The scum of the real world

Chapter 1221 Powerful**

Father! There was a scream outside the magic palace, and a figure flashed in quickly.

The Three Night Demon King, who walked around in the hall, stopped, frowned and stared at the man and shouted, "What a panic! Learn more from your father-in-law Li.

The person who came was no one else, but his eldest son Ye Wanzong. After Sanye led Grandpa Li and others to fight in the three worlds, the affairs of the Demon Palace were handed over to Ye Wanzong. Later, Grandpa Li died under the hands of Wen Lanfeng. In addition, Yan Zhuxing was also killed by Yue Qianchou. The affairs of Grandpa Li.

Ye Wanzong wanted to speak for a while and stopped. The matter was urgent. He tried to defend his words and reported directly: "Father! The big thing is not good. The sealed passage between the two worlds of immortals and demons seems to have been opened. A large number of troops from the three worlds are frantically attacking our demon world. The news came from the great demon kings that there were many masters among them. They were facing a situation of defeat, and all of them sent news to the Demon Palace and asked their father for prompt support.

"What?" The Three Night Demon King was shocked and frowned deeply like a dragon, "How can this be? All the channels have been sealed by me, and the guards who guarded all the channels before have not seen Yue Qianchou or suspicious people enter." He looked up and asked, "How many people are there in the other party?" Is it really confirmed that it is an army from the three worlds? Is it possible that someone in my demon world is taking the opportunity to make waves?

"How many people? This..." Ye Wanzong's face stiffened and replied, "I have also asked around, but I don't know how many people there are yet, but from the news from everywhere, there should be a lot of..."

"How much is a lot, a lot?" The Three Night Demon King's face darkened on the spot, and he said harshly, "Is that how you do things? When will your Grandpa Li report anything that he hasn't figured out? Let the people below catch a few prisoners and interrogate them!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ye Wanzong answered repeatedly and was a little dizzy. He quickly changed the topic and said, "Judging from the news from all over the world, those people are indeed from the three worlds. The Red Spirit Demon King even saw the old opponents he had met in the three worlds."

The third night demon king stared at his eyes and shouted, "Why don't you go down and investigate again!" Ye Wanzong ran away in a hurry. The former gradually showed an anxious look. Now it's not the problem of how many opponents there are. No matter how many little minionies are, it is nothing in his eyes. What he is really worried about is that Yue Qianchou has also come to the demon world.

But what makes him doubtful is that it is not difficult for Yue Qianchou to find out the location of the magic palace at all. With the speed of Yue Qianchou, it should have been killed early. He won't wait until the following war report has been reported and there is no response. Didn't Yue Qianchou come?

After thinking about it, I thought it was impossible. If it hadn't been for the instructions of Yue Qianchou, the army of the three worlds would not dare to be so rampant, and he didn't have the courage to take the initiative to invade his demon world. But if it's like this, why didn't you respond? Do you want to lead yourself out? Left thinking is wrong, right thinking is wrong, which makes him very embarrassed. If the people and horses of the three worlds unite to attack and the group of people in the Netherworld are mixed up, if he does not take action, it is difficult for the eleven demon kings left in the demon world to deal with it, and he is worried that it will be a trap set by Yue Qianchou.

He didn't know that the purpose of Yue Qianchou was very simple. He just thought that there were too many people fighting for power and profit all day long, and he planned to let these people fight enough and have fun at a time. So I want Sanye to organize a full and effective attack, use the knife of the demon world to consume the monks of the three worlds, and also use the knife of the three worlds to kill the monks of the demon world.

Anyway, the demon world has been completely sealed now, and he is not afraid to run away for three nights. If three nights dare to rise up, he will resolutely attack, but he will not kill him. Because once you kill three nights, the flag of the devil will fall, and the devil's army will definitely be scattered, and it is impossible to organize an effective resistance at all. There will be a one-sided slaughter situation. This is not what Yue Qianxiang wants to see.

So three nights can only be left until the end. Of course, there is another most important reason. Of course, it's good to fight quickly, but the key is that Yue Qianchou doesn't want to let this 100 billion army go back to the three worlds and stay at the same time. He is worried that sooner or later it will be a scourge. However, he can't solve it by himself He didn't believe in this thing before, but now he has come into contact with too many gods and ghosts. He is afraid that he will be punished by God, so he can only open one eye and wipe the ground.

At this time, the demon world has become a mess. The whole demon world has entered a state of crazy killing, with blood flowing everywhere, blood, fire and screams everywhere. The smell of blood can't be dissipated in the air for a long time, but it is more intense and pungent. The army of the demon world could not stop the attack of such a huge force at all. As soon as there was a situation of being surrounded, someone surrendered.

