The scum of the real world

Chapter 1155 300 million underworld army

Let's not talk about the sword intention of these obsessions. What's more troublesome is the flying dragon itself. Its sharpness is simply rare in the world. It collided with its own big man's knife several times. There have been several deep scratches on the big man's knife, which makes him so noisy that he dares not use his strength to fight. He is afraid that he will accidentally cut off the big man's knife

In a short time, the Litian Demon King thought out the mystery of the six dragon snow blue sword, and found that the three snow blue rainbow dragons on the flying swords were all transformed by the strange sword spirit, and the reason why there was such a strange sword spirit on the flying sword was that someone used the powerful sword intention to inspire the sword to hold the sword The true spirit, as soon as it is controlled by others, the flying sword will immediately burst out with a powerful sword to cheer, and the power will be doubled with the intention.

The Litian Demon King, who was chased by three flying dragons and ran around, suddenly suffered unspeakably. He had no room to play when he encountered such a powerful treasure. Now he finally understood why Jin Tai and Bai Qi, who were similar to his cultivation, lost the thrones of the Immortal Emperor and Pluto, and finally understood why The proud Black Riding Demon King will be chased everywhere and ask for help. His feelings are indeed strange.

He now quite regrets listening to the words of the Black Rider Demon King and being involved in this war, but if he escapes now, what if he brings a 100,000 troops to guard the two worlds of immortals? Don't you care if you lose it like this? Then you won't be laughed to death by others. He finally found himself in the same dilemma as the Black Knight.

"Damn it! This guy's cultivation is not over the end of the immortal emperor, but this flying sword surpasses the nine-grade fairy weapon. Obviously, it is already an artifact. Where did the bastard get it? There is no way to fight this battle. The fierce weather that was chased and ran around screamed. When he saw that he was forgetful, he easily controlled the flying sword to deal with the two famous demon kings who shocked the demon world, and immediately cursed: "Who is that? If we have the ability, we can put down the treasure and fight with our real ability. Believe it or not, Grandpa will beat you into a pile of shit in three tricks.

Why didn't you pay attention to him at all? Just block the two people and fight for enough time to kill the enemy for the Immortal Exorcism Alliance.

The bamboo standing on the roof watching the battle couldn't take his eyes off. He could see the taste of this war worthwhile, and sighed: "I didn't expect this forgetfulness to be so powerful. No wonder it can subvert the fairy palace in one fell swoop.

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately heard Li Tian's angry voice in the air and shouted, "Blood shadow! Come and help me. Except for this man, you and I can't guard the passage between the two worlds of the underworld.

This is completely a copy of the original words of the Black Riding Demon King. Yue Qianchou and Nongzhu quickly looked back and saw a red fog surging in the distance, which made people's hearts seepable. Nongzhu exclaimed, "Come to the reinforcements again. I'm afraid it's hard to support my love."

"Kill!" There was a shrill roar in the distance, and a red light came first and rushed directly into the sky.

The big sleeve of the forgetful blue robe waved again and said harshly, "Go!" One of the three flying dragons of Liao Zhan's black horse and Li Tian flew out of each other, quickly facing the red light, and immediately forced a bloody man with a gloomy face to appear and fight with the two flying dragons.

The subsequent rolling red tide also crashed into the fierce and grand battle circle, and was once again swallowed up by the battlefield formed by tens of millions of people.

All factions in the fairyland were worried that forgetfulness would not be held up. As a result, they found that the forgetfulness of the three masters of the three magic masters was still easy to fight. Everyone's confidence suddenly soared and trapped the army of 300,000 demons. The rebuke and shouting resounded through the world, and the battle continued to heat up and did not cool down.

"Li Tian! How dare you cheat me!" The sharp voice of the Blood Shadow Demon King sounded in the air. After being tortured by two flying dragons, he wanted to run away and was reluctant to leave his 100,000 troops. He immediately found that he had been fooled by the Litian Demon King.

Li Tian, who was tossed to lose his temper, immediately said bitterly, "Blood shadow! Look at what you said, everyone is fighting for the demon king in the three worlds. How can I cheat you? According to your statement, wasn't I cheated by the black horse? Damn it! Who knew that he would run into such a monster? Thinking about it, it was really hard for Jin Tai and Bai Qi. Those two guys must have been chased everywhere. Speaking of which, we also want to thank this guy. If Jin Tai and Bai Qi hadn't been chased by this guy, how could they open the channel of the demon world and let us out?

He expressed the helpless voice of Jin Tai and Bai Qi. If they heard it, I don't know if they will feel that they have found a confidant. In fact, with everyone's strength, no matter who kills ten forgetfulness alone, it is not a problem, but the key is that the artifact in the hand of forgetfulness is too powerful to be measured by strength at all.

