The scum of the real world

Chapter 1105 Obsidian Mirror

"When I was ready to do it, I sent someone to watch around Pluto Mountain, but I was afraid that this ** would run away. Mrs. Blackpool walked under the eaves and said with an angry face, "I didn't expect to look inside and outside, but I couldn't find her. Where did she hide?"

"Don't change. She left a long time ago." The moaning king of Montenegro suddenly sighed. Angrily, he handed out the jade ultimatum in her hand and said, "This is what she put on the stone mill before she left. It's for you. Take a look!"

"Have you left a long time ago? Can she really predict it? Mrs. Blackpool took the jade ultimatum with a puzzled face, and saw that it said: Since I want to seize the master, I have left early, don't miss the dark clouds!

But in just a dozen words, Mrs. Heichi's face was gloomy. "Pa,, I patted the jade ultimatum in my hand into powder, and suddenly looked around and hissed, "You must hide in this palace underworld. I must find you!"

"How did you know that she must be hiding in this palace of Hades? The king of Montenegro frowned.

"Does it need to be said?" Mrs. Blackchi was a little embarrassed and said angrily, "Since you and I were destroyed in the fairyland, you haven't called my name for so many years in the underworld, and it is even more impossible for others to know. How can she know that my real name is Wu Yunfang? Obviously, she must have heard the conversation between us and Mrs. Jin before, so she knew that my name was Wu Yunfang, but now she is making a mystery here. She just wants to disturb our sight so that she can escape. I won't let her succeed easily!"

"Calm down! Bai Qi is not a mediocre person. Since Bai Qi can respect her as the saint of the underworld, he must be really extraordinary. The king of Montenegro carefully looked around at the simple furnishings in the courtyard, as well as the black sand grinded with spiritual stones all over the ground. He said slowly, "I have long heard that this saint of the underworld is proficient in divination. Maybe she is really a prophet."

"Do you also believe this kind of nonsense? If she can really predict the prophet, how could Bai Qi be defeated today, and how could Bai Qi let me live until now? Mrs. Heichi gritted her teeth and said, "Then ** pretending to be a ghost can only deceive Bai Qi's nerd. Don't lie to me! Today, even if I turn over the Minghuang Mountain, I will find out the **. As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Kurochi left in a hurry. The King of Montenegro frowned and shook his head. He turned into the room and entered the room of the saint of the underworld to carefully look at the length inside...

Serful streamer flew quietly over the underworld and flew silently. It was Jin Tai, Bai Qi and others. Everyone's face was not very good-looking. What happened recently has caught everyone off guard. The most uncomfortable thing is Jin Tai and Bai Qi. The two have been in command of the two worlds of Xianming for so many years. They said that the sky has turned upside down. First, they came out to Bi Changchun, and then they forgot their feelings. Now there is a king of Montenegro. If they don't The two came here. When did the Immortal Emperor and the Pluto become so easy to bully?

"In fact, in the final analysis, we have lived a comfortable life for a long time, otherwise how could we suffer this defeat? If we had been prepared for a long time, we would have been too negligent to rely on these people to turn over the waves."

Mrs. Jin suddenly sighed and looked back. After confirming that no one was catching up again, she gestured to everyone and took the lead in flashing to a chaotic rocky stream below, and several people followed along.

There were only five people left in the chaotic stone stream, Jin Tai, Bai Qi, Qian Jun, Ao Jun and Tian Jun. Bai Qi's other men did not escape, and they were all engled by the wind staff. Bai Qi still has a grudge against Mrs. Jin, and he has not paid attention to Mrs. Jin's words along the way.

Jin Tai knew that he blamed himself for failing to save his cronies, Huang Jia Shengjun, in time. He first released his consciousness and swept the range of the radius. He confirmed that no one looked at Bai Qi and sneered, "Women's benevolence, no wonder they will raise the ** of the black pool."

"I can at least serve and please me in **. It's better than helping Montenegro raise Wu Xiong's eldest son.

" Bai Qi immediately counterattacked, which made the Silver Armor Qianjun and others, who were immersed in sadness, couldn't help looking up at Jin Tai.

Jin Taining was speechless and glanced at Bai Qi's men. To be honest, he actually envied Bai Qi. He had long wanted to ask Bai Qi for advice. Why could he bring out such a group of loyal and Geng Geng willing to die, but he couldn't open this mouth.

