The scum of the real world

Chapter 1182 Fire Soldier

"Fuck you! I'm not as perverted as you. I've never had the habit of touching a corpse. It's still a corpse that has been dead for many years. You can do it. Yue Qianchou said, because he was full of his disgusting behavior, but he couldn't help reaching out and poking twice to confirm whether it was true or false. He found that it was really soft, and he couldn't help pinching the body's arm. He coughed and said, "What I'm concerned about now is how his cultivation is preserved."

The two of them stood in front of the body as if nothing had happened and talked in front of the body that had been dead for many years, and you touched me. The mirage subconsciously looked around and felt extremely frightening.

"Can you stop talking about erritions all the time?" Hong Tailong went back, and then entered the topic without giving him a chance to refute. He said, "His cultivation seems to have been depleted. I heard that Honghua Xingjun was the last cultivation of the great god in those years, and now there is only the middle stage of the great god. Try to use it."

What the hell are these two guys going to do? The mirage widened and looked at the two people with their backs around the body.

"In the middle of the great god! That's enough." Yueqian stared at the whole body with sad eyebrows and swept it. Then the back of his hand patted the red Tailong's chest, signaling him to step back to one side. He turned around the long couch twice. He didn't know what he thought of and shook his head repeatedly. Suddenly, he waved his big hand, and a colorful flame covered the whole God doesn't speak.

The mirage was the first time to see the colorful flame. For a moment, he was surprised to see that the flame covering the body gradually melted under the buckle of his five claws until it turned into a ball of floating, and there was a layer of gray-white humanoid ashes on the long couch of blood jade and red crystals, which was obviously left

Yue Qianchou's eyes suddenly opened, and there were two jumping flame lights and shadows in his eyes, and the five claws of colorful flames were turned over. The shrinking fireball was held in his palm, constantly shrinking. After all the colorful flames were in the palm of his hand, a crystal clear purple bead was lying quietly in his There is a faint red light in the purple beads.

"It turns out that the beads of the god level are purple." Yue Qianchou looked at the beads in his palm and said excitedly.

"Successful?" The red dragon flashed over to watch, but Mirage still didn't understand what they were doing.

"You will know if you succeed or not." The beads in Yue Qianchou's hand were thrown up, and then colorful flames spewed out in his palms. The purple beads rotated in the colorful flames, quickly absorbing the flames and condensed, and gradually a tall colorful fireman appeared almost substantively. As soon as the flame in his palm closed, he looked at the air and exclaimed, "Damn it! The samadhi real fire in my body almost sucked nearly half of it for him, and the samadhi real fire, which can cover a radius of almost 500 meters, can condense such an entity.

The red dragon and the mirage stared at the powerful fireman nearly three meters high in the air, dressed in colorful fire armor, and a pair of golden eyes looked straight ahead without any emotion. The two could feel the terrible power contained in the body of the Fire Overlord.

"Good boy! My red dragon is an eye-opener!" Hong Tailong's eyes lit up and shook his head repeatedly and exclaimed, "Samadhi True Fire is a substance, a fireman with the mid-term cultivation of a great god. This thing is really scary!"

Jue Qian's worried mind moved, and the fireman flashed down in an instant. He waved his palm like a knife and gently scratched the long couch of the blood jade red crystal, and easily cut it into two pieces like a knife cutting tofu, without even making a sound. The colorful fireman suddenly looked up at the red dragon. The red dragon was shocked and suddenly felt bad. He flashed behind Yue Qianchou and shouted angrily, "Do you want to take me an experiment? I warn you not to make such a joke. You will die!"

Yue Qianchou smiled. He did have this idea, but since he has been seen through, it will hurt his feelings if he scares people again. So he raised his hand and opened his claws to take false photos. The colorful fire overlord immediately collapsed into the real fire of samadhi, and constantly inhaled into Yue Qianchou's body. Finally, the purple bead was also grabbed in his hand. He couldn't put it down and looked at it repeatedly before he put it away.

Hong Tailong came out from behind him with lingering fear and asked, "What's the name of this thing?"

"The name of the fire in the water, fire, gold, wood and earth should be called Fire Soul Xuanbing." Yue Qianchou smiled proudly and said that with such a baby to protect himself, he was not afraid to travel all over the three worlds.

Hong Tailong said with envy, "That is to say, there are also Shuipo Xuanbing, Jinpo Xuanbing, Mupo Xuanbing and Tupo Xuanbing?"

"In theory, it should be like this. The Snow Emperor's one is called Bingpo Xuanbing." Yue Qianchou nodded and said with regret, "If I can devour the other four elves again, with the tens of millions of divine tombs in this sacred tomb, I will be able to refine the five elements of mysterious soldiers. Let's ask who can stop me in these three worlds!"

The mirage beside him was shocked. Now he understands everything. At the beginning, he had also seen the ice soul of the snowy mountain. Obviously, Yue Qianchou had got the secret method of refining the mysterious soldiers from the snow emperor. What shocked him most was that Yue Qianchou actually hit the idea into the tomb of tens of millions of gods in the tomb of the divine tomb. Isn't it necessary to refine tens of millions of god-level mysterious soldiers?

