The scum of the real world

Chapter 1141 The First Army

When Yue Qiansou heard the words, he couldn't help thinking of the head of the Wangyue Sect *huā Fairy, who is currently under her command. If he really tossed the bamboo, it would be really lively. He really wanted to do this, but now is not the time for them to fall in love, so he coughed and said, "You want to have a baby with you?"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and Yu Nantian laughed more happily than anyone else. The feeling of anger. Shu Xin bit his lips and raised his eyebrows and said, "If the torture really means this, if the bamboo also agrees, Shu Xin will not object." Dare to act like this made everyone laugh again.

"Okay!" Yue Qianchou raised his hand to stop everyone from laughing again. Just relax. When is it now? How can it continue to make trouble? His face sank and said, "It's settled. Let's form an army composed of women. Yu Nantian is the commander of the army, and comfort assists..." Before the words were finished, the two of them lost their voices in unison: "The envoy in charge of the execution..." Yu Nantian didn't expect that Yue Qianshou would really And Shu Xin didn't want Yu Nantian to press on his head. Why did the army formed by a woman let a man be the commander of the legion?

Yue Qianchou looked at it coldly, blocked the words of the two people back, and then looked around at the crowd coldly, and the big guy couldn't laugh immediately. At this time, he slowly continued to say, "This is not a joke. An army of men and women training together is really a joke. After going back, the ten legions negotiated with each other to reasonably adjust the number of members. In short, all the women were eliminated to form the 11th Army. I know that many men and women are in a family or kinship, but for the sake of everyone's good, I still leave it to men to do their best in the war, and women are engaged in logistics support in the rear. I think they will be happy for the safety of their relatives." He had this idea before, and he has always wanted to find everyone to take The opportunity to receive will be put forward. Otherwise, it will be more difficult for the family to live in a team. Secondly, holding a group of hostages in hand can more or less make some rabbins have scruples.

Yu Nantian and Shuxin's face became more and more ugly. It turned out that it was still a logistics team. Others have no objection to this. As long as they do not weaken their rights, they all promise to implement it as soon as they go back.

"Guys! I can't help but say something in front of me. Yue Qianchou looked around the crowd and said, "Now everyone's cultivation is almost the same. Whoever cares about it is the same. If the command ability of the core of any legion is not enough." I don't mind re-retroducing and hiring more capable people from below. As for those who have merit, there will be unexpected benefits in the future Let's know the opportunity of the faction!" As soon as this was said, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn. Don't think about whether it can open a sect in the fairyland in the future. If you let your disciples who used to shout around and drink to yourself in turn, it's really a terrible thing. Only then did the big guy find that he was on the thief's boat, and it was useless to regret it.

After a moment of silence, Hu Changshou suddenly came out and arched his hand and said, "The executioner! As you know, we don't have the experience of leading the army to fight the war. I think Zhang Peng is quite proficient in this. Can we ask him for advice? Everyone's eyes also looked at Zhang Peng, who was standing still in front of the queue below.

Yue Qianchou's eyes swept on everyone's faces. Seeing everyone's expectation, he was suddenly happy. This was exactly the effect he tried his best to get. "If he forced to practice in the west, it would definitely arouse the disgust of these guys. If they don't actively cooperate, it would be great Trouble. With his head off, he suddenly shouted, "Zhang Peng!"

Zhang Peng answered "Arrive", dodged and flew up. Yue Qianchou pointed to the crowd and said, "Before the war begins, the training of their eleven legions will be left to you." Zhang Peng immediately took the order.

After everyone returned to the divine ruins, the core members of the legions immediately surrounded Zhang Peng for advice. Zhang Peng first made clear to everyone the importance of the army's hierarchical establishment, and then asked them to sort out the matter first. Everyone was smart and reasonable. They immediately dispersed and did it quickly.

By the time they came one after another to ask for advice, Zhang Peng had divided the heroic army that had experienced hundreds of battles into twenty, and each legion led two men, one for the assault training to catch the people under their command, and the other was the law enforcement team specially sent to the strict military discipline.

A group of rabbins that had just been formed were not so easy to train. As a result, on the same day, many of the thorns in the Ten Legions were killed on the spot by the law enforcement team. In addition, there were tens of thousands of people, which almost caused an explosion. After all, everyone is now a fairy-

However, in order to twist the evil spirit of this group of crooked melons and dates, and let them get them on the right track as soon as possible, Yue Qianchou was cruel and sent three immortal emperor-level masters, Daming Lun, Wei Chunqiu and Yunpeng, to cruise around the town.

The original words of Yue Qianchou to the three people are, don't be soft, kill if you should kill. It's better to die now than to die later. As a result, the three of them took action and killed tens of thousands of people the next day.

