The scum of the real world

Chapter 1050 Six Dragons Snow Blue

In an instant, the feeling turned into reality. The five-meter-long giant sword slowly rose from his hand, and the sharp and harsh dragon chant turned into a long stream, stirring between heaven and earth and clouds. On the mountains under the sea of clouds around, countless eyes turned to this side. I don't know what happened on the top of the "Love Tomb" above the clouds.

"This", Mei He looked at the giant sword with some astonishment. He could clearly feel that the air machine in the master's [body] had been taken back, and the sword actually became conscious and floated up. It's incredible. He thought it was his own illusion.

"Ni Shuang's masterpiece, a great masterpiece. It is indeed an artifact refined with countless treasures after 30,000 years of hard work. Although it is almost an extreme appreciation, the look of forgetfulness like that sword is still weak.

The huge sword slowly circled around the forgetfulness standing on the mountain. The sound of the sword like a dragon's chanting was like a whimper, as if a dragon that had been trapped for countless years had finally seen its master, and seemed to be praying for something.

"Artifact, how can Huo Xiaozi be willing to hand over such a good thing?" Mei He looked at the huge sword full of spirituality and swallowed the waterway, and he compared his heart to his heart. "If he refined such a treasure, it would be impossible to hand it over.

"Naturally, there are places that are not enough for outsiders. You don't need to know so clearly." The calm voice slowly came from behind the silver mask: "It's also very important. Although this sword is good, it is just an unparalleled sword in other people's hands, which is far from the point of an artifact.

It needs to be activated by someone. It is a sword. It needs to be activated by someone with a powerful sword to give it the vitality of an artifact. On the strength of the sword, it can be activated. Who will give up me in the three worlds!"

"Swordsmanship?" So that's it. The disciple has been taught!" Mei and he saluted respectfully. He stood up straight behind him and looked at the huge sword that was still buzzing and sobbing. He said excitedly, "Master, since the divine sword has been awakened by your sword, please give this divine sword a name."

The giant sword also seemed to understand his words. The speed of flying around forgetfulness also became faster, as if this was exactly what it had been looking forward to for a long time. After a burst of silence, he looked at the huge sword that floated in front of him from time to time. Calm words and words slowly said, "Give your name, six dragons and snow blue."

The four words "six dragons snow blue", every time the giant sword circles around the front of forgetfulness, a syllable comes out of the forgetfulness mouth. Hit it on its sword. Si Si.. After bearing four syllables. The giant sword suddenly burst into a snow-blue light, blooming on the top of the mountain. The magnificent snow-blue light instantly competed with the rising sun...

On the mountains under the sea of clouds around, countless people looked at the sea of clouds above their heads in surprise. I don't know if it was an illusion. Just now, they seemed to see that the sea of clouds dyed red suddenly turned blue, but it only flashed by in the eyes, and then the color of the sea of clouds returned to the original.

On the top of the mountain, the light of snow blue is slightly closed, and then it turns into a snow blue treasure light. "It flows brightly on the body surface of the giant sword, and the divine light of the artifact has been revealed. Suddenly, the huge sword burst out with a magnificent and fierce sword all over his body, which quickly stirred between heaven and earth, forcing Mei He to retreat a few steps unexpectedly, and Fang forcibly stabilized. Forgetfulness is to stand still like a mountain. The spectacular rainbow stranded on the top of the mountain has been washed away...

A high-pitched sword sound sounded." A snow-blue light suddenly rose from the top of the mountain and shot straight into the sky, like a meteor rushing to the moon. Dragging a long and slender tail. The sharp sword quickly spread from the top of the mountain to the surroundings like a shock wave. The dense sea of clouds instantly stirred up huge ripples and rushed around. The red sunrise light quickly projected between the undulating mountains below.

All the disciples of the ruthless palace standing outside opened their mouths wide. I witnessed the dense sea of clouds above my head being quickly pushed away, and then the surging hot sun gradually spread and illuminated between the green mountains and green waters like a beam of light. Although the scene at this moment is extremely spectacular. But there is no talent to appreciate, and everyone's pupils contract. Try to stare at the snow-blue light shining into the sky.

Everyone felt the magnificent sword that shocked people's hearts. Everyone cast an extremely worshipful look at the top of the "Love Tomb". Who else can be the strong sword except the one on the top of the mountain? Only Mei He, who stood beside Wangqing, knew the truth. This magnificent sword intention did not come from the master who stationed the sword, but from the sword itself.

The people around the mountain could no longer see the snow-blue light shooting into the sky, as if it had disappeared into the sky. When everyone was confused for a long time, suddenly a little snow-blue light appeared on the sky, becoming clearer and clearer, like a bright meteor rushing down...