In fact, at this time, Jin Taizheng was hiding in the distance to watch the battle. He tried to forget love. He thought that he and Bai Qi could only force one person to resist a flying dragon, and the three demon kings who rushed here were similar to his and Bai Qi's cultivation. That is to say, forgetful love can also free up three I resisted the impulse to participate in the battle and decided to wait and see. At this moment, Li Tian, who was having fun in pain, suddenly lit up and said, "Look at the blood shadow, the nightmare is coming!" The blood shadow took a moment to glance at it and found that there was a large area of fog and wind coming in the distance. He immediately sneered and said, "Li Tian! Why don't you hurry up and call Nightmare to help?

Li Tian refused without hesitation, "I won't scream. You even said that I cheated you. I can't distinguish. In case a nightmare comes, and you will throw dirty water on me again, won't I be very wronged? I want to call you."

"Son of a bitch! You are so cruel!" The blood shadow stared at Li Tian angrily, and then held the thought of having bad luck with everyone, and shouted, "Nightmare! Why don't you come and help me? Except for this person, I'm afraid we can't successfully open the passage between the two worlds of the underworld and demons, and how can we communicate with the demon king at that time?

"Kill!" A illusory order came from a distance. A group of false insinuation came, and Bai Qi also followed. The two directly flashed to the sky and joined hands to attack Wangqing.

"Go!" Forgetting his sleeves, his eyes flashed the resolute look of fighting to the end. The two flying dragons roared and quickly shot out, facing Nightmare and Bai Qi respectively.

The 100,000 troops in the fog also quickly joined the group battle in the distance. These people, together with the previous 300,000 troops, are the elites of the four demon kings. Although the various factions in the fairy world have a large number of people, they also feel that they can't stand it. The casualties are expanding sharply. If they hadn't seen Xin, I'm afraid that many people are already running away.

In addition, Huo Jun, the head of the Fire Palace, kept saying that he heard that everyone had participated in this battle. After the personnel in the devil's way, he would not let everyone go, inciting all factions to fight desperately with the army of the demon world. The situation was terrible.

"I'll do it!" With an angry shout, a golden glow came, and Jin Tai, who was hiding in the distance to watch the battle, finally appeared to participate in the war.

The reason why he appears now is that the six forgetful flying dragons have been dragged away, and there is no need to worry about being beaten by the flying dragons. What's more, if he doesn't show up again, he is afraid that he will not be able to explain to the Three Night Demon King afterwards. He believes that there must be masters of the demon world coming one after another, and he is completely sure to deal with a flying dragon to get rid of the reinforcements.

Needless to say, forgetfulness immediately separated another flying dragon to deal with Jin Tai. With his cultivation, it is quite difficult to deal with six masters equivalent to the level of the great demon king at the same time. It didn't take long for him to be a little clumsy and tired of dealing with it.

Despite this, Yue Qianchou and Nongzhu can't help it. Cold air, Yue Qianchou slowly shook his head and said, "Even if you lose this battle, it will be glorious even if you lose." Nong Zhu nodded solemnly. He nodded solemnly.

"Good! With his cultivation, he can't last long. As soon as Mrs. Jin came, she immediately shouted coquettish ideas to several people and said, "Everyone speed up the frequency of attacks. If you can't kill him, he will consume him!"

A heart-prickening scene immediately appeared in the air. The loud noise shook the sky, and the six masters surrounded the forgetfulness like a wind and fire wheel, stirring up the world to change. Six flying dragons began to make bursts of sadness. From the previous masters, they gradually retreated and shook off the huge snow-blue dragon body to protect the forgetfulness in the middle.

And under the silver mask of forgetfulness, there has begun to be a blood overflow, and a trace of sadness has just flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and let out a roar of fighting spirit, forcibly cheering himself up.

However, everyone saw that forgetfulness was the end of the crossbow. The desperate factions in the distance suddenly wavered, and the leaders of some sects had secretly negotiated where to retreat.

In fact, they have no problem dealing with the 400,000 demon army at all, but the key is that they know that once they forget the battle, the six masters participate in the war, no matter how many people can't stop them, and everyone will become slaughtered at that time.

At this moment, an uplifting cry came from afar: "Allies of the fairyland, please support it. Black Pool has led 300 million troops from the underworld to help the allies."

Everyone's eyes saw that the sky in the distance was completely dark, and the black streamer flew through the locusts all over the sky. The scene was absolutely shocking. The number of 300 million troops alone was enough for the turbulent factions in the fairyland to cheer up again." From the 100 million black underworld army and 200 million people in the The underworld army formed by the heroes quickly joined the battle and immediately beat the demon army without any power to fight back. After all, the heroes of the underworld who killed one side were not vegetarian.

Mrs. Black Pool, who was driving the green giant snake flying into the sky, saw that she was forgetful and clumsy, and immediately ignored the six masters of the 100 million Black Pluto army under her life.

The torrential attack immediately shocked the six masters and was beaten unspeakably in an instant. After all, the Black Underworld Army is different from ordinary scattered soldiers. It has more or less experienced some drills and is good at collective combat and attack. Hundreds of millions of people and horses may have a single force that is nothing to them, but the combined attack, even the Three Nights Demon King can't stand it...