Seeing the master town with the level of the Immortal Emperor, killing them was sharper than cutting vegetables. A group of mob people immediately understood their smallness. They were immediately scared to death. They were all honest, and the social training was finally able to enter the normal track.

In fact, most of those thorns are subordinates of the lords of various countries, or people who are used to gaining power in the sect, and ordinary people dare not jump around. As the training progresses, those who usually have no chance to look up in the door suddenly find that under this strict hierarchy, no matter what your background is, as long as your grades are better than others and your ability is better than others, the instructor will immediately give you the opportunity to be promoted. Mediocre people, no matter how big your background, immediately It will be beaten down.

The rise of a group of powerless little people in the past immediately set off a praience in the top ten legions, and those who were struggling immediately tried their best to seize the opportunity to highlight their performance. In this way, those powerful children in the past were suddenly unhappy. The people who were usually trampled on by themselves are now shouting at themselves. How can they accept it? So they have directly found the lord of the core of the legion, or their father, or their master to complain.

The most typical example is Hu Yuntian, Hu Changshou's son. Hu Changshou was inevitably selfish in the initial stage of the establishment preparation. 100,000 people had to be divided into ten teachers, so he made a teacher for his son. Not to mention that Hu Yuntian was very happy to see that there were so many people under his command.

According to the military order, it is said that for the tens of thousands of people below, the military order is like a mountain. Those who do not obey it can directly use the military law. This is much more powerful than the fact that he borrowed my son's power in the cloud palace. They all belong to his own command. It's a real man! Therefore, both open and secretly, they are publicizing the wise divine martial arts that makes people feel sad about the punishment, and strongly support the militarization and management of all forces.

He also thought that his father was the commander of the legion, and one of the things that he was promoted from the division commander to the three military commanders was sooner or later. At that time, his power would be doubled several times. In order to facilitate his future management, he strongly opposed the original forces of the legion's gangs and did not obey

However, after the superior began to send people down, his son, the commander of the legion, was demoted all the way from the chief instructor assigned by the superior in the training assessment, and was demoted from the division commander to the company commander. Finally, the chief instructor said that your current ability is at most that of the current company commander.

Imagine from managing tens of thousands of people to managing more than a hundred people, and the number of people in charge was a hundred times different. Hu Yuntian suddenly became angry, but he didn't dare to vent with those ruthless guys, so he found Hu Changshou. As a result, it provoked Hu Changshou's scolding, saying that my own position was in danger. Now I don't have the heart to take care of you and work hard to go. After blasting his son away, Hu Changshou pestered Zhang Peng to teach him military command experience again.

Similar things emerged one after another in the early stage, but they were strongly supported by the broadest masses. After all, everyone has a chance to stand out. However, in a few days, under the impact of the military system, the majesty system maintained by all factions and forces for hundreds or even thousands of years collapsed overnight.

All forces are unable to recover. Looking back, I find that Yue Qianchou is too insidious. It is definitely the stupidest thing to help him rectify millions of people. Otherwise, Yue Qianchou will still rely on everyone, but now if he is disobedient, Yue Qianchou can kick you off at any time, and you Yes, this is definitely a big fool. However, under the trend, those who follow the trend will die. In addition, there is no way back. A group of people want to cry but have no tears, so they can only compete with everyone.

The eleventh legion, composed of women, is the largest of the eleven legions. Originally, there were very few women among men, but because all the women were concentrated together, there were 150,000 people, half more than any other legion.

Seeing that many grassroots disciples in other legions have turned over and become officials, they have greatly touched these women, and an undercurrent is brewing like a storm. Yu Nantian and Shu Xin didn't take it seriously at first. You can do whatever you like. Anyway, we are in the logistics area, so a group of women are like herding sheep, wandering around.

When Yue Qianchou began to keep making trouble for these two people, and revealed that if you two really don't have the ability to lead this legion, then go down to the army and let others lead you. The two of them were a little panicked when they saw that they were playing seriously, especially Yu Nantian. How could they accept the fact that they let the woman lead? The two immediately asked Zhang Peng for help. Seeing that other places were on the right track, Zhang Peng transferred a group of people from the law enforcement team to help them rectify.

And Zhang Peng is really busy. He not only takes care of the whole base by himself, but also has to teach the leaders of the legions who are pestering him every day.

After the three people who patrolled around silently understood the cause and effect of the whole matter, it was the first time that they admired Yue Qianchou. Such a big conspiracy was played so ignorantly. No one had seen the tricks before, and the means were really turning over for the clouds and rain! More than a million people have been disciplined to be obedient in such a short period of time, abandon the original deep-rooted concept of power, and quickly and willingly accept his drive, and everyone is still scrambling for fear of falling behind. How many people can have this ability?