The scum of the real world

Chapter 1185 Three Nights Visit

The summoned Mrs. Jin was worried. He didn't know why the demon king summoned him, but he didn't dare to delay and came to see him as soon as possible.

The third night demon king stared at Jin Tai and said indifferently, "When I crossed the three worlds, I had never heard of the divine ruins. What's going on with this divine ruins? Tell me in detail."

"Yes!" Jin You bowed and glanced at the people present. He was a little curious, but he still answered honestly, "Although the divine ruins and the underworld are separated from the underworld, they are actually similar. It's just that the underworld was opened by the Panlong god, and the divine ruins was opened by the phoenix god. In front of the divine ruins, there are all kinds of fierce beasts, and their cultivation varies from high to low. The highest cultivation is a colorful lion king who is similar to mine. He is the lord in the territory of the divine ruins today. At the beginning, when I fought with him, he was slightly inferior to me, but I couldn't kill him.

"The Phoenix God opened up..." After a moment of meditation, the Three Night Demon King asked, "Do you have any way to enter the divine ruins?"

"Uh..." Jin Tai replied truthfully, "The passage of the divine ruins is a little strange, and it will only be opened once every hundred years. Now there is still a long time to open it again. If you want to go in, you have to wait until it opens again. There is no other way to get in."

"I didn't ask you to come here because of your refusal. I asked you to find a way.

"The three nights demon king's eyes lit up red and said, "Let you have been in charge of the fairyland for so many years, and you can't even do such a little thing. What's the difference from waste? What's the use of me keeping you?"

Jin Tai was so scared that he was about to beg. Suddenly, his eyes moved and he said happily, "I can't go in, but there may be a way to get in, but I don't ask the man. I'm afraid I need the demon king to find him in person." Yan's eyes also lit up when chasing stars. "Some hopefuls look at the three nights.

"Oh! Who is so arrogant and needs me to invite him in person? The three-night demon king eagle looked at the wolf and said, "Don't go around the circle with me. Who is it directly?"

"The wooden old man in the ancient forest." Mrs. Jin observed his face and said, "The reason why I was able to deal with the ten thousand sword demon king in those years" was that he pointed out the divine ruins, which allowed me to find the Phoenix Ling to refine the divine smoke. According to him, he should be very familiar with the divine ruins."

"Mu Yuanzi..." The third night demon king meditated slightly. After glancing at Yan's eyes chasing Xing Xiyi, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay! That's it, Mrs. Jin! Take me to the ancient forest."

Jin Tai's expression was stiff, and he panicked. He didn't expect to ask him to go with him for three nights. Immediately, he secretly scolded Bai Qi for not being able to die. At the beginning, he had to pull the old man in the wood for what he had to do. In case of a pair of people, he had to die so ugly.

He thought that as long as he didn't face it with the old man Mu, in case the third night demon king asked after the event, "I have ten thousand reasons to make the third night demon king believe that it was the old man Mu who was telling a lie. With Sanye's temper, if he can't do anything about the old man Mu,

However, there was nothing he could do. The Three Nights Demon King did what he said. After telling Duke Li to guard his good home, he directly threw the scarlet cloak and swept away. Jin Tai didn't dare to hesitate, so he could only chase after him, but he thought that he already had an idea in his heart. He held the idea that his dead friend would not die and poor. Anyway, he didn't say what he said at the beginning. He was ready to push everything to Bai Qi at that time, and find a way to keep himself first.

After the people in the yard dispersed, Yan chased the star and led Wen Rui back to the mountain he was heavily guarded. He just told Wen Rui to settle down and was about to go back to his room to wait for the news of the Three Nights Demon King. A guard ran in and reported: "See you, "See

"Oh! Hurry up, please!" Yan chased the star and waited for a while before he slowly went out to meet him. Although the blue sky demon king is an old minister in the demon world, and his cultivation is also higher than himself, he doesn't want people to see his eagerness to flatt.

Before he walked out of the inner courtyard, he saw the blue sky demon king laughing and coming to bow and salute, "See the deputy palace master!"

Yan chased the star and arched his hand politely and said, "I don't know what Lord Qingtian has for advice?"

"How dare my subordinates teach the deputy lord of Yan's palace?" The Blue Sky Demon King held Fu Yun's temples in his hand and said with a concerned look on his face, "I heard that the deputy palace owner was shocked, and I don't know whether this body of the house is suitable. My subordinates are proficient in a set of pinching techniques and are willing to loosen the muscles and bones of the deputy palace owner." As he looked around, he saw that there was no one else. He passed by Yan Chasing Star directly and entered his room and waved, "The deputy palace master, come and lie down on the bed."

Yan Zhuxing was confused by her for a moment. She thought there was something secret to report. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the room suspiciously, the Qingtian Demon King closed the door, pulled Yan Zhuxing to press him on the couch, and really picked him up.

"What are you?" Yan Zhuxing was shocked. Unexpectedly, he was still surprised. He was about to get up when the blue sky demon king had neatly faded his clothes and pressed on him. Yan Chasing suddenly turned over and pushed her away. He dodged to the door and opened the door. He stood at the door to prove himself openly and said, "Lord Qingtian, please leave quickly. I don't know what I can do."

