The scum of the real world

Chapter 1052 I don't know where I'm in my dream

Mu Tianjiao's trembling hand reached into the box and stroked Bang Pong's cheek. When his fingers brushed the blood-stained empty right eye, his voice trembled and said, "This is a sword wound. When the man went to his father's right eye with his sword, he must have said... No one in "He must be saying... dogs look at people..."

There was already a faint outline of the murderer who killed his father in her heart. With her understanding of the man, she guessed that what she said was really the same as what the murderer said when he was executed.

She slowly picked up Mu Bing's head and was about to hold it in her arms. Suddenly, she found that there were scars on Mu Bing's lips. If she hadn't accidentally found it, she really couldn't see it. It was covered with blood stains on her lips. She trembled and pinched Mu Bing's mouth, and immediately smelled a strong and slightly rotten smell of blood. In her empty mouth, her tongue had been stirred, and her teeth could not find a complete one. The bag was in her mouth. Obviously, someone inserted a sword into her mouth and tortured it.

Mu Bing beside him was also slightly frightened, but he didn't expect that there was a universe in his mouth. I don't know what Mu Bing said, which made Yue Qianchou so vicious, cut off his head, dug his eyes and messed his tongue.

"Ah..." Mu Tianjiao suddenly lost her voice and fainted back on the spot. Wu Xiong was shocked and quickly held her. He put one palm on her head and dispelled the depression for her. After a while, she finally woke up faintly and said in a hurry, "Madam, my condolences! Sooner or later, we will avenge this revenge. Don't be angry with your body. Mu Tianjiao lay in his arms and smiled miserably with tears, "I have said that this person is not simple, and there is no hatred for us. Let you not to talk to him, but why don't you listen to me! If you don't chase to the underworld, how can you be killed by this poison"

Niao Xiong grabbed Mu Bing's head from her arms, put his hand into the jade box and covered it. He frowned and said, "Listen to what you mean, madam, must be worried about it?"

"It is clear that there is a deep hatred to kill this. Your father has your support behind him. Even if he had enemies in the past, ordinary people dare not do anything to him now, let alone run to the underworld to kill him. There is only a man who has revenge and the ability to commit murder in the underworld. The only one who has this qualification among his father's enemies is Yue Qianchou. Yue Qianchou is a real villain who will be avenged. Who else can he be? Mu Tianjiao inferred that she locked the real murderer.

It turned out that Yue Qianchou was a villain in her mind. It seems that I misunderstood her! Niao Xiong looked at her speechless for a while and said silently, "Don't worry, I will repay my father-in-law's revenge sooner or later. Mu Tianjiao neither agreed nor objected. She struggled to stand up and put the jade box into the storage bracelet. Looking at Niao Xiong, he smiled sadly and said, " Go and be buried with your mother. Now that my father is dead, there is no one in the Sitong Chamber of Commerce. I want to go back and take over the Sitong Chamber of Commerce and continue to operate the Sitong Chamber of Commerce..."

On the noisy upstairs in the forest of the underworld, the scholar is holding a pen and writing a few words on the silk cloth of the desk from time to time. The white cloth is black, and he can't help saying a few words in his mouth. I saw that the handwriting was scattered on it, mostly the word "fate" or "the way of heaven". Looking at his frown, it seemed to bother him.

A silver light penetrated out of the window, and thousands of silver armor troops appeared. When he saw the scholar's appearance, he was slightly stunned. After walking to the side to see the content clearly, he smiled and did not disturb him. The scholar sighed, "What are you laughing at?"

"Uh-huh... I didn't laugh at anything. The Silver Armor Qianjun arched his hand to change the topic and said, "I found some news about Yue Fengchou. Someone saw him and Cang Yunxin hiding in the body of a clam called Mirage, and went straight up the flow of the Pluto River Basin. I don So I contacted some friends in the Styx River aquarium and asked them to help me find out. As a result, I really found that the clam aquarium was running all the way in the Styx River. It was estimated that Yue Qianchou and Cang Yunxin were still in their bodies. "Is it like running for their lives? Is there someone chasing them in the Styx aquarium? The scholar said subconsciously.

"The people who found them just said that they were running for their lives. I don't think so. There should be something urgent to rush on the road. The Silver Armored Qianjun analyzed: "If there is really a Styx aquarium chasing them, then they should not rush in the Styx, but run for their lives on land. If someone chases and kills them on land, they are not afraid. Yue Qianchou has a Pluto token in his hand, and he can mobilize the Black Pluto army along the way at any time to protect them. Generally, no one dares to touch them, so why do you need to run for their lives?

"Token?" The scholar was slightly stunned. When he talked about the token, he couldn't help thinking of the words of the saint of the underworld. Yue Qianchou didn't know that it was the Pluto token at all. Could it be because he took out the Pluto token and scared himself?

