The scum of the real world

Chapter 1110 Ancient Forest

Tianminglun, who received the secret voice of Yue Qianchou, also felt that it was not appropriate to stay any longer for the safety of Yue Qianqian, but as soon as he heard the words of the saint of the underworld, he felt that there was still a chance, so he let Yue Qianchou postpone and wait for the opportunity to move!

When Mrs. Jin heard the words, her eyebrows were flying, and she stared at the saint of the underworld and said awe-inspiringly, "Faceless bitch! Do you really dare not kill you?"

Bai Qi frowned slightly, and his figure was inserted across the opposite side of Mrs. Jin, and said harshly, "Mr. Jin! What do you want to do? Now is not the time to start an infighting.

"If you kill her, you will have an infighting?" Jin Tai stared at Bai Qi coldly and hummed, "Do you want to turn against me for her?" Bai Qi! What if you have provided for this bitch for so many years? What if I've always been respectful to her? Your Pluto Palace, my fairy palace, will collapse. What's the use of raising this bitch? One sentence revealed the reason why he was respectful to her.

"I never expected you, Jin Tai's respect for others, from the bottom of my heart. I'm not surprised that you said that." The saint of the underworld slowly stood up and turned to look at the night sky in the distance, giving people a sense of emptiness. Yun Danfeng said softly, "If I guess correctly, you should want to go to the fairyland to find someone to help you get out of the predicament, Mrs. Jin! If you dare to touch me, if you don't say that you can't find the person you are looking for, at least it can make you die without a place to be buried.

"It's up to you?" Jin Tai snorted disdainfully, but his eyes glanced at Bai Qi slightly. He was a little stunned to see Bai Qi looking at the saint of the underworld. It was not like secretly revealing the news that the saint of the underworld was going to the ancient forest of the fairyland. His heart was also dark, dispelled from the idea of being too

The saint of the underworld turned her head to look at him and said indifferently, "You might as well touch me to have a try."

"All right! Everyone should be in the same boat at this time, and don't make quarrels over a little thing. Bai Qi knew Jin Tai well, so he quickly made peacemakers, and Jin Tai just snorted coldly and went down the steps that Bai Qi gave him, without mentioning any more worries.

Everyone else was quiet and didn't say anything. Bai Qi looked at the motionless leaping sorrow, and didn't see that he was like the subordinates of the saint of the underworld. Instead, he said to Nie Xiao, "Come and control the flying edges and go to the ancient forest of the fairyland."

The ancient forest of the fairyland? Yue Qianchou, who had been vigilant, was stunned. He immediately thought of the person Wei Chunqiu said from the words of the saint of the underworld just now. He couldn't help muttering in his heart, "Does Bai Qi and Jin Tai want to ask Lv'er's grandfather to help? Thinking of this, he immediately had the thought of going to see what was going on, and he was not in a hurry to leave.

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Jin Tai. Seeing that the master had no objection, she immediately said "yes", replaced An Gaoqin's self-driving control, and the flying edges turned into a streamer and went away quickly.

No one said anything on the flying front. The saint of the underworld turned her head to look at Yue Qianchou and sat next to him again. Qing Niang was inconvenient to sit back in front of the immortal emperor, so a man and a woman sitting at the back seemed to be no longer crowded. Bai Qi looked back at the two people and said nothing.

Yue Qianchou, who sat side by side with the saint of the underworld, asked, "Who are they going to look for in the ancient forest of the fairyland?" He wanted to confirm his guess.

"I don't know." The saint of the underworld answered very simply.

"Uh." Yue Qianchou choked for a while: "Don't you think they want to find someone in the Sword Fairyland to help get out of the predicament?"

"I just roughly calculated some of their movements. If even they can figure out what they are going to do or who they are looking for, can I not control anyone's fate?" The saint of the underworld looked at him and asked, "Is it possible that your bone-touching fortune-telling method can be so magical?"

Although she has always refused to admit Yue Qianchou's fortune-telling ability openly, this statement undoubtedly shows that she really believes it.

Yue Qianchou paused, and his eyes fell on her half-covered black veil face. He was curious about what the face behind the black veil looked like. His eyes blinked, and then he replied shamelessly, "That's natural. If you let me touch your face bones carefully, I can figure out who you are looking for or what you are doing I added in my heart that I had already said that you wanted to take revenge on the devil.

He talked nonsense, but the saint of the underworld was scared because she had calculated her name in front of him. She glanced at Bai Qi and Jin Tai and turned the topic away from himself: "Since you are so clever, why do you have to ask me? If you help the two of them directly know who they are going to?"

Yue Qianchou rolled his eyes and wondered, "I said Uncle Xuan, do you think Jin Tai and Bai Qi will let me touch their faces?"

"I don't call my uncle Xuan. I said it was wrong." The saint of the underworld dropped a word and said nothing, so that Yue Qianchou's fortune-telling was suffed in her mouth and had nowhere to play"

Cross the underworld and escape into the fairyland, because you should try to avoid the crowded and complicated area along the way, and at the same time, you can't avoid hiding. Therefore, although Nie Xiaoqian's self-driving control of the flying prism is extremely fast, it took half a month, and the flying edges finally escape into the vast forest Finally, I arrived at the ancient forest of Muxianzhou without any danger.