The blue sky demon king lay on the couch with a seductive giggle and said, "What is the deputy palace owner afraid of? I have served the demon god for four generations from serving the demon god to the third night demon king. My responsibility is to serve every generation of demon king. Sooner or later, the deputy palace owner will ascend to the throne of the demon king. There is no need to avoid it. Even if the demon king knows, he will not say anything, otherwise how dare the blue sky disturb him?

Yan Poxing had long heard of the name of the Qingtian Demon King. Although she knew that there were countless guests who entered the curtain, and although she was also attracted by this woman, she would not touch the woman of the Three Night Demon King before she ascended to the throne of the Demon King. He knew whether she was sent to test herself, so she arched Things need to be done, Lord Qingtian, please do your own convenience!" After saying that, he quickly left...

After Yue Qianchou took Wen Rui to the fairyland, he separated from him. He didn't know the abundance that Wenrui had betrayed. In order not to fight grass and scare the snake in the fairyland, and to avoid directly fighting with the Three Nights Demon King, Yue Qianchou and Hong Tailong secretly grabbed several demons and tortured people to extract confessions, and did not ask for the unearthed spirit. It seemed that they did not know who the earth spirit was, but asked that Jin Tai was in

In the underground space temporarily opened up by the ground, Hong Tailong waved his palm and directly slapped a prisoner who did not ask the result to death. He turned around and asked, "What should I do?" It seems that it is still necessary to find a high-level magic man to ask about the whereabouts of the earth spirit, but once the master moves, he will inevitably startle others. It is impossible to be silent like catching these little shrimps. Maybe he will be besieged by other masters, and it is also possible to face the Three Night Demon King. Shall we run farther and go to the underworld to catch a magic master and ask?

"Damn it! Now that we know where Mrs. Jin is, we will go to the psychedelic fairy city to find out the situation. If we can catch Mrs. Jin, we should be able to ask out who is the earth spirit from his mouth.

" Yue Qianchou stared at him and asked, "Do you dare to go with me?"

"What am I afraid of?" Hong Tailong patted his chest and was full of pride, but in an instant, his momentum was weak again, reminding him, "In case you can't win, remember to take me with you!"

"I'm worried too much! In case something goes wrong, when it's really too late to save you, just move the night sky out of the insurance. Yue Qianchou sneered.

"You're really going to leave me alone if something happens!" Red Dragon is a little anxious.

"How can it be! I promise I won't abandon you. I have always been a spit and a nail, and what I say is a certainty. Yue Qianchou is guaranteed by his character.

"Oh my God! Don't scare me, I'm really not the opponent of the Three Nights. I still have the confidence if you don't say this. I'm scared when you say this. Lao Long, I've witnessed you pull out nails with my own eyes!" Hong Tailong grabbed him and said anxiously, "You make it clear first. If you don't make it clear, I won't take that risk."

"What the hell! With the fire spirit Xuanbing in the middle of the great god, are you afraid that you don't have time to let me get out? Yue Qianchou waved his hand, and the two disappeared underground at the same time...

In the [middle] central area of the ancient forest, on the red cross-sectional cliff, the winding river flows quietly on the red rock of **, and the ancient ancient tree holds the golden leaves full of trees like golden umbrellas.

Jin Tai, who was in a nervous mood, always expected that the Three Night Demon King could not find Mu Yuanzi. However, when he saw the Three Night Demon King, he seemed to fly towards a place purposefully, and immediately guessed that the other party was afraid that there was a way to find Mu Yuanzi. Sure enough, when he rushed to the ancient language tree, he saw the Three Nights Demon King standing there slapped the ancient language tree with one palm, and the whole ancient language tree was shaking violently.

Jin Tai didn't know what he meant by doing this. He stood aside silently and waited. After a while, he saw the Three Nights Demon King stop the " bang bang" and slowly turned around and looked behind him. Jin Tairan turned around and looked at it. In a Xuanbo light wall, Mu Yuanzi, who was holding a big-headed wooden stick, came out with a solemn face. He stared directly at himself and suddenly shouted, "Mr. Jin! How dare you turn a blind eye to my words and come to my ancient forest? Is it true that I dare not kill you?

Mrs. Jin quickly flashed behind the Three Nights Demon King, and the Three Night Demon King brought him here to let him verify the real person of Mu Yuanzi, so as not to find the wrong person. Seeing this situation, there is no need to ask more questions. This person must be the person he is looking for. He immediately smiled faintly and said, "When my magic road crosses the three worlds, I have always been guarding the ancestral coin and not easily disturb the ancient forest, so I have never had a chance to see Elder Mu for three nights. This sudden visit is really !"

As soon as this said, Mu Yuanzi no longer paid attention to Jin Tai. He suddenly stared at Sanye's body and said in a low voice, "Are you the third demon king in the demon world?" The tone was somewhat surprised. He glanced at Jin Tai's appearance and vaguely guessed that this guy had reopened the demon world.

"Exactly!" The Three Night Demon King arched his hand slightly to show respect...