The scum of the real world

Chapter 1178 No Why

The iceberg where the ice palace is located melted in an instant, not into water, but directly into steam. Wherever the real fire of Samadhi goes, it is filled with smoke.

The Blue Armored Sky Army, which had just escaped, immediately found Bai Qi's misery and shouted sadly, "The Underworld!" Turn around and launch, and the soul arrows rumbled at the red ghost who angrily hit Bai Qi"

In the rapid dissipating mist and the colorful fire, there was no figure of Yue Qiancho at all, but suddenly there was a shout of Yue Qiancho: "Kill!"

Ten thousand points of golden light burst out of the flames. In order to save the emperor, the blue armored sky army, who shot angrily with his bow, actually ignored his life and death and did not avoid the dense rain-like divine sword attack first. Instead, he bravely turned back and aimed at the arrow shot by the Red Dragon.

With an arrow, more than a dozen indestructible golden lights immediately passed through him, almost beating him into a sieve. The soul bow in his hand was also cut into a few pieces by the rapidly pierced divine sword, and the broken string sounded "buzz, sad cry.

More than a dozen blood posts immediately burst out of the body of the Blue Armored Tianjun. Although he was unwilling to hold back something, he still choked a mouthful of blood in his throat, and his head tilted and fell directly from the air to the snowfield below.

The three people in silver armor who hurriedly dodged the incoming sword. Looking back, they saw this scene and immediately let out a sad howling: "Heavenly Army."

At this time, the Red Dragon flashed out of the deep pit with a bloody man, and the soul arrow passed by. The earth trembled, and the ice field cracked and collapsed.

The colorful flames covering thousands of meters on the icefield shrank sharply, and a colorful fireman rushed out, and thousands of golden streamers returned. Behind him was as dense as a flock of fish in the sea, and the golden light swirled.

With Bai Tailong, who had been beaten to an end, turned into a blood coat, was still trapped by the dragon's rope, and still choking blood, he flashed to Yue Qianchou and handed him, "Take him, I have sealed his cultivation." Then he looked at the three people who were stunned in the distance and sneered, "Those three guys who make up for tigers have been handed over to me!"

The real fire of samadhi on Yue Qianchou's body converged, reached out to grab the bound dragon rope, looked coldly at Bai Qi, who had been beaten into a squard, and held it in his hand at will. He won't have the slightest sympathy for him. This is how you fight for life and death. If he loses today, the end may not be much better. In addition to death, maybe they will hand himself over to Yan's chasing stars. Therefore, to be kind to the enemy is suicide!

"Wait!" Yue Qianchou shouted at Hong Tailong and glanced at the three people in the distance with his eyes narrowly. He felt a little strange in his heart. If the three of them run away separately, I'm afraid that the red dragon will not be able to catch them all. It's good to catch two, but the three people did not escape. Instead, they looked

Hong Tailong looked at him puzzledly and said, "Can you let them go?" Yue Qianchou did not reply to his words. As soon as he stretched out his other hand, a magic sword flashed into his hand. He put the sword on Bai Qi's neck with an expressionless face and shouted at the three people, "If anyone dares to escape, I will immediately cut his head. If you don't want him to die, just be strained. I can consider letting you live.

"No way!" Red Tailong roared, "They can let go, he must die!" He pointed to Bai Qi, and he still remembered the hatred of the night sky.

"Why don't I give it to you? What should you do? After that, you go back to your hometown. I'll do it. From now on, it has no matter to each other?" Yue Qianchou sneered at him. Hong Tailong clenched his fists and shook his head angrily.

"A lot of sorrows! You keep your word!" The voice of grief and indignation of the silver armor thousands of troops came from afar.

"I leaped out of the famous saliva and a nail. What I said was a nail on the board. Who did you hear that I was worried about when I didn't keep my word?" Yue Qianchou pulled Bai Qi up. Jian Feng put it against his neck and replied loudly, "As long as you answer my questions honestly and promise to submit to me from now on, I can let you go."

The three people of the silver armored Qianjun looked at each other with a miserable smile, and then nodded together and flew over slowly. Yue Qian was worried and said, "Red Tailong! Go and seal off the cultivation of the three of them.

When Bai Qi saw the three people flying, his lax eyes glowed again. His almost shattered chest suddenly fluctuated, and a large mouth of blocked blood spewed out. He stared at the three people who were flying and roared desperately in pain, "Let's go! Let's go! Leave me alone! Don't believe his nonsense! Come on! I beg you."

Yue Qianchou did not stop Bai Qi from shouting in his hand. After doing enough, he showed mercy to the three of them.

The three of them looked at Bai Qi's miserable appearance. Who could imagine that the emperor who was elegant in the palace of the underworld would end up like today. The three iron men burst into tears in an instant. One by one, they shook their heads stubbornly and refused. For the first time in their lives, they resisted the orders of the emperor, but Tears fell into the air.

