without wearing that very wordy and tiring gentleman's clothing." "Haha, as far as I know, this is impossible." Shao Yifu laughed and said, "Then he came forward and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Xiaohu, it's just wearing clothes and not going to the execution ground." "It seems to me that there is no difference." Wang Xiaohu said with a wry smile.

"Let me tell you the third good news. Lin Qingxia will come to Hong Kong after the Lantern Festival." When Shao Yifu said this, his voice was particularly low, and he peeked at Zhao Yazhi from time to time.

"This is the real good news." Wang Xiaohu was happy to hear the words, and immediately patted Sha Lou and said happily, "I will give a big red envelope to Manager Ma Fangzong for me later, and thank her for facilitating this for me."

"If Qiong Yao knew that I only used the blade to sign Lin Qingxia, but behind my back was signing for you, she would definitely be angry," Shao Yifu said.

"Cough." Wang Xiaohu coughed awkwardly. He said angrily, "Uncle Six, don't take advantage of yourself. I'll give it to you. It's 40,000 yuan. Well, you take the benefits of the blade and take the blame once. You make a lot of money!"

"It's obvious that you have made a lot of money." Shao Yifu laughed and scolded.

After coming out of Shao Yifu's house, Wang Xiaohu drove his wife and children to Jin Yong and Shen Zhong's house to pay New Year's greetings. Jin Yong's family welcomed Wang Xiaohu's arrival, especially when Cha Chuanxia saw Wang Xiaohu's call of a big brother, which was particularly kind.

Before saying goodbye to Jin Yong, Wang Xiaohu suddenly remembered something and asked Jin Yong, "Lao Dou, which dynasty do you think is the most representative in the history of the country?"

"What do you mean?" Jin Yong frowned and asked.

, as if it has a strong influence on foreign countries in clothing, weapons, etc. Wang Xiaohu said after thinking about it.

Jin Yong pondered for a moment and said, "In general, it should be the Tang Dynasty and the Wan Dynasty came to worship, but in this regard, even historians have a lot of controversy, and there are also said that the Yuan Dynasty." After all, the territory expanded by the descendants of Kublai Khan is very vast. Why do you ask these questions?" Wang Xiaohu sighed and said, "I want to integrate these elements into the film and promote them to Hollywood. The concubine will make an epic movie."

"Very good idea!" Jin Yong's eyes lit up and praised: "I wanted to tell you this topic a long time ago. With your current reputation and capital have passed the stage of wealth, you should use the identity and convenience that these others do not have to promote this matter." Just like your brother Bruce Lee did. He opened it in Hollywood with his fist. Yue Qianchou suddenly pulled out his empty hand from behind and patted his thigh. He was shocked and said, "Mom! The Ming wheel of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is in charge, and Wu Xiong, the foreign affairs commander of the Fairy Palace, can also use the masters of the early Ming Emperor in the underworld, and even the Black Underworld army has participated in it. Is it just to kill me? Are you kidding! It's too much to think highly of my worries!" He frowned and turned to Cang Yunxin, who frowned, hit him on the back of his hand and asked, "Lao Cang, please help me analyze it. You see, such a huge force is definitely not driven by ordinary people. Do you think it is the immortal emperor Jin who is doing bad behind this, otherwise who can use them... Your face has changed. Is it possible that I guessed it? Is it really against your ruthless palace? That's too wronged!"

Cang Yunxin's face has indeed changed. With the analysis of being poisoned by someone, coupled with some facts in front of him, it is difficult to believe it. I can't help but think about what happened before and after...

The Immortal Emperor suddenly ordered the head of a small Chamber of Commerce to compose music for the Immortal Emperor's wedding, which was an incredible thing, and many people still can't figure it out. After that, Daming Wheel encouraged Qianchou to come to protect himself, which is credible. Unless Yue Qianchou is almost a fool, and you can figure it out with your buttocks. It is absolutely impossible for you to agree. If someone hadn't encouraged him, Yue Qianchou really wanted to protect himself, just ask for the fairy palace directly. Why do you have to take a detour to take the humiliation, and then go to the fairy palace to With the cunning of this scoundrel, he will never do such a stupid thing.

