The scum of the real world

Chapter 1129 Love for Men and Women

The top courtyard is facing north from the south. Although it is not big, there is still room for several people to live in. The so-called "guest follow the host" four people were arranged in the left and right courtyards respectively. Jin Tai and Bai Qi were in the left courtyard, and Yue Qianchou and Daming Lun were in the right courtyard. The rest of the backyard was Wan Ling's inherent bedroom.

Wan Ling wanted to arrange Bai Qi in her backyard, but Mrs. Jin followed Bai Qi, and he wanted to live wherever Bai Qi lived. The backyard is her own boudoir. The man she likes can't live in, and she can't accept it when Mrs. Jin lives in." In addition, Bai Qi, who feels that he is suspected of having a soft meal, is a little ashamed to get along with her day and night, and has been politely refusing." In this way, it is not convenient for It is lined up in the left courtyard.

Although the room can separate people, it can't separate people's hearts. It is inevitable for Wan Ling to go to Bai Qi's room at least three times a day, and I don't know if Bai Qi can calm down and heal here. In this regard, Jin Tai often made fun of Bai Qi, who looked like an elegant scholar, out of anger.

The years in the mountains are like light, and the world has been prosperous for a thousand years. More than a month passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, Wan Ling still often went in and out of Bai Qi's room to express her condolences, while Bai Qi, who couldn't stand her enthusiasm, meditated as soon as soon as she found out about her coming, but Wan Ling looked like she could sit alone beside him for a while and be Bai Qi's eyes made me nervous.

Although after a period of time, she knew that there should be no danger here, Jin Tai was still very careful. She rarely appeared in the left courtyard, but she would call Wan Ling to ask the outside world after Wan Ling came to see Bai Qi every day.

After learning about the ancient forest, the factions in the fairyland admitted the hegemony of the ruthless palace in the fairyland without almost any resistance. "Jin Tai shouted angrily and scolded the factions for being traitors." In the future, he will be bloody, but he didn't think about whether it was necessary for the factions to be After the collapse of the fairyland, I still want to get the support of others. "It's like a dream.

Daming Wheel maintained a respectful attitude every day to the left courtyard to say hid to Mrs. Jin. Almost every time, he first heard a message about how Mrs. Jin vowed to revenge, and then expressed great appreciation to him, a subordinate who had been following him wholeheartedly, and promised that if the world was in the future, he would make Daming Wheel The character.

In this regard, although Daming Lun listened to it, he was still ecstatic and grateful, and vowed to do his best to be loyal. Anyway, no one is stupid, and they will say anything if they are obedient.

At the same time, Daminglun also accepted a new task, which is to closely monitor Niu Youde's every move and report to Jin Tai every day. Because Mr. Jin was not very worried about that Niu Youde. "If it hadn't been for Bai Qi's care, he would have arrested this Niu Youde and tortured him to force him to make a confession." Then he would have no future trouble.

Daming Lun naturally showed that he was happy to receive the order, but he turned around and took the lead in reporting his Jin Tai's words and behaviors to Yue Qianchou.

Yue Qianchou is naturally disdainful. It's none of my business. At worst, the old man patted his ass and left. On the surface, he is the most leisurely in the whole manor. Every day, he often wanders under the fog of the pine waves outside the manor, admiring the green clouds of Mount Wansheng and the people coming and going in the air. When hiding in the room, he let the Ming wheel keep watch, sneaked into the divine ruins to do his own affairs, or changed his face to the psychedelic fairy city to inquire about the news.

In a word, the world is not big, but each has its own thing to do. "Wan Ling has to pay attention to deal with the things in the door to avoid revealing her feet." She also wants to visit Bai Qishi, and to deal with Mrs. Jin's stern inquiry. Bai Qi almost hid in the door of the room and was entangled in recuperation and recovery. He couldn't stand Wan Ling's tenderness.

Jin Taize is concerned about the situation outside the mountain and always fantasizes about how to fight back. In addition to almost no meeting Yue Qianchou, he is the one who negotiates most frequently with several other people.

Daminglun, Jin Tai's spy" In addition to helping Yue Qianchou keep watch, he thinks about how to make up lies to deceive Jin Tai every day. It's a depressing. It seems that since he met Yue Qianchou, he has been helping him do this. So it's obviously a good place to have leisure and quiet cultivation, but they are all worried about themselves, and none of the people in the whole hospital are at home.

Two months later, Bai Qi's injury has recovered. It is estimated that it will not take long to recover, so he will occasionally go out for a walk.

On this day, after Wan Ling left the manor, Bai Qi secretly ran out of the village to take a breath. When he met Yue Qianchou, they stood side by side under the slanting pine umbrella cover and bathed in the clouds. The cool breeze rushed to his face. You and I were worried about the safety of the saint of the underworld

Before long, Mrs. Jin followed Bai Qi to find him. As soon as he arrived, Yue Qianchou immediately shut up and only listened to the two of them.

Out of the insecurity of the homeless dog, Jin Tai brought the topic to Wan Ling again. "I feel that Bai Qi and Wan Ling are not a way to go on like this." In case Wan Ling feels that Bai Qi doesn't like her one day, it will be troublesome if she is discouraged. Maybe she will reveal the secret of their hiding here. So he said something to persuade Bai Qi to sacrifice Xiaozi and refuse Wan Ling to go to bed, and what kind of woman will give up after having sex with you.