Instead of leaving, the three of them speeded up and flew over. Bai Qi's face suddenly swelled, and he cried with blood and tears in his eyes. He shouted in a low voice, "Don't come over! Let's go." The desolateness of his voice is like a wronged ghost in an oil pan.

Hong Tailong originally hated Bai Qi to his bones, but he saw that he would rather give up his only hope of survival for his men, and he couldn't help but be moved. He looked deeply at Bai Qi, who was crying with blood, and did not hesitate to move to the front of the three people of the silver armored Qianjun. He quickly sealed the Come here.

Seeing that the general trend had been settled, Yue Qianchou waved his hand, put away the ten thousand swords in one, and fell on the ice field and threw it on the ground. The red dragon flashed the three people and threw them to the ground. The three of them got up to help Bai Qi, who was still being helped. However, the three of them were sealed, and they could not help Bai Qi with the weight of the tripping rope at all. One by one, they fell down and got up, and one by one they couldn't help falling

At this time, the iceberg built by the whole ice palace melted, and the snow queen and his wife, who were hiding far away, also flashed back. After the snow, they were still holding their sleeping daughter in their hands. The two were also scared by this fierce battle, but the real fire of the samadhi of Yue Qianchou attracted them. As soon as the war was over, they immediately rushed back. They saw the hope of saving their daughter, because Yue Qianchou had promised them.

"Put him free! We have killed him. You have sealed his cultivation. Why don't you let him go!" The silver armored army roared at the Red Dragon: "Even if you want to kill him, there is no need to do this to him. He used to be the supreme emperor of the underworld and has his dignity! At least when the sword demon king died, no one insulted him!" The three of them were really unable to help Bai Qi up, and the ice under their feet was slippery.

There was no expression on the red dragon's face. For some reason, he swallowed the rope tied to Bai Qi back into his stomach. With no weight pressure from the dragon rope, Bai Qi choked out a mouthful of blood when he was picked up by the three people. He looked around the three people and shook his head with infinite grief and indignation, "Why are they so stupid! We don't have any use value now! Do you really think he will let us go?

"We know that there is no way to live." Zijia Aojun suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "But we are used to living and dying with you. We have been like this for so many years. What's more, you saved each of our lives. You have never failed us. It's good for us. How can we have the heart to leave you alone?"

Bai Qi's eyes closed, and there were blood and tears in his eyes. Suddenly, he opened it angrily and turned his head to Yue Qianchou and gritted his teeth and said, "Wu Qianchou! How can you let them go?"

Yue Qianchou looked at him indifferently and did not answer his question. Instead, he said lightly, "Actually, I didn't have any bad feelings for you before you attacked me that time. I just don't understand. Is it because Mu Yuanzi hurt you, you open the demon world and let all the sentient beings in the three worlds bury you?

Bai Qi's half-struggled body softened, and he lay in the arms of the silver armored army and laughed wildly, "Why is it frozen? I also want to know why? I once led my brothers to die for the sake of all sentient beings in the three worlds, risking death and sealing the demon world with Jin Tai. I have been suppressing Mr. Jin from messing for the sake of all sentient beings in the three worlds. For so many years, I have been warning Mr. Jin that if he dares to disturb the balance of the three worlds, I will lead the heroes of the underworld to beat him. Otherwise, do you think that inhuman guy will really regard the world as Who has heard that the three worlds have lasted for 100,000 years without chaos?

"But why?" Bai Qi asked angrily, "Why did Jin Tai kill the Wu family, but the retribution fell on me?" Why did Mu Yuanzi seriously hurt me when he didn't deal with the culprit? Why do I seek blessings for the three worlds and talk about all sentient beings in the three worlds against me? There is no one, not even a person who stands up for me. Since the world is full of unreceited people, if I don't see the blood of these unreceited people all over the world, how can I be sad to death in my life?

"Then I'll tell you why, because there is no reason, because no matter how good you think you are, you think everything is retribution! I can't figure it out. I'll think about it slowly in my next life!" Yue Qianchou said as he took out a magic sword.

Hong Tailong was slightly stunned, thinking that you were going to let him go? It looks like he's going to kill him.

I don't know that Yue Qianchou and Yinjia Qianjun talked about the conditions, but they didn't want to leave the future trouble of someone's sudden revenge, so they deliberately led the three people to be caught, so as not to have a fish that leaked the net. For him, either don't kill one and let him be a good man. Since he wants to kill, he has to cut the grass and eradicate it. What's more, Bai Qi is now a man of the devil. He once swore to the sky in Qianli Lake to kill the devil's way and sacrifice all sentient beings in the demon realm.