Daming Wheel obviously wanted to get rid of the suspicion of the fairy palace's instructions behind his back. At the same time, the door happened to monitor Daming Wheel's unusually active visits to the Chamber of Commerce of the World Chamber of Commerce several times. At ordinary times, even if the general faction wants to invite him to visit, It's frequent.

After he refused, the fairy palace borrowed Yue Qianchou's mouth and then naturally gave the law to the ruthless palace to force itself to protect Yue Qianchou. The most ridiculous thing is that something happened to a little person in Yue Qianchou and was actually implicated in the whole ruthless palace. The reason was that he was afraid that he would not do his duty to protect Yue Qianchou, which would miss the fairy emperor's wedding celebration.

The purpose of the law is equivalent to having put the ruthless palace into a trap, and the following things will be easy to do, as long as you kill Yue Qianchou. The reason for going around such a circle is that the fairy palace wants to find an excuse to take action against the ruthless palace. Otherwise, I'm afraid that it will make all factions in the fairyland panic and detrimental to rule. It is necessary to know that the first faction of the fairyland before the ruthless palace was eradicated by the fairy palace for finding a justification

Lessons from the past, the high-level officials of the Unreme Palace, led by the head's forgetfulness, had expected it for a long time, but they didn't expect that the Fairy Palace would be ready to do it so soon...

"Hey hey! It seems that I'm really involved by your ruthless palace!" Yue Qianchou stared at Cang Yunxin and gritted his teeth, but secretly apologized to the Daming Wheel. In order to increase credibility, I hope the Daming Wheel can understand. At the same time, I feel that the Daming Wheel is in Cao Ying's heart in Han, and it

In a word, at this point, he understands that he is not just the enemy of Cang Yunxin, and the ruthless palace will not let him go, so he simply took this opportunity to provoke the desperate palace. If only the ruthless palace could be forced to rebel, then this big trouble fairy palace will help him clean up, thinking The Palace of Desperateness will not sit back and wait to be killed, will it? But they are all awesome people!

"Intrured you? Humph! If I hadn't saved you, you would have been dead." Cang Yunxin quickly regained his composure. He did not admit or deny that the fairy palace was targeting the ruthless palace. Naturally, he would not publicize this kind of thing. Instead, he stared at Yue Qianchou and sneered, "You still want to think about how to explain to Wu Xiong!" "What should I tell him?" Who saw me kill Mu Bing?" Yue Qianchou mentioned Mu Bing's head and sneered, "It's clear that the group of people from Dongshun killed Mu Bing... Don't pretend to be okay. Now you and I both know the reason behind this, and the fairy palace must know that we killed people. It is not only good for me to frame the blame, but also buy some time for your ruthless palace to prepare. As long as the lid is not lifted, the fairy palace has no justification reason to do anything to your ruthless palace. You should thank me!"

That being said, the real reason is only clear to him in his heart. As soon as the grudge against Wu Xiong, the news of Mu Bing's death is sent back to the fairyland. As long as Wu Xiong is not stupid, he should know that if he dares to kill his father-in-law, he will naturally understand that he has grasped his handle. If he acts rashly again, then try to see what the At present, the least threat should be Wu Xiong.

Cang Yunxin's eyes flashed when he heard the words. Although he was silent, he understood in his heart that at present, this is indeed the best way to prevent the fairy palace from finding a reason to attack the ruthless palace directly. As Yue Qianchou said, it can delay the outbreak of the crisis and make the ruthless palace more prepared. After a slight breath, he looked at the sadness on his chest with blood stains on his mouth, and frowned slightly and said, "Are you all right?" Now for him, Yue Qianchou must not have any more trouble, especially after he thought he knew the truth about the fairy palace against the desperate palace.

Yue Qianchou touched the blood scab on his chin and smiled and said, "The injury is not once or twice. I'm used to the injury. I'm recovering quickly and it's almost done."

