The scum of the real world

Aid for leave

Shan Feng said, "Tianyu, let's go away. This battle of the two beasts is beyond our understanding!" Murong Tianyu nodded and said yes.

Suddenly, the nine-tailed demon fox screamed, and the left forelimb had been broken by Bai Zema. Hua Shengtian and the incompleteness quickly fled to the distance.

I saw the nine-tailed demon fox stretched out its front claws to catch Bai Zema. Bai Zema stepped into the air repeatedly and reached behind the nine-tailed fox, and stretched out its back hoof to kick the stock of the nine-tailed demon fox.

This level of battle is more vigorous and shocking than the battle between the ultimate strong, and even Yi Shenfeng was stunned.

When everyone saw it, they ran away in a hurry. Whether it is a human or a monster, once it goes deep into my death, it will be against me.

The remnant said coldly, "I have been looking for it for 10 years, but I only met it in the center of the earth not long ago. If I could find him 10 days earlier, your Xiaoyao Mountain would have been moved to the flat by me." While talking, his eyes were not angry. I don't know whether it was because they were late to find the nine tails, or the appearance of the mythical beast Bai Zema, which ruined their big deal.

Yi Shenfeng smiled and said, "I didn't expect that your protoss still have such monsters. Why don't you go out earlier? I have a hundred thousand troops, and I can't breathe a few breaths from him.

Suddenly, Bai Zema flashed and disappeared without a trace. On that side, the nine-tailed demon fox was hit by Bai Zema's head. With this collision, the whole earth seemed to tremble. The huge body of the nine-tailed demon fox was hit by this little Bai Zema and was actually hit and flew up.

However, Shenma Baize is more intelligent and talkative than people, and in front of it, no one or monster can escape. Shenma Baize is the fastest in the world. Whether it is flying in the air, running on the ground, swimming in the water, or running underground, no creature can match the speed of Shenma Baize, so being targeted by He died miserably.

Everyone in the sky also dodged. They know the key to this war. Although this nine-tailed demon fox is not as strong as the nine-headed dragon, it is far more powerful than the nine-headed dragon on the battlefield. If you are escaped by the nine-tailed demon fox today, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At this time, a horse leaped in. It was the dust horse. The dust horse stopped beside Murong Tianyu, looked at the surrounding environment, nodded to Murong Tianyu and Shan Feng, and said, "Very good, Tianjunmen is really good, Murong Tianyu, you are also good."

Since the nine-tailed demon fox fought with Bai Zema 5,000 years ago, of course, it knows this, so even in the face of the mythical beast, it does not give in and is ready to fight a war with its life.

Murong Tianyu said, "Master, what's going on? Ma... How can a horse speak?

Bai Zema confronted the nine-tailed demon fox, and the two beasts did not move. Even Yuan Ziying, Hua Shengtian, incomplete and Yi Shenfeng, who were fighting fiercely in the sky, stopped and stared at the two beasts.

Bai Zema flew away, flying in front of the demon-tailed demon fox at a speed invisible to the naked eye. The nine-tailed demon fox has long lost consciousness, but his instinct has allowed him to fully master the movements of Bai Zema. Under the fighting spirit, the nine tails kept banging at Bai Zema, and sometimes opened their mouths to bite Bai Zema. Bai Zema's body is no different from that of ordinary horses, but because of this, it is far better than a big monster in terms of flexibility. Bai Zema keeps flying, making the nine-tailed demon fox dizzy.

The nine-tailed demon fox stared at it with great eyes, roaring, and seemed to hate Bai Zema to the bone.

Shan Feng laughed and said, "Tianyu, don't be surprised. The monster can't speak, but there is an exception. It is Bai Ze, one of the five mythical beasts. Unexpectedly, this arrogant dust horse is actually one of the five mythical beasts. We are all blind. Tianyu, you are really helping each other. Bai Zema said that he has helped you reach the ultimate level. It seems that it has secretly made great progress in your skills.

I saw that the hair color of the dust horse is whiter, and the sharp corners of the forehead are constantly elongated, more than a foot long. The dust horse said strangely, "Murong Tianyu, I have a good time with you. I can help you. Whether I can reach the ultimate level depends on your creation. Let me deal with this nine After saying that, he flashed, and even Murong Tianyu couldn't see how it moved. It was before the nine-tailed demon fox. In terms of speed, it is many times faster than Ling Wangyao's "speed".

Yi Shenfeng smiled and said, "That's a duel between mythical beasts. We'd better not hinder it. Let me be your opponent." He was so angry that Hua Shengtian and his face turned red.

Murong Tianyu thought that when he entered, he was next to the dust horse. His mood gradually became clear and progressed faster. It turned out to be the dust horse, that is, Bai Zema secretly helped him. He didn't know how to help himself unconsciously. He said, "Master, let's go there too!" Shan Feng nodded and flew with Murong Tianyu's sword.

This is a wise move. With the strength of these two people, if they work together, they may not be afraid of Shenma Baize, but on the human side, there are also Yuan Ziying, Yi Shenfeng, Murong Tianyu and Shanfeng. What's more, if they are targeted by Shenma Baize, they can't escape. They If the fox is defeated, it is better to escape early.

Shan Feng and Murong Tianyu were shocked. Who would have expected that the absolute dust horse knew how to speak human language.

The nine-tailed demon fox opened its mouth and spewed out nine light balls in a row. Although the speed of the photosphere is fast, Bai Zema is faster. It flashes left and right in the air and has dodge. The photosphere shoots to the ground, and there is another strong explosion, moving the rear of the original Wanshen Palace to the ground.

I only heard Bai Zema's low voice again. It said, "Nine-tailed monster, I haven't seen you for five thousand years. When I fought with you, I didn't expect that I was secretly attacked by the nine-headed dragon, so I was bruised by you. Fortunately, I was saved by the emperor, so I You have been sleeping for 5,000 years, and this time you have killed countless people as soon as you come out. Do you have the awareness of death?

This small kick actually burst out an unbelieVable power, and the huge nine-tailed demon fox roared painfully and rushed forward. Bai Zema bumped into the limbs of the nine-tailed demon fox with a sharp horn. With each impact, the sharp corners of its head pierced deeply into the body of the nine-tailed demon fox. Although these powerful monsters have unimaginable leather armor protection, the sharp horns of Bai Zema are like cha tofu. With more and more chas, the nine-tailed fox's body is full of blood spots. But as the number of attacks increases, the nine-tailed demon fox gradually can't support it.

The nine-tailed demon fox's eyes are in a daze, and it has completely entered the realm of death.

There was another roar from the sky. The nine-tailed demon fox was finally defeated. The abdomen was penetrated by the white horse. The whole monster fell from the air and fell to the ground without moving! Bai Zema roared several times and shouted that he had defeated the ancient monster.

Hua Shengtian and the incomplete eyes saw that the nine-tailed demon fox fell into the wind and wanted to help, but Yi Shenfeng and Yuan Ziying blocked their way.