"Gaga! Not to mention the three worlds, there are so many god-level Xuanbing soldiers, which can sweep one side even in the divine world. Hong Tailong rubbed his hand excitedly and said, "Didn't your master kill many gravekeepers? Let's go somewhere else to find a few good tombs to hollow out. I'm afraid you don't know! In those years, our Panlong ancestor killed the wind god among the twelve ancient gods, and the remains of the wind god were also buried here! That's a horror master with the final cultivation of the ancient god! Don't you want to refine him into a Xuanbing?

His obscene smile hangs on his face, which is full of the smell of good and seductive people to commit crimes. It can be seen that he is very interested in stealing chickens and dogs. No wonder he was in collusion with the Wanjian Demon King at night.

"One of the twelve ancient gods..."

"The final cultivation of the ancient gods..."

Yue Qianchou and Mirage are both exclamations. The former is even more brilliant. He has heard of the name of Fengshen, which is one of the top twelve masters since the beginning of the world! If he can be refined into a mysterious soldier for his own drive, I'm afraid he can go horizontally in the divine world.

Yue Qianchou swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and the expression on his face suddenly stunned, and a fox surged up and said, "Red dragon! There must be masters to guard the graves of people like Fengshen! I don't know how I'm doing?"

"Uh..." The smile on Hong Tailong's face stiffened, and then he said with some embarrassment, "It seems that I heard that the person who guarded the tomb for Fengshen was his left and right messengers under him, called Tianfeng and Earth Wind. His cultivation seemed to have reached the early stage of the ancient gods very

"Laugh!" Yue Qianchou begged angrily and asked, "It's no problem to dig the tomb of the Wind God. Can you deal with those two ancient god-level masters or can I deal with it? Damn it! It's not this kind of way to find death!" Even Mirage couldn't help rolling his eyes at the Red Dragon.

"Hehe! If you can't dig Fengshen, others can still dig!" Hong Tailong still didn't give up and said, "You now have the fire spirit Xuanbing in the middle of the great god. Generally, the tomb guard in the middle of the great god should be able to deal with it. Even if you can't deal with it, you can delay it!" It's enough for you to take out the grave steamed buns. Think about it, the people who can usually use the middle-term masters of the great god to guard the tomb, and the cultivation of the tomb owner is probably almost at the level of the ancient god. You can get a few more ancient god-level Xuan soldiers, and then take them to deal with the wind and the earth wind. In the end, you can take out the tomb of the wind god? With that, he also made a move to draw a salary from the bottom of the kettle.

For this idea of immoral smoke, you lowered his eyebrows and looked at the ground with no expression, but Yue Qianchou nodded with deep thought and said, "It's reasonable! But I'm afraid I can't do it now."

Hong Tailong was unwilling to say, "Why?"

"It's very simple! First, the gravekeeper here has been shocked by my master. I'm afraid they have been connected for a long time, and they may bump into their hands. Ouch! My master's mess is equivalent to ruining our good deeds. Second, although this fire spirit Xuanbing is powerful, he needs enough fire to cheer. The real fire stored in my body can only scare him. It may be okay to deal with ordinary masters, but he can never support him and the real master to fight, otherwise once he is defeated, he can't. If we resurrect in time, we will be unlucky at that time. I have seen this with my own eyes in the snowy mountains. Third, combined with the terrain here, if you really want to do it, only the earth spirit Xuanbing can exert the most power. If I can devour the earth spirit, it will be much safer.

"Tuling?" Hong Tailong grabbed his scalp and said depressedly, "Where can I find Tu Ling at this time?"

"Hey hey!" Yue Qianchou laughed twice and said, "Unfortunately, I once heard with my own ears that the Three Night Demon King said that he had an earth spirit under his hands. If you want to find the earth spirit, I'm afraid you still have to find the trouble of the Three Night Demon King. Moreover, I have wanted to do it for a long time,

"Good!" Hong Tailong high-fived and praised, "I'm also going to settle accounts with Mrs. Jin. We'll go to him now."

Yue Qianchou nodded, then looked at the mirage and smiled and said, "The mirage! The boundary of the heavens is very tricky. If you always trouble to come and pick us up, I'm embarrassed. Why don't you go with us? That's convenient for everyone. What do you think?

The mirage is speechless. He wants to refuse, but is it useful for him to refuse?

"If you don't say anything, you will agree." Yue Qianchou directly helped him make the decision, and the three people disappeared into the tomb in an instant with a big hand...

After the three returned to the base under the Shenxu, Yue Qianchou arranged the mirage in the cave in the depths of the base. Wei Chunqiu, Yun Peng and Bai Suzhen practiced there, and there was also groundwater to bathe the mirage. At the same time, Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng both received a hint from Yue Qianchou What happened to him? In fact, he was under house arrest...