Cang Yunxin was stunned and looked at him up and down with some disbelief. No matter who was beaten to spit out so much blood, how could he be so fast.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, it was impossible for Yue Qianchou to reveal the magic effect of Jinzhu to him. He quickly shook the head in his hand and changed the topic and said, "Let's go! It's time for people outside to know the truth. He flashed towards the exit, and Cang Yunxin followed...

After the two skimmed out of the ground, regardless of the uncertain eyes around them, they flew directly to the broken statue standing in the center of the city of curtain light, fell on the top of the gap above the giant statue, looked around, and immediately stared speechlessly at the ruins of the half of the city. After a while, he turned his head and looked at Cang Yunxin, who was lying beside him. I guess it was the old guy who pulled out the shocking sword again.

His eyes were taken back from Cang Yunxin, and the head in his hand was raised by the crowd. He shouted in a low voice to the general surnamed Lu who stared at here with a gloomy face, "General Lu, your men colluded with Dongshunlai and others to poison the people in our fairyland. The heads cut off here. Absurd, who can testify?" General Lu gritted his teeth and said, "I suspect that you killed people, and then planted them on my hands."

"The surname is Deer!" Cang Yunxin shouted coldly, and his right hand touched the storage bracelet on his left wrist. He stepped forward slightly and said, "Mu Bing and others were taken out of the prison by you in advance, and Yue Qianchou was locked in a cage by you. It was not until just now that I was rescued by me. How can he kill Mu Bing? Although the seven evildoers have been killed by me with one sword, their hurried escape is obvious to all. Do you still want to tell lies with your eyes open? Tianli Zhaozhao, if you dare to blatantly wrong others, I, Cang Yunxin, even if I try to die, the first one will not let you go!" Hearing the words, Yue Qianchou was quite gratified. The previous ideological work was not in vain. It was the first time for the old guy to take the initiative to cooperate with himself He cleared himself of his suspicion. Now I'm afraid that except for the handlers behind the scenes, no one will believe that they did it.

However, General Lu is one of the handlers behind the scenes. Naturally, he knows that others are unlikely to kill Mu Bing. The Mu Bing killer will not have a second person except for Yue Qianchou, but it is impossible to make it public. Moreover, Cang Yunxin is clearly threatening himself, so he can only be mute to eat Huang Lian's He said slowly, "Listening to what Cang worship said, it reminded me that Yue Qianchou was indeed imprisoned in a cage and could not commit murder. Maybe there is really something inside about this matter, and I will definitely find out the truth.

Many people around thought that Yue Qianchou and Mu Bing had a quarrel, and they all felt that Yue Qianchou was very likely to kill Mu Bing, but even General Lu said that Yue Qianchou could not commit murder in detention, which immediately dispelled the idea of the big guy. For a moment, he fantasised and began to doubt whether it was It's really a good thing that the Black Underworld army colluded with outsiders, but why?

Cang Yunxin said coldly, "I hummed twice and didn't say anything more. Both sides knew that this matter would be found out, but there was no time limit at all. It must be the end of the investigation. However, he and Yue Qianchou don't want to entangle anything in this matter, as long as it doesn't get involved in his own head.

"A worship!" General Lu, who was floating in the air in front of him, suddenly said again, "In addition to the seven murderers who were killed, more than half of the city of curtain light has been destroyed, and so many monks from the two worlds of immortals have been killed by you in vain. Although you are unintentional, this is my general's territory. "Dai?" Cang Yunxin immediately squinted at him. Obviously, the other party had suffered a secret loss just now, and now he began to look for his own trouble. The two worlds of the underworld have always been determined by the strong. If you kill it, you can kill it. If you have the ability and background, you will naturally settle accounts with yourself afterwards. If you don't have that ability, you can only admit your bad luck. You don't need him to come forward. However, this is their territory, and they have indeed destroyed the city of curtain light. If it is difficult for them to catch this, it makes sense.

"What do you want?" Cang Yunxin said indifferently. General Lu glanced at Yue Qianchou with deep meaning, and then replied, "After all, it is an unintentional mistake, but I don't dare to make a decision without authorization, so I have to return to Shangfeng and wait for Shangfeng's instructions before making a decision. Before that, please cooperate with me and don't leave the area of the city of Muguang for the time being, so that it will be difficult to find you.