The meteor traveled to the air, perhaps because of the friction with the water in the air, suddenly produced a magnificent and strange beauty that made the disciples of the Unrelute Palace unforgettable for a lifetime.

Six rainbow-like giant flying dragons gradually appeared in the air. And it's getting clearer and clearer. I saw six vigorous rainbow dragons shaking their heads and wagging their tails. Chasing the bright meteor shining with snow blue light, he went straight to the vast land. Suddenly, it gave people an illusion, as if the six rainbow dragons flew from the extraterritorial sky to the world with a dragon ball. The six huge rainbow dragons came to the world with magnificent swords and crashed into the top of the "Love Tomb". All the disciples of the ruthless palace were shocked and did not dare to breathe.

"Poison, with a loud noise, the vast mountains shook and trembled, and the birds and beasts fled in horror and sorrow. Six huge rainbow dragons disappeared in an instant and all got into the "Love Tomb" high mountain. As if the "Love Tomb" is a dragon's nest, they return from a journey outside the sky...

After all the disciples of the ruthless palace followed the mountains and the earth, some people looked at the "Love Tomb" mountain and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After the shaking smoke and dust dissipated, although the momentum of the six rainbow dragons was amazing, fortunately they did not damage the holy mountain in everyone's mind.

However, this is only the result of longevity from a certain angle. Looking at it from another angle, it may not be that kind of result.

The disciples from another angle suddenly exclaimed. Someone pointed to the "Love Tomb" and exclaimed, "The mountain is cracked!"

A straight and smooth crack appeared in the middle of the mountain. Although the straight crack from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain was only one meter wide, it directly split the whole "Love Tomb" in half. Disciples with appropriate angles can see a silk light like "a line of sky" from the crack. They and the disciples at the other end of the line of the sky were shocked and exclaimed: "The mountain has really been split... The mountain has really been split. Hurry up and report to the elders, "Don't make noise!" Do whatever you have to do..." Mei and his majestic voice rolled from the top of the mountain to the mountains around him. Hearing his voice, there was a silence around him.

On the top of the mountain, there is a one-meter-wide crack between Mei and looking at herself and her master's forgetfulness. The two happened to be separated. The master was here and the disciple was there.

Mei He took a few steps forward, looked under the crack, and suddenly sneed. Cool air. If this unparalleled sword directly flattened the whole mountain, it would not surprise him so much. He was surprised that such a large mountain was cut in half. The incision is smooth, and except for this meter of crack, the whole mountain is almost undamaged.

Although the mountain is tall, the rocks are brittle and hard, and it is quite easy to be smashed. However, the facts are in front of us, which is unbelievable. If it's a mountain piled up with mud, it's not difficult to do it. Mei and Lianlian exclaimed, "It's worthy of being an artifact. It's worthy of being an artifact. Its own power alone is so strong. If the master stops, who is the master's opponent in the world?"

"That's not necessarily true, but it's finally a fight. Don't be slaughtered by others. This sword is a great success at this time. I have to say it is God's will. It seems that some things are destined. If you can't avoid it, you can only face it!" Forgetfulness said calmly, put down his hands behind his back, threw out two jade ultimatums from the wide sleeves, and said, "It will be ruined after reading it."

"Yes!" There was some doubt in Mei He's respectful look. I don't know what the master asked himself to see, but with the infusion of consciousness, he looked at it. The expression gradually became solemn.

These two jade ultimatums were sent by He Zhengkuang of Cangyunxin School. It recorded what happened after he and Yue Qianchou went to the underworld. It focused on the analysis of the unknown scene behind the assassination of Yue Qianchou. Everything was analyzed clearly with reason and evidence. Although it was not 100% conclusive, it was between the It has revealed an extremely heavy plea, that is, to prepare early for the master's forgetfulness. Prevent major crises that may occur.

Another jade ultimatum is the news sent back by the disciples of the Desperate Palace from the underworld, which also mentions what happened in the city of curtain light. It means that there are many doubts about the assassination of Yue Qianchou. It will be verified before reporting.

Mei He put the two jade ultimatums together, patted them into broken powder with the wind, and said with an extremely solemn face: "I didn't expect that the fairy palace was ready to attack our ruthless palace... The analysis of the great offering was right. When the psychedelic fairy city Yue Qianchou inexplicly ran to find It was indeed a little unnecessary to worry about that move, but I didn't expect that there was another mystery behind it.

Master! We have to prepare early, and we can't let the fairy palace succeed easily!"

"What's the hurry!" Forgetfulness slowly walked to the crack, looked down, and said in a flat tone, "Whether it's true or not, before there is no certainty to win. If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. Don't be self-defeating! The fate of the Desperate Palace lies not in how well prepared we are, but in the battle between Jin Tai and Jin Tai who wins or loses!"