The scum of the real world

Chapter 1047 The Messy Fate

"Your noble? The scholar was stunned, and then smiled faintly, "Do you describe him as expensive? It really surprises me to say such a thing from your mouth!"

The saint of the underworld glanced at him and reached out to grab the black sand in the silver urn and carefully sprinkled it on the ground in the yard. She quietly sprinkled it one after another, but the black sand fell to the ground and made a rustling sound, breaking the tranquility.

Seeing that she ignored herself, the scholar smiled bitterly, looked behind him, stepped back, sat down in the corridor about knee-high under the porch, put away a pair of bare feet, cross-legged on the stone grinding edge, put his hands on his knees, and silently watched the saint of the underworld retreat little by little by little.

He thought he was very patient and could wait for the other party to slowly finish the whole yard, but she was almost meticulous, and naturally she couldn't get up quickly. After an hour, half of the small yard was not finished. The scholar couldn't help but stroke his forehead. He found that his patience seemed to be difficult to carry through even an hour. What's more, it took at least one hour to see the situation. Compared with the long years he had experienced, what was an hour or two? But now... it's incredible.

Then he sat under the eaves and said almost to himself, "Since experiencing the war in the world, for me, it is like an ether. Only then do I know that the power of heaven is unpredictable. In the dark, there seems to be a pair of heavenly eyes watching everything, and it is not possible for my generation to compete. In the long years, I, Bai Qi, am not the first emperor to control the underworld, and I don't think I will be the last emperor to control the underworld. I am self-asoned about this, so Bai Qi does not want to be able to be with heaven and earth..."

Hearing this, after the saint of the underworld sprinkled a handful of black sand, she looked back at him and continued to do things that others could not understand. She said coldly, "Since you have seen through it, why do you come to me again? Don't tell me, didn't you come to explore your own fate this time?"

"Hehe! Although he does not seek to be able to be with heaven and earth, Bai Qi does not want to have a tragic ending. If the end of my fate is destined to be a tragic ending, both sides, then why can't Bai Qi fight against fate? It is said that ants are still greedy, and no matter how broad-minded I am, I can't avoid vulgarity. The scholar said slowly like an old monk.

A firefly hanging upside down under the eaves fell off, flew lightly behind him, and suddenly fell on the grinding disc behind him. The flash of light was set back by the white jade wall, making the scholar who said that he could not avoid vulgarness look a little extraordinary.

"Strong words! Speaking of which, it's not back to the original point. The saint of the underworld snorted coldly.

"Whether I'm unreasonable or not, I'm telling the truth, which is beyond doubt." The scholar looked at her and smiled faintly, "Why did you meet me when you came out of there, instead of others? Why are you always in front of me? Isn't this a predestined thing? This should also be part of my fate. Maybe God has given me a chance to change my fate. Now that there is a solution in front of him, Bai Qi will naturally fight for it, otherwise it will be tantamount to acting against the sky. Do you think this is the truth?

"Have you ever thought that maybe my arrival is an important factor for you to go to the final fate. The saint of the underworld said lightly. As soon as he said this, the scholar frowned and fell into meditation...

"Hey! You and I have been together for so many years, who can be ruthless without vegetation!" The masked woman like a fairy suddenly sighed slightly and couldn't bear to say, "It's not that I don't want to tell you... It's my honor that God can let me peep into the fate of others, but it just makes me a bystander, but it doesn't give me the right to reveal the fate of others. Whenever I peep into a person's fate, I feel a voice warning me. Once it leaks out, I will be punished by God... My mother is the lesson!"

"Your mother?" The scholar looked at her in disbelief. He had asked her where she came from several times before, but she didn't get a single answer. Unexpectedly, she mentioned her mother today. She couldn't help but be surprised and said, "So your mother can also peep at other people's lives like you... Why did you come out of there? What's in it? Can't you tell me where you came from?"

"This has nothing to do with you, not to mention my privacy. I don't want to tell anyone easily." The saint of the underworld sprinkled black sand calmly.