Although it is still on the periphery of the ancient forest, you can see several towering trees everywhere. The dense forest is dark, and the light spots under the sporadic sunlight are dotted around. The old vine branches are entangled, and the ground is thick rotten leaves, and you can hear the sound of kung fu on one

Eleven people quickly checked their lives for four weeks, knowing that there were countless plants and trees in this ancient forest, and finally their eyes were focused on Mrs. Jin. Except for Yue Qianchou, no one else knows who Jin Tai is looking for.

"Jin Tai! Where is the person you are talking about? Bai Qi asked, floating one foot from the ground. His pair of bare feet were obviously unwilling to step on the rotten leaves on the ground.

"It should be in this ancient forest." Jin Tai's eyes flashed into the depths of the dense forest. Then he asked Nie Xiaoqian to present ten jade charms and put them in his palm together. He saw ten light golden streamers overflowing from his palm and sink into ten jade charms respectively. He waved his hand gently, and ten jade charms flew to the front of ten people.

Everyone looked at each other in consterancy. They didn't know what Mrs. Jin was doing. They grabbed the jade charm in front of them one after another. Bai Qi poked out two slender fingers and clamped the jade charm in front of him. He frowned and said, "Mr. Jin! What do you mean by this?

Jin Tai waved his arms around and said angrily, "Let's split up in the ancient forest together. If you see an old man with a big wooden stick, it should be the person we are looking for. Immediately crush the charm in your hand and call me."

Nie Xiaoqian and a group of remnants of the fairy palace paused, but they still saluted together: "In accordance with the decree of the Immortal Emperor!"

Bai Qi looked at Jin Tai's expression and twitched, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Jin! Are you kidding me? You didn't even know where you were, so you brought me here? The whole ancient forest is so big that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone here aimlessly. How can we find it?

Jin Taidang immediately looked at it and said indifferently, "Do you have any better way?"

"At least it works better than your stupid method." Bai Qi looked coldly at the depths of the dense forest and said, "There are many plants and trees in this ancient forest. As long as you catch a few more questions, you can naturally find the person you are looking for."

"Humph!" Jin Tai snorted coldly, "I don't know how many times you have used this clever method, and it doesn't work at all. Even if the old guy is in the ancient forest, his trace is uncertain. Even if the grass and wood spirits who have lived here for many years know the existence of such a person, no one knows where he is."

As soon as he said this, everyone felt more and more difficult to find. Bai Qi paused when he heard the words, and suddenly said with a fierce face, "You have to use the extraordinary method at all times. You can't care so much. If you set fire to the forest, you can always force it out. If he can really help us as you said, he won't be afraid to disturb the opponent!"

"Fire an ancient forest?" Jin Tai's slender eyes flashed and said sarcastically, "This method is good, but I'm afraid that even if he is forced out at that time, he will not only not help us, but also kill us both. Do you think that our existing opponents are not strong enough?"

Hearing this, Bai Qi remembered that the person he was looking for was likely to be the wooden spirit, one of the five elves of heaven and earth. He set fire to the grass and trees on the wooden spirit's territory, which was really possible to annoy the other party.

Seeing that Bai Qi stopped talking, Jin Tai carried a few people and said, "Everyone is scattered to look for it, and there is more hope to find it!" After saying that, he turned into a streamer and swept into the depths of the dense forest first, looking a little impatient.

The remnants of the fairy palace were scattered in the dark forest one after another. Before leaving, Qing Niang looked at Yue Qianchou and stopped talking for a while. As a result, she saw that Yue Qianchoo pulled the Ming wheel and saw that the underworld emperor and the saint of the underworld were still present. She couldn't say anything, so

Who knew that it was not far away from the forest, and her mother Nie Xiaoqian flashed to her side. Nie Xiaoqian was obviously worried about her daughter, who had little experience, adventured alone in the ancient forest, and the mother and daughter went away together.

In fact, everyone knows that the vegetation in this ancient forest is not a decoration, and there are many unknown dangers hidden in the depths of the dense forest. The scattered four leaders also happened to meet not far away. It's not that everyone did not obey the decree of the Immortal Emperor, but happened to meet him. So the four of them split into two groups and ran away together, and the distance between the two groups was not far away.

"Da Ming Wheel! I have a shallow book of cultivation. Let's work together. Please take more care of us. Yue Qianchou grabbed the sleeve of the Daming wheel with a smile, and the Daming wheel also nodded generously.

The two were about to go together, but they heard the saint of the underworld suddenly shout, "Sniu Youde! You are my subordinate, and I will take care of you. She also dodged.

Bai Qi, who floated barefoot, looked at the three people with a sneer and interrupted lightly, "Mr. Jin has left. Do you three still want to act in front of me? Thousands of sorrows! We haven't seen each other for a long time."