"Is it interesting to say such a thing now? We have really become homeless dogs now. Let's think about how to turn over first!" Jin Tai glanced at the storage bracelet in Bai Qi's hand and said lightly, "What's the secret hidden in your obsidian mirror? Why are Wufeng's two brothers and sisters so eager to get it? If there is any secret that can help us turn over, we might as well say it earlier. What else is there to hide now? Bai Qiqi is angry, but I also know that now is not the time to fight. It is the king's way to work together to find a good way as soon as possible. After a slight meditation, he said, "The real name of There is a record left by the Panlong God in the Underworld Mansion, which is said to be called "Yin and Yang Mirror."

Jin Tai's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "How can the treasure mentioned by the god Panlong be simple? Is it that you can't exert the power of this treasure, otherwise you can't resist the wind staff? "I really can't exert the power of this treasure, but the real power of this, the yang mirror is not reflected in fighting." Bai Qi glanced at several people of the Silver Armor Qianjun. They were all his cronies and had nothing to hide. He immediately said solemnly, "According to the record of the Panlong God, "The yin and yang mirror can peep into the yin and yang realms of the reincarnation of life and death. It is said that those who You can be reincarnated by who you were reincarnated from in your previous life, and you can control what you will be reincarnated in your next life in this life, or people or dogs or pigs or cows..."

Several people were shocked when they heard the words. They didn't expect that there would be such a treasure, which was too magical. Jin Tai was stunned and said, "I'm afraid that even an artifact can't play such a strange effect!" Peeping at the yin and yang to control the reincarnation of life and death, this treasure is too unbelievable!"

"I don't know if the artifact has such a miraculous effect, but according to the records of Panlong God, this treasure is older than the artifact. It is a treasure bred when the yin and yang are rebound or a chaotic undivisible. Later, because this mirror absorbed the yin and yang eyes in the yin and So it can no longer be mixed together, which separates yin and yang and creates the two worlds of yin and yang. It is said that this mirror represents yin and yang eyes. This statement is mysterious and mysterious. It's so profound that I still don't understand what it means. Bai Qi shook his head and sighed.

"Older than the artifact..." Jin Tai's throat knot shrugged slightly, and a trace of covetous light flashed in his eyes.

Bai Qi saw it in his eyes and snorted coldly, "It's a pity that this thing fell into the underworld when dividing the yin and yang reworld, so it is destined to be a treasure belonging to the underworld. Don't think about it. Even if this thing is given to you, you have no way to control it

"Nonsense, when did I think about it?" Mrs. Jin didn't change his face and said, "I'm just strange. Although this baby is magical, it actually seems to be a little useless. In terms of power, it is not as powerful as the wind god stick in Wufeng's hand. Why are the Wufeng brothers and sisters still eager to get him?"

"This is mainly due to a passage from the words of the Panlong God in the mansion of the Underworld. He said that he can take charge of the "yin and yang mirrors, and he deserves to be the master of the underworld." Bai Qi smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly and said, "It's because of this passage of words... The Panlong God once held the whole Styx River, which was the main god jointly worshipped by the Styx River aquarium, and the old guys in the Underworld mansion who longed to fly to the divine world took the words left by the Panlong God as Mrs. Jin! Now you should understand what is important about this obsidian dark mirror, right? Jin Tai slightly pondered and nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand. I used to feel strange that the power of the Styx River aquarium is huge, and the masters are like clouds, but they never interfere with the rule of the underworld by the underworld emperors. This is a little It is common sense that it is because the obsidian underworld mirror, that is, the yin and yang mirror, is, in the hands of the past underworld emperors. And the old guys in the Netherworld Mansion are actually flattering the Panlong God. In short, it's not how powerful the mirror is, but because it represents the remnants of the Panlong God. "Not bad! That's what it means. This obsidian underworld mirror is the symbol of the master of the underworld. No matter who sits on the throne of the underworld emperor, if you don't have this obsidian underworld mirror in your hand, it is not the real underworld emperor. If you have a conflict with the Pluto aquarium, or provoke the old guy in the mansion of the under They won't sell your Pluto's face, and I don't think anyone can hold the position of Pluto in the underworld. This is the reason why the Wu brothers and sisters are eager to get the obsidian underworld mirror. Without the "yin and yang mirror, they are not qualified to really dominate the underworld."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help looking at the vast underworld, and the night wind blew, and he didn't know whether he could take back what he had lost this time, so he said with a wry smile, "Actually, I guess that only the past dynasties of Hades who have been in charge of the obsidian Palm, yin and yang mirror, only the person deserves to be the master of the underworld. It doesn't mean that whoever gets the yin and yang mirror can be the master of the underworld. The keyword is "be able to hold the yin and yang mirror, which means that only those who can really exert the power of the yin and yang However, for those who regard the remnants of the Panlong God as the divine will, you can't come up with the evidence to convince them. If you dare to talk nonsense, I'm afraid they will be regarded as tampering with the divine will and then beaten to death.