Scholar Yijing shrugged his shoulders, which he had known for a long time. Suddenly, his eyes flashed with wisdom. He muttered, "Can you give the token to Yue Qianchou? I don't know how expensive this noble man in your mouth is? I don't want to hide it from you. You should know that the "expensive is unspeakable. There is no way not to keep me from being moved. I don't know if his nobleness can benefit me? The saint of the underworld was stunned, and the life in her hand stopped. I don't know what she remembered. She turned around In fact, the Pluto token was only given to the female ghost Xiu, and he never said that he had given the token to Yue Qianchou, but the owner of the token repeatedly mistakenly thought that he had given the token to the Yue Qianchou. Many coincidences came together, and suddenly seemed to wake himself up and make himself look like a peep. What did you see...

If she thinks about it, the wheel of fate has never stopped its operation. It is vast and irreversible, such as the evolution of endless stars in the universe, which is complicated and mysterious, which can only be described by the general trend. Although I, a bystander, can only obey and have no right to reverse. If I want to change something by force, I am actually doing useless work. No one can reverse the vast evolution of the endless stars of the universe. If I don't follow the trend, I will be crushed...

After thinking about this, she didn't want to tell the scholar that she did not give the Pluto token to Yue Qianchou...

The scholar looked at her in a daze and said curiously, "What's the matter? Did I say something? His eyes flashed, and there was a kind of excitement that he was eager to know the answer case, but he knew that he could not force her, so he could only look forward to it.

The saint of the underworld exhaled gently, and the black veil blocking half of her face floated gently and regained calm. She stopped her homework, walked to the scholar with a silver urn in her arms, put her things under the stone mill, turned around and sat down, and sat side by side with the scholar, like a couple, but in fact it Things.

The scholar was stunned again, showing a trace of rare expression. For the first time, he sat so close to her and couldn't help looking at her face rudely. The smooth and full forehead full of wisdom, the smoke eyebrows like a distant mountain, the bright eyes under the long eyelashes are as quiet as autumn water, but sometimes shining, and you can see what others can't see.

The black veil is put on the high bridge of the nose, and you can also see the seductive lips under the black veil. "I bet that if you take off the black veil on your face, you must be a rare beauty in the world!" The scholar snickered.

The saint of the underworld turned around and stared at him indifferently and said, "My father took off my mother's veil because he made a bet with others. As a result, he ended up in a bad death and never reincarnation. What's the matter? Do you want to try it too?"

"Uh-huh..., the scholar suddenly couldn't laugh, as if he had been strangled, and looked straight ahead.

"There are three kinds of people in the world, and I can't peep into their fate. First, I can't peep into my own destiny. Second, he is a capable person who can fully control his own destiny. The third is the person whose fate is full of variables, which is unpredictable. The saint of the underworld suddenly said this inexplicably.

The scholar was stunned, and then said solemnly, "Is there anyone in the world who can fully control his own destiny? Is he a strong man in the divine world?

The saint of the underworld shook her head slightly and said, "The so-called person who can completely control his own destiny is not a person who can get rid of all the shackles and do whatever he wants. The vastness of the universe is full of unknown evolution, which is an eternal mystery, covering everything, right on our heads, silently watching our every move, that is, what we call "heaven" all those who go against the sky will be ruthlessly crushed into powder. So there are capable people who want to pursue the trajectory of its operation, follow the road it guides, and pursue immortality like the stars in the universe, so they call this road "the way of heaven."

"But there are very little practitioners who can really set foot on this road, but once they find the footprints of the way of heaven, the practice may be thousands of miles a day, which is beyond the reach of the world. Those who set foot on the way of heaven are magnificent and dazzling, and their fate is not something I can peep at. Of course, the way of heaven is difficult to find. How difficult it is to step on the footprints of the way of heaven forever, and I don't know where the end is. I have to get lost in the long journey, and I don't know if anyone can go to the end. "The way of heaven?, the book is in awe. The cool air, the vast field that had never been touched, suddenly appeared in front of him. Suddenly, he felt that he was so small. He couldn't help looking up at the dark night sky. After a long time, he slowly exhaled and smiled bitterly, "You suddenly told me this. Did you want to tell me that Yue Qianchou is the one who "

"He? No!" The saint of the underworld shook her head with certainty and said, "He is the last of the three kinds of people I'm talking about. His fate is full of variables, but I want to peep, but his eyes are dazzling. His fate gives me a messy feeling. The truth and false are mixed together, which makes me dizzy and extremely uncomfortable, and even disgusting. If you want to vomit, you can't sort it out at all. I'm afraid that even he is at a loss and confused..."