Bai Qi immediately scolded Jin Tai angrily. It was completely like I couldn't do that.

However, a few days later, Yue Qianchou didn't know if Jin Tai finally understood Bai Qi's ideological work. One day, Wan Ling entered the left courtyard. After Yue Qianchou's attention, she found that it was almost a whole day, which was very different from the past.

On a bright and shining night, I found Wan Ling sneaking out of the left courtyard again. As a result, as soon as Wan Ling walked out of the courtyard door, she found Niu Youde sitting on the steps under the eaves of the opposite courtyard door. The two looked at each other, and Wan Ling suddenly walked away quickly with her cheeks.

Sitting on the steps, Yue Qianchou couldn't help shaking his head with emotion. Looking at the unnatural appearance of Wan Ling's legs walking, and the shameful eyebrows, it was obvious that Bai Qi finally tried to give her to the formation. I'm afraid that Bai Qi's fate will directly determine her fate in the future, and I don' Will it be a disaster or a blessing for life? I hope she can get what she wants!

Perhaps because the secret has been made public, Wan Ling, who is still hiding tonight, lived with Bai Qi the next day. Occasionally, when she saw her, her smooth face looked like a cheerful little woman, which was obviously nourished by the man.

Yue Qianchou was a little depressed. He originally wanted to see how Bai Qi contacted the Demon King of the Three Nights of the Demon World, but looking at this, he was afraid that Bai Qi's injury would recover for a while. He can't dissuade men and women from loving each other. He can only hope that Wan Ling will pity Bai Qi's body, and Bai Qi also restrains himself...

Wan Ling has been broken, and there are changes in her mental state. Although she tries to pretend that nothing has happened, she can't hide the people who are very familiar with her in the Eternal Gate...

On this day, Yue Qianchou was sitting at a round stone table under an old tree and drinking a few cups with a bright wheel. The two saw Wan Ling leaving the mountain and looked at each other and shook her head with a bitter smile. Unexpectedly, not long after a streamer directly broke through the protective array on the mountain. An old man with crane hair and a Two people who drank.

"Da Ming Wheel! It's you!" The old man with crane hair and a slightly fat face was suddenly shocked, and his eyes stared at Yue Qianchou again. He didn't know him. He was even more shocked to find that he could not see through the other party's cultivation. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that there were such two people hidden in his granddaughter's boudoir.

Yue Qianchou was looking at Daming Wheel with inquiring eyes. Daming Wheel had already stood up and bowed his hand and said with a smile, "Wan Zhangmen! I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm more energetic. Yue Qianchou was also slightly shocked. It turned out that this man was Wan Bosheng, the head of the Eternal Pass.

Wan Bosheng didn't reply to his words. He directly stared at Yue Qianchou. His face was so gloomy that he could twist out the water. He said in a low voice, "This friend's face is very... Who did the good thing for my granddaughter's innocence?" He can suppress the full anger, but he can't help but go straight to the point. If he hadn't been worried about the cultivation of Yue Mouchou, he would have wanted to kill people now.

Yue Qianchou and Daming Lun looked at each other in consternation. It seems that Wan Bosheng has found a clue, but it seems that the two of us should not answer this!

"Congratulations to Wan Bosheng" As soon as the voice came from the left courtyard, Jin Tai and Bai Qi both appeared at the door of the courtyard, and Bai Qi's expression seemed a little unnatural.

Wanbosheng was shocked. He didn't expect that there were still people here. Looking back, he was so shocked that he took a few steps back and said in horror, "Jin Tai, Bai Qi! You...why are you here?" For a moment, his face changed, as if he had seen that Wangutong was about to suffer the disaster of extinction.

When he saw Wan Ling's happy appearance, he was actually happy. He thought that Wan Ling was embarrassed to hide it from himself in public. I just want to see which young talent has an affair with his granddaughter, so as to open this layer of window paper and let the granddaughter live a magnificent life, otherwise it is not a long-term plan to hide such things. So he tricked his granddaughter into doing some small things, and took the opportunity to run to see what was going on. As a result, he saw such a terrible scene. Now the two people who are bound to be chased by the two worlds of Xianming are hiding in their own Wansheng Mountain, which is really a terrible thing.

When Mrs. Jin heard the words, she laughed and looked at Bai Qi and joked, "The Pluto and your granddaughter have a good relationship. Naturally, I will come to congratulate you for a glass of wedding wine. Isn't it not welcome?"

Even if Bai Qi was well-informed, he was still embarrassed in this scene. In addition, when he met the guy who poured oil on the fire, he could only gritte his teeth and stare at Jin Tai, and then slowly arched his hand and said, "The head of ten thousand has always been good!" It's over! It's over! It turned out to be him! Wan Bosheng's face changed greatly, and his figure shook slightly. It seemed that he couldn't stand the blow. The matter is already obvious. He knows that his granddaughter likes Bai Qi. Now Bai Qi is here. In addition, his granddaughter has lost her body, so there is no need to ask who did the good deeds...