However, the army of the three worlds originally came to vent their anger for revenge, and was in the upper hand of victory. In addition, Yue Qianchou repeatedly emphasized the rooting of the devil's way, so everyone even killed those who surrendered, leaving no one alive at all. The whole army of the three worlds is about to go crazy in the strong sense of revenge. All kinds of armies are blooming everywhere, constantly advancing and advancing, attacking and attacking, killing and killing!

The consequence of this is that when the heroes from all walks of life in the demon world see that surrender is also a dead end, they naturally risk their lives and fight fiercely. At the critical moment, there are even scenes of dying together. The fierce blood of the heroes in the demon world immediately brought heavy damage to the attacking army from all walks of the three worlds, but Heavy.

On a devastated hillside, corpses were everywhere. The fireworks burned the ground to pieces of black. The thick smoke passed, and there were broken limbs and legs everywhere. The oily blood was still flowing in the ditch. Yue Qianchou stood silently on the hillside, and his green robe was wrapped in a strong smell of blood. Where he looked, a fierce battle was coming to an end, and a series of black hurricanes in the distance gradually came to an end.

I saw Wu Feng flying over with a wind god stick and saluted, "The executioner! The army of the demon world that stubbornly resisted here has been annihilated, but the resistance of the devil's way is getting more and more fierce, and we have also lost millions of people this time.

After saying that, he secretly observed Yue Qianchou's face. To be honest, he was very depressed. If Yue Qianchou helped, he could completely minimize the loss. However, the other party never touched a finger all the way.

The subtext of his report is actually a reminder of Yue Qianchou. Shouldn't you also help?

"Thank you for your hard work!" Yue Qianchou decided his credit first, and then looked at him with gratifying eyes and sighed, "In fact, you don't have to do everything yourself. Now the overall command of the army of the three worlds is calling a person. The reason why I have been following you is because you are the command center here, and I want to ensure your safety. It is easy to kill a three-night demon king, but it takes a lot of energy to completely eradicate the whole demon road, so your burden is very heavy, and a commander should not rush to kill the enemy every time.

When he said this, it suddenly made Wu Feng feel much more comfortable. Hearing this, he didn't want to watch everyone die coldly! At least on the surface, it sounds like you really value yourself.

"It's troublesome to be in charge of the sentence!" Wu Feng quickly bowed and deliberately squeezed out a grateful look.

Yue Qianchou looked around and suddenly whispered to him, "After this incident, the old guys in the House of the Underworld and I are going to the divine world. At that time, you will be left in charge of the overall situation alone in the three worlds. Some people in the divine world don't want to see the chaos of the three worlds anymore, so they have to eradicate the root cause of the turmoil. I support you for the same purpose, that is, to let you put on your prestige in this exorcism war. After that, you can naturally have enough prestige to restore the peace of the three worlds, so that That's the biggest reason why I didn't do it for a long time!"

The meaning of the words is too clear. I don't do it just to give you a chance to stand up, otherwise I will steal your limelight as soon as I take action. I want to support you to be the boss of the three worlds.

This was so explicit that Wu Feng was a little flattered. Although he firmly thought that things were not that simple, after all, he was not a vegetarian, but the temptation given by Yue Qianchou was so great that he was a little excited that he couldn't help it. There is a good saying that men's loyalty is because the base of betrayal is too low. That is to say, when the benefits given are strong enough, it is difficult for him to resist temptation, which will defeat reason.

"It's all arranged by the executioner!" There is a trace of trill in Wu Feng's words, the boss of the three worlds! This is a long-cherished wish that even the Three Nights Demon King has not realized!

Under the mountains shrouded in red blood clouds, a stream of light passed by, and Ye Wanzong returned to the Magic Palace again. However, he did not dare to rush in this time. He was afraid that he would be scolded again. He first stood at the gate of the palace and shouted respectfully: "Father!"

Until the Three Nights Demon King shouted "Come in." He just walked to Sanye anxiously and arched his hand to report: "The Red Spirit Demon King personally arrested several people for interrogation, and the three worlds gathered more than 100 billion troops to kill my demon world together, saying that he was going to completely eradicate my demon path in one fell swoop."

"Hulillion?" Three nights, I took a slight breath of cold air.

"Yes." Ye Wanzong secretly checked his face and continued to say, "It has been confirmed that Yue Qianchou also followed the army of the three worlds to the demon world. The passage between the two worlds of immortals and demons was opened by him, and... and he also sealed all the passages from the demon world to the outside world."

The Three Night Demon King fell into meditation, and after a long time, he slowly muttered, "Then why didn't he do it himself?" For him, Yue Qianchou is the only strong enemy.

Ye Wanzong followed his words and said carefully, "Four of the eleven great demons have fallen, and the remaining seven demon kings once again begged their father to make a decision early."