Thinking of this, I felt that the possibility was not small, so I couldn't help smiling and said, "I didn't find out where they were going?"

"They were careful all the way in the Styx River, trying to avoid places where there were many people or people, and kept going up against the current. They didn't mean to stop. Before they came, they just received a message from friends of the Black Styx River and said that they would break into the endless black valley along the Styx River

"Endless black world? What are they doing there?" The scholar was stunned.

The Silver Armor Qianjun spread out his hands helplessly and said, "It's sneaky. I don't know what they want to do. For a moment, the two famous bigwigs in the underworld can't figure out what they are doing.

The scholar thought about putting down the pen in his hand, walked around the table a few times in the attic, and suddenly stopped at the window and looked out of the window and said, "Qianjun, let your friends in the Styx aquarium keep an eye on it, and keep in touch with me at any time. I'll go out!" After saying that, it turned into white light at an incredibly fast speed, flashed past the dark night sky and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

The silver armor Qianjun was stunned. He kept his "yes" in his mouth and didn't say it out. He looked at the words written on the desk, pinched his chin and said suspiciously: "Fate, the way of heaven, it doesn't seem to be sent with feelings. Why did you give the Ming Emperor's token to Yue What on earth does he want to do?" He shook his head and couldn't figure it out, and then he dodged out.

As the two bigwigs in the Underworld Palace said, there is indeed a fleeing clam in the Styx River, and it is a big clam that has lived for millions of years.

There were two people in Mirage's stomach, who kept dodging in the Styx River. After learning that the Pluto token in Yue Qianchou's hand was fake, he was more afraid than Yue Qianchou and Cang Yunxin. What kind of person is Pluto? If you move your fingers casually, you can kill him. Millions of years of experience tell him that it is not shameful to be humble and cowardly, and it is best to live.

In his smooth and pure stomach, Yue Qianchou took the meat ball in his stomach as a pillow, and he slept spatly with full elasticity. At the beginning, he still pretended to be calm in his sleep. In the end, he also thought about it. Anyway, what should have happened will still happen. The soldiers came to block the water to cover the soil. It's useless to worry. It's true to deal with it calmly.

As soon as the tense nerves relaxed, he really fell asleep and snored from time to time. I slept soundly in the dark. I haven't slept so relaxed for a long time. I don't know where I am in my dream. Sometimes I dream that I was caught by Pluto's men. But after being put in a cage, I found that in the prison in the previous life, there were uniformed ** walking around in front of me, so I asked Pump.

** Obviously, he was wearing a big cap, but he made a voice and said, "Do you want me to choking you with smoke?"

He immediately cursed and was suddenly ejected from prison. As a result, he found that he was taken into a magnificent palace by the police. The scholar-like Pluto was high above, and he was smiling at himself, showing his ferocious fangs and wanted to swallow himself alive.

I tried my best to see the other party's face clearly, but it was so crisp that I couldn't see it clearly. Finally, I didn't care. I teleported back to the bird'topia, but I found myself driving a sports car on the highway, carrying Ji Wu in sexy clothes, and told Ji Wu awesomely: "We have taken out the money left in Switzerland, and we can live a comfortable life in this life."

Suddenly, a spinning bird cloud appeared in the sky, and Cang Yunxin's old face suddenly floated into the air. He stared at them in the car on the highway and snorted coldly, "Do you want money or die?" It's completely like a road robbery. The most terrible thing is that Ji Wu suddenly looked back at him. A beautiful woman's face made the same voice as Cang Yunxin and said, "Do you want money or life?"

As a result, he woke him up. He sat up and looked at the surrounding scenes. He suddenly breathed and fell down again. He shook his hand to Cang Yunxin, who was staring at him with a twitching look, and said, "Old man! I just had a nightmare. You were talking everywhere in my dream, which shocked me!"

"Nightmare? He smiled and asked for some cigarettes, and Switzerland or something took out to live a comfortable life. Is this also a nightmare? Cang Yunxin said with a sarcastic face. He couldn't help talking to Yue Qianchou, who was talking in his sleep, just now.

"Uh..." Yue Qianchou immediately jumped up like a spring, staring at Cang Yunxin and screamed, "How do you know? Do you still know Switzerland? Shit! Did you wear it too?"

"Did you wear it? Can I fly here?" Cang Yunxin sneered and said, "There are a lot of dream words. I don't think it's difficult to know. I said that you are really generous. After that, can you still sleep and have a good dream?

Yue Qianchou was stunned. The feeling was that he talked in his sleep, and he could still talk in his sleep? I was immediately shocked. I didn't say any secrets that can't be exposed! It seems that you can't sleep in front of strangers in the future. It's too dangerous.

He was about to ask Cang Yunxin what he said, but suddenly a mirage voice said, "Be careful, everyone. It's about to enter the waters of the Styx River in the endless black world!"